Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Tube steaks like expatriate and that fauny twit will never admit it.

No real purpose is served in trying to educate them.

Cries the pathological Conservative idiot who lied and then tried to project those lies onto me. Here's just two of his latest ...

  • "YOU said that there was "no discussion" about the purchase of uranium." (I was quoting the source he used)

  • "I then (notice the sequence you deliberately deceptive lying hack) made my claim..." (I took nothing out of sequence.)
Tube steaks like expatriate and that fauny twit will never admit it.

No real purpose is served in trying to educate them.

Cries the pathological Conservative idiot who lied and then tried to project those lies onto me. Here's just two of his latest ...

  • "YOU said that there was "no discussion" about the purchase of uranium." (I was quoting the source he used)

  • "I then (notice the sequence you deliberately deceptive lying hack) made my claim..." (I took nothing out of sequence.)

Denying reality won't change it, you lying piece of shit.

You initiated. I responded to you.

Everything else you say about the matter is just you lying some more.
Tube steaks like expatriate and that fauny twit will never admit it.

No real purpose is served in trying to educate them.

Cries the pathological Conservative idiot who lied and then tried to project those lies onto me. Here's just two of his latest ...

  • "YOU said that there was "no discussion" about the purchase of uranium." (I was quoting the source he used)

  • "I then (notice the sequence you deliberately deceptive lying hack) made my claim..." (I took nothing out of sequence.)

Denying reality won't change it, you lying piece of shit.

You initiated. I responded to you.

Everything else you say about the matter is just you lying some more.

The lying peiece of shit is none other than you.

My first comment was " there was no "gathering threat" from from Saddam Hussein that could have led to a mushroom cloud. He had no active nuclear program."

which is completely accurate. There was no "gathering threat" and there was no "active nuclear program."

You then introduced the debunked nonsense that Iraq sought to aquire yellowcake.

The lies started with you.
Cries the pathological Conservative idiot who lied and then tried to project those lies onto me. Here's just two of his latest ...

  • "YOU said that there was "no discussion" about the purchase of uranium." (I was quoting the source he used)

  • "I then (notice the sequence you deliberately deceptive lying hack) made my claim..." (I took nothing out of sequence.)

Denying reality won't change it, you lying piece of shit.

You initiated. I responded to you.

Everything else you say about the matter is just you lying some more.

The lying peiece of shit is none other than you.

My first comment was " there was no "gathering threat" from from Saddam Hussein that could have led to a mushroom cloud. He had no active nuclear program."

which is completely accurate. There was no "gathering threat" and there was no "active nuclear program."

You then introduced the debunked nonsense that Iraq sought to aquire yellowcake.

The lies started with you.

No. Again, the liar is solely you.

The record doesn't lie.

You do, bitch. Or perhaps you prefer being called a "peiece" of shit. :lmao: @ you, as always.
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Denying reality won't change it, you lying piece of shit.

You initiated. I responded to you.

Everything else you say about the matter is just you lying some more.

The lying peiece of shit is none other than you.

My first comment was " there was no "gathering threat" from from Saddam Hussein that could have led to a mushroom cloud. He had no active nuclear program."

which is completely accurate. There was no "gathering threat" and there was no "active nuclear program."

You then introduced the debunked nonsense that Iraq sought to aquire yellowcake.

The lies started with you.

No. Again, the liar is solely you.

The record doesn't lie.

You do, bitch.

Aww, poor, angry retarded Conservative. Lies through his teeth and then stomps his feet and bangs his fists at his betters.

I just showed, the lies started with you. You started it with, "Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?" which you utterly failed to prove.
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Hey you Fauny:

Let's set your dishonest ass straight, shall we? FIRST, I had responded to some of your earlier blather. At post 202 I said, among other things, the following:
Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?
Did you buy the simplistic bullshit from Valerie Plame and her ex-Ambassador Asshole Husband, Joey?
Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?


THEN, you dip shit cock bite liar, YOU offered the following imbecility:
There was no effort to purchase yellowcake. That was based on a forged document and a meeting between Iraqis and the Nigerian PM, who said he thought the Iraqis wanted to meet with him to inquire about purchasing yellowcake, but that it was never actually discussed. Again, there was no active nuclear program, therefore, there was no "gathering threat."


