Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.
My comment is evident by the lack of proof required to prove it wrong.


Even by idiot liberal dumbocrat standards, this is retarded.

In Fauny's mind, his comment is "evidence" if someone can't prove it's wrong.

Sooooo..... using Fauny's "logic", he is:

  • A pedophile (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • A cum swallowing homosexual (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • Takes it in the ass from men (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

  • Has aids (until he can PROVE my comment is wrong - and how the hell is he going to do that?)

Fauny, you have been absolutely owned. He has crushed you with facts - and all you respond with is nonsense like "if you can't prove my made up statements are false, then that means they are fact" :cuckoo:
Two things ... a) how does one prove something didn't occur? b) he started with a lie, to which I responded that it didn't happen.

Where do you see the onus on him to prove himself right?

Bear in mind, being the sycophantic suckup you are, which you proved with your Conservative circle erk the other day, I'm not really expecting an honest answer from you. :cool:
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

See that?

Another ^ mindless lib lemming "seeing" a supposed distortion from the right, but completely blind to the deliberate lies of his fellow lefty, Fauny.
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

See that?

Another ^ mindless lib lemming "seeing" a supposed distortion from the right, but completely blind to the deliberate lies of his fellow lefty, Fauny.

If you people would stick to issues you can actually win and could attain a coherent intelligent view of the world instead of continually lying and make yourselves look like cocksucking morons in the process, maybe I'd care about what you have to say. But you don't, so I don't, so all you're good for is laughs.
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

See that?

Another ^ mindless lib lemming "seeing" a supposed distortion from the right, but completely blind to the deliberate lies of his fellow lefty, Fauny.

If you people would stick to issues you can actually win and could attain a coherent intelligent view of the world instead of continually lying and make yourselves look like cocksucking morons in the process, maybe I'd care about what you have to say. But you don't, so I don't, so all you're good for is laughs.

^ Shit from shit. Or, more accurately, partisan hack mindless bullshit from a dumbass piece of shit.

Advice of that kind from a moron of your pathetic nature deserves to get flushed.

You don't even elicit laughs. Just the standard sad shake of head.

You have nothing substantive to offer and imagine that your commentary is of any value.

Ok. That's at least a little funny.
See that?

Another ^ mindless lib lemming "seeing" a supposed distortion from the right, but completely blind to the deliberate lies of his fellow lefty, Fauny.

If you people would stick to issues you can actually win and could attain a coherent intelligent view of the world instead of continually lying and make yourselves look like cocksucking morons in the process, maybe I'd care about what you have to say. But you don't, so I don't, so all you're good for is laughs.

^ Shit from shit. Or, more accurately, partisan hack mindless bullshit from a dumbass piece of shit.

Advice of that kind from a moron of your pathetic nature deserves to get flushed.

You don't even elicit laughs. Just the standard sad shake of head.

You have nothing substantive to offer and imagine that your commentary is of any value.

Ok. That's at least a little funny.

Finally some paranoid conservative partisan cocksucker on a political message board managed to do what the United States government couldn't for the last decade and proved there were WMDs in Iraq and that the whole thing wasn't a treasonous lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing. Wait until the media stumbles on this thread, you'll be a worldwide hero.

( :laugh: You stupid fuck. All this thread is lies to try to confuse people about what really happened and how much of a failure your ideology and ilk were.)
If you people would stick to issues you can actually win and could attain a coherent intelligent view of the world instead of continually lying and make yourselves look like cocksucking morons in the process, maybe I'd care about what you have to say. But you don't, so I don't, so all you're good for is laughs.

^ Shit from shit. Or, more accurately, partisan hack mindless bullshit from a dumbass piece of shit.

Advice of that kind from a moron of your pathetic nature deserves to get flushed.

You don't even elicit laughs. Just the standard sad shake of head.

You have nothing substantive to offer and imagine that your commentary is of any value.

Ok. That's at least a little funny.

Finally some paranoid conservative partisan cocksucker on a political message board managed to do what the United States government couldn't for the last decade and proved there were WMDs in Iraq and that the whole thing wasn't a treasonous lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing. Wait until the media stumbles on this thread, you'll be a worldwide hero.

