Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Because most people are, and even the best get dead by their own guns often enough, and no one needs anything like the number of guns we have. You people like guns. The problem is, they kill people and you don't need them.
That's exactly the reason I have guns, to kill someone who might try to harm my people.
And who is going to try and harm you in a Wal-Mart? Oh right, no one.

You are John Wayne, in flowered panties.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
The location, in this case, is very material. No one needs a gun in a Wal-Mart, no one.

Then make sure you don't carry one in there. I will guarantee you this. If you've been in a Wal-Mart in the States, you've almost certainly been surrounded by guns and never even knew it. Certainly not harmed by them.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

Most of the 32,000 killed themselves. In order to get the 32,000 figure, they have to include the over 20,000 suicides who used a gun.
The location, in this case, is very material. No one needs a gun in a Wal-Mart, no one.

Then make sure you don't carry one in there. I will guarantee you this. If you've been in a Wal-Mart in the States, you've almost certainly been surrounded by guns and never even knew it. Certainly not harmed by them.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
I own guns. They are good for killing things. And there's no fear that something might happen, something does happen, every damn day adding up to 32,000 dead Americans year after year after year.
Then make sure you don't carry one in there. I will guarantee you this. If you've been in a Wal-Mart in the States, you've almost certainly been surrounded by guns and never even knew it. Certainly not harmed by them.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

Most of the 32,000 killed themselves. In order to get the 32,000 figure, they have to include the over 20,000 suicides who used a gun.
Yep, most of whom would likely still be alive without the guns, not to mention the number of people who buy a gun just to kill themselves.
That's exactly the reason I have guns, to kill someone who might try to harm my people.
And who is going to try and harm you in a Wal-Mart? Oh right, no one.

You are John Wayne, in flowered panties.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Then make sure you don't carry one in there. I will guarantee you this. If you've been in a Wal-Mart in the States, you've almost certainly been surrounded by guns and never even knew it. Certainly not harmed by them.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
I own guns. They are good for killing things. And there's no fear that something might happen, something does happen, every damn day adding up to 32,000 dead Americans year after year after year.

Yet, you admitted that you cannot run your own life safely without the guidance of un-elected nanny bureaucrats. You should not have guns.
That's exactly the reason I have guns, to kill someone who might try to harm my people.
And who is going to try and harm you in a Wal-Mart? Oh right, no one.

You are John Wayne, in flowered panties.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.

And killing someone in defense of your own life is perfectly legal.
And who is going to try and harm you in a Wal-Mart? Oh right, no one.

You are John Wayne, in flowered panties.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

Most of the 32,000 killed themselves. In order to get the 32,000 figure, they have to include the over 20,000 suicides who used a gun.
Yep, most of whom would likely still be alive without the guns, not to mention the number of people who buy a gun just to kill themselves.

That's a factually incorrect, not to say stupid, statement. A person who wants to commit suicide can and will do so with or without a gun. You've stopped trying, haven't you?
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
I own guns. They are good for killing things. And there's no fear that something might happen, something does happen, every damn day adding up to 32,000 dead Americans year after year after year.

Yet, you admitted that you cannot run your own life safely without the guidance of un-elected nanny bureaucrats to take away your guns. You are the problem.
The problem is they don't do that, and they should. We don't need the guns, we aren't at war and meat comes from a store.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.

She made that choice, and no law would have stopped her if she was so minded. Your complaint is more with her than with the law.
There are guns all around me often enough, and they are entirely unnecessary.

No normal citizen has any need for a gun, especially a handgun.

And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

Most of the 32,000 killed themselves. In order to get the 32,000 figure, they have to include the over 20,000 suicides who used a gun.
Yep, most of whom would likely still be alive without the guns, not to mention the number of people who buy a gun just to kill themselves.

Absolute bullshit that you think that statement is based on facts.

You have only to look at Australia. They passed very strict gun regulations and their suicide rates did not drop. In fact, they rose and then dropped back to rates slightly higher than before the regulations were passed.
Can you personally vouch for everyone in wal-mart, every second of every day? I can see you've never been to wal-mart in Opa Locka, Florida.

Some asshole killed a bunch of people at McDonald's years ago. Good thing he was the only one with a gun. Who needs a gun at McDonald's?
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.
Now you're talking in circles. Why would anyone try to harm you in a McDonald's? Yet it happens.
And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
I own guns. They are good for killing things. And there's no fear that something might happen, something does happen, every damn day adding up to 32,000 dead Americans year after year after year.

