Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
No, 20,000 suffering people who couldn't figure out a better way. You really are a troll aren't you. Do you live under a bridge?
Most of them were gun nuts, although some do indeed buy the gun just for that. And I don't troll, you just don't like what I say and that is mutual.

You are the definition of a troll. You blurt out insensitive, ridiculous statements merely to make people angry, and then sit back on your haunches thinking you're so superior for doing so.

No, you are a textbook troll.
I do nothing of the kind. I speak the truths that other are afraid to admit. Most of you are so right-wing PC is makes my ears bleed.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
At your house it rains pussies. Look down.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
Until those deadly toys ends up killing you, I will.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
At your house it rains pussies. Look down.
The pussy is watching TV, but I'll say hello for you if you like.
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?

It was supposed to and did.

Break out your crayon and follow along. If the shooter kills himself, the other "good guy" with the gun becomes a moot point.
But they don't right away, so it doesn't make sense. You broke your crayon. You can stand there and pee if it happens to you but not everyone wants to be put in that position. And fortunately have the Constitution on our side.

And response doesn't happen right away either regardless of the John Wayne fantasies you guys have.

Yes the Constitution is on "your" side. That is why this will never be resolved. A zillion decades from now, we'll still have thousands of needless deaths that no other developed nation has and you guys will still be claiming it's not because of guns when the access to guns is the ONLY difference in the nations.
Only fools think they know everybody else's mind. You probably don't even understand yourself. FYI, Canada just had a guy shoot and kill 7 or 8 people and they have tough gun laws. Punish the guilty, not the innocent.
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Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
Until those deadly toys ends up killing you, I will.
Your precious numbers say there's a better chance you'll die in a car accident. Stay off the road. :)
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
At your house it rains pussies. Look down.
The pussy is watching TV, but I'll say hello for you if you like.
What are you watching?
As with the case with some random killers these days, there doesn't seem to be any need for armed response, these cowards usually ice themselves so there isn't a need for concealed weaponry there either.
Huh? Was that supposed to make sense?
I think candycorn is saying to let a murderer shoot as many people as he likes because he's going to kill himself, too.
Sounds like a plan. He's gonna run out of bullets anyway and think of the sensational news that can be used.
How odd that you think of yourself as a decent person, when you are not.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
At your house it rains pussies. Look down.
The pussy is watching TV, but I'll say hello for you if you like.
What are you watching?
I'm watching the thoughts of total morons like yourself, as usual.
No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
No, 20,000 suffering people who couldn't figure out a better way. You really are a troll aren't you. Do you live under a bridge?
Most of them were gun nuts, although some do indeed buy the gun just for that. And I don't troll, you just don't like what I say and that is mutual.

You are the definition of a troll. You blurt out insensitive, ridiculous statements merely to make people angry, and then sit back on your haunches thinking you're so superior for doing so.

No, you are a textbook troll.
I do nothing of the kind. I speak the truths that other are afraid to admit. Most of you are so right-wing PC is makes my ears bleed.

No, you speak untruths. You twist facts to suit your particular warped ideas and then think you're so smart for doing so. I am a liberal Democrat, I am not a collectivist like you. If you think that mankind is so bad then go kill yourself and then you don't have to bear witness to it. See how simple that is?

But no. Because you are indeed a troll, you will continue to spew your BS and think yourself enlightened when you are anything but. You are a mental midget and a throw back to the savages of old. You care only about yourself and wish to inflict harm on others who's lives are better than yours because you are an insecure little child.

Grow up.
If you think I'm not a decent person, why would you think it odd I believe I am?
Try being a little less literal. When I say it's raining cats and dogs, don't rush off to the pet store for food and cat toys.
At your house it rains pussies. Look down.
The pussy is watching TV, but I'll say hello for you if you like.
What are you watching?
I'm watching the thoughts of total morons like yourself, as usual.
PaintMyHouse isn't a very popular show. But I'm glad you like it.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
Until those deadly toys ends up killing you, I will.
Your precious numbers say there's a better chance you'll die in a car accident. Stay off the road. :)
That they do. But since I don't let a two-year-old play with the "trigger" of the car like said woman did with her gun, I still have decent odds.
Then I'll use yours.

"I note your dishonesty and refusal to answer direct questions." lol

Every single one of your points have been invalidated. From nothing bad ever happens at wal-mart, to Constitutional guarantees, to self-defense, to who knows what else.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
Until those deadly toys ends up killing you, I will.
Your precious numbers say there's a better chance you'll die in a car accident. Stay off the road. :)
That they do. But since I don't let a two-year-old play with the "trigger" of the car like said woman did with her gun, I still have decent odds.
Not according to the numbers. Sorry, buddy.
I never said nothing bad every happens at Wal-Mart, I said there is no reason for a young woman with four small children in tow to have a gun there, and there isn't.

You are the one who wants to play John Wayne in your flowered panties.
That's right, softy. And I always will. Deal with it. :)
Until those deadly toys ends up killing you, I will.
Your precious numbers say there's a better chance you'll die in a car accident. Stay off the road. :)
That they do. But since I don't let a two-year-old play with the "trigger" of the car like said woman did with her gun, I still have decent odds.
Not according to the numbers. Sorry, buddy.
I know the numbers well. And what's going to kill me probably won't be a gun or a car. Thanks anyway.

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