Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

When "shit" is expected to happen even in the most unusual circumstances, we force those ... .

Ahh... and there ya have it.

Your tendency toward 'force' is why the ownership and use of firearms is essential to the state of freedom.

Great point!

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Its what a responsible society does...provide for the general welfare of its citizens. Sorry you disagree with this bedrock American principle. But then again, you're veiled threat at armed overthrow of the sitting government isn't very patriotic anyway so we shouldn't be surprised.

Yes, provide for the general welfare, but the government and law enforcement are not required to protect you in the case of criminal attack. Here is one of many Court decisions that stipulate that law enforcement is not required to protect you. Thus it falls to YOU to protect YOU and YOURS!

"U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980's when they ruled that the police do not have a duty to protect you as an individual, but to protect society as a whole."
"It is well-settled fact of American law that the police have no legal duty to protect any individual citizen from crime, even if the citizen has received death threats and the police have negligently failed to provide protection."
7/15/05 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES No. 04-278 TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO, PETITIONER v. JESSICA GONZALES, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS NEXT BEST FRIEND OF HER DECEASED MINOR CHILDREN, REBECCA GONZALES, KATHERYN GONZALES, AND LESLIE GONZALES On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to individual police protection even in the presence of a restraining order. Mrs. Gonzales' husband with a track record of violence, stabbing Mrs. Gonzales to death, Mrs. Gonzales' family could not get the Supreme Court to change their unanimous decision for one's individual protection. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN FOLKS AND GOVERNMENT BODIES ARE REFUSING TO PASS THE Safety Ordinance.
(1) Richard W. Stevens. 1999. Dial 911 and Die. Hartford, Wisconsin: Mazel Freedom Press. (2)Barillari v. City of Milwaukee, 533 N.W.2d 759 (Wis. 1995). (3) Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616 (7th Cir. 1982). (4) DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 489 U.S. 189 (1989). (5) Ford v. Town of Grafton, 693 N.E.2d 1047 (Mass. App. 1998).
(6) Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981)."...a government and its agencies are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen..." -Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981)
(7) "What makes the City's position particularly difficult to understand is that, in conformity to the dictates of the law, Linda did not carry any weapon for self-defense. Thus by a rather bitter irony she was required to rely for protection on the City of NY which now denies all responsibility to her." Riss v. New York, 22 N.Y.2d 579,293 N.Y.S.2d 897, 240 N.E.2d 806 (1958).
(8) "Law enforcement agencies and personnel have no duty to protect individuals from the criminal acts of others; instead their duty is to preserve the peace and arrest law breakers for the protection of the general public."Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E. 2nd 247 (N.C. App. 1989)
New York Times, Washington DCJustices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: June 28, 2005 The ruling applies even for a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation. "

1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
It doesn't work that way. It's rather all or nothing.
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
It doesn't work that way. It's rather all or nothing.
Im sorry.

If you find humans a disease, I cannot respect a single opinion you might have about our species and its societies. Youre auto categorized to me as having an insurmountable predisposed bias and that renders you unable to judge things clearly In my view. Gday
I said you, personally. Come and try to rape someone in my house. I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be part of future gun violence statistics. :)
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
There are 320million (hey guys.... thats a HUGE fucking amount!) People in this country.

So the size and scope of this one story being so god damned big tells you that concealed carry must be pretty damn fine apart from freak occurences

There are about two million concealed weapon permit holders in the state of Florida. It is a "shall issue" state. The number of gun crimes committed by that tremendous number of people are infinitesimal but yet the stupid Libtards want to prevent concealed carry. Go figure. Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
It doesn't work that way. It's rather all or nothing.

Why? What makes you so special? If you truly felt the way you did you would off yourself. The fact that you don't tells me that you don't believe what you say and are merely trolling.
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
It doesn't work that way. It's rather all or nothing.
Why? What makes you so special? If you truly felt the way you did you would off yourself. The fact that you don't tells me that you don't believe what you say and are merely trolling.
Killing myself does no good. Killing all humanity however does. It will happen, sooner or later, nature is clear about that.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.

If everyone were to stop using guns the strong would be very powerful wouldn't they? The Mike Browns of the world would be able to simply batter their way to get whatever they want. How about swords? Are they OK?
It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.
If you think humans are a disease....off yourself and leave us out of it.
It doesn't work that way. It's rather all or nothing.
Why? What makes you so special? If you truly felt the way you did you would off yourself. The fact that you don't tells me that you don't believe what you say and are merely trolling.
Killing myself does no good. Killing all humanity however does. It will happen, sooner or later, nature is clear about that.

What does killing humanity do?
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.

No, 20,000 suffering people who couldn't figure out a better way. You really are a troll aren't you. Do you live under a bridge?
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
1. I wouldn't come to your house, we have nothing in common and wouldn't like each other. 2. I wouldn't rape someone while there regardless. And 3., depending on the ages and sex someone in your house has already been raped, and the gun didn't protect them. Hell for all I know, the gun might have been what allowed it to happen.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
No, 20,000 suffering people who couldn't figure out a better way. You really are a troll aren't you. Do you live under a bridge?
Most of them were gun nuts, although some do indeed buy the gun just for that. And I don't troll, you just don't like what I say and that is mutual.
1. I wouldn't let you in even if you did. 2) I don't know that. 3) No one in my house has been raped, because I have a gun to prevent it.

You ever been raped? :)
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?

yes or no.
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.

It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
No, 20,000 suffering people who couldn't figure out a better way. You really are a troll aren't you. Do you live under a bridge?
Most of them were gun nuts, although some do indeed buy the gun just for that. And I don't troll, you just don't like what I say and that is mutual.

You are the definition of a troll. You blurt out insensitive, ridiculous statements merely to make people angry, and then sit back on your haunches thinking you're so superior for doing so.

No, you are a textbook troll.
No one in your house that you know of. As I say, it's a numbers game and that's why I know the gun won't protect you.
Then show the courage of your convictions. :)
I do...
No you don't. You say my guns won't protect me but you won't come to my house to prove it. No courage, just words.
Think of it this way, and grow up a bit. You think the gun will protect you and yours from being raped but I have the numbers that say that isn't true. Why, because the rapist is someone you know who you yourself let in. Not only will he know about the guns, he might very well use one to keep you exactly where he wants you. Now which one of us has a problem, the one with faith in a gun or the one with numbers?
Has a gun ever stopped a rape?
yes or no.
I'll use your answer to Y/N questions, that depends.
It's already protected me once, so your "numbers game" is wrong. Furthermore, it's not a game, it is life. Only you progressives value your lives but think everyone else's life is useless so long as they are not furthering your goals.

You are simply wrong. The numbers prove you wrong at every turn which is why you resort to propaganda.
Humans are a disease, and my numbers are correct. Learn what Subjective means, it does not make for a valid argument.

No, your numbers are biased. Suicide is counted in your numbers and a person who is determined to kill themselves will do so. With a gun at least they do it to themselves unlike driving a car into another car or jumping off a building and landing on someone below.

And if humans are a "disease", how do you care how they die? If a person chooses to defend themselves and a bad guy dies how is that bad? Oh, I get it.....the bad guy would kill MORE people if left alone, and that you don't like.

I get it. You want bad guys to kill more people.
I want people to stop using guns, period. We are past that stage now, or should be. And yes, suicides are in there. 20,000 dead gun nuts a year. So be it.
I want to live in a world where guns don't exist. Bad people don't exist. Suicides don't exist. Nothing bad ever happens in my fantasy world, either.
You do what you can, if you live in a decent nation that is, and we don't.
This is why decent people need guns to protect themselves. :)

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