Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Smart people learn how to be safe with tools before they use them. It's what smart people do instead of refusing to allow others to use tools.

It's true you may never need a gun. But if you ever do you need it REALLY BAD.

No matter how smart you are. :)
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

Sounds like a classic case of envy. When did you discover that you were incapable of leading your own life safely?
The only possible reason that a civilian would want to be able to carry a concealed weapon is so that he could carry his weapon into a place where weapons are banned. Anywhere else would be a foolish act that would lull a bad guy into thinking that he is an easy target.
It's a yes or no question. Did this woman with four small children in tow need a gun in a Wal-Mart?
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
So tell us, did this woman in the Wal-Mart with four small children need a gun?

Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

Sounds like a classic case of envy. When did you discover that you were incapable of leading your own life safely?
When I discovered that I didn't have time to test all the drugs that I might need by myself and that capitalism would be more than happy to sell me snake oil at any price I was willing to pay.
It depends. See my previous answer. :)
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
She already killed her kids because she drove a car she didn't need. She could have walked or used public transportation. She had other options but chose to drive a car she didn't need. And now her children are dead. Ban all cars. They are not needed.
Who knows? That's not the point. The point is, she had the freedom to decide she did, and she made that choice. Many single mothers have abusive ex husbands and do need some kind of protection. Whether she made the right choice or not is basically none of your, or the government's business.
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

Sounds like a classic case of envy. When did you discover that you were incapable of leading your own life safely?
When I discovered that I didn't have time to test all the drugs that I might need by myself and that capitalism would be more than happy to sell me snake oil at any price I was willing to pay.

Gee, that's too bad. I was smart enough to know what a gun does and how to avoid having it done to me long before I became an adult. Heck, I even knew smoking was bad for you before it was cool. Sounds like you need to hang around with some smarter people.
No, it doesn't. Yes or no?
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
She already killed her kids because she drove a car she didn't need. She could have walked or used public transportation. She had other options but chose to drive a car she didn't need. And now her children are dead. Ban all cars. They are not needed.
Your dishonesty is noted. I'll help you out though, a gun, especially a handgun, is for killing people. Why, exactly, would you need to kill someone in a Wal-Mart? Answer, you wouldn't and therefore the gun should never have been in there in the first place.
The only possible reason that a civilian would want to be able to carry a concealed weapon is so that he could carry his weapon into a place where weapons are banned. Anywhere else would be a foolish act that would lull a bad guy into thinking that he is an easy target.

That is far from correct. A concealed weapon simply doesn't advertise itself and draw unnecessary attention. There are many reasons why you would want to be able to enjoy a quiet evening out downtown without drawing unwanted attention to yourself.
And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.

Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.

Such as?

We have conclaves from virtually every nation on earth, many of which don't get along, and we have moved from pushing everyone to assimilate into the melting pot and forming a uniquely American culture to allowing every group to insist that the culture adapt to them. We're even afraid to establish an official language.

So there is a lot of Polish on German, Spanish on Jamacian murders....is that your argument?
Who knows? Oh no, we know very well, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not giving you a choice about where you store toxic waste or whether you can strap a bomb to your car in case someone wants to steal it, and I have no problems with that idea. We have freedom here, not anarchy.

You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

Sounds like a classic case of envy. When did you discover that you were incapable of leading your own life safely?
When I discovered that I didn't have time to test all the drugs that I might need by myself and that capitalism would be more than happy to sell me snake oil at any price I was willing to pay.

Gee, that's too bad. I was smart enough to know what a gun does and how to avoid having it done to me long before I became an adult. Heck, I even knew smoking was bad for you before it was cool. Sounds like you need to hang around with some smarter people.
They don't come any smarter than I am which is why I have the government do for me what I don't have time to do while I do what pays for them to do what they do. It's a very beneficial relationship. They check out the drugs for me and I send them checks. They keep the planes from crashing into each other and I send them checks. They keep the fire trucks in working order and the water safe to drink and I send them checks. See how that works now? It's very smart.
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
She already killed her kids because she drove a car she didn't need. She could have walked or used public transportation. She had other options but chose to drive a car she didn't need. And now her children are dead. Ban all cars. They are not needed.
Your dishonesty is noted. I'll help you out though, a gun, especially a handgun, is for killing people. Why, exactly, would you need to kill someone in a Wal-Mart? Answer, you wouldn't and therefore the gun should never have been in there in the first place.

