Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Woman shot killed at Walmart in Idaho by two-year-old son - Yahoo News

These fucking gun nuts on here don't give a shit this happened. This is just the price you pay for fear and freedom. Right you gun nutters. Collateral damage is all it is.

I know that if you are black, shopping in Walmart can be a deadly experience. I am thinking Walmart employees deserve a pay increase for working in a dangerous environment. White people are fucking crazy about guns and Walmart. What is it about Walmart that make so many afraid to shop there without a gun?
Its liberal freak threads like this that make me thankful for the 2nd Amendment.
Enjoy it, for now.

FOREVER.., you stupid fuck

when there is no more 2nd, there will be no more United States of America.., which is what i BELIEVE is what you lefttardo liberscum commies want !! :up:

:fu: ........................... :asshole:

That's a bit hyperbolic. First of all, the 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere. Secondly, many countries survive without a 2nd amendment of any sort.
Why do we think Concealed Carry is a good idea, oh I don't know, the alternative, rape, seems so one-sided, I understand that half the people in a rape, really enjoy it, I just don't think being the victim is fun. I also understand people really want more stories about rape on the local news, some people live vicariously through the news, I guess I just don't think I should be your entertainment.

seems simple really.
Guns don't stop rape. Killing young men and sending them off to war helps a lot however.

I disagree with you. So do the facts. Read this, PMH:

Cases in which guns saved lives

thank you for that link, i went to the home page and found thousands of links to other than the actual link you posted, every liberdummy needs explore that site to it's fullest, maybe then they would double their knowledge about guns and the proper usage of guns,above that of a flea. :up:
Having the gun wasn't her mistake. Having the 2 year old was.

Fuck you. You trying to be funny. Fucked up gun nutter. Aren't you the one claimed you would shoot your kid? Yep. Just read that. FUCKED UP is what you are.
Why do we think Concealed Carry is a good idea, oh I don't know, the alternative, rape, seems so one-sided, I understand that half the people in a rape, really enjoy it, I just don't think being the victim is fun. I also understand people really want more stories about rape on the local news, some people live vicariously through the news, I guess I just don't think I should be your entertainment.

seems simple really.
Guns don't stop rape. Killing young men and sending them off to war helps a lot however.

I disagree with you. So do the facts. Read this, PMH:

Cases in which guns saved lives
You can disagree with me all you like, but I know the numbers.
yupp !! you know the numbers and they all add up to 0 (zero)

Fuck you. You trying to be funny. Fucked up gun nutter. Aren't you the one claimed you would shoot your kid? Yep. Just read that. FUCKED UP is what you are.

I'm not trying to be humorous in any way. I look at firearms as assets and children as Liabilities. If properly maintained and worked with, there's an almost 100% guarantee that the firearm does what it should, how it should, when it should. There is very little to no guarantee that the same can be said with a child.
Why do we think Concealed Carry is a good idea, oh I don't know, the alternative, rape, seems so one-sided, I understand that half the people in a rape, really enjoy it, I just don't think being the victim is fun. I also understand people really want more stories about rape on the local news, some people live vicariously through the news, I guess I just don't think I should be your entertainment.

seems simple really.
Guns don't stop rape. Killing young men and sending them off to war helps a lot however.

I disagree with you. So do the facts. Read this, PMH:

Cases in which guns saved lives
You can disagree with me all you like, but I know the numbers.

Here are the numbers. Have a look, PMH. It proves you are wrong!

Guns empower women more than modern feminism. The confidence from learning to shoot a pistol is far superior to any gender studies course. Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime. Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. [Police Chief James] Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns. "Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon," said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime.

A confrontation in Urbana, IL. It has been estimated that between 200,000 to 300,000 righteous use of a firearm in the defense or possible defense of innocent life go unreported each year because the firearm is either never discharged or an armed citizen never reported the incident even after discharging their firearm since no deaths were involved. In each case the armed, law-abiding citizen says he or she believes they may have been killed, kidnapped or severely injured if they hadn't pulled their pistol. I am now one of those people. "Castle" Defense: What Can-May-Should-Must You Do. Home invasion is perhaps the most frightening and dangerous of all violent crimes (it is committed out of public sight usually without fixed time/escape constraints and innocent occupants, often women and children, are rarely able to flee). It is becoming somewhat commonplace during daylight hours and at night in both urban and rural neighborhoods.

