Why do you think school shootings occur?

Pick up to four major causes why school shootings occur

  • Bad parenting

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Social media, smart phones (These are controlled by progs)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Poor discipline practices (Generally as a result of progs)

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Media propaganda, fake news (These are controlled by progs)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Liberal multiculturism, building division and over-crowding

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Bullying

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • The prog message of toxic masculinity. Feminizing males

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Prog assault on traditional values, e.g. country & Christianity & normal behavior, e.g. gay marriage

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Everyone is special somehow. The individual is more valuable than the group. Poor role models

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Guns

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 50.0%

  • Total voters
Pick up to four major causes

A lot of kids are assholes is the reason.

Of course the cure is proper security inside the government schools.

You never see school shootings in Ghetto High Schools as most have sensible security including metal detectors, armed guards, bomb and drug sniffing dogs, shakedowns and body cavity searches.

Simple, basic security.

We will get rid of school shootings once we provide the same kind of security we provide to bureaucrats in federal office buildings and state penitentiaries.
What a great atmosphere for the kids to grow up in.

Its a learning atmosphere. If the children grow up to be bureaucrats, prison guards or convicts, they'll be used to the routine.
Because everybody needs to get a clean shot at killing patriot Jesus. 50, 100, 200... 180.. 210. 200 SOLD! Seung-hui Choi culled the fakes, so, now we're all like, take the coat too, lee myung bak already has my pants. We want back our pants.
Because everybody needs to get a clean shot at killing patriot Jesus. 50, 100, 200... 180.. 210. 200 SOLD! Seung-hui Choi culled the fakes, so, now we're all like, take the coat too, lee myung bak already has my pants. We want back our pants.

Why do you think this pic is funny? When Jesus comes back, I expect that He will be dressed in modern American attire, a dark suit, white shirt, appropriate tie, neat hair cut.
Matthew 5 :38-48 says give to those who ask of you or sue you, and love your enemies, elsewhere or, if the offense continues treat them like pagan tax collectors, unless that's what a pagan tax collector would do.

What if Jesus appears in the form of 172 holy Spirit birds that speak all languages? Listen to the Mockingbird.
How many more kids will have to run from a shooter? How many more will have to message their family from a hiding place? How many more families will have their lives forever altered by tragedy? Our children deserve better.

Indeed they do. End gun free zones. They only disarm the law abiding.
Not sure if it applies to school shootings, but if I had to pick a primary reason for mass depression, I'd say the internet and their gadgets.
Pick up to four major causes

1. The psychological trauma of 24/7 access to social media and social media's access to teenager's 24/7. They can't escape it.

2. A media culture of violence as/for personal entertainment. This includes video games, memes, porn and MSM outlets in all forms. Society through the entertainment industry has desensitized our young, impressionable minds to the horrors of raw violence.

3. The rise of atheism as a pop phenomenon. It's just not cool to be a God-fearing, responsible, upright human being in this world.

4. The contemporary culture of entitlement and expectation. Kids, and many adults as well for that matter, seem to feel entitled to certain social boons. They want what they want and they want in NOW.

5. The neo-trend among children to out-psycho each other, both on social media and in online video games which seems to have broken the fourth wall and been translated to sudden/short term sociopathic behavior "in real life".

6. Honorary mention goes to lack of/bad/absentee/no parenting. Many children these days just aren't grounded in the same level of deep morality as older generations. Sure, shit people and shit people culture has always existed. Just never before like at current levels. We live in a society of anti-morality or moral relativism where the number one question society seems to want to place in a young person's mind is: is there a difference between right and wrong, or do concepts of right and wrong even exist? Moral relativism to the nth power. With such prevailing insanity incidents like school shootings are to be expected.

Murderous people decide to kill other people.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Find a way to regulate and control murderous people and you will end shooting.

Good Luck with that.
I could only pick 2.

Bad parenting and closure of Mental Institutions is my theory.
The answer is in the title.

A shooting requires a gun. Duh.

US students are little different from other western students. The big difference is a US student who has gone nuts can easily get hold of guns/bullets to take to school and kill people with.
Whereas in most countries, they cannot (not easily, anyway).


In most countries, they're not pumped full of Ritalin and other snacks.

So, why did you people drive them nuts in the first place? Is there a long-term agenda?
How many more kids will have to run from a shooter? How many more will have to message their family from a hiding place? How many more families will have their lives forever altered by tragedy? Our children deserve better.
Agree. So let’s make sure they’re not gathered together in soft target gun-free zones that render them as protected as fish in a barrel.
Maybe the better question is why does violence occur? Because if guns didn't exist, violence would still have a presence when other things can be used as a weapon.

God bless you always!!!

I believe that the core cause is a sort of creeping cultural sociopathy that is spreading through our society. As a culture, we are turning away from God, turning away from established standards of morality and ethics, discarding proper marriage and family as the basic unit of society. We slaughter thousands of innocent children every day, in the name of “choice”, and a disturbing portion of our population sees doing so as an essential right. We value “tolerance” more than we value distinguishing right from wrong, good from evil.

What result could any rational person expect to come of this, other than what we are clearly seeing?
Pick up to four major causes

1) Fatherless homes...broken homes where the mother raises the boy on her own.....this is the major cause.

2) Mental illness in the shooter.

3) Social Media and the 24/7 news cycle.

These are the actual causes of the mass public shooting......
How many more kids will have to run from a shooter? How many more will have to message their family from a hiding place? How many more families will have their lives forever altered by tragedy? Our children deserve better.

Then end gun free zones......mass public shooters target gun free zones, we know this because they tell us this when they are captured or in the notes of the dead ones.....
Pick up to four major causes

You missed the very FIRST and most prevalent cause.

Everybody is looking for the instant answer. They want a bumper sticker solution, but my vote is none of the above. The reality is, school shootings are committed by a generation of people who have been brainwashed by their parents, schools, teachers, government in general, doctors and Big Pharma.

At an early age, kids are taught that a pill will be the magic elixir you need. ALL kids are special in this generation; they have special problems. So their parents, teachers, doctors, etc., etc. tell them they have the imaginary conditions of ADD ADHD and here comes the Adderall and Ritalin. A few years later, it's opiods (whether legal or illegal) and then SSRIs.

The lazy people will say Oh, so you're saying outlaw SSRIs. And THAT is why you cannot have a discussion about the topic. SSRIs are involved in virtually all school shootings, but there are other factors that go into the equation. The SSRIs are just a catalyst for all the other things going in, but suffice it to say if your IQ is the same as your shoe size and you want a bumper sticker quote just say SSRIs. Type that into Google and research any 10 school shooters names to see what you get.

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