Why does Obama support Iran going nuclear ?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014..._for_israel_to_strike_iran.html#ixzz2roL5HdhQ
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Damn good question. He would believe him if they told him they'd still respect him in the morning........when they have a track record of doing the opposite.
Why does Obama support Iran going nuclear ?

BHO does not support BHO having atomic weapons, you are right.
One answer is sufficient, appeasement. In the name of diplomacy he is willing to turn his back on reality and history. So what else would you expect?
Which is more liking to end with Iran having a nuclear weapon: international agreements or unilateral sanctions? If your point of view comes from the American Thinker no telling what you believe.
Major BS. But it is from the American Thinker so........

"People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca."


Now, at the time, nobody knew about the existence of this Sunni jihadi fundamentalist ideology that later evolved into what is known today as al-Qaida. In fact, the assumption in Washington at the time was that the Shiites, the Iranian Shiites, had taken over the mosque and is also part of the Iranian revolutionary expansion to the rest of the Muslim world.

1979: Remembering 'The Siege Of Mecca' : NPR

The seizure was led by Juhayman al-Otaybi, who belonged to a powerful family of Najd. He declared his brother-in-law Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani to be the Mahdi, or redeemer. His followers took that the fact that Al-Qahtani's name and his father's name are identical to Muhammad's name and that of his father

Grand Mosque Seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One answer is sufficient, appeasement. In the name of diplomacy he is willing to turn his back on reality and history. So what else would you expect?

not sufficient enough....WHY does Obama want to appease......?

to make Iran an ally....? he already passed up a chance to do that when the people of Iran were protesting in the streets of Teheran.....so what is the motive to help the Iranian regime....?
what the president is doing with Iran is strongly opposed by Americans...66% to 30%.....including Democrats.....

here's what the Washington Post says....

Why, then, is the president pursuing a policy that top Iran experts think is dangerous and which bipartisan majorities of the American people oppose?

We can only surmise that he is poorly advised and therefore confused;

acting willfully against the advice of advisers who do know better;

thinks Israel will take care of Iran in the end;

and/or is so determined to retreat from the world that he is willing to tolerate Iran’s nuclear weapons capacity.

1/28 Obama vs. America on Iran
I'm going really far out on a limb here...

Maybe, because Iran is going to get a bomb whether we like it or not, he's trying to be nice to them so they don't use it on us?

And hey, that might work, until the day Iran is all like, "Someone stole our bomb".
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
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Time will tell, no one - not even partisan hacks - can predict the future. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick then to rattle swords and call for a crusade.
Because he is a muslim who hates our country, and our friends! Israel will stop Iran.
Because he is a muslim who hates our country, and our friends! Israel will stop Iran.

Oh please, he's not a Muslim. He's a lot of things, but Muslim ain't one of them. Spreading that kind of crap makes you look loony.

He doesn't hate America either. He's just too idealistic to see that what he's doing is more harmful than helpful.
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
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Time will tell, no one - not even partisan hacks - can predict the future. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick then to rattle swords and call for a crusade.

Since we are throwing out cliches here, the best defense is a good offense. Obama is rolling over and showing his belly like a bitch to an alpha male. Any idea what the alpha male does with the submissive bitch?
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Time will tell, no one - not even partisan hacks - can predict the future. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick then to rattle swords and call for a crusade.

seems to me that BO is doing everything he can to set things up for one massive 'crusade'....the dogs of war will be set loose upon the world once Iran has the bomb....
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
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Your first mistake is thinking that the king has to explain himself to us peons. There is a reason he intends to pull his trusty little pen out and ignore the existence of congress. He doesn't give a fuck about Americans and the mess we're in. The only people truly helped by Obama in the last 5 years are radicals seeking more power.
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

I called a hardheaded realist, a Harvard trained PhD who has been watching the Middle East professionally for decades, to ask him about Obama's Iran deal. This is what he told me.

It's done. Iran will get a bomb.

They want a bomb and they will not be denied unless somebody stops them. Obama does not want to stop them. He does not want a friendly regime in Iran. He wants Iran as a counterforce to America and Israel. Obama is not a Muslim, but he is a radical. He sees the U.S. and Israel as imperialistic and oppressive. He doesn't like the U.S. military. He'd cut it to nothing if he could get away with it.

We'll have to pull our troops and our aircraft carriers out of the Persian Gulf. We'll lose our ability to protect Middle Eastern oil. The Gulf Arabs will have to cooperate with Iran. So will Europe; they depend on that oil.

The Iranians want the ascendance of Shia Islam. People don't remember, but when Ayatollah Khomeini took over, he sent Revolutionary Guards to Saudi Arabia and they seized Mecca. French paratroopers had to go in secretly and get them out. The Saudis couldn't do it themselves.

The Iranians want to take over Mecca and Medina. They want to take over the Arab world. With their nuclear weapons they will pressure Israel. They don't need to bomb them. They will test a nuclear bomb, they will send in missiles, they will issue threats, they will strangle them economically. Israel's high tech people will leave. They can do start-ups in Silicon Valley just as easily as in Israel; the weather is just as nice. Investments in Israel will dry up.

The deal is indeed terrible. Obama has been changing the rules of the game -- he went from Iran not having the ability to make a bomb, which had been our policy, to Iran not actually making a complete bomb.

Once you've mastered enrichment, and Iran has, creating enough highly enriched uranium is just a choice; there are no technical hurdles left. They have thousands of centrifuges that can enrich uranium in a few months, starting from zero. Whether they have stocks on hand enriched to 5% or 20% is totally irrelevant.

Iran will have an unarmed bomb on the shelf ready to go. Loading the bomb takes a short time -- who will know when they do that? Bombs are not that big, especially ones meant to be loaded on missiles. So who will even know where it is?

The Threat to America

Forget a dirty bomb against America. What about a real bomb? A ten thousand pound bomb could be on a cargo ship or a barge heading into an American port. There are many points of failure in trying to stop them.

Read more: Articles: Obama Has Made it Impossible for Israel to Strike Iran
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Your first mistake is thinking that the king has to explain himself to us peons. There is a reason he intends to pull his trusty little pen out and ignore the existence of congress. He doesn't give a fuck about Americans and the mess we're in. The only people truly helped by Obama in the last 5 years are radicals seeking more power.

exactly.....what better way to conflate radical socialist power, reeling in the Christians and make tons of money, than to create a war with radical Islam....?
in his SOTU address the one thing Obama seemed to get emotional about was Iran.....threatening Congress with a veto if they passed a bill for more sanctions on Iran....why does Obama support a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and other allies as well....?

Time will tell, no one - not even partisan hacks - can predict the future. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick then to rattle swords and call for a crusade.

Since we are throwing out cliches here, the best defense is a good offense. Obama is rolling over and showing his belly like a bitch to an alpha male. Any idea what the alpha male does with the submissive bitch?

You hear what you want to hear and that's fine. But the reality is sanctions have hurt the power elite in Iran and brought them to the table. If they do not follow through more and maybe harsher sanctions will be applied and the Iranian People will once again rise up; the power elite will once again suppress their protests.. At that point the potential for Israel, with our support, may blast their nuclear program to pieces.
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exactly.....what better way to conflate radical socialist power, reeling in the Christians and make tons of money, than to create a war with radical Islam....?


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