Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

When "shit" is expected to happen even in the most unusual circumstances, we force those ... .

Ahh... and there ya have it.

Your tendency toward 'force' is why the ownership and use of firearms is essential to the state of freedom.

Great point!

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Keys, are you going to have that engraved on your tombstone?
I think of it like this.

How important is your life, to you?

Should you take the maximum steps to prevent your death?

What are you going to do laying in an office cube with a gunman on his way down your row mowing people down?

Life is more precious to defend to some people than some whiney political statistic or ideaology.
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I've read it, and my people wrote it, but what might have kept you free 230 years ago no longer does.

Why, because you say so? Justice Scalia and the majority of the Supreme Court disagrees with you. Sorry but you are wrong once again. You may have have read it but you sure as hell don't understand it. You think the filthy ass corrupt and incompetent government will provide you will all the security you ever will need and therefore have no responsibility of your own. You never get it right, do you? You are a great poster child for the Moon Bats.
Guns don't keep women from being raped, but the rapist can get a free gun out of that so it's a win-win for him.
Let's put it to the test. Try and rape anyone in my house and see what happens. Maybe we can handle that nasty suicide wish of yours at the same time.
If you tell me the numbers of males and females, their ages and relationships, and I'll tell you whether that has already happened more than likely. It would be no shock if it did. That's also a numbers game.

And the person most likely to rape someone in your house, you let in:

Source: Current or former intimate partner Another relative Friend or acquaintance Stranger
US Bureau of Justice statistics 26% 7% 38% 26%

And if there are four females around, one of you has or will be raped. The gun won't save that from happening because it will most likely be someone you care about who does it.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
The comical veiled threats of gun owners always make me laugh....

Then, why are you wetting your pants over a 2 year old with a gun?

No one should get excited about it. Every two year old should have access to a gun. As I have been told many times by the Right, what about the words "shall not be restricted" do you not understand?

No... . No two year old should be holding a firearm... And while your reduction to the absurd is amusing, it does once again prove its utility in providing a vehicle through which the intellectually less fortunate to embarrass themselves.

But the idiot did claim that she laughed at the idea of Americans using firearms in defense of their rights... even as she wet her rhetorical pant over an accident involving a firearm.

It's not a complex equation, just sufficiently so to be beyond your well demonstrated limited intellectual means.
I've read it, and my people wrote it, but what might have kept you free 230 years ago no longer does.

Why, because you say so? Justice Scalia and the majority of the Supreme Court disagrees with you. Sorry but you are wrong once again. You may have have read it but you sure as hell don't understand it. You think the filthy ass corrupt and incompetent government will provide you will all the security you ever will need and therefore have no responsibility of your own. You never get it right, do you? You are a great poster child for the Moon Bats.
More emotion next time. Thanks a bunch.
December 31, 2014, 1:53 AZ time, Keys posted an original thought. Please note time, place, and date.
When "shit" is expected to happen even in the most unusual circumstances, we force those ... .

Ahh... and there ya have it.

Your tendency toward 'force' is why the ownership and use of firearms is essential to the state of freedom.

Great point!

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Its what a responsible society does...provide for the general welfare of its citizens. Sorry you disagree with this bedrock American principle. But then again, you're veiled threat at armed overthrow of the sitting government isn't very patriotic anyway so we shouldn't be surprised.
There are 320million (hey guys.... thats a HUGE fucking amount!) People in this country.

So the size and scope of this one story being so god damned big tells you that concealed carry must be pretty damn fine apart from freak occurences
The comical veiled threats of gun owners always make me laugh....

Then, why are you wetting your pants over a 2 year old with a gun?

I could have been standing next to the lady and if junior decides to aim mom's gun at me instead...boom.
That would be bad. If it happened to someone I love it would be worse.

Yes... and you could have been sitting in your kitchen sipping some green tea, while listening to NPR... just as a meteor shot through your roof, striking you dead center simultaneously crushing and incinerating you... leaving absolutely no trace of your mortal remains.

