Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?


Except that it isn't. Like Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, it is limited, by common sense hopeful, but not so much when it comes to your deadly toys for immature boys.

"Shall not be infringed" is pretty self explanatory.
No it isn't dumbass. If it was we wouldn't have so many laws on the books, about so many freedoms, including your deadly toys for immature boys.

Sure we would. Do you actually believe some lousy amendment would stop assholes like you from trying to infringe on it?
No it isn't dumbass. If it was we wouldn't have so many laws on the books, about so many freedoms, including your deadly toys for immature boys.

We have so many laws on the books because you stupid Libtards are not smart enough to understand what the words "shall not be infringed" means. Either that or you just simply don't give a shit about the Constitution, which is more likely.

The ironic thing is that most of the laws to restrict the right to keep and bear arms that you point to so fondly have roots in racism to keep the Blacks from having firearms.
liberals and criminals have the same mind set

1) the wealth of others belongs to them

2) short term gratification is all that matters

3) their lot in life is the fault of others

Remember when the Libtards last year was all spouting this BS about you don't earn any money because it is given to you by the government? That way the government is justified in taking whatever it wants. Tony Soprano would be proud of that mindset because it would justify his thievery.
Militias, as the founding fathers referred to them, were simply armed citizens.

Justice Scalia put that issue to rest once and for all in Heller but these Libtards didn't want to hear it and that is why they are in denial and make stupid statements like the 2nd only applies to the National Guard. They also really got pissed when the 2nd was declared an individual right on the same level as the freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

We are dealing with Moon Bats here so their opinion will always be convoluted.
Why would anybody think that GUN FREE ZONES are a good idea after Sandy Hook and similar incidents?


I don't think Liberals are exactly known for thinking things out very well, are they?

If that brave Principal at Sandy Hook would have had a carry weapon I doubt the children would have suffered the fate that they did.
Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.
The stupid crap that comes off your keyboard....

No, cops can't be everywhere. By the time you need one it's too late. If you need to be convinced of it, then you really shouldn't be voting or driving. Please just stay at home.
Seems to me that most of the whining about concealed carry is what MIGHT happen, not what actually happens. When anyone can demonstrate that concealed carry results in citizens blowing each other away in mass numbers, we can actually have a discussion. Until then, it's reality vs paranoia.

To my understanding, concealed carry permit holders commit very few crimes with their guns.
Seems to me that most of the whining about concealed carry is what MIGHT happen, not what actually happens. When anyone can demonstrate that concealed carry results in citizens blowing each other away in mass numbers, we can actually have a discussion. Until then, it's reality vs paranoia.

To my understanding, concealed carry permit holders commit very few crimes with their guns.
This is a shall issue state so there is no training required and we aren't having problems. The libs are a hysterical bunch but dangerous in large number because of what all they believe.
Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.
The stupid crap that comes off your keyboard....

No, cops can't be everywhere. By the time you need one it's too late. If you need to be convinced of it, then you really shouldn't be voting or driving. Please just stay at home.

Cops are actually pretty lousy at preventing crime. Most of their energy goes into catching the criminals AFTER they have committed a crime.
Letting people carry guns in public will obviously lead to more people using guns in public.
You really gotta wonder about the alleged logic of the low information left. They ask "why does everybody" before they even research the topic which would tell them that actually "few people do". It doesn't matter because lefties operate under emotion, one would even say "emotional stress" brought on by hatred.
Hey, if conceal carry was good enough for Eleanor Roosevelt, it's good enough for the rest of us!
Same with Churchill, who carried a revolver, probably a Webley, everywhere, including on a visit to the US.

I note a correlation between wimpy incompetence and large security staffs for our present day leaders.
Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.
The stupid crap that comes off your keyboard....

No, cops can't be everywhere. By the time you need one it's too late. If you need to be convinced of it, then you really shouldn't be voting or driving. Please just stay at home.

Cops are actually pretty lousy at preventing crime. Most of their energy goes into catching the criminals AFTER they have committed a crime.
Like the old saying goes, I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop.
I wasn't threatened nor was anyone shot. Had there been I would have pulled a gun. Any other questions, Statistikhengst ? Fire

Hey, I got a question. If your self imposed control has you waiting till someone is shot BEFORE you pull your gun, what good did the gun do? Or doesn't it matter as long as you are not being shot?

And how can a bank robbery be "non threatening"? I thought robbery was a violent crime. At least according to police.

When you were in the bank, if another CC person pulled their gun and started firing away, what would you have done then? Shot the CCW person cause they were threatening you by their indiscriminate firing?

Do you think all the people who are carrying a concealed weapon have your self control? I don't.
Fear is a strange motivator. People carrying a gun are scared. You really have NO IDEA about what is going to happen when you pull that gun out.

Recently a punk kid in my area got himself shot and killed over a pair of shoes. The punk showed a gun, the guy who was to be robbed pulled his gun and shot the kid dead.

Now the shooter (who was also a young man) gets to live the rest of his life knowing he killed some kid over a pair of 100 dollar shoes.

That's become the price of life. 100 dollars. And there are millions of people out there who say they are also willing to kill over 100 dollars. Or even less. Depends on what's in their wallets.

FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM to kill when you need to eh?

Tell you whats really happening with all this concealed carry shit. It is undermining the idea that we live in a lawful society.

Used to be a crime was committed against you, you called the police to do their job. Then the courts did their job and law and order was maintained.

Now that the Republicans and the NRA have convinced so many that police can't do their jobs and that all government is completely ineffective, it is up to the citizens to kill whatever criminals they can.

Somehow I don't think that this is the law and order society that the founders had in mind for us.
Tell ya what, Abner. Before you spout all your misguided ideas, google Concealed Carry laws in your state and see how they're presented so that a hayseed hick can understand.
Letting people carry guns in public will obviously lead to more people using guns in public.

There is nothing wrong with concealed weapons carried by law abiding citizens. When the police are not present it is a deterrent against the would be criminals who already have guns. Many crimes have been stopped due to those who carry concealed weapons.

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