Why does the House have no say on the budget?

I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer. You say over and over that Obama and Reid don't have to negotiate, the minority Republicans have no say. But the Republicans are the majority in the House, and according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the House.

So how is it that when Obama/Reid won't negotiate, it's the Republicans who have no say and are the ones shutting down government? Stop dodging and answer the question.

Why do you pretend the GOP has nothing to do with the deficit?

Most of the budget is non-discretionary spending. After you take all the taxes we collect, and then spend it on non-discretionary spending, there isn't any money left over for an Army Jeep, or a mortgage interest deduction, or a child tax credit.

So go ahead and explain to us how the fiscally responsible GOP managed to double the national debt when they controlled all three branches of government and we are supposed to pretend that never happened.

Why did it take a negro with a D after his name to suddenly make the GOP concerned about spending and deficits? Bush never ran a surplus in his entire time in office!

Bush never ran a TRILLION dollar deficit either but I am not defending the spending on his watch.

Nobody said the GOP had nothing to do with the deficit. The GOP has been attempting to reform the entitlement programs since they took back the House. They submit a budget and it is DOA in the Senate.

And playing the race card makes you look like a fool and will get you nothing.

The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.[117] The following day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill.[118] Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.[119] The amendment bill, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, was also passed by the House on March 21, by the Senate via reconciliation on March 25, and was signed by President Obama on March 30.

all votes followed a debate.

The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.[117] The following day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill.[118] Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.[119] The amendment bill, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, was also passed by the House on March 21, by the Senate via reconciliation on March 25, and was signed by President Obama on March 30.

all votes followed a debate.



H.R.3590 -- Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH)

I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer. You say over and over that Obama and Reid don't have to negotiate, the minority Republicans have no say. But the Republicans are the majority in the House, and according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the House.

So how is it that when Obama/Reid won't negotiate, it's the Republicans who have no say and are the ones shutting down government? Stop dodging and answer the question.

If you pass a bill that becomes law, you fund the law. If you overturn a law, you don't have to fund it.
I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer. You say over and over that Obama and Reid don't have to negotiate, the minority Republicans have no say. But the Republicans are the majority in the House, and according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the House.

So how is it that when Obama/Reid won't negotiate, it's the Republicans who have no say and are the ones shutting down government? Stop dodging and answer the question.

The ACA is a mandatory spending law -- not discretionary.

Now do you understand why the GOP is trying to rewrite the law without a vote, without winning the Senate, without winning the WH.

They want a do-over. And when we said no, they kicked the ball over the fence. Fucking children.

DO you?
I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer. You say over and over that Obama and Reid don't have to negotiate, the minority Republicans have no say. But the Republicans are the majority in the House, and according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the House.

So how is it that when Obama/Reid won't negotiate, it's the Republicans who have no say and are the ones shutting down government? Stop dodging and answer the question.
The Democrats HAVE tried to negotiate with the republicans. A couple of months ago the Democrats passed a budget that the House refused to sign. The Democrats sent 18 requests to the republican House requesting that they appoint House members to a joint committee to resolve the budget problem. Eighteen times the republicans ignored the Democrats request. YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH A PARTY THAT REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE. Now that the republicans have stepped into the shit they suddenly want to negotiate. Obama warned the republicans about what would happen if they shut the government down and they ignored him. Let the republicans eat shit for their stupidity.
The Democrats HAVE tried to negotiate with the republicans. A couple of months ago the Democrats passed a budget that the House refused to sign. The Democrats sent 18 requests to the republican House requesting that they appoint House members to a joint committee to resolve the budget problem. Eighteen times the republicans ignored the Democrats request. YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH A PARTY THAT REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE. Now that the republicans have stepped into the shit they suddenly want to negotiate. Obama warned the republicans about what would happen if they shut the government down and they ignored him. Let the republicans eat shit for their stupidity.

Excuse me dildo, when the economy collapses MOST Americans will be eating shit.


The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.[117] The following day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill.[118] Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.[119] The amendment bill, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, was also passed by the House on March 21, by the Senate via reconciliation on March 25, and was signed by President Obama on March 30.

all votes followed a debate.



H.R.3590 -- Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH).

