Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Actually, the answer would be "No one gets killed most of the time".
Well since I am only worried about the dead bodies that matters not at all.

If that is what you want to focus on, you get a myopic view of the topic.
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Well since I am only worried about the dead bodies that matters not at all.

If that is what you want to focus on, you get a myopic view of the topic.
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either, but you have to ask yourself, since most people aren't like me just how many lives could you save if suicide wasn't so damned easy with a gun?

Here's a safe bet, a hell of a lot. Because of your affection for guns, they die.
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If that is what you want to focus on, you get a myopic view of the topic.
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either.

But the numbers CAN be changed in an individual situation. Accidental shooting deaths being one of the easiest.
Why do we think Concealed Carry is a good idea, oh I don't know, the alternative, rape, seems so one-sided, I understand that half the people in a rape, really enjoy it, I just don't think being the victim is fun. I also understand people really want more stories about rape on the local news, some people live vicariously through the news, I guess I just don't think I should be your entertainment.

seems simple really.
If that is what you want to focus on, you get a myopic view of the topic.
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either, but you have to ask yourself, since most people aren't like me just how many lives could you say if suicide wasn't so damn easy with a gun?

I doubt we would save very many. It isn't hard to die.
Its liberal freak threads like this that make me thankful for the 2nd Amendment.
Enjoy it, for now.

You libs will be confined to labor camps before that day comes.
It's our nation, not yours. You are the ones being voted off the island little man.

Ahahaha your average lib is a skinny snot nosed punk, you don't care me work on it. :laugh:
Do you have that is English, less drunken English?
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either.

But the numbers CAN be changed in an individual situation. Accidental shooting deaths being one of the easiest.
That's less than 1k. Keep at it.
Shocking. Next question...

And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either, but you have to ask yourself, since most people aren't like me just how many lives could you say if suicide wasn't so damn easy with a gun?

I doubt we would save very many. It isn't hard to die.
Oh, but it is actually. You have to work at it and most people won't. Lazy bastards.
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Why do we think Concealed Carry is a good idea, oh I don't know, the alternative, rape, seems so one-sided, I understand that half the people in a rape, really enjoy it, I just don't think being the victim is fun. I also understand people really want more stories about rape on the local news, some people live vicariously through the news, I guess I just don't think I should be your entertainment.

seems simple really.
Guns don't stop rape. Killing young men and sending them off to war helps a lot however.
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Its liberal freak threads like this that make me thankful for the 2nd Amendment.
Enjoy it, for now.

You libs will be confined to labor camps before that day comes.

I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. But I am also a strong supporter of the freedoms for all in this country. No one is going to labor camps.

Millions are in labor camps in this country, the fences are constructed of taxes and government backed student loans.

Except that it isn't. Like Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, it is limited, by common sense hopeful, but not so much when it comes to your deadly toys for immature boys.

"Shall not be infringed" is pretty self explanatory.
No it isn't dumbass. If it was we wouldn't have so many laws on the books, about so many freedoms, including your deadly toys for immature boys.
Yes it it. However, it requires cognitive ability above that of an Orangutan. Sucks to be you, but at least orange seems to be your color.
I wasn't threatened nor was anyone shot. Had there been I would have pulled a gun. Any other questions, Statistikhengst ? Fire

Hey, I got a question. If your self imposed control has you waiting till someone is shot BEFORE you pull your gun, what good did the gun do? Or doesn't it matter as long as you are not being shot?

And how can a bank robbery be "non threatening"? I thought robbery was a violent crime. At least according to police.

When you were in the bank, if another CC person pulled their gun and started firing away, what would you have done then? Shot the CCW person cause they were threatening you by their indiscriminate firing?

Do you think all the people who are carrying a concealed weapon have your self control? I don't.
Fear is a strange motivator. People carrying a gun are scared. You really have NO IDEA about what is going to happen when you pull that gun out.

Recently a punk kid in my area got himself shot and killed over a pair of shoes. The punk showed a gun, the guy who was to be robbed pulled his gun and shot the kid dead.

Now the shooter (who was also a young man) gets to live the rest of his life knowing he killed some kid over a pair of 100 dollar shoes.

That's become the price of life. 100 dollars. And there are millions of people out there who say they are also willing to kill over 100 dollars. Or even less. Depends on what's in their wallets.

FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM to kill when you need to eh?

Tell you whats really happening with all this concealed carry shit. It is undermining the idea that we live in a lawful society.

Used to be a crime was committed against you, you called the police to do their job. Then the courts did their job and law and order was maintained.

Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.
There are 1.6 million defensive gun uses each year on average

Four thousand three hundred and eighty three DGU's per day? Every day. I call bullshit. Prove it.

Here are most of the studies....

