Why does the left believe a corporate tax break "steals" money from the taxpayers?

Dummy, if everyone keeps their earnings who pays the governing bills?
Why you do.

Yep, thats exactly right - what you don't take care of SOMEONE ELSE has to. That's not social justice, that's freeriding on your part.
I pay my taxes, while liberal shitfucks like you get EIC along with the EBT cards. I help people move away from liberalism and poverty, as those I help, open their own businesses, employing others, while making self reliance, for those once in need. Is your help, to keep people on welfare? Just wondering.....
Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.
I don't know where you came up with that slogan but it's like totally wrong....
The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

The One Percenter of the right wing prefers to cut social spending to pay for the rich getting richer faster.

The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

They fall in love with the lies...
The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

Yet the GOP won all over the nation, Trump phones are still in operation and welfare exist as it did during Oblama....Come on, lie to us some more, create another situation which is in denial of reality...You are good at it, just not convincing enough, a little more heart this time and make us believe it....Action!
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.
Democrats are born liars.
Their entire ideology is based off of hatred, bigotry and division. Without class-envy they wouldn't have shit to say to us.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.
/----/ Libtards have a second issue as well. They can't grasp the notion that corporations treat taxes as overhead that gets passed on to the consumer. In effect, corporate taxes are taxes on the consumer.

So lower taxes on a corporation allows them to buy more capital equipment and materials, to give more raises to existing employees, to hire more employees, to keep from outsourcing to foreign countries, and to keep the price of their product affordable.

That's a win-win situation. :biggrin:
Then why is it when we lower taxes on corporations, they just keep the money?

If they could sell more product, they would already be doing it. We have been cutting taxes on corporations since Reagan.....wages have been flat
Could the wages be flat, because those produced out of public education, DONT FUCKING DESERVE the wages that you suggest? Why should burger flipper or fry cook, be paid the same as a college educated puke, who cant do anything physical, and cant add or subtract? Oh they got their degree, but the best they can do is make coffee or bag groceries? Real physical jobs like fixing aircraft, or putting roofs on a house, have become the higher paid jobs, because of their rarity, you know supply and demand, so get higher pay, while there are plenty of coffee shops, and fast food joints(thanks to Obama) so the supply of people are many, keeping wages down(illegal aliens who take less pay keeps wages down also, thank Obama also). You liberals are the stupidest people on the planet and deserve all the misery that your past admin FORCED upon you.
/----/ We built 4 rental units in North Carolina and hired local workers. They wouldn't show up on time, did sub par work when they did drag them selves in and demanded more money. We canned them and hired Mexicans who showed up early, worked their asses off and did better work than we expected for less money - after the fixed up the Gringo's screw ups.
You've gotten your wish for 60 years:


What have we gotten out of it?
Massive federal debt.
The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

lol. to try to get better benefits for the poor instead of simply giving tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the poor.
The muppets in this thread complaining about corporate taxes being too high are from the same nuthouse that constantly complains about taxes on the poor being too low.

Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

They fall in love with the lies...

Like how the right wing elects, "their guy"; he told them what they wanted to hear, the most.
Let's look at how good a job corporations are doing with passing along those tax cuts to their employees


The chart is irrelevant because it reflects the Obama years. Corporations were putting back their profits because they didn't know what that socialist fuckstick was going to do.
Seems everything went to shit in 2002

Guess who was president

How did it "go to shit"? Corporate profits rose because we went to war. You do remember that war, right? There was a momentary spike in wages and salaries in 2009 but that was only due to Obama's massive increase in the size of the government and his bogus "stimulus package". The stimulus package didn't create anything but government jobs or payed back to the labor unions for their support. But as you can see, it didn't work because the wages and salaries continued to drop throughout the Obama years.
None of those profits went to the workers
Just like tax cuts never go to the workers
/----/ How do you know what every corporation did with money they weren't tax on? How many workers kept their jobs? How many were hired? How many got raises in the millions of corporations across the country? You have no freaking idea. As usual you set up straw man arguments

Dummy, if everyone keeps their earnings who pays the governing bills?
Why you do.

Yep, thats exactly right - what you don't take care of SOMEONE ELSE has to. That's not social justice, that's freeriding on your part.
I pay my taxes

Good, then you aren't taking a free ride...so why are you advocating it?

PS. You need to STFU and stop slandering me, you CLEARLY don't know who I am or what my financial situation is.
Who ever said lower-income people's taxes are too low? I don't remember hearing anyone say that.

Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

lol. to try to get better benefits for the poor instead of simply giving tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Got an example of a tax break that hurts the poor?
Everyone who complained about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax.

Every RW'er on this board who has said, about taxes, that everyone should have some 'skin in the game', IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
IOW, everyone should pay income tax, no matter how poor they are.
Of course they should, otherwise you have a political party who constantly keeps the poor, poor, but gives them FREE STUFF, so they will have to be enslaved to that very government that keeps them poor. Liberalism is all about equality, everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable, that is called FAIRNESS.

Unlike the other party which lowers taxes on the rich and cuts social benefits for the poor? Why do the poor even vote red instead of blue.

Why do poor keep voting for the party that keeps them poor? FREE STUFF and lack of education, that is why they vote Dumbocrat.

Typical liberal voter....

lol. to try to get better benefits for the poor instead of simply giving tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Got an example of a tax break that hurts the poor?

Tax cuts reduce revenues, increase deficits and down the line makes more likely spending cuts on programs that help the poor like food stamps, Medicaid and etc.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Dude it's not that complicated: the bills are what they are and if corporations are paying less SOMEONE has to pay more to make up the difference.
Can you stop drinking the kool aid, and parroting the liberal talking points just for ONCE. When you cut government , you can cut taxes. Not that hard to figure that out.

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The GOP in power is not reducing spending, in fact they are headed to another increase in the debt ceiling..
/----/ True. The RINO leadership has to go.
I've never heard of a case where the government increased the taxpayer's tax rate, because some corporation got a tax break.

Please point that out to me if you can.

You can't be this retarded, can you?
/----/ are you mentally capable of debating a topic using reason and fact or just with idiotic insults?

Let's be honest. One of us is actually retarded and the other used to feel bad for people like you. Don't worry, I don't feel bad for you anymore. Now I just come here for a laugh and be thankful I didn't end up with your life.
/----/ So you can't defend your position with anything other than lame insults. BTW you have no idea about my lifestyle,

I have no idea what your lifestyle is. I do have a good idea of your mental abilities however.
/---/ I'm smart enough not to drink the liberal Kool Aid

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