Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.

Such as?

We have conclaves from virtually every nation on earth, many of which don't get along, and we have moved from pushing everyone to assimilate into the melting pot and forming a uniquely American culture to allowing every group to insist that the culture adapt to them. We're even afraid to establish an official language.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.

how about going to Syria where everything is much better
They like guns there, just your kind of folks. And besides, it's my country not yours, so get the fuck out and take your god and guns with you.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

And the times I've needed a gun I needed it for just one thing, to kill something. I wasn't playing John Wayne in the auto parts.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your's, nor the government's, business.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.
Come on. Do you have Clorox under your kitchen sink? Do you think all hazardous cleaning materials should be banned?
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Right! Obviously we need to ban children. Women sometimes die needlessly in childbirth. O the horror!!
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
Lots of things in life are dangerous. I would never pick up a power tool and just start sawing away, or drive a car without first learning how. That some people are irresponsible is the true fact of life. Some people even expect others to work and give them money, food, shelter, health insurance, and more. Meh.
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?
Did she learn how to use a gun? Did she not know to own a gun with a safety? Did she not know to keep it away from small children?

It's like asking if she left her son sitting on a running table saw. She would be considered not very smart. :)
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?

What does need have to do with it?
Lots of things in life are dangerous, and smart people attempt to make them safer. When a thing exist only for one reason, and that reason is not something any normal person would ever have need of, smart people try to fix that as well.
Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

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