Why does Japan have a low crime rate...it is a country of old people...

Isn't it obvious? There is no significant population of blacks there. Duh! You zombie PC ***** should be ashamed of allowing yourselves to be led around by the nose like this!

So there is no crime in any all white country?

Are you that stupid?
I don't think I said that. Did I ?
Well, then let me ask you; do white people commit any crimes?
Oh, Jesus Christ. I am going to do you a favor and forget you asked me that.

You are going to do him a favor? It sounds like you don't want to go down the road he's traveling. He's not the brightest bulb, but he's about to show you the way.

You've got some comrades here......and if you aren't any brighter than those folks....you'd do the rest of us a favor by returning to stormfront.
We've met our stupid quota already.
I lean more toward it being their culture of respect, honor, and duty (to family as well as country,) plus a bit of being used to "being under someone else's authority" (not just the gov, but their parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. I don't quite mean respect, but more the happy to "do as your told" kind of thing. Like... I didn't freak out when my husband forced me to quit smoking, but if the gov had done that I would have told them too eff-off/its none of your business/etc. kind of thing. It's not really disrespect for the government, but rather respect for my rights and freedoms if that makes sense.)
The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

And here we have EXACtLY the method to seriously reduce a great deal of gun crimes.

Increase the age that men can buy a gun to 28 years of age.

Because by that time the testoserone has subsided, the jealous behavior has abated and the lack of responsibility has improved.

Not that they couldnt hunt, shoot, whatever.
they would just have to do that with another gun owner over 28.

thanks for supplying information that backs up my assertion that simply raising the age of being able to buy a gun would be of great benefit to reduce gun crime and violence.

And harm no one in the process.
I was cruising through extranosalley, a gun blog when I saw a question about Japan...and the answer mentioned the age of criminals and how crime is a young man's game...

so...that led me to look up some stats...and there it was.......Japan is a country of old people......

The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

% of the population in the age of crime...15-24..... 9.7%

and that is probably the leading reason Japan has so little crime..besides their culture and their police powers....

Japan Demographics Profile 2014

Japan has 127.3 million people as of 2013. Imagine if they had 130 million guns. I wonder what their murder rate would be.

Still near 0, they're civilized unlike the balkanized USA
Japanese have respect for their tradition, laws and culture, they are the polar opposite of Democrats
The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

And here we have EXACtLY the method to seriously reduce a great deal of gun crimes.

Increase the age that men can buy a gun to 28 years of age.

Because by that time the testoserone has subsided, the jealous behavior has abated and the lack of responsibility has improved.

Not that they couldnt hunt, shoot, whatever.
they would just have to do that with another gun owner over 28.

thanks for supplying information that backs up my assertion that simply raising the age of being able to buy a gun would be of great benefit to reduce gun crime and violence.

And harm no one in the process.
That's actually an idea to consider. Why not?
You are then labeling children as not having the same constitutional rights as adults.
Yea to a point, my father was a general. Still it's a bit of a problem to say that you have no, or even limited, constitutional rights until you turn 28 don't you think?
The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

And here we have EXACtLY the method to seriously reduce a great deal of gun crimes.

Increase the age that men can buy a gun to 28 years of age.

Because by that time the testoserone has subsided, the jealous behavior has abated and the lack of responsibility has improved.

Not that they couldnt hunt, shoot, whatever.
they would just have to do that with another gun owner over 28.

thanks for supplying information that backs up my assertion that simply raising the age of being able to buy a gun would be of great benefit to reduce gun crime and violence.

And harm no one in the process.

Then we should also raise the voting age to 40...when most leftwing fantasies are over and people actually start to think rationally.....
Japan has 127.3 million people as of 2013. Imagine if they had 130 million guns. I wonder what their murder rate would be.

The same as it is now. It isn't access to guns...their criminals can get guns if they want them.....their criminal sub-culture is obsessed with making money and they don't want anything to get in the way of that....so they don't condone violence among their minions...unlike here where we have very young criminals who settle grudges on facebook.......

I posted about their various Yakuza wars...and they use guns for those....and grenades......

It isn't access to guns that is the problem...it is the culture of the criminals that determine gun violence levels.

We have over 357 million guns in private hands, less than 8,124 were used in 2014 to commit murder.....

