Why do you need to carry a gun?

Here in northern Virginia, nobody needs to carry a gun to go shopping or dine at a restaurant..

That would depend on where you live in northern Virginia obviously. Kinda like every state.
Virginia Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

Lice assumes that "I have not been a victim" is the same as "It therefore cannot ever happen". The logic that escapes her - as nearly all logic does - is that all crime victims can say the former, right up until the point where they learn that the latter isn't true.
I think the guys who use guns are like women...

Well let me tell you Joe. In a younger day I was nobody to mess with. 6'3", 240lbs, mostly muscle, and went through martial arts school until black belt. If it's one thing people need to learn, it's that nobody is a match for a gun, I don't care how bad-ass you think you are. If somebody is chasing you with a gun, you will lose that battle.....and likely your life. If you have a gun with you, you can run to take cover and have enough time to pull out your own for a fair fight.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.

Copper head snake? A critter that is slow as hell and just sits there waiting weeks and months for food to walk by, something like this here,

View attachment 255938

That’s a cotton mouth, but pretty much the same thing. Folks keep them as hobby pets. It’s pretty gay to have to brag about shooting one. Matter of fact, 90% of those bitten by them are drunk. I don’t live in a rural area, and I see more poisonous critters in one day like the one above then most people and haven’t had to shoot one. The one in the picture I moved out of my way with a stick.

And the wild bore. Did you know that they sneak into houses and eat children? They also rape white woman and spoil crops. Much legend has been written about wild bore I. America. You have yet to see a true “wild bore” what you are talking about are feral domestic stock that some retard let lose in your area so they can charge dumb fucks like Eric trump $5,000 to come shoot one. Your little pop gun wouldn’t stop one in a charge. It would keep right on running past you. Folks who get hit by hogs are typically screwing around with them and being retarded. I have killed hogs with everything from my truck to an old 98 Mauser chambered in .375H&H, but my .22 and my 35 pound bow have killed the most.
None have ever tried to get me acted I shot them, and in most of those cases I had walked right into the middle of 20 or more hogs. A Glock 17 is stuffed into my back pocket when I walk into woods, not for the little 2 foot snakes and feral domestic pigs, but for the illegal aliens who cook meth and grow dope there, it mostly I pack it Incase I get hurt. If I hear people near by I do a mag dump and holler. They won’t mis that. There is only one time I shot a hog with that Glock. It took 1 9mm 147 grain hollow point to defeat the fabled “gristle shield” and put the monster down for keeps.

Explaining like you do don’t help the cause.

FYI, my carry weapon was mentioned by another in the thread as their choice. Ruger .357 5 shot revolver. That will stop our local wild boar, and gators, and anything else threatening that I happen to run into.

Second. I wasn’t bragging. I was giving an example of the kinds of things that might make you wish you had a gun if you didn’t. I plan on heading down to my neighbors house shortly. I need to tell him how according to you, the apparent expert, his 12 year old daughter was drunk when she was bitten by a Copperhead last year. She was in her yard playing when she was bitten.

Zell Miller famously told the story of killing a nest of baby copperheads. I guess his excuse of worrying about his grandchildren was nonsense. Perhaps he just thought the kids were drunk?

In the link I posted, it told the reader, not you obviously, that Copperheads are the most likely to bite.
That was me who said they carried a rugar my boyfreind said it was a good choice that it was reasonable weight lots of power but manageable and should last a lot of years .good gun for carry. i also keep a springfeild xd in the car I like the grip safety .
Walking to the mailbox with a gun seems excessive to me.

Do you guys take a shit with your guns too?

Why is it important to you?

I'm curious if you guys are so paranoid that you feel the need to carry a gun EVERYWHERE you go.

Why do you care?


The post you responded to answers your question.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.

That's pretty funny, leading off with a false premise and then building on it, not to mention the blanket political generalization "the left" -- as if that's got anything to do with social dynamics. And then all the comic book style fantasies. Funny stuff. But then you continually do this and never learn.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.

Copper head snake? A critter that is slow as hell and just sits there waiting weeks and months for food to walk by, something like this here,

View attachment 255938

That’s a cotton mouth, but pretty much the same thing. Folks keep them as hobby pets. It’s pretty gay to have to brag about shooting one. Matter of fact, 90% of those bitten by them are drunk. I don’t live in a rural area, and I see more poisonous critters in one day like the one above then most people and haven’t had to shoot one. The one in the picture I moved out of my way with a stick.