Let's interject in this history lesson, you fuck-wit lying sack of shit. How the FUCK would you "know" what was or what was "not" discussed? Were you there? Is there a tape recording? OR, as I suspect, are you merely saying MORE than you can support?

Yeah, yeah. We all know, it's the latter. You don't KNOW what was or what was "not" said, but you made the claim ANYWAY.

And when I then CALLED you on that fact, you danced and pranced and tried to slither away from it.

Later on I DID concede a point to you. I acknowledged that I had over-stated the case when I had said that there was "no doubt" that the meeting was to discuss the purchase of uranium. I can dig up the link to my concession. But YOU, being a dishonest piece of worthless rat twat, cannot even acknowledge that you have no actual knowledge or evidence of what WAS discussed between Iraq and Niger. To this moment, you won't admit it even though everyone knows you are full of shit.


Since you seem to require a double dose of humility, there will be more to follow.
Continuing the effort to provide the Fauny fuck-wit with what was ACTUALLY said, we proceed to post 205 which contains the links within it to the earlier posts so that there will be no worries over context.

Uhm. When you have to distort the record to make you "point," you have already lost.

Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?

Did you buy the simplistic bullshit from Valerie Plame and her ex-Ambassador Asshole Husband, Joey?

Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?

Do you have no capacity to grasp that after 9/11/2001 it dawned on many people that there were some risks that it wasn't worth taking?

There is, also, no significant or substantive difference between how Condi said it and the way President Bush said it.
There was no effort to purchase yellowcake. That was based on a forged document and a meeting between Iraqis and the Nigerian PM, who said he thought the Iraqis wanted to meet with him to inquire about purchasing yellowcake, but that it was never actually discussed. Again, there was no active nuclear program, therefore, there was no "gathering threat."

Wrong. The CLAIM that there WAS no effort to ... purchase yellow cake is what is false.

There is, in reality, no question but that some representatives of the Iraqi Government DID seek to purchase yellowcake.

You need to get your head out of your ass. All you can see up there is liberal propaganda and other shit.

There you see the post where I am guilty of having over-stated my position. Again, I later acknowledged this fact.

What I SHOULD have said is that the evidence and logic compel the conclusion that it is far more probable that the discussion was about the purchase and sale of uranium than about anything else. After all, as I later noted (quite accurately), roughly 50% of the Niger export economy was uranium. They did sell other things for export, like some weird version of onion and cowpeas. See: http://www.usmessageboard.com/6881685-post212.html

But I have YET to see any evidence that Saddam's boys were seeking either bit of produce for Iraq.

You know what else we have yet to see?

Any concession from the Fauny that, in truth, he lacks information about what Iraq and Niger discussed.
To leap from possible discussions about yellowcake to mushroom clouds over American cities as rationale for invasion is patently ridiculous. Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 is as reasonable as Roosevelt invading Peru in response to Pearl Harbor.

NO stockpiles of WMD's... NO AQ connection.
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Hey you Fauny:

Let's set your dishonest ass straight, shall we? FIRST, I had responded to some of your earlier blather. At post 202 I said, among other things, the following:
Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?
Did you buy the simplistic bullshit from Valerie Plame and her ex-Ambassador Asshole Husband, Joey?
Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?
I just said that in post #344, you flaming imbecile. And you lied, there was, and is, not proof that Saddam sought yellowcake beyond what he already had from decades earlier.

THEN, you dip shit cock bite liar, YOU offered the following imbecility:
There was no effort to purchase yellowcake. That was based on a forged document and a meeting between Iraqis and the Nigerian PM, who said he thought the Iraqis wanted to meet with him to inquire about purchasing yellowcake, but that it was never actually discussed. Again, there was no active nuclear program, therefore, there was no "gathering threat."

By the time I made that comment, you had already lied in post #202, when you falsely claimed, "Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

Are you really so stupid you cannot understand that post #202 came before post #204?

Let's interject in this history lesson, you fuck-wit lying sack of shit. How the FUCK would you "know" what was or what was "not" discussed? Were you there? Is there a tape recording? OR, as I suspect, are you merely saying MORE than you can support?

Yeah, yeah. We all know, it's the latter. You don't KNOW what was or what was "not" said, but you made the claim ANYWAY.
How many times must I say this until it gets past your impenetrable armor of ignorance, you dumbass Conservative?