Okay...again...here are all the studies that actually give numbers for guns used to save lives and stop crimes taken from the table I provided from guncite.com...



DMIa 1978...2,141,512




L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,682

Tarrance... 1994... 764,036

And this from the clinton justice department...

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million
(Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text,PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
.(Lawrence Southwick, Jr.,Guns and Justifiable Homicide: Deterrence and Defense-concludes there are at least 400,000 "fewer violent crimes due to civilian self-defense use of guns" and at least "800,000 violent crimes are deterred each year because of gun ownership and use by civilians.")

From Obama's CDC...they spent 10 million dollars in 2013 for this study...

from slate.com an article on CDC obama's era...500-3 million defensive gun uses

Handguns suicides mass shootings deaths and self-defense Findings from a research report on gun violence.
7. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year … in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008,” says the report. The three million figure is probably high, “based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys.”

"Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year."
As shown in the previous footnote, this study did not use a nationally representative population. To correct for this, Just Facts used the following equation:

....can you answer the question...since none of these studies is lower than about 700,000 times a year....

I re ran the numbers with all of the studies and the average number of times guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime each year in the United States is 1.6 million....

8-9,000 gun murders a year vs. 1.6 million times, on average that a non law enforcement, non military, law abiding citizen stops a violent criminal attack or saves a life....

8-9,000 vs. 1.6 million....

Guns save far more lives than they take....even using the lowest numbers from anti gun biased studies.....

I wasn't threatened nor was anyone shot. Had there been I would have pulled a gun. Any other questions, Statistikhengst ? Fire

Hey, I got a question. If your self imposed control has you waiting till someone is shot BEFORE you pull your gun, what good did the gun do? Or doesn't it matter as long as you are not being shot?

And how can a bank robbery be "non threatening"? I thought robbery was a violent crime. At least according to police.

When you were in the bank, if another CC person pulled their gun and started firing away, what would you have done then? Shot the CCW person cause they were threatening you by their indiscriminate firing?

Do you think all the people who are carrying a concealed weapon have your self control? I don't.
Fear is a strange motivator. People carrying a gun are scared. You really have NO IDEA about what is going to happen when you pull that gun out.

Recently a punk kid in my area got himself shot and killed over a pair of shoes. The punk showed a gun, the guy who was to be robbed pulled his gun and shot the kid dead.

Now the shooter (who was also a young man) gets to live the rest of his life knowing he killed some kid over a pair of 100 dollar shoes.

That's become the price of life. 100 dollars. And there are millions of people out there who say they are also willing to kill over 100 dollars. Or even less. Depends on what's in their wallets.

FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM to kill when you need to eh?

Tell you whats really happening with all this concealed carry shit. It is undermining the idea that we live in a lawful society.

Used to be a crime was committed against you, you called the police to do their job. Then the courts did their job and law and order was maintained.

Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.

If you read the stories of actual cases of self defense with gun, in most cases the criminal runs away, in others, they are held for police, and then they are shot and injured and in less frequent cases, they are killed.....read actual stories and you will see that people who carry guns are rarely just firing away....they show an amazing restraint in their actions...

And that kid....do you think it was the first time he robbed someone at gun point....is it worth the risk that your family will be left without you to allow that "kid" with a gun to put your life in jeopardy for 100 dollars....is your life worth so little...?

And how do you know where the encounter will end.....in a lot of cases the thug shoots anyway...I have seen stories on this...they get what they want and they kill you anyway...a famous story from the 90s was the Brown's chicken massacre....they robbed a Brown's chicken, got the money...marched everyone into the cooler and killed them...

Another one, 3 guys robbed a motel...they had the money and left....then one guy ran back in and shot the clerk....all caught on video...

Sadly, when someone points a gun at you they have pushed the situation into a life or death choice...not of your making.....what happens is all on them....
And accurate. But I will remain one of the 99.9% (as long as no one breaks in). And I will enjoy the hobbies I have involving guns. And you focus on the dead bodies and wonder if you are in danger because you have guns in your home.
Wonder? No, I plan to use one to blow my head off, when the time is right. Clear now?

It has been clear since the beginning of this conversation.

That does not change what I have said one bit.
Nope.and it doesn't change the numbers either.

But the numbers CAN be changed in an individual situation. Accidental shooting deaths being one of the easiest.
That's less than 1k. Keep at it.

No need. I have already discussed the ways to change the numbers. Please refer back if you have forgotten.
Its liberal freak threads like this that make me thankful for the 2nd Amendment.
Enjoy it, for now.

You libs will be confined to labor camps before that day comes.

I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. But I am also a strong supporter of the freedoms for all in this country. No one is going to labor camps.

Millions are in labor camps in this country, the fences are constructed of taxes and government backed student loans.

And not even close to labor camps.

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