Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Libtards are so stupid.

Most of the males look like this:


Most of the females look like this:

None of the situations resulted in a shooting, injury or police involvement so the three incidents didn't end up on the FBI's statistical analysis. I'd wager this is common.

So you didn't bother to notify police about a B&E attempt at your home. You know, so the police could do their thing and maybe catch a thief before the next B&E. Sure as hell wouldn't want you as a neighbor. "Yea, I stopped you from ripping me off thief but go on and I won't call the police on you" WTF?

Why in the hell wouldn't you have called and let the police know? Unless it is illegal for you to have a firearm, I can't think of any other reason not to notify the police of the attempt.

But I am sure you have some weird ass reason.

Calm down Zeke,

It was the mid seventies and I was renting a small farm house out in the country next to the air base where I was stationed. It had no power and NO PHONE. The nearest neighbor was miles away.

The guy who broke in heard me rack a shell in my 12 gauge pump and high tailed it out of the house.

Now go put on some dry panties.
Most of the males look like this:
LMAO. And the inside of your head looks like this

Nothing but white space.
What did he say that was racist?

LMAO. Damn dude. Sensitive or what. The white space comment was about the emptiness of the page. Like his mind. Empty. What those in the print world call "white space". Racist? LMAO.

I doubt you meant to make me laugh. But that was funny. Thanks.
Calm down Zeke,

It was the mid seventies and I was renting a small farm house out in the country next to the air base where I was stationed. It had no power and NO PHONE. The nearest neighbor was miles away

My experience is that most B&Es are done by someone that you know. But I got to ask. No power, no phone, old house. What the hell did you have to steal?

So really, it's almost like you never had to deter a crime at all. I mean. with no way to verify what story is told, it just becomes another gun story.

And that's a problem. You have a lot of gunners claiming like 1.6 million DGUs per yer. But conveniently there is no real way to verify that information. It;s hard to have a realistic conversation about guns without accurate information. And the only way to get accurate information is accurate reporting to the police about attempted crimes that are deterred by gun. Police reports I would believe. Self reported stops by gun lovers, not so much.

But don't fret none. I am a calm person by nature. LMAO

btw would you report attempted crimes against you or your property now? Just curious.

I had absolutely nothing to steal. I was so poor back then I couldn't have afforded the phone or power bill even if they were available. I was understandably concerned for my safety since some nut case just broke into my secluded house.

I reported the break in to my land lord the next day when I got home from work. He agreed with you that it was someone local. Obviously within walking distance from other farm houses.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the sound of that pump shotgun got him out of the house. I heard him moving around slowly downstairs looking into cabinets and closets. When he heard the shell racked in the chamber, he ran out the door.

My two situations in Panama, I drew my pistol and the attackers/muggers quickly became very diplomatic.
Most of the males look like this:
LMAO. And the inside of your head looks like this

Nothing but white space.
What did he say that was racist?
LMAO. Damn dude. Sensitive or what. The white space comment was about the emptiness of the page. Like his mind. Empty. What those in the print world call "white space". Racist? LMAO.

I doubt you meant to make me laugh. But that was funny. Thanks.
Jesus Christ. It wasn't obvious?
I've used a gun three time in my life to protect myself, family and property. Once in the States against a break in and two in Panama against attempted assault/robbery.

None of the situations resulted in a shooting, injury or police involvement so the three incidents didn't end up on the FBI's statistical analysis. I'd wager this is common.

I'm a firm believer in it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Concealed carry keeps the bad guys guessing.
That is why most statistics on gun defenses are based around surveys. The police do not have access to the information required to compile a report on using a gun defensively.
None of the situations resulted in a shooting, injury or police involvement so the three incidents didn't end up on the FBI's statistical analysis. I'd wager this is common.

So you didn't bother to notify police about a B&E attempt at your home. You know, so the police could do their thing and maybe catch a thief before the next B&E. Sure as hell wouldn't want you as a neighbor. "Yea, I stopped you from ripping me off thief but go on and I won't call the police on you" WTF?

