Why Does Bloomberg Hate Farmers?

I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg

“And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a tiny, soulless technocrat to tell everyone else how to live their lives.’ So God made a Bloomberg.”​

Hick Farmers Retaliate Against Coastal Elites By Withholding Ingredients Needed To Make Avocado Toast.


U.S.—Farmers have long been looked down upon by coastal elites, and now the farmers are finally getting their revenge: the "redneck hicks" all around the country have announced they will not be shipping the ingredients needed to make avocado toast to major liberal cities like New York and Los Angeles.

"Until further notice, you'll have to farm your own wheat and grow your own avocados," a spokesperson for America's farmers said as he chewed on a stalk of Timothy grass and did other stereotypical farmer things. "Have fun! Yeehaw!"​

Avocado farmers in rural parts of Florida and California reminded city dwellers just how juicy and delicious their avocados are.

"Man, these are just perfect -- would go great on a nice, warm piece of toast. It would be a real shame if I didn't ship these to the cities, since I'm just a hick farmer and all."​

The coastal elites were devastated by the sanctions, as the only thing they know how to grow is marijuana in their parents' basements.

"Nooooo!!!" screamed one Hollywood screenwriter as his assistant nervously informed him there would be no avocado toast with his latte this morning. "I can't even!"​

CNN's Don Lemon wrote a formal apology to the farmers, but they claimed they couldn't read it and so the sanctions would continue.
I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?
I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg

Don't know that he hates them so much as he doesn't even consider them. He is an elite and is not capable of thinking any other way. He never considers food because it's just always been there. He sits down and a Mexican maid serves him. Personally, I'm waiting for his Dukokis (yup) moment where he gos on tv driving a big fat red and rusty Alison Chalmers tractor with a trailer full of hay being pulled behind. I hope he does that.
I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?

Sucking factory farmers ass and giving them welfare has been a both parties thing for ever. But with this awesome now trade deal with China, maybe our farmers can kick the welfare to? Even the ones in Cali?
"What Mini Mike is doing is nothing less than a large scale illegal campaign contribution. He is “spreading” money all over the place, only to have recipients of his cash payments, many former opponents, happily joining or supporting his campaign. Isn’t that called a payoff? Mini Mike is illegally buying the Democrat Nomination. They are taking it away from Bernie again. Mini Mike, Major Party Nominations are not for sale! Good luck in the debate tomorrow night and remember, no standing on boxes!" - President Trump
Its obvious bloomberg has never farmed in his life
Yet he knows it's a process to produce a crop. Where's the insult?
“You dig a hole, drop some seed in, water it and come back when the corn comes up” is an insult to farmers

we could as easily say “start a publication, censure all bad news about china, and get rich”
I graduated from UConn with an English degree. Hindsight I wish I had taken their Agricultural program. They were actually famous for degrees in Agriculture Studies before colleges were taken over by "progressive" saboteurs whose only objective is to brainwash students into being obedient democrats. I would love to learn about pot growing, how to create different hybrid strains, etc.

Plant Science | Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture
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I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?
Most california farmers thst I have had contact with are republicans
I graduated from UConn with an English degree. Hindsight I wish I had taken their Agricultural program. They were actually famous for degrees in Agriculture Studies before colleges were taken over by "progressive" saboteurs whose only objective is to brainwash students. I would love to learn about pot growing, how to create different hybrid strains, etc.

Plant Science | Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture
Just serf the net and you can find all the info you need on how to grow weed
Bloomberg has attacked farmers, blue collar workers and the elderly.

Insulting farmers? Are you fucking kidding me?

he hates farmers because they get their hands dirty ...its really that simple

Have you deplorables ever actually grown a commercial crop in your life?

It's not just Farmers that he hates. He hates most everybody

Get a grip, people.

. He is an elite and is not capable of thinking any other way

That the elites of America target farmers over & over for political gain should make it relevant to even those of little political savvy their a universe away from the worker ant, the blue collar, and the middle class by proxy

Snowflake Billionaires do not represent us , this election season's elitist duel efforts for them to make some connection is ludicrous so far

I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?

Sucking factory farmers ass and giving them welfare has been a both parties thing for ever. But with this awesome now trade deal with China, maybe our farmers can kick the welfare to? Even the ones in Cali?
Cali cartel ? (Kidding)
No handouts for farmers from me. If we cant help the poor why should we help the wealthy farmers ? At least they can their harvest and survive.
I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?

Sucking factory farmers ass and giving them welfare has been a both parties thing for ever. But with this awesome now trade deal with China, maybe our farmers can kick the welfare to? Even the ones in Cali?
Cali cartel ? (Kidding)
No handouts for farmers from me. If we cant help the poor why should we help the wealthy farmers ? At least they can their harvest and survive.

We help the poor better than any country in the world; so much so we help the poor who are here illegally. Helping farmers means helping ourselves. The US needs a string agrarian economy.
I haven't heard a good answer why he hates the people who feed half of the world.

Anyone know?

‘So God Made A Farmer’: VP Pence Shares Video Coming Directly At Bloomberg
Why you guys hate California that feeds ? and leads the US in innovation, farming, technology, job growth, economy growth? also welcomes all drug addicts, homeless and the unfortunates from all over the US....also welcomes millions of Americans that are looking for jobs they can't find in their states and districts....why the hate?
But to answer your question, aren't republicans anti government help....why they are for bailing out farmers?
Most california farmers thst I have had contact with are republicans
Almost all farmers are conservative.
Suggesting that farmers don't have brains is going to cost the obnoxious sonofabitch a lot of votes. Just like Crooked Hillary not keeping her dumb ass mouth shut about "deplorables".

That asshole couldn't survive being a farmer for one morning. If he thinks farming is nothing more than a simple process then he is very ignorant.

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