Why do you support Israel

It shares no responsibility. Israel has always been vastly out numbered and out gunned by the enemies that surround it. It wins only because of better training and dedication.

Anti-Semites blame Israel for the fact that Palestinian terrorists hide behind women and children.

So if a Palestinian blew up an Israeli bus with 50 kids and one Israeli soldier on it,

you'd deem that a legitimate military target?

Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.

The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
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...My point is the Jews have no more right to that land than anyone else on the planet except for the Arabs the Zionists took it from...
The present-day Jews of Israel are a mixture of genetic descendants of the earlier owners of the land, with an even larger percentage of genetic stock of the Urals and Europe and the old Turkomen lands, and the like, but, so long as they can boast a substantive percentage of genetic stock linked to the earlier Hebrew kingdoms and tribes, that's sufficient for emotional and propaganda purposes.

More importantly, they are the Spiritual Heirs of those old lands - practitioners (and descendants of the practitioners) of the belief system that eventually spawned Christianity, and, later, Islam, along with a handful of other sects and schemes and schisms that did not fare as well and that eventually petered-out over the generations, many centuries ago.

But, what establishes their Right to the Land now is force of arms and victory on the battlefield, which has a marvelous way of cutting the Gordian Knot, and hacking through all the pissy moaning whining idiotic blather about old legalities and old status quo and everything else that the weak and loser side can dream up to try to enlist sympathy post facto.

Israel is a fait accompli, and their Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael - annexing the West Bank and Gaza and moving Jews into those regions - is also nearly a fait accompli - hell, half of Gaza has been flattened due to their own stupidity and there's nothing left of the West Bank but disconnected slivers and fragments of land - insufficient for a viable state.

The Jews of Israel have a right to that land because they SAY they have a right to that land, and because they back up that claim with courage and force of arms.

Don't like it?

Try taking it from them.


The rest of us will make sure you get a decent burial.
Who knew murdering young children and old people was courage.Jews are a parasitic race who use the holohoax as their meal ticket.

Oh it's a hoax now? When will you get released from the asylum? I hope not very soon, I think you need quiet time.
Without Islam you wouldn't have your world, you'd have this:

They kept alive the human knowledge the Catholics hide and burned.

You can't make it up! Without the cave dwelling troglodyte cult, we would still be living in the 1600s!

Anti-Semites blame Israel for the fact that Palestinian terrorists hide behind women and children.

So if a Palestinian blew up an Israeli bus with 50 kids and one Israeli soldier on it,

you'd deem that a legitimate military target?

Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.

The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.

How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?
Anti-Semites blame Israel for the fact that Palestinian terrorists hide behind women and children.

So if a Palestinian blew up an Israeli bus with 50 kids and one Israeli soldier on it,

you'd deem that a legitimate military target?

Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
So if a Palestinian blew up an Israeli bus with 50 kids and one Israeli soldier on it,

you'd deem that a legitimate military target?

Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.
Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.

When are you going to admit you're a genocidal anti-Semite?
The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.

When are you going to admit you're a genocidal anti-Semite?
When are you going to understand that all sane people hate Zionists, even many Jews?
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.

When are you going to admit you're a genocidal anti-Semite?
When are you going to understand that all sane people hate Zionists, even many Jews?

The insane often believe that everyone else is insane.

We get it: you're a loathsome, despicable, piece-of-shit, genocidal anti-Semite
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.

When are you going to admit you're a genocidal anti-Semite?
When are you going to understand that all sane people hate Zionists, even many Jews?

The insane often believe that everyone else is insane.

We get it: you're a loathsome, despicable, piece-of-shit, genocidal anti-Semite
Still being a child unable to deal with reality I see. So be it.
Anti-Semites blame Israel for the fact that Palestinian terrorists hide behind women and children.

So if a Palestinian blew up an Israeli bus with 50 kids and one Israeli soldier on it,

you'd deem that a legitimate military target?

Kids are supposed to be on buses and soldiers are there to gaurd them. Hamas puts it's military installations behind women and children specifically so they will get killed if the IDF tries to attack their soldiers.

There's no comparison between the two things.Hamas and the Palestinians are a gang of bloodthirsty savages.

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side. Israel is the aggressor/occupier.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?
Yeah, I've got a problem with that. I want the Jews to win. And I'm in favor of stacking the deck as heavily in their favor as is practicable.
The Palestinians have the right to die, if they persist in attacking a military power that outguns them by several orders of magnitude.

Dumb-ass Neanderthal Palestinian knuckle-draggers.

They can make peace, or pack up and leave, or die.

Ultimately, those are their only choices.

Meanwhile, the Israelis retaliate against them at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio.

Pretty good numbers.

The dumb-ass Palestinians could always reduce those numbers, by moving their war-assets away from their civilians.

But they won't

Being chickenshit cowards... hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like the pussies they are.
How about we arm them like the Zionists, and let them slaughter each other, the best nation wins. Got a problem with that?

Weren't you the one who was just whining about the poor abused Palestinians? Now you want them to be slaughtered?
The Pals, armed like the Zionists, with 300 million Arabs and 75 million Persians behind them? Yeah, those numbers work, but not for Israel of course, which would end up in the sea.

When are you going to admit you're a genocidal anti-Semite?
When are you going to understand that all sane people hate Zionists, even many Jews?
Why would all sane people hate Zionists?

Zionists are merely those who aspire to a Jewish Homeland in the old Holy Land - a.k.a. Old Palestine, and who will fight to make it happen, and to sustain it.

No different than the Arab-Muslims who conquered most of the Middle East and lorded-it over their conquered populations.

What goes around comes around, and now it's the Muslims turn in the barrel.

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