Zone1 Why do you need gods?

The disagreement between protestants and Catholics is about God's grace not man's faith.

Sola fide is the name for "Justification by Faith". This is one of the key differentiators in the birth of Protestantism.

Protestants believe that God's grace alone is what "saves" us (whatever that means). The Catholic position is that God's grace is what inspires us to do good works. Grace and works are integrally linked together and cannot be separated.

"Sola" means only.

What if you chose the wrong faith? What if God doesn't care about your "works"?
'Potemkin villages'? I need a more precise description of these.


Is love real? Is goodness real? If one feels these are real, one can give them.

But I can't be expected to RATIONALLY give my "love" to something I don't think actually exists. That would be silly. If that was my "worship" of God I would HOPE God would be OFFENDED.

(I honestly don't understand why this point is confusing).
It appears to me YOU have thoughts as well. I assume that you are of the opinion that your thoughts are more in line with God's thoughts. How else could you function?
Then you assume wrong. I function quite well just being me. I share who I currently am with God. He gets to be who He IS; I get to be who I am--a work in progress.

I have another quote for you: I have got to be me. Everyone else is taken.

Even if God wasn't taken, I would not want to be Him. I would much rather be His servant.
Can you understand my point? Just try. Just for a second, pray to God to forgive you for blasphemous thoughts for a second and try: I am working from the CLEARLY STATED FACTS of NUMEROUS Christians sects that tell me that if I fail to please God or "accept his gift" or whatever, there will be literal hell to pay.
Listen to God first.
Here you are telling me that GOd's a cool dude! He would never take someone for whom faith is pain and damn them to hell! That would be immensely cruel.
I would never describe God as a "cool dude". Try Healer. I have noticed with really important things, He takes His time, but so worth the wait.

I would never describe God as a "cool dude". Try Healer. I have noticed with really important things, He takes His time, but so worth the wait.

May I just note how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you have completely ignored the issue of "scrupulosity".

Just love it.

It feels like the way you solve difficult problems is simply to "ignore them".
And the same Bible you have taken a scalpel to tells me that narrow is the path to God and wide and easy is the path to perdition.
Getting to know the Hebrew and Middle Eastern culture is not using a scalpel--more like using a microscope. There is so much to see!
In fact, more fully grounded in the Bible, but that should not be scary.

Can you remind me what part of 1 Sam 15:3 is made up? Can you, using the Concordance here show me the language that makes it say the opposite of what the translation says.


(I know that the "Virgin birth" is likely predicated on a mistranslation in Isaiah of "almah", but I'm curious about the 1 Sam citation right now. It would be really cool if the words actually means SOMETHING ALTOGETHER DIFFERENT!)
And the same Bible you have taken a scalpel to tells me that narrow is the path to God and wide and easy is the path to perdition.
There is a hard way....Learn another language. Study other cultures and their histories. That is the long and arduous way. Takes decades.

There is an easy way...In a flash I understand the Modern English and can make that easy jump to the conclusion God is a genocidal maniac! Over and done with in seconds.

Is that an apt comparison? ;)
Why would God allow a disease to exist that one is likely born with, that turns "faith" into a torture?
You find it that difficult to love and care for someone with this disease? Why not ask that God expand your love of your fellowman to include this person?

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