Why does the left believe a corporate tax break "steals" money from the taxpayers?

How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?
Lowering taxes during alleged times of war; should be considered a "high crime and misdemeanor".

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?
Lowering taxes during alleged times of war; should be considered a "high crime and misdemeanor".

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
/----/ what possible justification do you have for that idiotic notion?
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.
Really? You were oblivious since Romney made the claim that 47% pay no taxes ( even though everyone pays taxes of some sort)?
Special pleading is all the right wing is really good at.
Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.
Really? You were oblivious since Romney made the claim that 47% pay no taxes ( even though everyone pays taxes of some sort)?
Special pleading is all the right wing is really good at.
/---/ that makes no sense even by your low standards
Tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

Higher tax rates = more money taken from all taxpayers.

Tax expenditures = more money taken from all taxpayers.

I can't dumb it down for you any more than that, tards.
The right claims they want smaller government, but ask for a bigger drug war and more defense spending.
You do realize that if more Corporations had more money, they could hire more people, thus taking more people off WELFARE and then those who used to be HOLES in society are now self sufficient and not reliant on government and can pay taxes which thus produce more revenues, but also not needing more taxes for the welfare state? Why are you too stupid not to know that? Because those who make money vote Republican, those that take money without working for it, vote Democrat. That is why. Dumbass....

It's not that you're a total dumbass, it's that what you believe is so WRONG.

Cutting taxes didn't create jobs when Reagan did it and it didn't work when W did it. The CBO had flat out said that tax cuts don't create jobs. Supply and DEMAND creates wealth. It's the American workers who need the cash, not the corporations or their shareholders.

Corporations are awash in cash and have been since W was President. Profits have never been higher. They arent spending that cash on equipment or hiring. They're spending it dividends for their shareholders, while their workers' wages are supplemented by food stamps, Medicaid and other income supplement programs.

The people getting "welfare" are their workers because wages are too low. The welfare you complain about isn't going to people who aren't working. They don't need jobs, they need higher wages.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, is lower now than it was in the Guilded Age, before unions. Over the past 35 years, wages for working Americans haven't barely gone up, and they haven't kept pace with inflation. Corporations have absorbed increased costs for materials, equipment, real estate, supplies, and insurance, but not wages. In fact they complain they have no money for higher wages even as they have tripled executive salaries and booked record profits.

It is past time that corporations started raising the wages of those who are doing the work that creates those profits. It is past time that taxpayers stopped subsidizing wages for the most profitable companies in the US. The corporations don't need more money, their workers do.
Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

lol. to try to get better benefits for the poor instead of simply giving tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Got an example of a tax break that hurts the poor?

Revenue neutral means zero sum for the poor and tax breaks for the rich. It is right wing policy to help the rich get richer faster and the poor get poorer.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?
Lowering taxes during alleged times of war; should be considered a "high crime and misdemeanor".

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
/----/ what possible justification do you have for that idiotic notion?
I am not as dumb as you.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.
It is also a falsehood that the rich don't pay their fair share. They pay the most, the poor pay the least. So much for FAIRNESS...
I was in the poor category when I entered the work force, but instead of being a sorry ass liberal, feeling sorry for myself, I got off my ass and got skills that took me overseas, where I amassed a small fortune, now I am in the top income earners. To you liberals I am Evil, but why isn't Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, or Hollywood elites Evil? Fucking hypocrites.

Shows where the money is
View attachment 141651
It's called anarchy

We don't have societies just every man for himself
The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.
Really? You were oblivious since Romney made the claim that 47% pay no taxes ( even though everyone pays taxes of some sort)?
Special pleading is all the right wing is really good at.
/---/ that makes no sense even by your low standards
It makes no sense to You, right winger; because, y'all are just clueless and Causeless.
First of all all corporate taxes are paid for by the people that buy the goods and services of the corporations. Any increase in taxation only increases the cost of the good and services.

If corps made no profit that would be true, but IT ISN'T.
Sure, just like getting rid of Unions was going to be great for workers...

Booting illegal aliens won't raise the wages of workers? Why not?

You are booting the people who make the very least, trying to get water from a rock. There will be no noticeable change in wages. Immigrants are just the new scapegoat. It used to be Unions, now that they are gone it is immigrants. Remember when Republicans talked about how bad Unions were and how good it would be without them? Where is that prosperity? The rich get richer, inequality grows, and the economy slows. We need a strong middle class again, not more inequality.

You are booting the people who make the very least, trying to get water from a rock.

Nope, I'm trying to raise the wages of Americans.

Remember when Republicans talked about how bad Unions were

Yes, unions suck. Big time.

and how good it would be without them?

Yes, now if we could only outlaw public worker unions......

Well there is no money with the immigrants to raise wages. They make about nothing.

So there is no prosperity with the Unions pretty much gone. Go figure. And wages are stagnant...

Well there is no money with the immigrants to raise wages.

No money with the immigrants? Can you translate that into English?

They make about nothing.

It's true, they drag down the wages of Americans they compete with.

So there is no prosperity with the Unions pretty much gone.

Americans are making more than ever.

You are making the worst paying jobs available. That will not do anything to increase the wages of decent paying jobs. At best it will very slightly increase wages for other very poorly paying jobs.

