Why does gov Scott Walket (WI) discriminate against minorities?


Jan 23, 2012
Can anybody answer why gov Scott Walker is aginst minorities getting ahead in Wisconsin? His policies he has implemented have depressed education in the low income areas so that the black and Hispanic communities are kept uneducated. That is the sugar coated version of why he is racist!
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I am not crazy this is the truth.... First he causes inner city schools to fail then the crime in that area increases. So therefore the police force must be increased.... Increased police force = more arrests thereby removing the "undesirables" from that area. Now his high power real-estate friends (who gave him "campaign donations") step in. They demo the area and put up multimillion dollar condos... Thus improving Wisconsin and creating jobs in the process... All at the expense of the poor and under privileged. Think I am crazy ....if you are from Wisconsin specifically Milwaukee you know about the development in the "third ward" area... Million dollar condos are built after displacement of the Hispanic community (what walker calls undesirables)... I bet you there is not one person who is not whiter than sour cream that lives in those condos
I am not crazy this is the truth.... First he causes inner city schools to fail then the crime in that area increases. So therefore the police force must be increased.... Increased police force = more arrests thereby removing the "undesirables" from that area. Now his high power real-estate friends (who gave him "campaign donations") step in. They demo the area and put up multimillion dollar condos... Thus improving Wisconsin and creating jobs in the process... All at the expense of the poor and under privileged. Think I am crazy ....if you are from Wisconsin specifically Milwaukee you know about the development in the "third ward" area... Million dollar condos are built after displacement of the Hispanic community (what walker calls undesirables)... I bet you there is not one person who is not whiter than sour cream that lives in those condos

It is not true. It's your opinion. Your opinion is not 'truth'. It might be your truth... but not The Truth.

Stop playing the race card. It's boring.

And make up shit about what Walker says - that's dishonest. Getting a reputation as a lying idiot is easy.... losing it, not so simple.
I am not crazy this is the truth.... First he causes inner city schools to fail then the crime in that area increases. So therefore the police force must be increased.... Increased police force = more arrests thereby removing the "undesirables" from that area. Now his high power real-estate friends (who gave him "campaign donations") step in. They demo the area and put up multimillion dollar condos... Thus improving Wisconsin and creating jobs in the process... All at the expense of the poor and under privileged. Think I am crazy ....if you are from Wisconsin specifically Milwaukee you know about the development in the "third ward" area... Million dollar condos are built after displacement of the Hispanic community (what walker calls undesirables)... I bet you there is not one person who is not whiter than sour cream that lives in those condos

It is not true. It's your opinion. Your opinion is not 'truth'. It might be your truth... but not The Truth.

Stop playing the race card. It's boring.

And make up shit about what Walker says - that's dishonest. Getting a reputation as a lying idiot is easy.... losing it, not so simple.

