Zone1 Why do you need gods?

But I can't be expected to RATIONALLY give my "love" to something I don't think actually exists. That would be silly. If that was my "worship" of God I would HOPE God would be OFFENDED.

(I honestly don't understand why this point is confusing).
Can you love those around you? Can you love the good around you? Can you embrace ways and people who are good? Can you love others? Recall the Bible verse where Jesus tells us what we do for the least, we do for him.
There is a hard way....Learn another language. Study other cultures and their histories. That is the long and arduous way. Takes decades.

There is an easy way...In a flash I understand the Modern English and can make that easy jump to the conclusion God is a genocidal maniac! Over and done with in seconds.

Is that an apt comparison? ;)
You lack sufficient education for this conversation. Sorry
Well, sure, if you pick and choose the bits you like and simply sui generis reject the stuff you don't you can make a great god!

That's the point of the discussion.
I understand you label what you see as "picking and choosing." What you don't understand--or even see--is when neither is happening. I study each word, its etymology, its usage, and the original language.

Picking English and then choosing English and Western culture to reach conclusions automatically rejects what is stated/intended by the original author. I choose not to reject this.
You are now acting mendaciously. Please address the point
I did. I sometimes work with similar children with both this and other disabilities. I see God's love of them and I do my best to give all my love as well. When I am successful, I see the person, not the disability.
I did. I sometimes work with similar children with both this and other disabilities. I see God's love of them and I do my best to give all my love as well. When I am successful, I see the person, not the disability.

So why do you avoid the question? What does it serve God's plan to make people for whom faith is more horrible than you can imagine.

And I'm not just being hyperbolic there. More horrible than even you can imagine.
I understand you label what you see as "picking and choosing." What you don't understand--or even see--is when neither is happening. I study each word, its etymology, its usage, and the original language.

Then you'll have NO PROBLEM showing me the language of 1Sam15:3 and how it means something rather different from the plain text.

Picking English and then choosing English and Western culture to reach conclusions automatically rejects what is stated/intended by the original author. I choose not to reject this.

THen you will have no problem proving your point.

This might help just a bit:

While you may not know God's actualy DECISION you do, indeed, have specific rules for salvation. This is called "soteriology".

The Catholic Church DOES have rules for salvation

From the Catholic Catechism

1696: "The way of Christ "leads to life"; a contrary way "leads to destruction". ....shows the importance of moral decisions for our salvation.

Means for salvation (830, 980)

the requiment of baptism (1256-1257),

gift of salvation offered through Christ (1811)

Sacraments necessary for salvation (pg 1129)

"Service and witness to the faith necessary for salvation" (Pg1129)

So there DO appear to be rules even in Catholicism. Again, while I don't expect you to know the mind of God, it seems that there are rules that are to be followed.
I love how you try to frame there are rules into we know our fate. You should have just stopped at we don't know anyone's fate.
I love how you try to frame there are rules into we know our fate. You should have just stopped at we don't know anyone's fate.

I wish you had read what I explicitly wrote. But bearing false witness is SO ATTRACTIVE to you. You love the sin. I think you might actually get a charge out of mocking God's commandments. Maybe you should list God on your list of people you pissed off today. YOu know the thread where you collect your trophies?

I said you may not know the fate, but indeed there appear to be rules.

And rules mean someone ain't gonna make the cut.
You need to see it that way because you carry a grudge. Why are you are still carrying that girl? I left her by the stream months ago.

What girl are you talking about carrying?

(I hope you didn't drop a comma there...but you are one of the least educated folks I've met in a while, so anything's possible)
Sola fide is the name for "Justification by Faith". This is one of the key differentiators in the birth of Protestantism.
That's nice. The usual debate between protestants and Catholics is God's grace versus works. I've had that discussion a hundred times. Almost as much as the Catholics worship Mary argument.
That's nice. The usual debate between protestants and Catholics is God's grace versus works. I've had that discussion a hundred times. Almost as much as the Catholics worship Mary argument.

But you get the point, right? Thousands of people killed each other over this little topic.

It's just a little difference? Nothing big? Well, the entire history of Christianity says quite differently.

But maybe that's just MAN making a big deal of the rules?

Unfortunately God's "rules" are only passed to us by humans.

The point being: IF GOD was clearly obvious to all observers (ie real) and His truths the most important truths in all of Creation then there would be no disagreements between his worshippers as to his nature and his rules.

Does that make sense? Can you POSSIBLY understand that point?
"Sola" means only.

What if you chose the wrong faith? What if God doesn't care about your "works"?
There are different faiths because there are different perceptions and customs concerning God. Do you honestly believe the creator of existence is bound by any of those perceptions?

You are really hung up on the destination, aren't you? You might want to focus on the journey a little more. That's where you will find God.

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