Why do you support Ukraine?

Originally posted by Hossfly
You got it right, Josie.

I love you, Hoss... It's all in good fun.

You're such a southern guy that I just can't avoid the association. :biggrin:

This is my last post here cause I've already filled my daily bullshit quota for the next 10 years. : )
I love you, Hoss... It's all in good fun.

You're such a southern guy that I just can't avoid the association. :biggrin:

This is my last post here cause I've already filled my daily bullshit quota for the next 10 years. : )
Well thanks for stoppin' by!
So many supporters and excusers of Russian genocide here. One wonders, do they support the Russian murderers for the rubles, or do they do it purely out of fanatical devotion to christofascism?

(I'm leaving out the antisemitism factor, which is clearly what motivates a few of them.)
I think you're pretending to not know.
There's no shortage of propaganda on both sides but you aren't accepting the other side's.

You can get the whole story from Scott Ritter, Col. D. Macgregor, and several others.

What do you want to know? All you need to do is figure out for yourself who's lying and who's telling the truth.

I know everything I need to know, I have been watching this play out since 2014.
The current POTUS is causing Russia and China to create a very dangerous military alliance. Biden is complete fool who’s pushing us into a needless world war.
When citizens of one country are forced through taxation and browbeating to support a BS proxy war in another country then "support" get's hard to come by. I'm no fool and I know a bad deal for Americans when I see one.

I could give two shits that the Ukes and Orgs are at each other's throats......The corrupt shits deserve each other.

That said I do care about the billions pissed away there that would be much better spent securing our borders instead of making the IMC, politicians, and their party richer.
I also care about poking a nuclear superpower in the eye, but it seems we aren't worried about that anymore.
Just as in Ukraine - Extreme US support only causes the will of Israels government to disregard/ignore negotiations or compromise.

Until the Yom Kippur war - it was rightful IMO for the USA and the West to support Israel - Israeli's have a right to live a life without being threatened in their existence without giving a cause, just as anyone else. If they don't care about the existential rights of Palestinians and others (Lebanon) - then why should a religiously, extremist government such as that of Iran care about Israels existential rights?

Until today the Middle-east is ruled by a 4000 year old codex, instituted by Hebrews and no-Hebrews; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. In Sicily they call it Vendetta.
The days are numbered for unthinking and automatic support of the Apartheid State of Israel.

Americans can no longer stomach their bigotry, racism and brutality towards the Palestinians, almost in parallel to America's disgust of the bigotry, racism and police brutality on the homeland.

Just this weekend Bernie signaled that we have to change the current situation in an almost half-hour interview on one of the main Sunday shows.

It's only a matter of time.
As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

You're either lying or shockingly ignorant of history if you have "no reason" to be against Russia. Even if you're completely ignorant of anything that happened before 2020...they invaded Ukraine..a nation that posed no threat to them or their allies. One of the reasons many didn't support the invasion of Iraq was because of the same thing...they didn't pose a threat to the US. They did pose a threat to Israel though. Whether or not you want Americans fighting to prop up Israel is a question for you to ponder yourself. I came down on it not being worth it.

I doubt the Dems would see a bump due to invading Syria with the foul taste of our great Iraqi quagmire/misadventure still fresh in our mouths.

If the President sends troops into Syria, he's a dumbass for doing so. Nothing over there is worth a drop of American blood; that was true for Iraq as it is true for Syria, Lybia, Egypt, etc...

As for their not supporting Hussein...you give them credit for not supporting a homicidal maniac? LOL...

They did, in fact, sell the Republican Guard all sorts of weapons before the war broke out. And the close air support of the US Combined arms dusted them. The RG also made some tactical mistakes using the takes as pillboxes...not that the ones who remained free roaming did much better against the Warthog.

The reason your buddies in Russia didn't send more was simple...the sanctions and embargo on Iraqi oil stripped them of currency. No pay; no play.
This thread is meant for Americans who support Ukraine or I suppose Canadians or Europeans for that matter. Why do you support Ukraine?

Let me explain my position on the war I am neutral in the Russia Ukraine war. As an American I recognize that we invaded dated Iraq … for anyone here who supports Ukraine when we invaded Iraq in 2003 did you support Iraq? If not then what kind of logic do you have? When we went to war in Vietnam to defend south Vietnam from north Vietnam did you support north Vietnam ? because if you didn’t then why are you supporting Ukraine today?

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not invade the United States of America. As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

I suspect many people here support Ukraine because their government is telling them to do so. Because they see pictures on the media outlets including right wing and left wing …showing some Ukrainian refugees and children crying. Going by that same logic literally the same logic because we’re all human beings doesn’t matter what country you’re from unless somebody is a bigot. ….What about the grandmas in Iraq that were crying and screaming because of their dead grandchildren when the Americans invaded?

