Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?
I think candycorn is saying to let a murderer shoot as many people as he likes because he's going to kill himself, too.
Here's a thought for you left-wing nutters... if you don't like concealed carry, then don't do concealed carry.

Easy as that!

You're welcome!

It is not enough that they chose the option of not exercising their freedom to keep and bear arms it is that they want to take away your freedom to do it.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.
Here's a thought for you left-wing nutters... if you don't like concealed carry, then don't do concealed carry.

Easy as that!

You're welcome!

Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.
That must have been some scene alright. Four kids all under 11 and she was dead before she hit the ground apparently. Welcome to therapy kids, for the rest of your lives.

And the ironic thing, the one who probably won't remember a thing is the one who pulled the trigger and gets to live with that knowledge until the day he dies. The answer to the question, And where is your mommy is going to be a real conversation starter.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.

Some lady wrote a story about a girl getting gang-raped by a fraternity? Shut down all fraternities.

Some white cop killed a thug that tried to take his gun? Burn down your city, chant kill cops, and make it a reality that the police are your enemy.
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.
Here's a thought for you left-wing nutters... if you don't like concealed carry, then don't do concealed carry.

Easy as that!

You're welcome!

Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.
That must have been some scene alright. Four kids all under 11 and she was dead before she hit the ground apparently. Welcome to therapy kids, for the rest of your lives.

And the ironic thing, the one who probably won't remember a thing is the one who pulled the trigger and gets to live with that knowledge until the day he dies. The answer to the question, And where is your mommy is going to be a real conversation starter.

That is the hard truth to the tragedy. An entire family (at least one) will be changed for generations because some lady felt the paranoid need to carry a gun to a grocery store.

Remember last week when it was suggested that whomever backed the supporters of the demonstrators of the Ferguson shootings have blood on their hands when the two cops were killed? Does the NRA have blood on it's hands in this case for convincing the now deceased that she needed to carry the artillery around with her?
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.

That's my position. I don't want to carry a gun, but I don't want a potential assailant to know that.
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.

That's my position. I don't want to carry a gun, but I don't want a potential assailant to know that.

I don't understand. Help me out here.

Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
You have a concealed gun.
Person A pulls out a gun and shoots you unexpectedly.
You're partially incapacitated and can't respond quickly.


Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
Your pistol is on your hip within arms reach
Person A sees you have a gun and thinks twice.
You've prevented the actions by Person A.

Wouldn't the second scenario be preferable? It's not really an argument against the first scenario but I think we can all agree that if you see a few squad cars outside of Denny's at midnight, you don't rob that restaurant...you move over to another Waffle House where there may be some unmarked units but usually you only find out once you start the violence.
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.

That's my position. I don't want to carry a gun, but I don't want a potential assailant to know that.

I don't understand. Help me out here.

Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
You have a concealed gun.
Person A pulls out a gun and shoots you unexpectedly.
You're partially incapacitated and can't respond quickly.

In that scenario, there's really not much that will save you. Having a weapon of any kind, being a martial arts black belt, and certainly not the police.


Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
Your pistol is on your hip within arms reach
Person A sees you have a gun and thinks twice.
You've prevented the actions by Person A.

Wouldn't the second scenario be preferable? It's not really an argument against the first scenario but I think we can all agree that if you see a few squad cars outside of Denny's at midnight, you don't rob that restaurant...you move over to another Waffle House where there may be some unmarked units but usually you only find out once you start the violence.

That is true, but with concealed carry an assailant simple doesn't know. If it's all open carry, he can look around, and if he doesn't see any guns openly displayed, can be reasonably certain he has the only one. I don't really see a tremendous difference between the two.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.
If concealed carry was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If concealed carry is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of concealed carry.

That's my position. I don't want to carry a gun, but I don't want a potential assailant to know that.

I don't understand. Help me out here.

Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
You have a concealed gun.
Person A pulls out a gun and shoots you unexpectedly.
You're partially incapacitated and can't respond quickly.

In that scenario, there's really not much that will save you. Having a weapon of any kind, being a martial arts black belt, and certainly not the police.


Person A is intent on doing you bodily harm
Your pistol is on your hip within arms reach
Person A sees you have a gun and thinks twice.
You've prevented the actions by Person A.

Wouldn't the second scenario be preferable? It's not really an argument against the first scenario but I think we can all agree that if you see a few squad cars outside of Denny's at midnight, you don't rob that restaurant...you move over to another Waffle House where there may be some unmarked units but usually you only find out once you start the violence.

That is true, but with concealed carry an assailant simple doesn't know. If it's all open carry, he can look around, and if he doesn't see any guns openly displayed, can be reasonably certain he has the only one. I don't really see a tremendous difference between the two.

Fair enough.

Remember the cold war...

Russia knew we had nukes.
So they didn't nuke us.

Imagine if they didn't think we had nukes....they find out we did but that is cold comfort of those who are now glowing in the dark.

Basically that is the scenario concealed carry advocates seem to be in favor of....
It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.

Such as?
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.

how about going to Syria where everything is much better

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