Why does the House have no say on the budget?

Since "according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the house" and the spending bills are to fund the laws passed...the House isn't doing it's job if it's not allocating money for what it passed.

This is where you knelt down and sucked the grape kool aid. The current House has to pass nothing that prior congresses instructed it to pass. that would in fact be a complete dereliction of duty. Nancy Pelosi has one vote. Today. That she was in congress in prior congresses is ...

... wait for it ...

... irrelevant.

BTW, W has no vote today either. See you next year, I'm guessing you'll be as ignorant as you are now.
Since "according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the house" and the spending bills are to fund the laws passed...the House isn't doing it's job if it's not allocating money for what it passed.

It's as simple as that...even you should be able to understand it. But of course, that's not the question you're asking...feel free to keep up the charade.

According to the Constitution , All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives;

HR 3590 did not originate in the House.

Fucking Reid has perpetrated a fraud and the House must stand its ground.

Since "according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the house" and the spending bills are to fund the laws passed...the House isn't doing it's job if it's not allocating money for what it passed.

This is where you knelt down and sucked the grape kool aid. The current House has to pass nothing that prior congresses instructed it to pass. that would in fact be a complete dereliction of duty. Nancy Pelosi has one vote. Today. That she was in congress in prior congresses is ...

... wait for it ...

... irrelevant.

BTW, W has no vote today either. See you next year, I'm guessing you'll be as ignorant as you are now.

Previous congresses leave no instructions... You're funny.

What they do is pass bills that the President signs into laws. Again, watch the video...you seem not to know much about Congress and it's role.

So what you're saying is that if THIS House doesn't think we should have an FAA, they can just choose not to fund it and close the agency even though it was established by a law and they could reverse the Louisiana Purchase and return it to France...


One really has to wonder why libertarians have a zero impact on natioinal politics. Not really.
Since "according to the Constitution, spending bills have to pass the house" and the spending bills are to fund the laws passed...the House isn't doing it's job if it's not allocating money for what it passed.

This is where you knelt down and sucked the grape kool aid. The current House has to pass nothing that prior congresses instructed it to pass. that would in fact be a complete dereliction of duty. Nancy Pelosi has one vote. Today. That she was in congress in prior congresses is ...

... wait for it ...

... irrelevant.

BTW, W has no vote today either. See you next year, I'm guessing you'll be as ignorant as you are now.

Previous congresses leave no instructions... You're funny.

What they do is pass bills that the President signs into laws. Again, watch the video...you seem not to know much about Congress and it's role.

So what you're saying is that if THIS House doesn't think we should have an FAA, they can just choose not to fund it and close the agency even though it was established by a law and they could reverse the Louisiana Purchase and return it to France...


One really has to wonder why libertarians have a zero impact on natioinal politics. Not really.

That is PRECISELY what it means.

Don't worry about Libertarians since we don't cater to the parasitic faction we are considered a fringe party.
I think it's been answered ad nausem, and by conservatives at the Wall St. J., Kasich, Scarborough, King ..... the House shut down the government because Obama wouldn't agree to halt obamacare. A clean CR would pass the House and Senate.

There probably will be some spending negotiations over general spending and revenue vis a vis the debt ceiling. The CR is pretty much over ... aside from Cruz offering his sword to Reid.

Exactly. Obama is only asking for the spending levels of the CR, which are Republican spending levels.

Bush and the Republican congress raised the debt ceiling several times and we didn't hear a peep. They doubled Clinton's debt . . . and we didn't hear a peep. Didn't make the news.

The GOP is using their newfound love for balanced budgets to get rid of a law that was the centerpiece of two elections and survived a supreme court challenge. If Obama had real courage he wouldn't simply be asking for the spending levels of the Continuing Resolution - he would ask for the spending levels Bush and the Republicans got . . . which are far higher.

What a joke. Republicans only care about the budget when a Democrat is in the White House, and only then it's merely a tool of obstructionism. When they have the presidency, the spending always goes through the roof. And when they have the presidency and congress, the spending is purely criminal.

The Bridge to Nowhere party never seems to make a peep about spending when they are in control.
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And the House doesn't need to pass the CR? I hadn't previously been aware of that, thanks for clearing it up. So how does it work then? The Senate passes it and just sends it to Obama?

As usual you miss the point completely.