Why in the hell wouldn't you have called and let the police know? Unless it is illegal for you to have a firearm, I can't think of any other reason not to notify the police of the attempt.

But I am sure you have some weird ass reason.
The better question is why bother?

The police do not investigate if a crime was not committed. An attempted B&E that was adverted will not gain their attention for more than a few moments. Even when a crime is committed, they tend not to investigate unless it was significant. how many convenience store ARMED robberies do you think they actually catch by investigating the crime? Almost none - they catch them when they happen to be close enough to either catch them in the act, respond before the criminal gets away or catch them on a repeated offense.
Calm down Zeke,

It was the mid seventies and I was renting a small farm house out in the country next to the air base where I was stationed. It had no power and NO PHONE. The nearest neighbor was miles away

My experience is that most B&Es are done by someone that you know. But I got to ask. No power, no phone, old house. What the hell did you have to steal?

So really, it's almost like you never had to deter a crime at all. I mean. with no way to verify what story is told, it just becomes another gun story.

And that's a problem. You have a lot of gunners claiming like 1.6 million DGUs per yer. But conveniently there is no real way to verify that information. It;s hard to have a realistic conversation about guns without accurate information. And the only way to get accurate information is accurate reporting to the police about attempted crimes that are deterred by gun. Police reports I would believe. Self reported stops by gun lovers, not so much.

But don't fret none. I am a calm person by nature. LMAO

btw would you report attempted crimes against you or your property now? Just curious.
So you agree the rape estimates are all not true also?
Yeah it's usually people who live in fear of everyone that own a ton of guns and insist on carrying one around at all times.

Also it's to make them feel like "badasses". They think by having a gun, they can be in charge and have it all. They may not be in charge at work or in anything in life, but with that gun, they believe they can make a person listen to them and obey them because what is the greatest motivator of all? Fear.

I have lived in a city all my life, I have never felt the need for a gun ever. I don't fear my world.
Yeah it's usually people who live in fear of everyone that own a ton of guns and insist on carrying one around at all times.

Also it's to make them feel like "badasses". They think by having a gun, they can be in charge and have it all. They may not be in charge at work or in anything in life, but with that gun, they believe they can make a person listen to them and obey them because what is the greatest motivator of all? Fear.

I have lived in a city all my life, I have never felt the need for a gun ever. I don't fear my world.
Do you wear a seat belt? Does that also mean you are a little man that lives in constant fear of crashing?
No, it doesn't. Instead, you utilize the tool that you believe is going to protect you should the rare event occur that you need it.

I find it very odd that so many people want to demand that concealed carry holders are somehow 'afraid' or compensating. People that are ninnies and afraid tend to avoid carrying as weapons themselves can be very intimidating. I have met many CC holders and I wouldn't classify a single one as fearful. Making such asinine claims about an entire group of people simply because you don't like the idea is asinine at it best and makes your arguments look childish. Assuming you know what they are thinking (its bad ass) is another folly.

Why so much ire for people that are simply exercising their rights?

Mommy Deadist. Well America, stupidity at that level even God himself cannot fix. And so it goes.
Yeah it's usually people who live in fear of everyone that own a ton of guns and insist on carrying one around at all times.

Also it's to make them feel like "badasses". They think by having a gun, they can be in charge and have it all. They may not be in charge at work or in anything in life, but with that gun, they believe they can make a person listen to them and obey them because what is the greatest motivator of all? Fear.

I have lived in a city all my life, I have never felt the need for a gun ever. I don't fear my world.
LOL, philosophy from a doper. Projecting your muddied thoughts onto others is as entertaining as watching a monkey in a zoo fling poo.
Mommy Deadist. Well America, stupidity at that level even God himself cannot fix. And so it goes.

Woman felt real safe in that Walmart. Right up to the point her son shot her.

Any of you gun nutters want to explain what this woman did wrong? Beside carrying a pistol around with no safety. And putting the gun in a place where the kid could get his hands on it.

Is this what passes for responsible gun ownership in the gunners world of fear?

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