Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

No, you have it wrong.

The problem is that a stupid mother doesn't practice common sense gun safety. You never allow a child to have access to a loaded weapon. She is the one responsible for the consequences, not the gun or the gun laws. You can't fix being stupid with a new law.

You Libtards really have problems with the concept of personal responsibility, don't you?

Do you want to ban swimming pools because sometimes an irresponsible parent leaves the patio door open and a toddler drowns?

By the way, don't tell me that you Libtards give a shit about children because you advocate the slaughter of about a million American children each year on demand.

Yep... that was piss poor management of her weapon. Wholly unsat and as a result, she suffered the second most severe consequence, for her failure to bear her responsibilities as an armed American.

And as bad as that sucked, THAT was HER problem and bears no further responsibility on the part of ANYONE else.

Of course, if the child had gunned down the cashier....what is the cashier's family supposed to do?
Your logic is twisted. You claim fewer guns means fewer suicides. Not true.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Sadly there won't be any guns available when you get done. Well, I'll have mine of course. But you, like everyone else who really wants to kill themselves, will do so with whatever means are available.
In your reality nothing bad could ever happen at Wal-Mart. :)
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
I'm safer. Don't be mad.
Jeez. Wal-Mart is a fucking death trap.

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart - The Daily Currant
I see that satire goes beyond you:

"Of course I'd do it all over again," Robbins proclaimed from a Cook County jail cell. "My little Dustin is going to have an X-Box for Christmas this year. No one can take that away from him. Not even the police.

"Shopping isn't a hobby for me, it's a war. So I have to spend a little time behind bars. So what? I didn't punk out. I fought hard for my family, and I'm proud of that."

VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage in Oklahoma Walmart
Sammie Wallace, 37, took a young girl hostage June 17, Midwest City police said.

Video shows deadly hostage situation at Okla. Walmart - NY Daily News
And who resolved the situation, the mother with a gun? Oh, the Police took care of it. Silly me, I mean you.
lol. Never any danger in Wal-Mart. :)
Not enough ti justify having a gun there, and when a gun was needed it came attached to a policeman trained to use it, exactly as it should have been. See how that works?

Police are not the only people trained in the use of a firearm. Therefore your premise is, as it usually is... fatally flawed, logically invalid; in that it presents as truth, that which is demonstrably false, and as such is disqualified from consideration by reasonable people.
Here's a thought for you left-wing nutters... if you don't like concealed carry, then don't do concealed carry.

Easy as that!

You're welcome!

Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

Agreed... but that has nothing to do with concealed carry and everything to do with stupidity and irresponsibility. Just like driving drunk. You'll never stop it.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.

Sorry but the Second Amendment does not proscribe that you prove a need for a weapon before the state allows you to have one. It says that because the owning of weapons guarantees the security of a free state so the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. You have heard of the Bill of Rights, haven't you?

I have about 50 firearms and I use them exclusively for recreational purposes because I have never killed anybody with any of them. Why should my rights be taken away because some bozo uses a firearm irresponsibly? Where is the justice in that?
Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

No, you have it wrong.

The problem is that a stupid mother doesn't practice common sense gun safety. You never allow a child to have access to a loaded weapon. She is the one responsible for the consequences, not the gun or the gun laws. You can't fix being stupid with a new law.

You Libtards really have problems with the concept of personal responsibility, don't you?

Do you want to ban swimming pools because sometimes an irresponsible parent leaves the patio door open and a toddler drowns?

By the way, don't tell me that you Libtards give a shit about children because you advocate the slaughter of about a million American children each year on demand.

Yep... that was piss poor management of her weapon. Wholly unsat and as a result, she suffered the second most severe consequence, for her failure to bear her responsibilities as an armed American.

And as bad as that sucked, THAT was HER problem and bears no further responsibility on the part of ANYONE else.

Of course, if the child had gunned down the cashier....what is the cashier's family supposed to do?

The same thing that they'd do if the cashier was hit by a bus... grieve for their own loss and move on.
No, it's very true. Suicides by guns would drop to nothing by my plan, and because a gun is so deadly and requires so little planning, so would suicides as a whole.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Sadly there won't be any guns available when you get done.
There's not a thing in the world sad about that. No one says, gee, I sure miss rape, except the rapist. The gun nuts will just have to find some other deadly toy to play with.
Some lady got shot by her kid? Take all guns away from US citizens.
Lots of people get dead by being unable to understand that a gun isn't for protection, it's for killing things, usually people. Unless you need it for that, you don't need it, and that is why many of us are perfectly happy to take your guns away, and my guns away, and nearly all guns away and store them until it's time to go to war. No one needs gun in a Wal-Mart where some dumb bunny gets dead by her own gun, that's what usually happens, while four children watch her die. Life doesn't have to be that way, and in most of the rest of the world, it isn't.