Yes, Guns Kill, But How Often Are They Used in Self-Defense? Criminologist Gary Kleck estimates that 2.5 million Americans use guns to defend themselves each year. Out of that number, 400,000 believe that but for their firearms, they would have been dead. Professor Emeritus James Q. Wilson, the UCLA public policy expert, says: "We know from Census Bureau surveys that something beyond 100,000 uses of guns for self-defense occur every year. We know from smaller surveys of a commercial nature that the number may be as high as 2½ or 3 million. We don't know what the right number is, but whatever the right number is, it's not a trivial number." Criminals avoid armed citizens. Kennesaw, Georgia: In 1982, this suburb of Atlanta passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to the modest 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole. Ten years later (1991), the residential burglary rate in Kennesaw was still 72% lower than it had been in 1981, before the law was passed. Guns and Self-Defense.
Cases in which guns saved lives

I rest my case.

But wait! One more fact for you you'll find on the link here. More than 90% of violent crimes occur without a gun according to federal statistics. What does this mean for a woman trained to use a gun? The link answers that question too! According to the experts, 3600 rapes a day are never attempted because the victim either had a gun or showed a gun.

The numbers do not lie, PMH. It's a deterrent to criminals who commit violent crimes. After Democrat, Gabby Giffords, was shot, her husband bought her one! He also bought an assault weapon for himself! How about those apples?

he did NOT buy an assault weapon, he bought an AR-15 .., illegally also i might add ! :up:

The Truth About Assault Weapons

a true assault weapon costs between $12,000.00 - $25,000.00+ and highly regulated since 1934AD

please.., NEVER use that word again when referring to a common semi-auto firearm OK ??
Woman felt real safe in that Walmart. Right up to the point her son shot her.

Any of you gun nutters want to explain what this woman did wrong? Beside carrying a pistol around with no safety. And putting the gun in a place where the kid could get his hands on it.

Is this what passes for responsible gun ownership in the gunners world of fear?
Who made that case? And how do you know how she felt? She did everything wrong and thankfully no innocent person got killed. But I don't want to loose my driver's license because some drunk or pothead drives into a bus stop and kills some kids.
Who made that case? And how do you know how she felt?

Wait, don't you feel safer when you are carrying? Most do, that's why they carry. How do you not know that?
Why you think people carry guns in shopping centers. If they aren't afraid of something?

And you admitting that a gun nutter did everything wrong? So much for all that training and shit eh? Isn't it you gun nutters that want to further reduce the amount of training required before a person is concealed carrying? Sure it is. That worked well.

And you don't want to lose your drivers license. What a fucked up analogy.

Then to the innocent. You think that 2YO that shot and killed his mom wasn't innocent? What crime did that 2yo commit? Looking in moms handbag for what ever is a crime?

But that kid and his family is fucked for life. And you are good with that because you don't want to lose your license to be stupid and get shot by a loved one. Don't worry. Be happy. This is just another sad story in our road to stupidity about guns.
Wait, don't you feel safer when you are carrying? Most do, that's why they carry. How do you not know that?
Why you think people carry guns in shopping centers. If they aren't afraid of something?

And you admitting that a gun nutter did everything wrong? So much for all that training and shit eh? Isn't it you gun nutters that want to further reduce the amount of training required before a person is concealed carrying? Sure it is. That worked well.

And you don't want to lose your drivers license. What a fucked up analogy.

Then to the innocent. You think that 2YO that shot and killed his mom wasn't innocent? What crime did that 2yo commit? Looking in moms handbag for what ever is a crime?

But that kid and his family is fucked for life. And you are good with that because you don't want to lose your license to be stupid and get shot by a loved one. Don't worry. Be happy. This is just another sad story in our road to stupidity about guns.

People carry a weapon because they take responsibility for their safety and the safety of others. The concept of personal responsibility always escapes the mind of Libtards.

