Zone1 Why do you need gods?

It is more than just language. It is culture and history as well. It is also research into when the account was written, researching that time, and what intent(s) the author likely had. Then it is researching what scholars and experts have contributed over time. I have already mentioned this several times.

I have no point to prove. I am sharing what I learned through research. It is up to each individual to dismiss it, or do their own research, or accept me at my word. For me this is a discussion, not a debate.

- surly not the true events of the 1st century ....

they spent the entire 4th century writing the c bible, based on nefarious reasoning and a false conclusion who was crucified - ever claimed to be a messiah.

what research is there that period of time would not have obscured than their own chosen narrative.

- subverting the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination for a false religion of servitude.
I see you are not reading even half of what I am presenting. And that's fine. You have satisfied yourself that you are correctly judging God to be a genocidal maniac. Congratulate yourself on your win and be happy.

I honestly wish you were smarter or more educated or had more experience discussing topics like religion.

It SOUNDS like you have read a bunch of stuff (not that you have actually SHOWN any of it, you just handwave and say "language and culture" and leave it at that.

You know people would actually be impressed if you took the actual words of the verse and showed us where it is different from what the actual words say.

Here it is again so that you might ignore:

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Here is the line by line concordance: HERE

I'll do you a favor and we can talk about the most important words. As you can see from the Concordance each of the words (or most of them) have the original Hebrew (surely you know about Concordances in all your research).

How about you tell me how the Hebrew DOESN'T have God commanding a genocide.

It's really simple. IF YOU CAN DO IT.

And you don't get to just wave your hands and say "different culture!"


Just show me in the concordance how to read 1 Sam 15:3 such that it doesn't say what it explicitly says.

The fact that you have consistently avoided going the DETAIL work indicates to me that maybe you aren't as up on all of this as you say you are.

If you don't respond substantively this will be the end of our conversation. I apologize if I stressed you. I understand a lot of people are scared to talk too deeply or critically about their faith. You are no different from that.

I can tell you just want to have your faith and be happy. And that's cool. You should NEVER try to talk to atheists about religion. It doesn't feel like you are capable in that arena.

Enjoy your faith. It's yours.
Incorrect. Not word games.

100% word games.

Believing that everyone gets saved and believing that no one knows their fate or the fate of others are mutually exclusive propositions. It's just logic.

And if you actually read what I wrote you'd note that I already made that EXACT point numerous times. You act like because YOU don't know the answer that God doesn't have any "rules".

It's OK because God likely isn't real so you don't have to worry about it when "Judgement day" comes. But if you actually DO believe in God you might try a bit harder to act like it.
I suspect it means different things to different people.
NFBW: You are Catholic- it means salvation means what the Catholic Church believes. The Catholic Church believes that salvation comes only when faith in Christ is accompanied by baptism, observing Catholic sacraments (especially the Eucharist ), and dying without any unconfessed mortal sins. That is your assertion when you say you are Catholic ding so why the phony word games? END2208292110
100% word games.

And if you actually read what I wrote you'd note that I already made that EXACT point numerous times. You act like because YOU don't know the answer that God doesn't have any "rules".

It's OK because God likely isn't real so you don't have to worry about it when "Judgement day" comes. But if you actually DO believe in God you might try a bit harder to act like it.
If I were to say everyone is saved that's me saying I know their fate. So if I said that I couldn't say that no one knows their fate or the fate of others. Which is what I believe. So since that is what I believe, I can't believe that everyone gets saved. I hope that helped.
If I were to say everyone is saved that's me saying I know their fate. So if I said that I couldn't say that no one knows their fate or the fate of others. Which is what I believe. So since that is what I believe, I can't believe that everyone gets saved. I hope that helped.

Is there ANYTHING within the Catholic Church that you HAVE to do to gain salvation?

Just anything????
What are you talking about?


And when you lie you get them annoyed and then you post that on a thread which you use to collect your trophies.

I'm glad I'm not in YOUR shoes. Otherwise I'd have to explain why I mock the God I claim to worship.

And when you lie you get them annoyed and then you post that on a thread which you use to collect your trophies.

I'm glad I'm not in YOUR shoes. Otherwise I'd have to explain why I mock the God I claim to worship.
Tell me more about these imaginary lies you have been experiencing.
If there is faith God is rational, then seek the rationale. If faith has shattered, move on.
Rationality is provable without faith because rationality is nothing but a standard applied to behavior or thought

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