Why does God hide himself?

The most powerful seduction taking place on earth , is the seduction of the Christian mind. In Rev. 12:9 satan has deceived the whole earth. One of the ways satan has deceived an entire globe , is by using Christianity to help him. There are 7 billion people on earth ; there are 2.2 billion Christians on earth ; Christianity is the largest church on earth. Its academic , satan used the Christian church to deceive the whole world, its been a perfect seduction. Nobody has been aware of it but a small amount of humans. A stunning way to deceive believers , the devil got inside of the church and used believers to deceive believers.

Notice Jesus in Rev. 2:4, he has something " Against" his own church; In Rev. 2:14-15, Jesus addresses another of his churches, telling them he has things against them , and they were " Doing things that he Hates!". In Rev. 2:20 Jesus still has things against the church of God. In Rev. 3:17-20 Jesus describes HIS church as wretched, miserable, poor , " BLIND, ", and naked. Jesus described the final stage of HIS church on earth as being blind; or deceived; meaning they don't know they are deceived. Their in sad condition. Notice verse 20, Jesus stands at the door and knocks! This means Jesus is on the outside of his own church.

None of them can give an accurate description of themselves.
Don't forget that Eusebius discredited the book (scroll) called Revelation.
My suggested reading , " Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola. A stunning read , it takes the hypocritic clothes off of Christianity.

Also the thread " Christianity is more dangerous than Atheism", here in this section archives.
Islam is more dangerous than either.
My suggested reading , " Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola. A stunning read , it takes the hypocritic clothes off of Christianity.

Also the thread " Christianity is more dangerous than Atheism", here in this section archives.
Islam is more dangerous than either.

I disagree ; Christianity is far more dangerous , , because they think they speak for God , and the world believes them. satan appears as a god through their church doctrines of demons. Eternal hell suffering is given strength by their deceptive lust.
My suggested reading , " Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola. A stunning read , it takes the hypocritic clothes off of Christianity.

Also the thread " Christianity is more dangerous than Atheism", here in this section archives.
Islam is more dangerous than either.

I disagree ; Christianity is far more dangerous , , because they think they speak for God , and the world believes them. satan appears as a god through their church doctrines of demons. Eternal hell suffering is given strength by their deceptive lust.
Every moron and his imam thinks they speak for a god too.

Plus there's that allure of 72 virgins with full breasts and firm for moosleem boyz who cannot get laid on their own.
My suggested reading , " Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola. A stunning read , it takes the hypocritic clothes off of Christianity.

Also the thread " Christianity is more dangerous than Atheism", here in this section archives.
Islam is more dangerous than either.

I disagree ; Christianity is far more dangerous , , because they think they speak for God , and the world believes them. satan appears as a god through their church doctrines of demons. Eternal hell suffering is given strength by their deceptive lust.
Every moron and his imam thinks they speak for a god too.

Plus there's that allure of 72 virgins with full breasts and firm for moosleem boyz who cannot get laid on their own.

Oh Christianity's allure tops that you get eternal life in heaven, or you get punished for 999,888,777,333 trillion years and on into infinity.
These are the major reasons humanity is confused spiritually , we have groups like Islam and Christianity getting infused into the consciousness of humanity, and they lead humans to extreme points of views and put the blame on God when humans react to religions like they do. They get all bent out of shape and they bend their scriptures out of shape ; and humans , like sheep , just follow anything. All this is evidence that God is not here.
Religion thinks it has God in their hands. They act like that too.
In Daniel 12:4 in the time of the end , knowledge will increase

Because God prepares to come closer.
In Luke 3:6" And all flesh shall see the salvation of God."

There will be no more hiding.
These are the major reasons humanity is confused spiritually , we have groups like Islam and Christianity getting infused into the consciousness of humanity, and they lead humans to extreme points of views and put the blame on God when humans react to religions like they do. They get all bent out of shape and they bend their scriptures out of shape ; and humans , like sheep , just follow anything. All this is evidence that God is not here.
Truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process, of course it is messy. If you don't have the stomach for it, check out. No one will give a shit.
To understand the answer to this question we must understand God's entire plan for us. First you must understand that we existed prior to coming to this earth as the spirit children of God. We lived in his presence and all of us that have come to this earth and received a body were faithful to him. This pre-mortal state is also known as the first estate. This mortal life is known as the second estate. There is an old saying, "When the cats away, the mice will play". We were faithful in our first estate while in the presence of God. But God is raising us to be like him. God is a being who does good in and of himself. Nobody tells God to be good. He does it of his own volition. By his own free will and choice he chooses to be a good person. This requires that he have free will to choose in and of himself. God has given us free will in hopes that we will develop our character into one like his. His hope is that we learn to treasure the good and love doing that which is right and just and true. We were obedient while in his presence with a perfect knowledge of his existence. That was the test of our first estate. Some did not do so well in their first estate and rebelled against God and were cast out with Satan and became one of Satan's angels. They never received a body but are spirit beings only. It was then necessary for God to place us in a situation where we would be tested to see if we would be good or learn to be good over time outside of a perfect knowledge of him and outside his presence. We need to learn to do good in and of ourselves. Only in this way do we truly become more like God.

Sure we make mistakes, but God is loving and patient and gives us second, third, fourth ... chances. He provided a Savior who allows us to repent and be forgiven. He has given us the gift of the Holy Ghost if we covenant by baptism to do his will. He hasn't left us totally in the dark but has made sure that his teachings are in the world for anyone to receive. He blesses those who strive to be good and repent. So when the Cat's away, will the mice do good or will they choose evil? This is the test of this life. Are you a good person in and of yourself or only when you know with a perfect knowledge that God exists and are in his presence? Being a good being is an act of faith and a change of heart to love and follow goodness. The spirit of God comes to those who repent and love to follow him. Like those who were followers of God in the Bible,

1 John 3:2
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

John 17:20-23
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
I too believe God has a plan. In my understanding God will return for us all. Will forgive us all. Has included us all. Because he loves us all. I disagree with the religious view of the plan of God , its too exclusive.
I too believe God has a plan. In my understanding God will return for us all. Will forgive us all. Has included us all. Because he loves us all. I disagree with the religious view of the plan of God , its too exclusive.

The person you last condemned , needs you to see the light of salvation, so you can stop condemning people.
I too believe God has a plan. In my understanding God will return for us all. Will forgive us all. Has included us all. Because he loves us all. I disagree with the religious view of the plan of God , its too exclusive.

The person you last condemned , needs you to see the light of salvation, so you can stop condemning people.

The world is killing each other , and religious doctrines are killing us.

Nobody is teaching life.

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