She was irresponsible to leave a weapon that could be fired by a little child within his reach. The location is immaterial.
And it will take me exactly how long to find you using that very argument for banning abortion?

Forever. I happen to be pro-choice. The more so after listening to some of your idiotic off-topic rants. Too bad your mother...
Until you account for differences in cultural mixes, you can't make that statement honestly.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.

Such as?

We have conclaves from virtually every nation on earth, many of which don't get along, and we have moved from pushing everyone to assimilate into the melting pot and forming a uniquely American culture to allowing every group to insist that the culture adapt to them. We're even afraid to establish an official language.

So there is a lot of Polish on German, Spanish on Jamacian murders....is that your argument?

Culture clash plays a role, as does the drug trade, gang activity, etc. It's not just guns.
Yes it does. :)
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
She already killed her kids because she drove a car she didn't need. She could have walked or used public transportation. She had other options but chose to drive a car she didn't need. And now her children are dead. Ban all cars. They are not needed.
Your dishonesty is noted. I'll help you out though, a gun, especially a handgun, is for killing people. Why, exactly, would you need to kill someone in a Wal-Mart? Answer, you wouldn't and therefore the gun should never have been in there in the first place.
Another woman was raped and murdered leaving wal-mart. If only she'd had a gun to protect herself. In the first place.

Your argument is ridiculous. Your premise is that people are only allowed (by the fucking government, no less!) that which the government declares necessary. If a person uses almost anything recklessly, they risk harm or worse. It's called life.

You are free to not protect yourself however you will. I'll always have a gun to protect me and mine. That's just how I roll. :)
Why does the left act like everyone is too stupid to handle guns? There aren't enough police and now the left is going out of it's way to vilify police. Can't rely on them. Criminals always have guns since no laws ever stopped them from doing what they want.

In states with concealed carry, criminals don't know if a person is armed or not. Might just make them less likely to mess with people. Open carry is more dangerous since some people would try to get the gun away from the person. Not to mention that the left has convinced some to completely freak out at the mere sight of a gun.
Fine, you can't be honest enough to answer. So be it.

Now you know why gun control people want what they want. You guys can't even be honest when the obvious occurs.
Does the woman who crashed her car and kills her kids need a car?

Yes or no.
A car is for driving places. You don't take a car into a Wal-Mart, you might kill someone, and you don't let the kids touch the parts of it that really matter. Now, what is a gun for?
She already killed her kids because she drove a car she didn't need. She could have walked or used public transportation. She had other options but chose to drive a car she didn't need. And now her children are dead. Ban all cars. They are not needed.
Your dishonesty is noted. I'll help you out though, a gun, especially a handgun, is for killing people. Why, exactly, would you need to kill someone in a Wal-Mart? Answer, you wouldn't and therefore the gun should never have been in there in the first place.

She was irresponsible to leave a weapon that could be fired by a little child within his reach. The location is immaterial.
The location, in this case, is very material. No one needs a gun in a Wal-Mart, no one.
And it will take me exactly how long to find you using that very argument for banning abortion?

Forever. I happen to be pro-choice. The more so after listening to some of your idiotic off-topic rants. Too bad your mother...
Pro-choice eh, good for you, however that same argument is used all the time, abortion kills women so let's ban it.
You don't, however, have any control over where I store my kitchen knives, the propane for my grill, the caustic cleaning chemicals, or the dozens of other potentially lethal things I have around the house. I am expected to be responsible and know how to handle things safely. It's called being an adult. You, OTOH, apparently believe people to be idiots who need government guidance to survive life.
That's correct. It's a nation of morons, like this dead woman.