Yes, I do know that Uranium was not discussed. The Senate Committee on Intelligence's report on the U.S. Intelligence Comminuty's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, the same report you earlier posted from, stated that Mayaki, the former Nigerian PM, said they didn't discuss it. Was I there? Of course not, but neither were you ... Mayaki was.

And when I then CALLED you on that fact, you danced and pranced and tried to slither away from it.
You're fucking lying again, you moronic pathological liar. Not only did I not dance away from it, I shoved your own source in your face -- the Senate Committee on Intelligence's report, which stated that there was no discussion of Uranium in that meeting. Not only are you a pathological liar, but you're a complete idiot to, in that you can't even understand that came from the source you posted earlier.

But YOU, being a dishonest piece of worthless rat twat, cannot even acknowledge that you have no actual knowledge or evidence of what WAS discussed between Iraq and Niger. To this moment, you won't admit it even though everyone knows you are full of shit.
I don't need evidence to prove you wrong when you can't even prove yourself right.

You first posted that Iraq sought yellowcake. I said they didn't. You can't prove your bullshit statement, so you demand I prove a negative because you can't prove your bullshit.
You gotta admit, it's funny that the right wing believed Bush and Cheney when they said Iraq had WMD's but refused to believe them when they said Iraq didn't. The right only wants to believe the lie.

So you're admitting that MSNBC lies? :lol:

So YOU'RE admitting that Bush lied? :lol:

Absolutely! Just like Obama does every time he opens his mouth.

Only the idiot liberal dumbocrat (like you) actually believes that government cares about you and is there for you. The rest of us know that both sides are nothing but dirt-bag politicians exploiting idiots like you.....

Bush lied (a lot), and unlike dumbocrats, conservatives can admit it!

Bush lied (a lot), and unlike dumbocrats, conservatives can admit it!

Bush lied (a lot), and unlike dumbocrats, conservatives can admit it!

Bush lied (a lot), and unlike dumbocrats, conservatives can admit it!
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Hey you Fauny:

Let's set your dishonest ass straight, shall we? FIRST, I had responded to some of your earlier blather. At post 202 I said, among other things, the following:
Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?
Did you buy the simplistic bullshit from Valerie Plame and her ex-Ambassador Asshole Husband, Joey?
Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?
I just said that in post #344, you flaming imbecile. And you lied, there was, and is, not proof that Saddam sought yellowcake beyond what he already had from decades earlier.

By the time I made that comment, you had already lied in post #202, when you falsely claimed, "Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

Are you really so stupid you cannot understand that post #202 came before post #204?

How many times must I say this until it gets past your impenetrable armor of ignorance, you dumbass Conservative?

Yes, I do know that Uranium was not discussed. The Senate Committee on Intelligence's report on the U.S. Intelligence Comminuty's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, the same report you earlier posted from, stated that Mayaki, the former Nigerian PM, said they didn't discuss it. Was I there? Of course not, but neither were you ... Mayaki was.

And when I then CALLED you on that fact, you danced and pranced and tried to slither away from it.
You're fucking lying again, you moronic pathological liar. Not only did I not dance away from it, I shoved your own source in your face -- the Senate Committee on Intelligence's report, which stated that there was no discussion of Uranium in that meeting. Not only are you a pathological liar, but you're a complete idiot to, in that you can't even understand that came from the source you posted earlier.

But YOU, being a dishonest piece of worthless rat twat, cannot even acknowledge that you have no actual knowledge or evidence of what WAS discussed between Iraq and Niger. To this moment, you won't admit it even though everyone knows you are full of shit.
I don't need evidence to prove you wrong when you can't even prove yourself right.

You first posted that Iraq sought yellowcake. I said they didn't. You can't prove your bullshit statement, so you demand I prove a negative because you can't prove your bullshit.

I just proved that you are the liar.

And you are.

All your dishonest whining, bitching, moaning, groaning, crying, caterwauling, wailing and lamentations will not change the record.

You stand fully exposed as the lying piece of rat twat you are.

To leap from possible discussions about yellowcake to mushroom clouds over American cities as rationale for invasion is patently ridiculous. Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 is as reasonable as Roosevelt invading Peru in response to Pearl Harbor.

NO stockpiles of WMD's... NO AQ connection.