Umm where do you live? Bet it is not in Milwaukee in the "Historic Third Ward" (as it is now called). If you did you would see physical proof of my statements. You would see the multi million dollar condos that are being built after houses are bulldozed and low income housing is "remolded". You would see the mysterious increase in the police force in that area. Schools that no longer had extracurricular programs because of "budget cuts". Kids no longer having positive outlets for thier energies due to those activities being cut. That in its self leads to drugs that leads to crime.
So please stop talking about stuff that you know nothing of because I live there and see it every day. However I think you are just a big TROLL, which is sad that you have nothing better to do with your time.
The trouble with lefties is that decades of failed democrat policies have convinced libs that "minorities" don't want what everyone wants. Guess what lefties, "minorities" don't live on the democrat plantation anymore. By God they drive cars and own homes and have good jobs like everyone else and like everyone else "minorities" want lower taxes.
The trouble with lefties is that decades of failed democrat policies have convinced libs that "minorities" don't want what everyone wants. Guess what lefties, "minorities" don't live on the democrat plantation anymore. By God they drive cars and own homes and have good jobs like everyone else and like everyone else "minorities" want lower taxes.
Good point whitehall.... Oh wait there was no point to what you said. It was just some phrases that you were programed to say and then parroted them out as a good little sheep should.
I want what everybody wants…. I want the presented opportunities to be equal I will work for my goals and teach my children to work for theirs and not expect handouts because they are a miniority. This cannot happen if our kids are stripped of their education. How exactly do you expect a young man or lady to go on and get a higher education at schools like MIT ect, when their public high schools cannot provide them with the proper start. I know many students who “try hard” but you cannot learn higher math by reading book (actually I should say it improbable but not impossible). How can we expect one teacher to teach 40 kids and expect good results. How can we expect kids to have positive focal points instead of negative ones when we do not engage them to learn? This is the damage that Governor Walker is doing. Remove funding from schools by decreasing teacher head count and funding for after school programs. Decreasing teacher head count increases class sizes. Lack of extracurricular activities lessens positive focal points for our kids energies and decreases their abilities to excel in diversified fields. Again where this is most prevalent is in the inner city and impoverished neighborhoods and not in “white suburbia”. Who exactly lives in those areas… it’s not millionaire bankers and wall street types… yep you guessed it the minorities. The affected schools are already overcrowded, how exactly do you expect to get away with even fewer teachers? Again this leads to crime and drugs. That leads to increased police force and eventually the area is striped of the "undesirables" because they were all forced somewhere else by Gov. Walkers Skullduggery.
I was looking for an engaging conversation not some automatic gainsaying by the use of stock and store cookie cutter responses and trolls. However, now I see that there is little combine capacity in the lot of the responders and most likely in all the people (sheeple) who would attempt to counter this point. That would probably be the people who call themselves republicans but are in fact preprogramed automatons who have but four responses to any intellectual exchange of ideas. Furthermore I am not aligned, specifically, with any party. My political stance is aligned with the “American Dream”.
The trouble with lefties is that decades of failed democrat policies have convinced libs that "minorities" don't want what everyone wants. Guess what lefties, "minorities" don't live on the democrat plantation anymore. By God they drive cars and own homes and have good jobs like everyone else and like everyone else "minorities" want lower taxes.
Good point whitehall.... Oh wait there was no point to what you said. It was just some phrases that you were programed to say and then parroted them out as a good little sheep should.
I want what everybody wants…. I want the presented opportunities to be equal I will work for my goals and teach my children to work for theirs and not expect handouts because they are a miniority. This cannot happen if our kids are stripped of their education. How exactly do you expect a young man or lady to go on and get a higher education at schools like MIT ect, when their public high schools cannot provide them with the proper start. I know many students who “try hard” but you cannot learn higher math by reading book (actually I should say it improbable but not impossible). How can we expect one teacher to teach 40 kids and expect good results. How can we expect kids to have positive focal points instead of negative ones when we do not engage them to learn? This is the damage that Governor Walker is doing. Remove funding from schools by decreasing teacher head count and funding for after school programs. Decreasing teacher head count increases class sizes. Lack of extracurricular activities lessens positive focal points for our kids energies and decreases their abilities to excel in diversified fields. Again where this is most prevalent is in the inner city and impoverished neighborhoods and not in “white suburbia”. Who exactly lives in those areas… it’s not millionaire bankers and wall street types… yep you guessed it the minorities. The affected schools are already overcrowded, how exactly do you expect to get away with even fewer teachers? Again this leads to crime and drugs. That leads to increased police force and eventually the area is striped of the "undesirables" because they were all forced somewhere else by Gov. Walkers Skullduggery.
I was looking for an engaging conversation not some automatic gainsaying by the use of stock and store cookie cutter responses and trolls. However, now I see that there is little combine capacity in the lot of the responders and most likely in all the people (sheeple) who would attempt to counter this point. That would probably be the people who call themselves republicans but are in fact preprogramed automatons who have but four responses to any intellectual exchange of ideas. Furthermore I am not aligned, specifically, with any party. My political stance is aligned with the “American Dream”.

I think you protest (and play the race card) a little too much. All Gov. Walker did was to take away a little of the municipal unions power to intimidate the state government. Perfectly legal and perfectly above board. If there is any "skullduggery" involved it's the democrat elected representatives fleeing to another state like a bunch of criminals rather than vote on a bill they didn't like.
Let me get this straight, you are bitching about ghettos being leveled and brand new condos being built in their place?