Sounds like a classic case of envy. When did you discover that you were incapable of leading your own life safely?
When I discovered that I didn't have time to test all the drugs that I might need by myself and that capitalism would be more than happy to sell me snake oil at any price I was willing to pay.

Gee, that's too bad. I was smart enough to know what a gun does and how to avoid having it done to me long before I became an adult. Heck, I even knew smoking was bad for you before it was cool. Sounds like you need to hang around with some smarter people.
They don't come any smarter than I am which is why I have the government do for me what I don't have time to do while I do what pays for them to do what they do. It's a very beneficial relationship. They check out the drugs for me and I send them checks. They keep the planes from crashing into each other and I send them checks. They keep the fire trucks in working order and the water safe to drink and I send them checks. See how that works now? It's very smart.

Interesting that you cannot distinguish between prescription drug safety and common sense gun safety. Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither.
Yeah it's usually people who live in fear of everyone that own a ton of guns and insist on carrying one around at all times.

Also it's to make them feel like "badasses". They think by having a gun, they can be in charge and have it all. They may not be in charge at work or in anything in life, but with that gun, they believe they can make a person listen to them and obey them because what is the greatest motivator of all? Fear.

I have lived in a city all my life, I have never felt the need for a gun ever. I don't fear my world.
Do you wear a seat belt? Does that also mean you are a little man that lives in constant fear of crashing?
No, it doesn't. Instead, you utilize the tool that you believe is going to protect you should the rare event occur that you need it.

I find it very odd that so many people want to demand that concealed carry holders are somehow 'afraid' or compensating. People that are ninnies and afraid tend to avoid carrying as weapons themselves can be very intimidating. I have met many CC holders and I wouldn't classify a single one as fearful. Making such asinine claims about an entire group of people simply because you don't like the idea is asinine at it best and makes your arguments look childish. Assuming you know what they are thinking (its bad ass) is another folly.

Why so much ire for people that are simply exercising their rights?

Yeah, it's fake confidence. The gun itself makes them feel confident, they have no true strength or self-confidence within them.

True strength is when you don't need a certain item or product to validate your being or who you are. To not give in to the fears around you and let it dictate your daily routine.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Gandhi

"The only thing to fear is fear itself." - FDR

True strength is not overtly showing your "strength" or validating your strength by putting others in fear by walking into a chipotle with an AK-47. True strength is knowing that you will your life the way you want to without fear of the world around you and interact with the world around you. The world isn't out to get you.
London doesn't have cultural mixes?
Sydney doesn't have cultural mixes?
Tokyo doesn't have cultural mixes?
Paris doesn't have cultural mixes?
Egypt doesn't have cultural mixes?
Helsinki doesn't have cultural mixes?
Madrid doesn't have cultural mixes?
Lisbon doesn't have cultural mixes?
Berlin doesn't have cultural mixes?

There are ghettos and slums in every major city on earth. We have the same media, same books, same video games, but different gun laws.

It's the only X factor.

I said differences, not that no other cities don't have any.

Such as?

We have conclaves from virtually every nation on earth, many of which don't get along, and we have moved from pushing everyone to assimilate into the melting pot and forming a uniquely American culture to allowing every group to insist that the culture adapt to them. We're even afraid to establish an official language.

So there is a lot of Polish on German, Spanish on Jamacian murders....is that your argument?

Culture clash plays a role, as does the drug trade, gang activity, etc. It's not just guns.

They have different cultures in other cities. Ask the Basque how welcome they feel in most part of Spain. Ask the Kurds about Istanbul and their acceptance. Hell, ask the East Germans how those in the West felt about having to share resources with them when the wall fell.

They have drugs in every major city across the world.

They have gangs in every major city in the world too.

The only X factor is that in the US, they can go to a gun show and purchase as many guns as they can afford with no questions asked. They don't have that in every major city in the world...just here.

So we have the nearly monthly massacres.

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