Why do you think beck's rally was a neagtive thing?

What was the biggest reason Beck's rally was bad for America?

  • It was meant to bring Americans together, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It supported the children of fallen veterans, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It was about returning to founding principles, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated tolerance and love for God, and that's bad.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • It had military veterans as speakers, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated the importance of charity and kindness, and that's bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It advocated liberty, and that's bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the Above.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support Beck's message at this rally.

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • I didn't watch the rally, but nothing Beck could say can be good because I am an ignorant moron.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, you can't refute it (and apparently won't even try), so STFU and go watch Beck's dog and pony show like a good little lemming.

can you refute that there are aliens abducting my roommate and probing him every night? I thought not! See, i can use fallacies too.
who said anything about corporations enslaving everybody? Do you have reading comprehension issues too?

yar...tiz cuz...cuz....cuz...i h...ha...hav...have b....bec...become t...eh protuct...ov...teh...p..pub....lic ed...uma..ca..tion...zystem.

can you refute that there are aliens abducting my roommate and probing him every night? I thought not! See, i can use fallacies too.

Nothing I posted is a fallacy, dumbass.

asking someone to refute something that is not based in reality for the purpose of tainting their image is a fallacy...

now, i would like to quote an unnamed movie character played by tom cruise...

"Listen carefully. I want you to take a big step backwards and....LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!!!" ...yessss.
asking someone to refute something that is not based in reality for the purpose of tainting their image is a fallacy...

Everything I posted is real and obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain (and a connection to the interwebs). Come on, break down my post and refute it piece by piece if you dare. I'll run to the store in the meantime to give you time to fire up the righty blogs you probably read as gospel.
asking someone to refute something that is not based in reality for the purpose of tainting their image is a fallacy...

Everything I posted is real and obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain (and a connection to the interwebs). Come on, break down my post and refute it piece by piece if you dare. I'll run to the store in the meantime to give you time to fire up the righty blogs you probably read as gospel.

yeah and my roommate is being abducted by aliens to be probed every night, why don't you refute that?
pot, may i introduce you to kettle.

Fucking moron.

I don't think Beck can bring America together. When he stops spewing hate, I will listen to him.

can i get a quote on that from today's rally?

Did I say he said hateful words at the rally? When you attack people every other day, it doesn't bring people together. Why would I show up to a rally and support someone who has attacked what I believe in?

I take it you're equally as offended by the vitriol of many other media commentators, LuLu, cuz I only ever see you accuse Beck. Where's the accusations of 'hate' about the rest of the lameassed bastards?
can i get an exact quote on that please?

An exact quote on what Skippy? This is nothing but a troll thread and you're avoiding answering my questions. What honor is needing to be restored and when was it lost in the first place?

I think what that rally was REALLY about, Mod, was that the people there had lost their honor and was hoping they could buy some more there.
LOL. you said that beck and his message were "crap". and his message was charity and support of the special ops warrior fund to put the children of dead troops through college. you said it, scumbag.

Liar. It isn't your turf to define what message I heard from Beck. I have made it clear what I said and why I said it. Your spin is a fucking bald faced lie and you know it. Fuck off.

man everyone saw it, just admit it, you hate veterans and charity organizations. at least be honest with yourself.

Ya that's why I volunteer at the Ballard food bank in N Seattle.. Because I hate the homeless which is more than half vets and charity?? I hate charity !!..Thats why I spoke on behalf of food banks at a city/county public symposium on the subject. I was asked to by Northwest Harvest because they like you thought My hatred for charity and homeless vets was the best foundation for their chosen speaker addressing the city and county councils joint task force. Ya I admit that tolorating you idiots is tiresome.
a quote that backs up your statements maybe? Lets start with that.

What are you talking about? :confused:

Did you miss the fact this is being called by the Restoring Honor Rally by Beck and others. Did you not watch him say over and over about restoring honor? I'm asking you, here and now, what honor was lost and when.

Honor was not lost. restoring honor means to instead of focusing on the scars of america's past, we focus on the good things and look toward a brighter future as a people. It was an inspiring and very positive message.

If you have a problem with that, please use specifics so we can figure out what the problem is.

So...Beck is restoring something that didn't need restoring cause it wasn't lost? So he's a slick snake oil salesman selling people something they don't really need. Gotcha.
Liar. It isn't your turf to define what message I heard from Beck. I have made it clear what I said and why I said it. Your spin is a fucking bald faced lie and you know it. Fuck off.

man everyone saw it, just admit it, you hate veterans and charity organizations. at least be honest with yourself.

Ya that's why I volunteer at the Ballard food bank in N Seattle.. Because I hate the homeless which is more than half vets and charity?? I hate charity !!..Thats why I spoke on behalf of food banks at a city/county public symposium on the subject. I was asked to by Northwest Harvest because they like you thought My hatred for charity and homeless vets was the best foundation for their chosen speaker addressing the city and county councils joint task force. Ya I admit that tolorating you idiots is tiresome.

so, were you just ignorant of beck's message today then?
Honor was not lost. restoring honor means to instead of focusing on the scars of america's past, we focus on the good things and look toward a brighter future as a people. It was an inspiring and very positive message.

If you have a problem with that, please use specifics so we can figure out what the problem is.

Someone needs a dictionary.

restore - definition of restore by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

To bring back into existence or use; reestablish: restore law and order.

So tell me, when and how did we lost our honor.

So, you are perverting the message to fuel your own ideology of hatred and intolerance. I love how the left wingers have fallen for my trap in this thread so easily. I rest my case.

Perverting the message by taking the message as they named it? WTF? :cuckoo:

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