Yet... nature has seen fit to not set you in that circumstance, which bears roughly the same odds of probability.


I see what ya mean... that DOES SUCK!
Let's put it to the test. Try and rape anyone in my house and see what happens. Maybe we can handle that nasty suicide wish of yours at the same time.
If you tell me the numbers of males and females, their ages and relationships, and I'll tell you whether that has already happened more than likely. It would be no shock if it did. That's also a numbers game.

And the person most likely to rape someone in your house, you let in:

Source: Current or former intimate partner Another relative Friend or acquaintance Stranger
US Bureau of Justice statistics 26% 7% 38% 26%

And if there are four females around, one of you has or will be raped. The gun won't save that from happening because it will most likely be someone you care about who does it.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
Let's put it to the test. Try and rape anyone in my house and see what happens. Maybe we can handle that nasty suicide wish of yours at the same time.
If you tell me the numbers of males and females, their ages and relationships, and I'll tell you whether that has already happened more than likely. It would be no shock if it did. That's also a numbers game.

And the person most likely to rape someone in your house, you let in:

Source: Current or former intimate partner Another relative Friend or acquaintance Stranger
US Bureau of Justice statistics 26% 7% 38% 26%

And if there are four females around, one of you has or will be raped. The gun won't save that from happening because it will most likely be someone you care about who does it.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
If you tell me the numbers of males and females, their ages and relationships, and I'll tell you whether that has already happened more than likely. It would be no shock if it did. That's also a numbers game.

And the person most likely to rape someone in your house, you let in:

Source: Current or former intimate partner Another relative Friend or acquaintance Stranger
US Bureau of Justice statistics 26% 7% 38% 26%

And if there are four females around, one of you has or will be raped. The gun won't save that from happening because it will most likely be someone you care about who does it.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you tell me the numbers of males and females, their ages and relationships, and I'll tell you whether that has already happened more than likely. It would be no shock if it did. That's also a numbers game.

And the person most likely to rape someone in your house, you let in:

Source: Current or former intimate partner Another relative Friend or acquaintance Stranger
US Bureau of Justice statistics 26% 7% 38% 26%

And if there are four females around, one of you has or will be raped. The gun won't save that from happening because it will most likely be someone you care about who does it.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No one should get excited about it. Every two year old should have access to a gun. As I have been told many times by the Right, what about the words "shall not be restricted" do you not understand?

Stupid statements like this is why we can't trust Libtards to ever be reasonable about the right to keep and bear arms.

First of all the word is infringed, not restricted. You must not have ever read the Bill of Rights either.

If you are going to have a weapon then you need to practice safety first, which includes keeping the weapon out of the hands of a 2 YO. If you don't then there will be consequences as we occasionally see.

Because some people are not responsible that is no reason to take firearms away from the vast majority that are responsible. If you do then you are "infringing" on the rights of the American people, which is against the Constitution.
When "shit" is expected to happen even in the most unusual circumstances, we force those ... .

Ahh... and there ya have it.

Your tendency toward 'force' is why the ownership and use of firearms is essential to the state of freedom.

Great point!

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Its what a responsible society does...provide for the general welfare of its citizens. Sorry you disagree with this bedrock American principle. But then again, you're veiled threat at armed overthrow of the sitting government isn't very patriotic anyway so we shouldn't be surprised.

Does it?

So a responsible society is one which uses force as a means to impart socialist tripe?

I disagree... In terms of such societies they're the one's in stark decline, usually such represents the point just prior to the civil war.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
There are 320million (hey guys.... thats a HUGE fucking amount!) People in this country.

So the size and scope of this one story being so god damned big tells you that concealed carry must be pretty damn fine apart from freak occurences
Most gun deaths are dog bites man. This one is man bites dog. That happens when toddlers kill because someone left a loaded gun around, they do so many times a year.

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