I can already imagine some of the far left wing and even the neo conservative responses

oh Saddam Hussein’s not the same thing as Zelenskyy”

Well actually Saddam Hussein had a huge amount of support from Iraqi Christians and from women in Iraq. And look at today Iraq is almost controlled by Iran and there’s many people in Iraq many people in the Arab nation that are against Iran they don’t like seeing women forced to cover their hair. But in Iraq and parts of Iraq that’s an issue now. Wasn’t like that in the 1980s or 1990s when by the way America support Iraq in a fight against Iran.

Ukrainian lives matter , CNN tells me this so I support Ukraine, can’t you see what Vladimir Putin is doing to Ukraine. Can’t you see how evil the Russians are. Don’t you see all the pictures of people crying in Ukraine

This is not a logical argument from the neoconservatives and from the left-wing Americans. And here is why …you could look at the photos from the Vietnam war of young Vietnamese babies being killed Vietnamese children crying.

There are individual Americans and individual Russians who have committed war crimes in war…but most Americans and most Russians just like most Ukrainians are good people. This all goes back to one thing you see America has invaded other countries so when Russia invaded Ukraine don’t throw that stone in the glass house.

Finally and here’s something really important to consider. Yes it is true that Russia is not really like Vietnam or Iraq in one singular extraordinary sense. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world.
Biden put us in this predicament by showing Putin in Afghanistan that we will just sit back and let terrorists take over a democratic country. Having said that, Putin is the new Hitler. Today it's one country. Tomorrow is another. There are several countries which used to be part of the old Soviet Union and Putin wants them all back. And that's just for starters. He has to be stopped but Biden should have never let this happen in the first place.
The current POTUS is causing Russia and China to create a very dangerous military alliance. Biden is complete fool who’s pushing us into a needless world war.

Ok. Help me out. Tell me which provocation we should ignore? Ukraine? Fine. Where do we draw the line? Where do we say we object to this? What nations do we decide to help?

Should we ignore the Chinese actions? Ignore their provocation? Where does that stop?

As Children we learned that the sooner you stand up to a Bully the better it goes. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. Tell me why the rules as adults are different than this basic truth.
Opinion pieces do not prove anything.

Under Israeli law, what can a Jewish Israeli citizen do that an Muslim/Arab/Palestinian citizen cannot?
Ok. Help me out. Tell me which provocation we should ignore? Ukraine? Fine. Where do we draw the line? Where do we say we object to this? What nations do we decide to help?

Should we ignore the Chinese actions? Ignore their provocation? Where does that stop?

As Children we learned that the sooner you stand up to a Bully the better it goes. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. Tell me why the rules as adults are different than this basic truth.

Educate yourself. Stop getting ALL of you info from the MSM of EITHER side. This all started in 2014 when Putin took Crimea. Our first Muslim Prez did NOTHING to stop him. The Eastern provinces of Ukraine speak Russian, they WANTED to rejoin Russia. Ukraine began shelling those provinces and then they began a sniper War. Ukraine is not innocent here. I haven't even touched on the Bio Weapons Labs throughout the Ukraine. This is all being orchestrated.
I will just say this. My Father's country was Bulgaria and many times he "plotted" to get out family and friends during the Cold War. It took 24 years to manage to get his best friend's wife to safety after having got his son out some years before. The number of friends and relatives MURDERED by the Soviets was large, not to mention those who died from preventable causes. Putin has said that HE wants Bulgaria (and the former Soviet Union) back under HIS control. I BELIEVE HIM so I oppose his intentions. Biden had every intention to facilitate Putin's takeover of Ukraine by offering Zel "a lift". Zel said no and so did Europe who frankly took the lead. Biden was late again and is now trying to take credit as one expects from an honour thief. He has also been slow in getting US Ordnance to Ukraine. Hell, even the damn Turks with their drones have given more effective timely assistance.

So do I support the Ukes against Putin?? You betcha I do!!! Is Biden a demented walking death rattle?? YOU BETCHA!!!!

Only a dumb-ass wouldn't know that Georgia attacked an own former province that had declared independence - just as if Russia would have attacked Ukraine upon their independence deceleration in 1991. Georgia had started additionally together with Ukraine to play with fire (reg. NATO membership) Logically Russia supported these two breakaway provinces and as such getting into a brief war with Georgia.

Only a dumb-ass wouldn't be aware that Soviet satellite states did not exist anymore after 1991, latest when the Soviet-union ended.
Any other obvious lack of knowledge in regards to Russia 'supposedly" having attacked former Soviet satellites or former Soviet republics? from 1991 onward- feel free to contact me, or maybe better not.

Putin puppet?

Russia accused Georgia of "aggression against South Ossetia", and launched a large-scale land, air and sea invasion of Georgia with the pretext of "peace enforcement" operation on 8 August 2008

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