We didn't "invade Iraq in response to 9/11". We conducted military operations to remove a vicious dictator citing WMD's as the reason - WMD's which in fact were recovered from Iraq.

These are the facts. And they are indisputable. Game. Set. Match.
Hey you Fauny lying sack of crap:

POST 204.


I had asked (in post 202) if you had failed to recall the BELIEF that Saddam had tried to get yellowcake.
Do you recall nothing of the belief that Saddam had sought yellowcake?

YOU then made the unqualified claim that he had not.
There was no effort to purchase yellowcake. That was based on a forged document and a meeting between Iraqis and the Nigerian PM, who said he thought the Iraqis wanted to meet with him to inquire about purchasing yellowcake, but that it was never actually discussed.

It's endlessly amusing to watch you dishonest fucking scumbag hack liberals get skewered on verbatim quotes.
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Hey you Fauny:

Let's set your dishonest ass straight, shall we? FIRST, I had responded to some of your earlier blather. At post 202 I said, among other things, the following:
I just said that in post #344, you flaming imbecile. And you lied, there was, and is, not proof that Saddam sought yellowcake beyond what he already had from decades earlier.

By the time I made that comment, you had already lied in post #202, when you falsely claimed, "Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

Are you really so stupid you cannot understand that post #202 came before post #204?

How many times must I say this until it gets past your impenetrable armor of ignorance, you dumbass Conservative?

Yes, I do know that Uranium was not discussed. The Senate Committee on Intelligence's report on the U.S. Intelligence Comminuty's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, the same report you earlier posted from, stated that Mayaki, the former Nigerian PM, said they didn't discuss it. Was I there? Of course not, but neither were you ... Mayaki was.

You're fucking lying again, you moronic pathological liar. Not only did I not dance away from it, I shoved your own source in your face -- the Senate Committee on Intelligence's report, which stated that there was no discussion of Uranium in that meeting. Not only are you a pathological liar, but you're a complete idiot to, in that you can't even understand that came from the source you posted earlier.

But YOU, being a dishonest piece of worthless rat twat, cannot even acknowledge that you have no actual knowledge or evidence of what WAS discussed between Iraq and Niger. To this moment, you won't admit it even though everyone knows you are full of shit.
I don't need evidence to prove you wrong when you can't even prove yourself right.

You first posted that Iraq sought yellowcake. I said they didn't. You can't prove your bullshit statement, so you demand I prove a negative because you can't prove your bullshit.

I just proved that you are the liar.

And you are.

All your dishonest whining, bitching, moaning, groaning, crying, caterwauling, wailing and lamentations will not change the record.

You stand fully exposed as the lying piece of rat twat you are.


Fuck you, you pathological lying rightard.

You started by making a claim you can't back up ...

"Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

I responded with, "there was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

Now prove your comment. You can't. So instead, you demand I prove mine. My comment is evident by the lack of proof required to prove it wrong.
I just said that in post #344, you flaming imbecile. And you lied, there was, and is, not proof that Saddam sought yellowcake beyond what he already had from decades earlier.

By the time I made that comment, you had already lied in post #202, when you falsely claimed, "Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

Are you really so stupid you cannot understand that post #202 came before post #204?

How many times must I say this until it gets past your impenetrable armor of ignorance, you dumbass Conservative?

Yes, I do know that Uranium was not discussed. The Senate Committee on Intelligence's report on the U.S. Intelligence Comminuty's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, the same report you earlier posted from, stated that Mayaki, the former Nigerian PM, said they didn't discuss it. Was I there? Of course not, but neither were you ... Mayaki was.

You're fucking lying again, you moronic pathological liar. Not only did I not dance away from it, I shoved your own source in your face -- the Senate Committee on Intelligence's report, which stated that there was no discussion of Uranium in that meeting. Not only are you a pathological liar, but you're a complete idiot to, in that you can't even understand that came from the source you posted earlier.

I don't need evidence to prove you wrong when you can't even prove yourself right.

You first posted that Iraq sought yellowcake. I said they didn't. You can't prove your bullshit statement, so you demand I prove a negative because you can't prove your bullshit.

I just proved that you are the liar.

And you are.

All your dishonest whining, bitching, moaning, groaning, crying, caterwauling, wailing and lamentations will not change the record.