356,000,000 guns used by normal people who did not use them to commit murder...

less than 8,124 used to commit murder a majority of which are criminals murdering other criminals...in democrat inner cities.

so no.....it isn't access to guns since the people who own 356,000,000 guns are not committing murder or breaking the law with them.....

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?
Japan is extremely careful about who they allow to immigrate into the country.
Guess who they most reluctant to allow into the country? GOLD STAR!

But if you want weirdness you can buy little school girls 'used panties' in vending machines in certain precincts.
You are then labeling children as not having the same constitutional rights as adults.
If we can set a mandatory minimum age for driving, getting married, voting, smoking and drinking, renting a car, why can't we set a mandatory minimum age for owning a gun? Seems reasonable to me.
The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

And here we have EXACtLY the method to seriously reduce a great deal of gun crimes.

Increase the age that men can buy a gun to 28 years of age.

Because by that time the testoserone has subsided, the jealous behavior has abated and the lack of responsibility has improved.

Not that they couldnt hunt, shoot, whatever.
they would just have to do that with another gun owner over 28.

thanks for supplying information that backs up my assertion that simply raising the age of being able to buy a gun would be of great benefit to reduce gun crime and violence.

And harm no one in the process.

Then we should also raise the voting age to 40...when most leftwing fantasies are over and people actually start to think rationally.....
When did yours end?
Japan is extremely careful about who they allow to immigrate into the country.
Guess who they most reluctant to allow into the country? GOLD STAR!

But if you want weirdness you can buy little school girls 'used panties' in vending machines in certain precincts.
Japan has this problem called, over crowded and out of living space, M'Kay?
They are a monoculture. They are fucking smart to keep it that way.
Possibly why they aren't the lone world superpower like the U.S., which is celebrated as a mixing bowl of cultures.
The US was a very light mix when it became a super power. Same with Russia, same with China, same with England, Same with Germany, etc.
America was comprised of many different cultures that all hated each other at sone point in their history being here
Isn't it obvious? There is no significant population of blacks there. Duh! You zombie PC ***** should be ashamed of allowing yourselves to be led around by the nose like this!

So there is no crime in any all white country?

Are you that stupid?
I don't think I said that. Did I ?
Well, then let me ask you; do white people commit any crimes?
Oh, Jesus Christ. I am going to do you a favor and forget you asked me that.

You are going to do him a favor? It sounds like you don't want to go down the road he's traveling. He's not the brightest bulb, but he's about to show you the way.

You've got some comrades here......and if you aren't any brighter than those folks....you'd do the rest of us a favor by returning to stormfront.
We've met our stupid quota already.
Show me the way to what? Denying reality by accepting the proposition that everyone is the same? That skin color is not indicative of what type of behavior may be associated with a person because there may be a correlation between skin color and the culture that person belongs to? Notice that I use the word "may". I am completely open to the idea that certain groups are not habitual criminals. In fact, I do not expect them to be. But if you look at, say, the racial make up of county jails and state and federal prisons, then add to that the rampant lawlessness you see among black cultures elsewhere in the world, then you get the picture of what this group and its culture tend to value. It is not always the same values as others.

You can live in your delusion if you like. But fella, there is a whole world out there and you are missing it. As for Bowie, fuck him. If he wants to attempt to employ grade school logic to show me the light then he is dumber than you say. He is a simpleton whose mastery of logic is akin to a retarded cousin of Socrates arguing with a drunkard. Pathetic.

I feel great shame for both of you.
Jap chicks are way up there on the fuckworthiness scale. First off, they take care of themselves. They don't eat a lot of fattening shit. Second, they are cute, though admittedly a matter of taste. They tend to be charmingly cock-shy, unlike some culture's chicks. I find this refreshing. Finally, most Jap chicks are level headed. You do not have to worry about them cutting your throat and stealing your wallet like with a Phillipino chick or a Korean chick.

If Japan's immigration rules were not so tight then you would have the rest of the world trying to get in there to screw those chicks. Look, Asian porn is a HUGE money making fetish area. Black porn, Indian porn, and sand monkey porn are not. It is huge because as a group Jap women are highly desirable.

Japs know this and they also know that they do not want a bunch of little half-breeds running around their country bringing all sorts of influences that may unravel their moral fabric, like rap music and street gangs and malt liquor.

So, I guess by Western PC-Zombie standards you can conclude that Japan is racist.

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