And the wild bore. Did you know that they sneak into houses and eat children? They also rape white woman and spoil crops. Much legend has been written about wild bore I. America. You have yet to see a true “wild bore” what you are talking about are feral domestic stock that some retard let lose in your area so they can charge dumb fucks like Eric trump $5,000 to come shoot one. Your little pop gun wouldn’t stop one in a charge. It would keep right on running past you. Folks who get hit by hogs are typically screwing around with them and being retarded. I have killed hogs with everything from my truck to an old 98 Mauser chambered in .375H&H, but my .22 and my 35 pound bow have killed the most.
None have ever tried to get me acted I shot them, and in most of those cases I had walked right into the middle of 20 or more hogs. A Glock 17 is stuffed into my back pocket when I walk into woods, not for the little 2 foot snakes and feral domestic pigs, but for the illegal aliens who cook meth and grow dope there, it mostly I pack it Incase I get hurt. If I hear people near by I do a mag dump and holler. They won’t mis that. There is only one time I shot a hog with that Glock. It took 1 9mm 147 grain hollow point to defeat the fabled “gristle shield” and put the monster down for keeps.

Explaining like you do don’t help the cause.

FYI, my carry weapon was mentioned by another in the thread as their choice. Ruger .357 5 shot revolver. That will stop our local wild boar, and gators, and anything else threatening that I happen to run into.

Second. I wasn’t bragging. I was giving an example of the kinds of things that might make you wish you had a gun if you didn’t. I plan on heading down to my neighbors house shortly. I need to tell him how according to you, the apparent expert, his 12 year old daughter was drunk when she was bitten by a Copperhead last year. She was in her yard playing when she was bitten.

Zell Miller famously told the story of killing a nest of baby copperheads. I guess his excuse of worrying about his grandchildren was nonsense. Perhaps he just thought the kids were drunk?

In the link I posted, it told the reader, not you obviously, that Copperheads are the most likely to bite.
That was me who said they carried a rugar my boyfreind said it was a good choice that it was reasonable weight lots of power but manageable and should last a lot of years .good gun for carry. i also keep a springfeild xd in the car I like the grip safety .

Both are good guns, but if I had to choose it would be the Springfield, but a Glock above all.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.

Copper head snake? A critter that is slow as hell and just sits there waiting weeks and months for food to walk by, something like this here,

View attachment 255938

That’s a cotton mouth, but pretty much the same thing. Folks keep them as hobby pets. It’s pretty gay to have to brag about shooting one. Matter of fact, 90% of those bitten by them are drunk. I don’t live in a rural area, and I see more poisonous critters in one day like the one above then most people and haven’t had to shoot one. The one in the picture I moved out of my way with a stick.

And the wild bore. Did you know that they sneak into houses and eat children? They also rape white woman and spoil crops. Much legend has been written about wild bore I. America. You have yet to see a true “wild bore” what you are talking about are feral domestic stock that some retard let lose in your area so they can charge dumb fucks like Eric trump $5,000 to come shoot one. Your little pop gun wouldn’t stop one in a charge. It would keep right on running past you. Folks who get hit by hogs are typically screwing around with them and being retarded. I have killed hogs with everything from my truck to an old 98 Mauser chambered in .375H&H, but my .22 and my 35 pound bow have killed the most.
None have ever tried to get me acted I shot them, and in most of those cases I had walked right into the middle of 20 or more hogs. A Glock 17 is stuffed into my back pocket when I walk into woods, not for the little 2 foot snakes and feral domestic pigs, but for the illegal aliens who cook meth and grow dope there, it mostly I pack it Incase I get hurt. If I hear people near by I do a mag dump and holler. They won’t mis that. There is only one time I shot a hog with that Glock. It took 1 9mm 147 grain hollow point to defeat the fabled “gristle shield” and put the monster down for keeps.

Explaining like you do don’t help the cause.

FYI, my carry weapon was mentioned by another in the thread as their choice. Ruger .357 5 shot revolver. That will stop our local wild boar, and gators, and anything else threatening that I happen to run into.

Second. I wasn’t bragging. I was giving an example of the kinds of things that might make you wish you had a gun if you didn’t. I plan on heading down to my neighbors house shortly. I need to tell him how according to you, the apparent expert, his 12 year old daughter was drunk when she was bitten by a Copperhead last year. She was in her yard playing when she was bitten.

Zell Miller famously told the story of killing a nest of baby copperheads. I guess his excuse of worrying about his grandchildren was nonsense. Perhaps he just thought the kids were drunk?

In the link I posted, it told the reader, not you obviously, that Copperheads are the most likely to bite.
That was me who said they carried a rugar my boyfreind said it was a good choice that it was reasonable weight lots of power but manageable and should last a lot of years .good gun for carry. i also keep a springfeild xd in the car I like the grip safety .