You stand fully exposed as the lying piece of rat twat you are.


Fuck you, you pathological lying rightard.

You started by making a claim you can't back up ...

"Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

I responded with, "there was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

Now prove your comment. You can't. So instead, you demand I prove mine. My comment is evident by the lack of proof required to prove it wrong.

Whatsa matter ya little bitch? Ya can't figure out how to use that weally compwicated quote function?

The conversation between Iraq and Niger was over business. If the PM assumed it was over uranium, there's good reason for that. He did say that he had not seen any contracts. But he never said that the conversation definitely didn't include discussions about uranium, you full-throated liar.

And again, you evasive lying hack pussy motherfucker, try to man up for at least one moment in your worthless life.

What is the likelihood that they were discussing cowpeas or onions?

Now, what is the probability that they WERE discussing uranium given what we know of the major export business of Niger?

I know. There's no point in even asking a lying hack Fauny like you.
My comment is evident by the lack of proof required to prove it wrong.


Even by idiot liberal dumbocrat standards, this is retarded.

In Fauny's mind, his comment is "evidence" if someone can't prove it's wrong.

Sooooo..... using Fauny's "logic", he is:

  • A pedophile (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • A cum swallowing homosexual (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • Takes it in the ass from men (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • Has aids (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

Fauny, you have been absolutely owned. He has crushed you with facts - and all you respond with is nonsense like "if you can't prove my made up statements are false, then that means they are fact" :cuckoo:
I just proved that you are the liar.

And you are.

All your dishonest whining, bitching, moaning, groaning, crying, caterwauling, wailing and lamentations will not change the record.

You stand fully exposed as the lying piece of rat twat you are.


Fuck you, you pathological lying rightard.

You started by making a claim you can't back up ...

"Are you really that incapable of grasping that the effort to acquire yellowcake (which is not even in doubt) implies a desire to create nuclear weapons?"

I responded with, "there was no effort to purchase yellowcake."

Now prove your comment. You can't. So instead, you demand I prove mine. My comment is evident by the lack of proof required to prove it wrong.

Whatsa matter ya little bitch? Ya can't figure out how to use that weally compwicated quote function?
You're insane, rightard. I quoted the part I wanted quoted.

The conversation between Iraq and Niger was over business. If the PM assumed it was over uranium, there's good reason for that. He did say that he had not seen any contracts. But he never said that the conversation definitely didn't include discussions about uranium, you full-throated liar.

You're right about Mayaki (the Nigerian PM) saying he assumed they wanted to talk about Uranium; The report states that Mayaki thought that's what they meant by, "expanding commercial relations". But two paragraphs further into the report it states that even though Mayaki did meet with the Iraqis, they "never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”

And again, you evasive lying ...
Fuck you.

hack pussy...
Fuck you.

Fuck you.

What is the likelihood that they were discussing cowpeas or onions?
I don't give a shit what you wish they were talking about. The Nigerian PM, who was there, you weren't, said they never discussed Uranium.

This is why you're humiliating yourself over this debate, even though you remain in complete denial of that. The Senate's report stated that they did not discuss Uranium. You pretending like you know better than the man who was there would be laughable if you weren't so fuckin' insane.

Now, what is the probability that they WERE discussing uranium given what we know of the major export business of Niger?

We know what wasn't discussed -- according to the PM, they didn't discuss Uranium. There was no probablity to it, unless you have proof that he was either lying or wrong. Get that through your brain-dead skull.
( ) The intelligence report indicated that former Nigerien Prime Minister Ibrahim Mayaki was unaware of any contracts that had been signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of yellowcake while he was Prime Minister (1997-1999) or Foreign Minister (1996-1997). Mayaki said that if there had been any such contract during his tenure, he would have been aware of it. Mayaki said, however, that in June 1999,( ) businessman, approached him and insisted that Mayaki meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq. The intelligence report said that Mayaki interpreted "expanding commercial relations" to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales. The intelligence report also said that "although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to the UN sanctions on Iraq."


Not exactly the same as the Niger PM saying that it wasn't discussed.

All of the spin from the always dishonest liberal hack pussy, a Fauny authority if ever there was one, is shown to be worthless.

That's the value of quoting actual sources.


Fauny liberal hack lies and, thankfully, no one dies.

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