Why do you support Israel

I was just on another board, about Arab Muslim slave traders and blacks that collaborated with them to create slavery in the US. Yeah, Arabs are good at dehumanizing non Muslims and creating schisms and divisive stuff. Palestinians are mostly Muslims. They love painting themselves a victims when they are most certainly just intolerant jerks that won't share in accordance to their own religion even.
I was just on another board, about Arab Muslim slave traders and blacks that collaborated with them to create slavery in the US. Yeah, Arabs are good at dehumanizing non Muslims and creating schisms and divisive stuff. Palestinians are mostly Muslims. They love painting themselves a victims when they are most certainly just intolerant jerks that won't share in accordance to their own religion even.
Israel is that little dark haired kid that is always being bullied and pushed around, and when he fights back, he is condemned for being violent and hateful and mean. No two ways about it, Israel is the underdog. Besides all that, if Palestinians just lay off the self righteous hyperbole and the violence, that might get them further than the intifada. Is that reason enough?
No because in reality Israel is a powerful country armed to the teeth and not a little dark haired boy
The little boy learned karate. Do you blame him?
There is no little boy already
Why do you take exception to Israel protecting herself?
Israel is that little dark haired kid that is always being bullied and pushed around, and when he fights back, he is condemned for being violent and hateful and mean. No two ways about it, Israel is the underdog. Besides all that, if Palestinians just lay off the self righteous hyperbole and the violence, that might get them further than the intifada. Is that reason enough?
No because in reality Israel is a powerful country armed to the teeth and not a little dark haired boy
The little boy learned karate. Do you blame him?
There is no little boy already
Why do you take exception to Israel protecting herself?
they have the right to protect themselves and they do but there needs to be recognition of Israels role in perpetuating the cycle of violence and offering no solutions
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?

Please explain why Israel should bomb Arab/Muslims who are killing Arab/Muslims in Syria, :asshole:?
It seems to me Israel should provide low-tech (bows and arrows) support to whichever side is losing at any given moment. In fact, I believe the entire world should embrace that policy.
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Odd isn't it? Kinda of like they want ISIS to win...why is it ISIS hasn't attacked any Israeli targets? An army that large and brutal would be an awesome tool against Israel for sure.

It's enough to make a goose-steppin' knuckle-dragger like you drool, eh NaziBoy?
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Based upon what?

lol, so you agree with me that we shouldn't be bombing ISIS?

I'd like to believe the Obama admin is sharp enough to provide all sides with just enough low-tech firepower to allow them to kill each other for the next 40 years. Furthermore, I believe even our loony left Kumbaya Police agree with that plan but for obvious reasons will not admit it.
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Israel is that little dark haired kid that is always being bullied and pushed around, and when he fights back, he is condemned for being violent and hateful and mean. No two ways about it, Israel is the underdog. Besides all that, if Palestinians just lay off the self righteous hyperbole and the violence, that might get them further than the intifada. Is that reason enough?
No because in reality Israel is a powerful country armed to the teeth and not a little dark haired boy
The little boy learned karate. Do you blame him?
There is no little boy already
Why do you take exception to Israel protecting herself?
they have the right to protect themselves and they do but there needs to be recognition of Israels role in perpetuating the cycle of violence and offering no solutions
What do you suppose will happen to the cycle of violence should the Palestinians stop attacking Israel?
The United Nations invented Israel...

No, it didn't but that is typical of the kind of "facts" which fuel your world, Princess. I mean, why bother with the truth when you can wallow in your mindless hate, right?
What if Palestinians stopped being assholes and played nice for once? Would it hurt em'? Imagine, like Lennon once sung. Imagine THAT.
Israel is that little dark haired kid that is always being bullied and pushed around, and when he fights back, he is condemned for being violent and hateful and mean. No two ways about it, Israel is the underdog. Besides all that, if Palestinians just lay off the self righteous hyperbole and the violence, that might get them further than the intifada. Is that reason enough?
No because in reality Israel is a powerful country armed to the teeth and not a little dark haired boy
The little boy learned karate. Do you blame him?
There is no little boy already
Why do you take exception to Israel protecting herself?
they have the right to protect themselves and they do but there needs to be recognition of Israels role in perpetuating the cycle of violence and offering no solutions
Affter muli posts you have made I get it. You are an anti Semite and you couch your responses as being reasonable and responsible. But really, you just hate Jews. We have no right to a homeland or self protection. Palestinians are an afterthought.

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