Yet, you admitted that you cannot run your own life safely without the guidance of un-elected nanny bureaucrats to take away your guns. You are the problem.
The problem is they don't do that, and they should. We don't need the guns, we aren't at war and meat comes from a store.

So, not only can you not safely chart your own course, you are now saying that you are incapable of giving up your own guns without a nanny forcing you to do so? You have ceased to be interesting.
And none of them have harmed you in any way, have they?
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.

Most of the 32,000 killed themselves. In order to get the 32,000 figure, they have to include the over 20,000 suicides who used a gun.
Yep, most of whom would likely still be alive without the guns, not to mention the number of people who buy a gun just to kill themselves.

That's a factually incorrect, not to say stupid, statement. A person who wants to commit suicide can and will do so with or without a gun. You've stopped trying, haven't you?
If you looked into you would discover that suicide by gun is the least thought out, most spur of the moment version of suicide. The rest take planning and effort while the gun does not. The gun just kills, the only reason it exists.
No one, obviously.

And in what cases would you need to kill someone at a Wal-Mart? When they tried to grab the last package of 20 pairs of socks for $3.87?
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.
Now you're talking in circles. Why would anyone try to harm you in a McDonald's? Yet it happens.
You realize that is a story from at least 20 years ago, pushing 30 as I remember it, and they used a gun that would only be used to fight a war. Your gun make you "feel" safer, just like it did this dead young mother, but it shouldn't because the numbers speak for themselves. The person most likely to die by your gun is you or someone you love. End of story.
Not yet but I can't say the same for 32,000 other Americans. Year after year after year. Your argument is subjective, which means it isn't an argument.

Most of those 32,000 would be dead by other means, as they were targets of gang activity, drug deals, etc. and not accidental victims, so be a bit more accurate instead of using artificially inflammatory numbers. The point remains that you are fearing something the MIGHT happen, not something that has happened. Let's use the same logic pro-aborts use. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one.
I own guns. They are good for killing things. And there's no fear that something might happen, something does happen, every damn day adding up to 32,000 dead Americans year after year after year.

Yet, you admitted that you cannot run your own life safely without the guidance of un-elected nanny bureaucrats to take away your guns. You are the problem.
The problem is they don't do that, and they should. We don't need the guns, we aren't at war and meat comes from a store.

So, not only can you not safely chart your own course, you are now saying that you are incapable of giving up your own guns without a nanny forcing you to do so? You have ceased to be interesting.
I didn't say anything of the kind. I said the government does know better than you, it's what we pay them for, and if you weren't so busy being a toddler screaming You Aren't The Boss Of Me you'd understand that.

I don't care that you don't like the government telling you what to do, and what you can and cannot have for safety reasons. It does and will continue to. Be a man and suck it up.
Not no one. One one.

Same reason. Some insane asshole is killing people. It's called self-defense. I'll always have a gun to defend me and mine. :)
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.
Now you're talking in circles. Why would anyone try to harm you in a McDonald's? Yet it happens.
You realize that is a story from at least 20 years ago, pushing 30 as I remember it, and they used a gun that would only be used to fight a war. Your gun make you "feel" safer, just like it did this dead young mother, but it shouldn't because the numbers speak for themselves. The person most likely to die by your gun is you or someone you love. End of story.

No gun, no chance. Gun, shoot back.
A gun isn't for defense, that's a wall, bars, alarms. A gun is for killing something, period.

And I notice you have absolutely no answer to a simple question, as expected.
I answered it.

We have dogs and guns. You are free to put up bars and alarms, I will not advocate the government ban their use.

And as I already said, I have guns to kill people. That's the reason I own guns. Don't try to harm me or mine and you have nothing to fear from me. :)
Any exactly who and why would anyone try and harm you in a Wal-Mart?

As I said, there was no reason for her to have a gun there, not a damn one.
Now you're talking in circles. Why would anyone try to harm you in a McDonald's? Yet it happens.
You realize that is a story from at least 20 years ago, pushing 30 as I remember it, and they used a gun that would only be used to fight a war. Your gun make you "feel" safer, just like it did this dead young mother, but it shouldn't because the numbers speak for themselves. The person most likely to die by your gun is you or someone you love. End of story.

No gun, no chance. Gun, shoot back.
That's the myth alright. Yep, John Wayne in flowered panties. Don't say you weren't warned because you were.

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