Zone1 Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?

The act of a single person condemned 100 billion people and counting to a life of suffering and toil.
We all existed in the presence of God before the world was and we all chose to come to this world knowing that we would live a mortal life and die eventually. However, we also understood that a Savior would be provided which would allow each one of us to resurrect and live forever immortally. In this life we would experience good and evil and have the opportunity to choose good over evil. This we would have to do of our own free will and choice to prove that we are truly good beings in and of ourselves. Those who truly love goodness and God more than evil and wickedness will gain much in the world to come. God rewards those who choose goodness over evil and become good beings in and of themselves. This life is temporary. That is how God sees it and those who come to this earth will, by the grace of God, be resurrected to immortality and live forever and ever. As Christians, we grieve the loss of life but we also understand that it is not the end of our existence. We live on and will have our bodies restored to an immortal state forever and ever. We also understand that this life is a trial to see what manner of person we, in and of ourselves, will become when given the choice of good over evil. In this way we can become more like our Father in Heaven and come to a greater understanding of good and evil and love goodness more than evil. Even you, Golfing Gator, sided with God before the foundation of this world and desired to come to this earth to progress to become more like him. You were among the faithful who fought in the war in heaven against Satan and his minions. But in this life you have been given the chance to choose, without being in God's presence, whether or not you will accept His ways and teachings and still side with Him of your own free will and choice. God did not condemn us by sending us to this world, but gave us the opportunity to progress and advance to become more like him and become an even greater being in the world to come. May God bless you in this life and bring you to a knowledge of God, your Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.
So, what's your point?
It is understood that life on this planet is a temporary phase and serves as a means for individuals to demonstrate their faith, obedience, and righteousness to attain a better eternal life in the hereafter.

Rather than viewing life simply as an aimless and random experience, consider it as a purposeful examination conducted by God. Just as students face various tests in their academic journey to prove their knowledge and skills, Righteous believe that their actions, choices, and intentions in this world serve as an evaluation of their devotion to God.
It is understood that life on this planet is a temporary phase and serves as a means for individuals to demonstrate their faith, obedience, and righteousness to attain a better eternal life in the hereafter.

Rather than viewing life simply as an aimless and random experience, consider it as a purposeful examination conducted by God. Just as students face various tests in their academic journey to prove their knowledge and skills, Righteous believe that their actions, choices, and intentions in this world serve as an evaluation of their devotion to God.

very well said

I try to view life this way. It is not always easy, to say the least. But Jesus did say that the Road to Heaven is narrow and there are few who find it... :(
Best answer I've ever heard for this question.

That video was interesting, although I didn't go through the whole thing.

God doesn't do love without freedom, is basically what the guy said. You have to love God and other people freely or it doesn't really "count" or however u say..
That video was interesting, although I didn't go through the whole thing.

God doesn't do love without freedom, is basically what the guy said. You have to love God and other people freely or it doesn't really "count" or however u say..

Love is a choice and without choice we would just be programmed robots.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
Listening to my music today I was reminded of a family I got to personally know over the years. They lived in Australia, he was manager of a band. He got a break and got an offer to manage a big name band here in the US. So he packed up the wife and 3 kids and moved to America.

He got fired his first day on the job.

So here he is with no money in the US with a family to take care of. Through Godincindence he met a family that took his family into their home until he could get his feet on the ground.

If you know Christian music you’ll know his kids. If not you can YouTube them.

Rebecca St. James
Joel and Luke who are the band For King and Country.

With his management talent he got them the breaks to make it big and he’s managing For King and Country.

Bad things happened, but what greater gift is there to help make his kids very successful in life. You don’t see it at the time, but later you do.
Love is a choice and without choice we would just be programmed robots.
yes, butsometimes we want to be "robots" because we don't like the choices we make and etc.

I find I am confused a lot of the time with exactly what God may want from me.... I sometimes think we are all such sinners, there's no way to know

I mean.. in an exact way

We know we are to follow the 10 commandments and etc... but it seems there is more to it than just that.
Listening to my music today I was reminded of a family I got to personally know over the years. They lived in Australia, he was manager of a band. He got a break and got an offer to manage a big name band here in the US. So he packed up the wife and 3 kids and moved to America.

He got fired his first day on the job.

So here he is with no money in the US with a family to take care of. Through Godincindence he met a family that took his family into their home until he could get his feet on the ground.

If you know Christian music you’ll know his kids. If not you can YouTube them.

Rebecca St. James
Joel and Luke who are the band For King and Country.

With his management talent he got them the breaks to make it big and he’s managing For King and Country.

Bad things happened, but what greater gift is there to help make his kids very successful in life. You don’t see it at the time, but later you do.
well, only God knows, but the thought occurs to me that maybe it was the devil who helped some of these people be "successful"?

Jesus did say "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

and frankly, the more money people acquire, the more they WANT----it's human nature
well, only God knows, but the thought occurs to me that maybe it was the devil who helped some of these people be "successful"?

Jesus did say "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

and frankly, the more money people acquire, the more they WANT----it's human nature
So Billy Graham was in league with Satan?
So Billy Graham was in league with Satan?
Graham never gave himself a huge salary and kept an old beat up car for years (until it died? I don't know)

And besides, I wasn't speaking of Graham or anyone else in particular. You did readd the words in my post

"God knows?".


Am I allowed to have my own thoughts?
well, only God knows, but the thought occurs to me that maybe it was the devil who helped some of these people be "successful"?

Jesus did say "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

and frankly, the more money people acquire, the more they WANT----it's human nature

The devil comes to do three things.....Kill, steal, and destroy.

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

God wants you to prosper along with your soul.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Graham never gave himself a huge salary and kept an old beat up car for years (until it died? I don't know)

And besides, I wasn't speaking of Graham or anyone else in particular. You did readd the words in my post

"God knows?"...


Am I allowed to have my own thoughts?

God doesn’t hate success.
Jesus’ best friend was a very wealthy man.
The Bible does say that the rich fall into many snares

Then there's the parable of the rich man and the poor beggar, the latter going to Hell, the former to Heaven..

Every piece of gold and silver on the planet was put here for mankind which was created by God.

Mankind falls into many snares, not just the rich.

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