Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

I didn't know you were two young black men. Tell me, would you have risked your life, and that of those with you, by playing John Wayne and dealing with the fact that they were now going to be shooting at you? Isn't this whole argument I carry a gun to protect me and mine, not others?
If I had me or mine with me, you bet I would.

So I guess you're only for the government allowing young black men to own guns for self-defense now?
So you're going to pull out your gun to save people you don't even know while the shooters shoot back at your "me and mine"? Yes, you do live in a western movie but reality is quite different.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)

Now you see why that young woman needed to risk, and pay with, her own life just for a simple trip to Wal-Mart.
Because a-holes had guns at hand. Always a good idea. Bad things that happen outnumber good things many times.
Yep, most of whom would likely still be alive without the guns, not to mention the number of people who buy a gun just to kill themselves.

Absolute bullshit that you think that statement is based on facts.

You have only to look at Australia. They passed very strict gun regulations and their suicide rates did not drop. In fact, they rose and then dropped back to rates slightly higher than before the regulations were passed.
"Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000. - See more at: Mindframe"

The new gun laws took effect in late 1996 but,

"n 1991 there were 629 firearm related deaths in Australia compared to 333 in 2001. This represents a 47 per cent decrease in firearms deaths between 1991 and 2001. The incidence of both firearms suicides and firearms homicides almost halved over the 11 year period. While the number of firearms homicides has continued to decline, with 2001 recording the lowest number of firearms homicides during this period (n=47), the number of firearms suicides declined consistently from 1991 to 1998, but has since fluctuated. The number of firearm related accidents also fluctuated over the same period, from 29 firearms accidents in 1991 to 18 in 2001, but ranging between 15 and 45 over this time. While the numbers are quite small, the year 2000 recorded the highest number of firearms accidents (45 accidents) during the 11 year period.72]"

The regulations were passed in 1996, and yet they had their highest rate of suicide in 1997. How does that support regulating guns will regulate suicides?

And yes, the number of firearm related suicides dropped when guns were removed from a large portion of the population. But the suicide rates did not drop significantly immediately, as they would if your claims were true.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
Jeez. Wal-Mart is a fucking death trap.

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart - The Daily Currant
I see that satire goes beyond you:

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Absolute bullshit that you think that statement is based on facts.

You have only to look at Australia. They passed very strict gun regulations and their suicide rates did not drop. In fact, they rose and then dropped back to rates slightly higher than before the regulations were passed.
"Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000. - See more at: Mindframe"

The new gun laws took effect in late 1996 but,

"n 1991 there were 629 firearm related deaths in Australia compared to 333 in 2001. This represents a 47 per cent decrease in firearms deaths between 1991 and 2001. The incidence of both firearms suicides and firearms homicides almost halved over the 11 year period. While the number of firearms homicides has continued to decline, with 2001 recording the lowest number of firearms homicides during this period (n=47), the number of firearms suicides declined consistently from 1991 to 1998, but has since fluctuated. The number of firearm related accidents also fluctuated over the same period, from 29 firearms accidents in 1991 to 18 in 2001, but ranging between 15 and 45 over this time. While the numbers are quite small, the year 2000 recorded the highest number of firearms accidents (45 accidents) during the 11 year period.72]"

The regulations were passed in 1996, and yet they had their highest rate of suicide in 1997. How does that support regulating guns will regulate suicides?

And yes, the number of firearm related suicides dropped when guns were removed from a large portion of the population. But the suicide rates did not drop significantly immediately, as they would if your claims were true.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
I didn't know you were two young black men. Tell me, would you have risked your life, and that of those with you, by playing John Wayne and dealing with the fact that they were now going to be shooting at you? Isn't this whole argument I carry a gun to protect me and mine, not others?
If I had me or mine with me, you bet I would.

So I guess you're only for the government allowing young black men to own guns for self-defense now?
So you're going to pull out your gun to save people you don't even know while the shooters shoot back at your "me and mine"? Yes, you do live in a western movie but reality is quite different.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
Jeez. Wal-Mart is a fucking death trap.

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart - The Daily Currant
I see that satire goes beyond you:

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?
Jeez. Wal-Mart is a fucking death trap.

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart - The Daily Currant
I see that satire goes beyond you:

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?
I'm trained to use a gun as well. See how that works?
I didn't know you were two young black men. Tell me, would you have risked your life, and that of those with you, by playing John Wayne and dealing with the fact that they were now going to be shooting at you? Isn't this whole argument I carry a gun to protect me and mine, not others?
If I had me or mine with me, you bet I would.