Sorry but the Second Amendment does not proscribe that you prove a need for a weapon before the state allows you to have one. It says that because the owning of weapons guarantees the security of a free state so the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. You have heard of the Bill of Rights, haven't you?

I have about 50 firearms and I use them exclusively for recreational purposes because I have never killed anybody with any of them. Why should my rights be taken away because some bozo uses a firearm irresponsibly? Where is the justice in that?
Justice is not the goal, nor the issue. You don't own a tank for a reason, and you shouldn't have guns either. They exist for only one reason, to kill things.
The caveat of "by guns" does nothing but show the fault in your logic.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Sadly there won't be any guns available when you get done.
There's not a thing in the world sad about that. No one says, gee, I sure miss rape, except the rapist. The gun nuts will just have to find some other deadly toy to play with.
No one says, gee, I sure miss getting raped because I had no means to protect myself. :)
They like guns there, just your kind of folks. And besides, it's my country not yours, so get the fuck out and take your god and guns with you.

Yea, that 1st and 2nd amendment to the Constitution really sucks for Libtards, doesn't it? It doesn't fit into the communist model very well, does it?
Nope, but there's no reason a women with four kids in tow needs a gun there, and there never will be.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
I'm safer. Don't be mad.
No, you aren't, it's a number things.
Then don't carry one. I will. :)
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
I'm safer. Don't be mad.
No, you aren't, it's a number things.
Yes, I am. Don't be mad.
There is no fault in my logic. Ban guns and suicides by guns drop, and so do all suicides. Guns are a suicide machine. I wouldn't be planning to use one that way if they weren't.
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Sadly there won't be any guns available when you get done.
There's not a thing in the world sad about that. No one says, gee, I sure miss rape, except the rapist. The gun nuts will just have to find some other deadly toy to play with.
No one says, gee, I sure miss getting raped because I had no means to protect myself. :)
Guns don't keep women from being raped, but the rapist can get a free gun out of that so it's a win-win for him.
They like guns there, just your kind of folks. And besides, it's my country not yours, so get the fuck out and take your god and guns with you.

Yea, that 1st and 2nd amendment to the Constitution really sucks for Libtards, doesn't it? It doesn't fit into the communist model very well, does it?
The First is fine, although we don't follow that either, but the Second is a death wish and needs to go into the can with most of the rest of the Constitution that long ago served its purpose.
Here's a thought for you left-wing nutters... if you don't like concealed carry, then don't do concealed carry.

Easy as that!

You're welcome!

Yeah, the problem is that when a 2 year old can get to his mom's gun in a crowded store, it becomes everyone's problem.

Agreed... but that has nothing to do with concealed carry and everything to do with stupidity and irresponsibility. Just like driving drunk. You'll never stop it.

Yes except we force drivers to have liability insurance. Will you be willing to force gun owners to carry the same insurance?
It might be a good idea, I can't say. But I don't know you that well.
When the time is right it will be a good idea. I have no plans to live past my time.
Sadly there won't be any guns available when you get done.
There's not a thing in the world sad about that. No one says, gee, I sure miss rape, except the rapist. The gun nuts will just have to find some other deadly toy to play with.
No one says, gee, I sure miss getting raped because I had no means to protect myself. :)
Guns don't keep women from being raped, but the rapist can get a free gun out of that so it's a win-win for him.
Let's put it to the test. Try and rape anyone in my house and see what happens. Maybe we can handle that nasty suicide wish of yours at the same time.
I'm sure that you will. And when they bury you or someone else close to you who died by your guns, I will not shed a tear. As long as you mostly kill your "me and mine", that's on you.
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
I'm safer. Don't be mad.
No, you aren't, it's a number things.
Yes, I am. Don't be mad.
I'm not mad, you're just ignoring reason, but that's to be expected.
The only possible reason that a civilian would want to be able to carry a concealed weapon is so that he could carry his weapon into a place where weapons are banned. Anywhere else would be a foolish act that would lull a bad guy into thinking that he is an easy target.

That is far from correct. A concealed weapon simply doesn't advertise itself and draw unnecessary attention. There are many reasons why you would want to be able to enjoy a quiet evening out downtown without drawing unwanted attention to yourself.

Why wouldn't you want to call attention to yourself? I have been told over and over again that it is your constitutional right. Why would you want to hide your exercising your constitutional right? Also, the whole point of carrying a gun is to avoid being a victim of crime. what better way to do that than to show the firearm?

On the other hand, if carrying a firearm in the open makes you feel out of place, maybe you ARE out of place carrying a firearm....
Don't try to harm me or mine and you'll be safe. Just not as safe as I am. :)
Actually you're much less safe, but you feel safer. One is reason, one is emotion. Your side rejects reason.
I'm safer. Don't be mad.
No, you aren't, it's a number things.
Yes, I am. Don't be mad.
I'm not mad, you're just ignoring reason, but that's to be expected.
No, I'm not. Don't be mad.

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