Both are good guns, but if I had to choose it would be the Springfield, but a Glock above all.
My live has 2 glocks a 19 and a 34 gen 4 Great guns but not for me hes also got a tarus 357 snuby and a 1911 .
We have class 2 weapons also and ar 15s15s a keltec 380 a keltec sub 2000 remington pump rifle and pump shot gun bolt rifles rugar 10 45 with a supressor a rugar american in 22 that we shoot supressedl.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.

Copper head snake? A critter that is slow as hell and just sits there waiting weeks and months for food to walk by, something like this here,

View attachment 255938

That’s a cotton mouth, but pretty much the same thing. Folks keep them as hobby pets. It’s pretty gay to have to brag about shooting one. Matter of fact, 90% of those bitten by them are drunk. I don’t live in a rural area, and I see more poisonous critters in one day like the one above then most people and haven’t had to shoot one. The one in the picture I moved out of my way with a stick.

And the wild bore. Did you know that they sneak into houses and eat children? They also rape white woman and spoil crops. Much legend has been written about wild bore I. America. You have yet to see a true “wild bore” what you are talking about are feral domestic stock that some retard let lose in your area so they can charge dumb fucks like Eric trump $5,000 to come shoot one. Your little pop gun wouldn’t stop one in a charge. It would keep right on running past you. Folks who get hit by hogs are typically screwing around with them and being retarded. I have killed hogs with everything from my truck to an old 98 Mauser chambered in .375H&H, but my .22 and my 35 pound bow have killed the most.
None have ever tried to get me acted I shot them, and in most of those cases I had walked right into the middle of 20 or more hogs. A Glock 17 is stuffed into my back pocket when I walk into woods, not for the little 2 foot snakes and feral domestic pigs, but for the illegal aliens who cook meth and grow dope there, it mostly I pack it Incase I get hurt. If I hear people near by I do a mag dump and holler. They won’t mis that. There is only one time I shot a hog with that Glock. It took 1 9mm 147 grain hollow point to defeat the fabled “gristle shield” and put the monster down for keeps.

Explaining like you do don’t help the cause.

FYI, my carry weapon was mentioned by another in the thread as their choice. Ruger .357 5 shot revolver. That will stop our local wild boar, and gators, and anything else threatening that I happen to run into.

Second. I wasn’t bragging. I was giving an example of the kinds of things that might make you wish you had a gun if you didn’t. I plan on heading down to my neighbors house shortly. I need to tell him how according to you, the apparent expert, his 12 year old daughter was drunk when she was bitten by a Copperhead last year. She was in her yard playing when she was bitten.

Zell Miller famously told the story of killing a nest of baby copperheads. I guess his excuse of worrying about his grandchildren was nonsense. Perhaps he just thought the kids were drunk?

In the link I posted, it told the reader, not you obviously, that Copperheads are the most likely to bite.
That was me who said they carried a rugar my boyfreind said it was a good choice that it was reasonable weight lots of power but manageable and should last a lot of years .good gun for carry. i also keep a springfeild xd in the car I like the grip safety .

Both are good guns, but if I had to choose it would be the Springfield, but a Glock above all.
My live has 2 glocks a 19 and a 34 gen 4 Great guns but not for me hes also got a tarus 357 snuby and a 1911 .
We have class 2 weapons also and ar 15s15s a keltec 380 a keltec sub 2000 remington pump rifle and pump shot gun bolt rifles rugar 10 45 with a supressor a rugar american in 22 that we shoot supressedl.

I’m to poor and being deaf gives me an excuse for not listening.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.

That's pretty funny, leading off with a false premise and then building on it, not to mention the blanket political generalization "the left" -- as if that's got anything to do with social dynamics. And then all the comic book style fantasies. Funny stuff. But then you continually do this and never learn.

I never learn? I see you still believe there are no conservatives or liberals in this country. You think that all people just have different opinions unassociated with their political preference.

Now where are these fantasies you are talking about? Show me one where I was wrong.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.

I think you're right, but it's hard to see these qualities alone as "Left". Perhaps this basic laziness along with the "not my fault" attitude is what draws people to the left, where they are promised the free ride they "deserve".

It's a powerful recruitment method, and one that breeds a league of obedient voters. That's a stark contrast to the "take charge, I'm responsible for my own destiny" credo that is prevalent among pro-gunners.
The eastern side of my state has rattlesnakes. I grew up learning how to stay away from them.

What I don't understand is why the need to kill the snake. Yes a copperhead is very dangerous and kills but that doesn't mean that it should be killed.

All that was needed was to call the proper animal authorities to have them come to remove the snake. Take it somewhere that it won't harm anyone.