So I guess you're only for the government allowing young black men to own guns for self-defense now?
So you're going to pull out your gun to save people you don't even know while the shooters shoot back at your "me and mine"? Yes, you do live in a western movie but reality is quite different.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
I see that satire goes beyond you:

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?
I'm trained to use a gun as well. See how that works?
Not like they are. And even they fuck up so you have no chance in hell of getting it right.
"Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000. - See more at: Mindframe"

The new gun laws took effect in late 1996 but,

"n 1991 there were 629 firearm related deaths in Australia compared to 333 in 2001. This represents a 47 per cent decrease in firearms deaths between 1991 and 2001. The incidence of both firearms suicides and firearms homicides almost halved over the 11 year period. While the number of firearms homicides has continued to decline, with 2001 recording the lowest number of firearms homicides during this period (n=47), the number of firearms suicides declined consistently from 1991 to 1998, but has since fluctuated. The number of firearm related accidents also fluctuated over the same period, from 29 firearms accidents in 1991 to 18 in 2001, but ranging between 15 and 45 over this time. While the numbers are quite small, the year 2000 recorded the highest number of firearms accidents (45 accidents) during the 11 year period.72]"

The regulations were passed in 1996, and yet they had their highest rate of suicide in 1997. How does that support regulating guns will regulate suicides?

And yes, the number of firearm related suicides dropped when guns were removed from a large portion of the population. But the suicide rates did not drop significantly immediately, as they would if your claims were true.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
If I had me or mine with me, you bet I would.

So I guess you're only for the government allowing young black men to own guns for self-defense now?
So you're going to pull out your gun to save people you don't even know while the shooters shoot back at your "me and mine"? Yes, you do live in a western movie but reality is quite different.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

No, you have it wrong.

The problem is that a stupid mother doesn't practice common sense gun safety. You never allow a child to have access to a loaded weapon. She is the one responsible for the consequences, not the gun or the gun laws. You can't fix being stupid with a new law.

You Libtards really have problems with the concept of personal responsibility, don't you?

Do you want to ban swimming pools because sometimes an irresponsible parent leaves the patio door open and a toddler drowns?

By the way, don't tell me that you Libtards give a shit about children because you advocate the slaughter of about a million American children each year on demand.

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?
I'm trained to use a gun as well. See how that works?
Not like they are. And even they fuck up so you have no chance in hell of getting it right.
lol. They don't always get it right. Let's not allow them to have guns, either.
The regulations were passed in 1996, and yet they had their highest rate of suicide in 1997. How does that support regulating guns will regulate suicides?

And yes, the number of firearm related suicides dropped when guns were removed from a large portion of the population. But the suicide rates did not drop significantly immediately, as they would if your claims were true.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?
I'm trained to use a gun as well. See how that works?
Not like they are. And even they fuck up so you have no chance in hell of getting it right.
lol. They don't always get it right. Let's not allow them to have guns, either.
They wouldn't when I got done.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you are grasping at straws while missing the logic. Their rates of suicide are down, way down by guns. That is the same thing I want and you don't.
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

No, you have it wrong.

The problem is that a stupid mother doesn't practice common sense gun safety. You never allow a child to have access to a loaded weapon. She is the one responsible for the consequences, not the gun or the gun laws. You can't fix being stupid with a new law.

You Libtards really have problems with the concept of personal responsibility, don't you?

Do you want to ban swimming pools because sometimes an irresponsible parent leaves the patio door open and a toddler drowns?

By the way, don't tell me that you Libtards give a shit about children because you advocate the slaughter of about a million American children each year on demand.

Yep... that was piss poor management of her weapon. Wholly unsat and as a result, she suffered the second most severe consequence, for her failure to bear her responsibilities as an armed American.

And as bad as that sucked, THAT was HER problem and bears no further responsibility on the part of ANYONE else.
So you're going to pull out your gun to save people you don't even know while the shooters shoot back at your "me and mine"? Yes, you do live in a western movie but reality is quite different.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

No, you have it wrong.

The problem is that a stupid mother doesn't practice common sense gun safety. You never allow a child to have access to a loaded weapon. She is the one responsible for the consequences, not the gun or the gun laws. You can't fix being stupid with a new law.

You Libtards really have problems with the concept of personal responsibility, don't you?

Do you want to ban swimming pools because sometimes an irresponsible parent leaves the patio door open and a toddler drowns?

By the way, don't tell me that you Libtards give a shit about children because you advocate the slaughter of about a million American children each year on demand.

Yep... that was piss poor management of her weapon. Wholly unsat and as a result, she suffered the second most severe consequence, for her failure to bear her responsibilities as an armed American.
What's the first?

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