Sounds like he is doing something right.
The trouble with lefties is that decades of failed democrat policies have convinced libs that "minorities" don't want what everyone wants. Guess what lefties, "minorities" don't live on the democrat plantation anymore. By God they drive cars and own homes and have good jobs like everyone else and like everyone else "minorities" want lower taxes.
Good point whitehall.... Oh wait there was no point to what you said. It was just some phrases that you were programed to say and then parroted them out as a good little sheep should.
I want what everybody wants…. I want the presented opportunities to be equal I will work for my goals and teach my children to work for theirs and not expect handouts because they are a miniority. This cannot happen if our kids are stripped of their education. How exactly do you expect a young man or lady to go on and get a higher education at schools like MIT ect, when their public high schools cannot provide them with the proper start. I know many students who “try hard” but you cannot learn higher math by reading book (actually I should say it improbable but not impossible). How can we expect one teacher to teach 40 kids and expect good results. How can we expect kids to have positive focal points instead of negative ones when we do not engage them to learn? This is the damage that Governor Walker is doing. Remove funding from schools by decreasing teacher head count and funding for after school programs. Decreasing teacher head count increases class sizes. Lack of extracurricular activities lessens positive focal points for our kids energies and decreases their abilities to excel in diversified fields. Again where this is most prevalent is in the inner city and impoverished neighborhoods and not in “white suburbia”. Who exactly lives in those areas… it’s not millionaire bankers and wall street types… yep you guessed it the minorities. The affected schools are already overcrowded, how exactly do you expect to get away with even fewer teachers? Again this leads to crime and drugs. That leads to increased police force and eventually the area is striped of the "undesirables" because they were all forced somewhere else by Gov. Walkers Skullduggery.
I was looking for an engaging conversation not some automatic gainsaying by the use of stock and store cookie cutter responses and trolls. However, now I see that there is little combine capacity in the lot of the responders and most likely in all the people (sheeple) who would attempt to counter this point. That would probably be the people who call themselves republicans but are in fact preprogramed automatons who have but four responses to any intellectual exchange of ideas. Furthermore I am not aligned, specifically, with any party. My political stance is aligned with the “American Dream”.

Its funny how you lay the blame of these "kids" turning to "crime and drugs" at the schools for having fewer teachers. How about maybe placing the blame and responsibility of these kids on their parents?
Oh great! another 'idjit' who believes that his "opinion" is fact......just what we were missing!!

Let me get this straight, you are bitching about ghettos being leveled and brand new condos being built in their place?

Sounds like he is doing something right.

First off I never said ghettos, you only assume this because it is a “minority neighborhood”, and this only shows your obliviousness all too well. Second most people, who lived in $150k houses, cannot afford a condo that costs $700k+? Can you? If people are, by indirect compulsory actions, made to move from their areas which they currently reside, in to another area which is significantly farther away in order to pave way for new condos and a shopping mall. This presents some additional and possibly economically unfeasible cost. When that is so how can they maintain their status? Think about person X, they work hard as an employee at a fast-food chain, contributing to society, paying taxes and abiding the law. They have certain costs of living that include transportation to and from work. I know several people who have disabilities that take the city busses. Can they afford a $700k condo instead of a $400/mo apartment?! Can certain people with disabilities afford or even drive a car? Ownership of a car in Wisconsin incurs not just the cost of the auto but the mandatory insurance that goes with it. Some cannot even drive. I remember when I was young and had a job at a FF restaurant I bought a car and paid insurance. However I did not have kids or other fixed expensed.
Third and I will repeat this again, Walker did more damage than just “taking away union power” he indirectly increased class sizes and cut extracurricular school programs that help educate and focus our future generations. He did this by making obvious ceteris paribus assumptions. The schools that were hit hardest were the ones already in a situation where they are overcrowded and underfunded…. Mainly the inner-city and low income areas…. The majority of those individuals living in that area are Hispanic and African-American. Ergo by obvious choice of incompetent legislation he has committed prejudicial acts. I would accept this as pure poor planning but with the mysterious disappearance of residential appartments and houses in key neighborhoods making way for hi $$$ condos coupled with the fact that the developers hired to do the job contributed upwards of $1 mill to Walkers campaign is a obvious sign.
As far is parental responsibility being the panacea of reduction of youth crime, that is as an illogical statement as I ever heard. Education AND parental responsibility are the main dynamics for reduction of youth violence. You cannot have a good result without both in the picture. There are other minor undercurrents also but that is beyond the scope of this argument.
BTW: The reaction of vassal people, in order to remain in disagreement with a completely logical argument and not to change their thin premise, is to insult the contradictory party with silly statements such as “Oh great! another 'idjit' who believes that his "opinion" is fact......just what we were missing!!” Oh such an eloquent way of expressing your viewpoint Zander!
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