No 2 YO should ever have access to a loaded firearm. When the mother allowed the child access to the firearm she became responsible for the consequences. Again, the concept of personal responsibility that always alludes the Libtards.

She is the one responsible for her death and other people who are not responsible should not have to pay a price for her irresponsibility by having their constitutional right to keep and bear arms taken away.

The Libtards think that the government can make us all safer by taking away our rights and they are fine with that. They don't understand that when you give up liberty for security you get neither.
Mommy Deadist. Well America, stupidity at that level even God himself cannot fix. And so it goes.

Woman felt real safe in that Walmart. Right up to the point her son shot her.

Any of you gun nutters want to explain what this woman did wrong? Beside carrying a pistol around with no safety. And putting the gun in a place where the kid could get his hands on it.

Is this what passes for responsible gun ownership in the gunners world of fear?
You don't understand what she did wrong? Are you mentally handicapped? Setting a two year old down next to a loaded gun is beyond idiocy. It's worse than giving the kid a screw-diver and sitting him down next to an electrical outlet, or leaving the back door to the pool open with an unattended baby walking around the house while you play with your phone in the bathroom.

That said... even good well intention-ed intelligent people make pretty stupid mistakes when it comes to watching their kids.
Who made that case? And how do you know how she felt?

Wait, don't you feel safer when you are carrying? Most do, that's why they carry. How do you not know that?
Why you think people carry guns in shopping centers. If they aren't afraid of something?
You're a fucking retard. The fear is all yours. It's funny to watch you pussies pee yourselves and try to make it look like an armed citizens is fearful. Some may be but you can't read their mind unless you are God.
And you admitting that a gun nutter did everything wrong? So much for all that training and shit eh? Isn't it you gun nutters that want to further reduce the amount of training required before a person is concealed carrying? Sure it is. That worked well.

And you don't want to lose your drivers license. What a fucked up analogy.
Your dismissal doesn't help. I don't know that Idaho has mandatory training, we don't. But people fuck up with cars too and kill more than themselves.
Then to the innocent. You think that 2YO that shot and killed his mom wasn't innocent? What crime did that 2yo commit? Looking in moms handbag for what ever is a crime?

But that kid and his family is fucked for life. And you are good with that because you don't want to lose your license to be stupid and get shot by a loved one. Don't worry. Be happy. This is just another sad story in our road to stupidity about guns.
Your shitbrain arguments won't work.
Far more people die in car accidents but you don't hear people demanding that cars be banned.

I grew up around guns and was taught respect and responsibility in their careful use. Being from that culture, I had a hard time understanding the rabid attitude of anti-second amendment types until I watched this video.

This young lady came around through exposure, education and training. The video is way too long for the message. You don't need to watch it all to understand her story. She outlines her change of mind but then rambles a bit.

Anyway, interesting to me to understand how the other side thinks. I now have a lot more respect and understanding for the anti-rights people:

Far more people die in car accidents but you don't hear people demanding that cars be banned.

I grew up around guns and was taught respect and responsibility in their careful use. Being from that culture, I had a hard time understanding the rabid attitude of anti-second amendment types until I watched this video.

This young lady came around through exposure, education and training. The video is way too long for the message. You don't need to watch it all to understand her story. She outlines her change of mind but then rambles a bit.

Anyway, interesting to me to understand how the other side thinks. I now have a lot more respect and understanding for the anti-rights people:

In short.. fear is the mind killer.
I dunno. Instead of Lefties screaming at Righties and Righties screaming at Lefties, I have an idea.

Let's talk about the actual topic.

Is concealed carry necessary? Why do some states have it?

That could be a good starting point.

Think about it.

I'm always tickled by this. Wouldn't you want to brandish your weapon in public so the "bad guys" know that you're there to start with? This will prevent them from pulling the trigger (theoretically). Once the bad guy starts shooting, it's just a matter of what comes first, something ending it or his running out of bullets.

As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.

It's an issue that will never be solved. We'll still have thousands of gun deaths a year and other developed nations will not and we will swear that there is nothing we can do about it while the rest of the world shakes it's head in pity.
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.

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