It's not necessary to kill it. We didn't kill rattlesnakes just because we saw them. We just learned to stay away from them and if they got too close to homes to call the proper authorities to come to remove it.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.

That's pretty funny, leading off with a false premise and then building on it, not to mention the blanket political generalization "the left" -- as if that's got anything to do with social dynamics. And then all the comic book style fantasies. Funny stuff. But then you continually do this and never learn.

I never learn? I see you still believe there are no conservatives or liberals in this country. You think that all people just have different opinions unassociated with their political preference.

Now where are these fantasies you are talking about? Show me one where I was wrong.

You want a breakdown? Really?

But isn't that a common trait of the left; << BROAD-BRUSH GENERALIZATION never be prepared? << INJECTING YOUR OWN ASSESSMENT (STRAWMAN) I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. << WHO?? WHERE ARE THEY? CHERRYPICKED STRAWMAN When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare. << DITTO

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime? << WHO?? LINK? SMH :banghead:

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality. << COMPLETELY FABRICATED FANTASY .... and why would one get shot in the first place, even if this were real?

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. << AGAIN WHO? Then they can't make any money. << WHO?? They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. << WHERE? They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. << LINK?? They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs. << ALL COMPLETE FABRICATION OF NONEXISTENT ENTITIES

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything. << FAKE CONCLUSION BASED ON NOTHING BUT YOUR OWN STRAWMAN FANTASIES plus INJECTION OF YOUR OWN REASONING

Poster please. This is childish babble.
I'm pro-second Amendment, but I'm not a zealot. I believe in responsible gun ownership, zealots believe that anybody can carry a gun no matter what their intentions.
And bigots believe they're the only one who's right, and they have the ability to read minds. Got it.
But people who think ahead about their welfare and the welfare of those around them do all these things, and more. They may place greater or lesser emphasis on various things, and that's called personal privilege.

But isn't that a common trait of the left; never be prepared? I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare.

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime?

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality.

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. Then they can't make any money. They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs.

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything.

That's pretty funny, leading off with a false premise and then building on it, not to mention the blanket political generalization "the left" -- as if that's got anything to do with social dynamics. And then all the comic book style fantasies. Funny stuff. But then you continually do this and never learn.

I never learn? I see you still believe there are no conservatives or liberals in this country. You think that all people just have different opinions unassociated with their political preference.

Now where are these fantasies you are talking about? Show me one where I was wrong.

You want a breakdown? Really?

But isn't that a common trait of the left; << BROAD-BRUSH GENERALIZATION never be prepared? << INJECTING YOUR OWN ASSESSMENT (STRAWMAN) I'm not talking just about guns, I'm talking about everything.

They have children they can't support because they didn't take precautions. << CHERRYPICKED STRAWMAN When the kid is born and they can't take care of them, they end up on welfare. << DITTO

Or they get into trouble with the law, end up in prison, and then complain that they can't get a job after they get out. Well shouldn't you have thought about that before you committed a serious crime? << WHO?? LINK? SMH :banghead:

Speaking of which, a cop pulls them over; maybe for a simple traffic violation. They end up mouthing off to the cop, refuse to obey any orders, stick their hand in their coat and then get shot by the officer. Then they cry about police brutality. << COMPLETELY FABRICATED FANTASY

They drop out of school, or otherwise don't seek a trade or skill. << AGAIN Then they can't make any money. << WHO?? They blame the rich guys instead of themselves. << WHERE? They never invested a dime of their money, nor know how because they never spent time to look it up. << LINK?? They simply wanted to work 40 hours a week and expected to get paid superior money to do monkey jobs. << ALL COMPLETE FABRICATION OF NONEXISTENT ENTITIES

So their stance on guns and self-defense is not too unexpected. It's just the way they are born I guess. Never prepare for anything. << CONCLUSION BASED ON NOTHING BUT YOUR OWN STRAWMAN FANTASIES.

Poster please. This is childish babble.

In every example I provided, what party sticks up for which? I know you don't have the fortitude to admit these are political issues, but they are based on which political party stands on which side.

In a police shooting (particularly a minority or unarmed attacker) where do the Democrats stand on that?

Who complains about the rich having too much money, white privilege, or handed down money, the Democrats or Republicans?

Who supports and has supported single-parent households, and who is it that is against government handouts to irresponsible people, the Democrats or Republicans?

Which party wants felons to vote, and some even suggesting that criminals in prison be allowed to vote, Democrats or Republicans?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but our entire country is based on parties and political stances. Conservatives and liberals are on totally opposite sides of each other.

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