Wages are stagnant. The prosperity claims after getting rid of unions were false like your claims for immigrants. Just scapegoats. Want to increase wages? Go to the money!
Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

lol. to try to get better benefits for the poor instead of simply giving tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Got an example of a tax break that hurts the poor?

A tax break that assists companies moving overseas.

Dummy, if everyone keeps their earnings who pays the governing bills?
Why you do.

Yep, thats exactly right - what you don't take care of SOMEONE ELSE has to. That's not social justice, that's freeriding on your part.
I pay my taxes

Good, then you aren't taking a free ride...so why are you advocating it?

PS. You need to STFU and stop slandering me, you CLEARLY don't know who I am or what my financial situation is.
Then why do you bitch that life isn't fair? Whiney ass liberal....
Dummy, if everyone keeps their earnings who pays the governing bills?
Why you do.

Yep, thats exactly right - what you don't take care of SOMEONE ELSE has to. That's not social justice, that's freeriding on your part.
I pay my taxes

Good, then you aren't taking a free ride...so why are you advocating it?

PS. You need to STFU and stop slandering me, you CLEARLY don't know who I am or what my financial situation is.
Then why do you bitch that life isn't fair? Whiney ass liberal....

lol - can you quote me "bitching that life isn't fair"?
First of all all corporate taxes are paid for by the people that buy the goods and services of the corporations. Any increase in taxation only increases the cost of the good and services.

If corps made no profit that would be true, but IT ISN'T.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you make $10 and the filthy ass government takes $5 then you have really only made $5, haven't you? You price your goods and services to include the loss of that $5 the filthy government steals from you, don't you?

If they didn't make any profit then there would be no incentive for them to be in business, would it? No jobs, no tax revenues and no goods or services.

Profits are a good thing Moon Bat. They should never be taxed.

Taxes are a cost of doing business and that expense is passed along to the consumers.

Corporations don't really pay taxes. They just pass along the expense to the people that buy the goods and services. In other words when you stupid Moon Bats advocate raising corporate taxes then you are fucking yourself.

By the way, corporations have the liability of the filthy Federal corporate tax on profits but they are also paying a ton of other state and local taxes that are not dependent upon profits.
/----/ Libtards have a second issue as well. They can't grasp the notion that corporations treat taxes as overhead that gets passed on to the consumer. In effect, corporate taxes are taxes on the consumer.

So lower taxes on a corporation allows them to buy more capital equipment and materials, to give more raises to existing employees, to hire more employees, to keep from outsourcing to foreign countries, and to keep the price of their product affordable.

That's a win-win situation. :biggrin:
Then why is it when we lower taxes on corporations, they just keep the money?

If they could sell more product, they would already be doing it. We have been cutting taxes on corporations since Reagan.....wages have been flat

Then why is it when we lower taxes on corporations, they just keep the money?

When is the last time we cut taxes on corporations?
What do you mean, "they just keep the money"?
A vault in the basement of HQ, stacks of Benjamins?

We have been cutting taxes on corporations since Reagan..

Really? What were corporate rates in 1980? In 1988? Since?
Here is what corporations do with their profits
Dont see them passing it down with higher wages

Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.4 Trillion Offshore | CTJReports

That article was dated March 4, 2016. Trump's economic policies are causing corporations to repatriate their profits and spend some of that money they put back while Obama was President.
So they didn't have to pay taxes on it. That makes it even worse.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

Higher tax rates = more money taken from all taxpayers.

Tax expenditures = more money taken from all taxpayers.

I can't dumb it down for you any more than that, tards.
The right claims they want smaller government, but ask for a bigger drug war and more defense spending.

And rights over women's birth control choices, unnecessary tests to raise the cost of abortions, not to mention waiting periods and admitting privileges for abortion doctors and all sorts of rules and regulations governing that choice.
First of all all corporate taxes are paid for by the people that buy the goods and services of the corporations. Any increase in taxation only increases the cost of the good and services.

If corps made no profit that would be true, but IT ISN'T.

You are confused Moon Bat.

If you make $10 and the filthy ass government takes $5 then you have really only made $5, haven't you? You price your goods and services to include the loss of that $5 the filthy government steals from you, don't you?

If they didn't make any profit then there would be no incentive for them to be in business, would it? No jobs, no tax revenues and no goods or services.

Profits are a good thing Moon Bat. They should never be taxed.

Taxes are a cost of doing business and that expense is passed along to the consumers.

Corporations don't really pay taxes. They just pass along the expense to the people that buy the goods and services. In other words when you stupid Moon Bats advocate raising corporate taxes then you are fucking yourself.

By the way, corporations have the liability of the filthy Federal corporate tax on profits but they are also paying a ton of other state and local taxes that are not dependent upon profits.
One more time, for you willfully blind monkeys:No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."
Deductions, exemptions, and credits mean higher tax rates on EVERYONE.

I can't dumb it down any more than that for you, retards.

Your deductions, exemptions, and credits are coming out of the pockets of EVERY TAXPAYER.

YOU are the one who is stealing.

And just as I predicted, you are screaming like welfare queens to protect your theft. And just as I predicted, you are too fucking innumerate to see that you are a thief.

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