True, I don't do well getting spin. Though to be more precise I grasp it fine, I just ignore it.

Do you at least understand what mandatory spending is?

Haven't I asked you this question before?
Kaz wrote: "Why does the House have no say on the budget? I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer."

Out right Kaz fabrication. Sane mainstream Republicans have told you repeatedly the black man won (twice), Congress approved and the Senate opined on Obamacare.

You don't get to go back and revisit your loss. This is over.

Kaz's real question is, why can't the House have unfettered veto power over all matters budgetary,

because the House is Republican right now and I'd like that.

It's one of more example of how the far right can't accept the past, present, and future reality of their minority status,

but instead envision some sort of upside down world where such a minority can run the country.
Kaz wrote: "Why does the House have no say on the budget? I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer."

Out right Kaz fabrication. Sane mainstream Republicans have told you repeatedly the black man won (twice), Congress approved and the Senate opined on Obamacare.

You don't get to go back and revisit your loss. This is over.

Kaz's real question is, why can't the House have unfettered veto power over all matters budgetary,

because the House is Republican right now and I'd like that.

It's one of more example of how the far right can't accept the past, present, and future reality of their minority status,

but instead envision some sort of upside down world where such a minority can run the country.

Indeed. Were it the Progressive Caucus (in a Democratic House with a Republican Senate and President) holding the country hostage to get the People's Budget passed, they'd be singing quite the different tune.
As usual you miss the point completely.

True, I don't do well getting spin. Though to be more precise I grasp it fine, I just ignore it.

Do you at least understand what mandatory spending is?

Haven't I asked you this question before?

No , I do not.

Id the Constitutional Proviso which defines "mandatory spending". Identify where James Madison, Thomas jeffferson or Patrick henry explain the concept known as "mandatory spending".

BTW, Karl Marx , was NOT a Founding Father.

Kaz wrote: "Why does the House have no say on the budget? I keep asking liberals this and not getting an answer."

Out right Kaz fabrication. Sane mainstream Republicans have told you repeatedly the black man won (twice), Congress approved and the Senate opined on Obamacare.

You don't get to go back and revisit your loss. This is over.

Kaz's real question is, why can't the House have unfettered veto power over all matters budgetary,

because the House is Republican right now and I'd like that.

It's one of more example of how the far right can't accept the past, present, and future reality of their minority status,

but instead envision some sort of upside down world where such a minority can run the country.

Indeed. Were it the Progressive Caucus (in a Democratic House with a Republican Senate and President) holding the country hostage to get the People's Budget passed, they'd be singing quite the different tune.

So when Harry Reid tables bills coming over from the House THAT isn't holding the country "hostage" but when the present House won't rubber stamp spending for programs that a PRIOR session of Congress passed it is? Interesting concept...
Kaz's real question is, why can't the House have unfettered veto power over all matters budgetary,

because the House is Republican right now and I'd like that.

It's one of more example of how the far right can't accept the past, present, and future reality of their minority status,

but instead envision some sort of upside down world where such a minority can run the country.

Indeed. Were it the Progressive Caucus (in a Democratic House with a Republican Senate and President) holding the country hostage to get the People's Budget passed, they'd be singing quite the different tune.

So when Harry Reid tables bills coming over from the House THAT isn't holding the country "hostage" but when the present House won't rubber stamp spending for programs that a PRIOR session of Congress passed it is? Interesting concept...

It's the same thing.

But again, is there a statute of limitations on what the House should ratify because it's already law or do we have to re-legislate the Lend Lease agreement, stamp act, Louisiana Purchase, SEC act, clean water act, etc...
Indeed. Were it the Progressive Caucus (in a Democratic House with a Republican Senate and President) holding the country hostage to get the People's Budget passed, they'd be singing quite the different tune.

So when Harry Reid tables bills coming over from the House THAT isn't holding the country "hostage" but when the present House won't rubber stamp spending for programs that a PRIOR session of Congress passed it is? Interesting concept...

It's the same thing.

But again, is there a statute of limitations on what the House should ratify because it's already law or do we have to re-legislate the Lend Lease agreement, stamp act, Louisiana Purchase, SEC act, clean water act, etc...

Just as the SCOTUS is free to revisit its previous rulings so does its COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT ---THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

BTW, France already received the 15 millions we paid for the Louisiana Purchase.


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