You are both ignorant and uninformed. Add stupidity to that and you are a perfect three for three.
(Now quick, call me a "motherfucker" or some other disgusting name to prove how intelligent you are.)
The Democrats HAVE tried to negotiate with the republicans. A couple of months ago the Democrats passed a budget that the House refused to sign. The Democrats sent 18 requests to the republican House requesting that they appoint House members to a joint committee to resolve the budget problem. Eighteen times the republicans ignored the Democrats request. YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH A PARTY THAT REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE. Now that the republicans have stepped into the shit they suddenly want to negotiate. Obama warned the republicans about what would happen if they shut the government down and they ignored him. Let the republicans eat shit for their stupidity.

i only pray that the American people remember what the GOP has done to us.

if they do, the GOP will lose the House in a year.

The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.[117] The following day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill.[118] Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.[119] The amendment bill, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, was also passed by the House on March 21, by the Senate via reconciliation on March 25, and was signed by President Obama on March 30.

all votes followed a debate.



H.R.3590 -- Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH).

You are both ignorant and uninformed. Add stupidity to that and you are a perfect three for three.
(Now quick, call me a "motherfucker" or some other disgusting name to prove how intelligent you are.)


What is the basis for your "conclusion"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

The Democrats HAVE tried to negotiate with the republicans. A couple of months ago the Democrats passed a budget that the House refused to sign. The Democrats sent 18 requests to the republican House requesting that they appoint House members to a joint committee to resolve the budget problem. Eighteen times the republicans ignored the Democrats request. YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH A PARTY THAT REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE. Now that the republicans have stepped into the shit they suddenly want to negotiate. Obama warned the republicans about what would happen if they shut the government down and they ignored him. Let the republicans eat shit for their stupidity.

Excuse me dildo, when the economy collapses MOST Americans will be eating shit.


Notice how you were unable to disprove or dispute a single point of my post. That reaffirms that EVERYTHING I posted is correct.
(Now quick, call me some names. That appears to be the only talent you have.)
No budget passes, no bill passes, unless the House allows it.

ObamaCare was passed by the House and the Senate.

ObamaCare can't be repealed unless the House and the Senate say so.
The Democrats HAVE tried to negotiate with the republicans. A couple of months ago the Democrats passed a budget that the House refused to sign. The Democrats sent 18 requests to the republican House requesting that they appoint House members to a joint committee to resolve the budget problem. Eighteen times the republicans ignored the Democrats request. YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH A PARTY THAT REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE. Now that the republicans have stepped into the shit they suddenly want to negotiate. Obama warned the republicans about what would happen if they shut the government down and they ignored him. Let the republicans eat shit for their stupidity.

Excuse me dildo, when the economy collapses MOST Americans will be eating shit.


Notice how you were unable to disprove or dispute a single point of my post. That reaffirms that EVERYTHING I posted is correct.
(Now quick, call me some names. That appears to be the only talent you have.)

Excuse me sperm swallower,

Have you heard by any chance the the national debt is 17 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions dollars

and if Obama Hellcare is allowed to proceed then it will be 19 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillions.

No budget passes, no bill passes, unless the House allows it.

ObamaCare was passed by the House and the Senate.

ObamaCare can't be repealed unless the House and the Senate say so.

H.R.3590 -- Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Engrossed in House [Passed House] - EH)

It would be cool if anyone provided evidence of a law that was passed without a vote in the House.

hint: it doesn't exist. :)
It would be cool if anyone provided evidence of a law that was passed without a vote in the House.

hint: it doesn't exist. :)

Not all posters are socialist scumbags like yourself.

They know how to click on the link, or ask their respective Representatives to provide them an official Congressional Record transcript.

Last edited:
Not all posters are socialist scumbags like yourself.

They now how to click on the link, or ask their respective Representatives to provide them an official Congressional Record transcript.


never has there been a bill passed by Congress and signed by POTUS, that didn't get a vote in the House.

sorry buddy, but you must have failed American Government 101.
I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer. You say over and over that Obama and Reid don't have to negotiate, the minority Republicans have no say. But the Republicans are the majority in the House, and according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the House.

So how is it that when Obama/Reid won't negotiate, it's the Republicans who have no say and are the ones shutting down government? Stop dodging and answer the question.

Likely because no liberal has ever said the House has ‘no say’ concerning the budget.

And no liberal has said Reid doesn’t have to negotiate. Reid and Congressional democrats would love nothing more than to meet with House republicans and negotiate a budget agreement.

Hence the idiocy of the republican government shutdown, as it was never needed to ‘compel’ Congressional democrats to negotiate when they have indeed been willing to negotiate from the outset.

What might be confusing you is the ridiculous and partisan republican demand that budget talks be predicated on involving changes to existing Federal law having nothing to do with funding the government and avoiding default, a prerequisite the right has now wisely abandoned.

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