( :laugh: You stupid fuck. All this thread is lies to try to confuse people about what really happened and how much of a failure your ideology and ilk were.)

^ mindless bullshit rant typical of the liberal.

The lies mostly come from you and other idiot mindless liberal cocksuckers like you.

You still have offered not one thing even close to being of any value.

That's ok, though. Nobody expects much from a mentally defective piece of shit such as you.
^ Shit from shit. Or, more accurately, partisan hack mindless bullshit from a dumbass piece of shit.

Advice of that kind from a moron of your pathetic nature deserves to get flushed.

You don't even elicit laughs. Just the standard sad shake of head.

You have nothing substantive to offer and imagine that your commentary is of any value.

Ok. That's at least a little funny.

Finally some paranoid conservative partisan cocksucker on a political message board managed to do what the United States government couldn't for the last decade and proved there were WMDs in Iraq and that the whole thing wasn't a treasonous lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing. Wait until the media stumbles on this thread, you'll be a worldwide hero.

( :laugh: You stupid fuck. All this thread is lies to try to confuse people about what really happened and how much of a failure your ideology and ilk were.)

^ mindless bullshit rant typical of the liberal.

The lies mostly come from you and other idiot mindless liberal cocksuckers like you.

You still have offered not one thing even close to being of any value.

That's ok, though. Nobody expects much from a mentally defective piece of shit such as you.

Why do you expect anything but mocking and criticism when you launch such idiotic lies?
Finally some paranoid conservative partisan cocksucker on a political message board managed to do what the United States government couldn't for the last decade and proved there were WMDs in Iraq and that the whole thing wasn't a treasonous lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing. Wait until the media stumbles on this thread, you'll be a worldwide hero.

( :laugh: You stupid fuck. All this thread is lies to try to confuse people about what really happened and how much of a failure your ideology and ilk were.)

^ mindless bullshit rant typical of the liberal.

The lies mostly come from you and other idiot mindless liberal cocksuckers like you.

You still have offered not one thing even close to being of any value.

That's ok, though. Nobody expects much from a mentally defective piece of shit such as you.

Why do you expect anything but mocking and criticism when you launch such idiotic lies?

Rejecting your lies is hardly launching lies, you dishonest worthless liberal hack.

Well, not so much YOUR lies. You don't even go so far as to actually say anything of substance.


By the way, who gives a fuck who a retard like you laughs at?
^ mindless bullshit rant typical of the liberal.

The lies mostly come from you and other idiot mindless liberal cocksuckers like you.

You still have offered not one thing even close to being of any value.

That's ok, though. Nobody expects much from a mentally defective piece of shit such as you.

Why do you expect anything but mocking and criticism when you launch such idiotic lies?

Rejecting your lies is hardly launching lies, you dishonest worthless liberal hack.

Well, not so much YOUR lies. You don't even go so far as to actually say anything of substance.


By the way, who gives a fuck who a retard like you laughs at?

Let's count it up. So far I've said there wasn't evidence of WMDs in Iraq, you're an idiot and that this thread is full of lies. That's three for three I'm right.

You think there was enough of evidence of WMDs to justify the death of hundreds of thousands. You think I'm a liberal. And let's be honest you're just a paranoid boring hallucinatory cocksucker. That's zero for three right there.

You're trying to make history into some sort of political issue to justify your bullshit evil beliefs. I find that amusing because it's crazy. So :laugh:

It's always an inspiration to read such kind, thoughtful, mature words from our Christian Conservative friends.

If you people would stick to issues you can actually win and could attain a coherent intelligent view of the world instead of continually lying and make yourselves look like cocksucking morons in the process, maybe I'd care about what you have to say. But you don't, so I don't, so all you're good for is laughs.

^ Shit from shit. Or, more accurately, partisan hack mindless bullshit from a dumbass piece of shit.

Advice of that kind from a moron of your pathetic nature deserves to get flushed.

You don't even elicit laughs. Just the standard sad shake of head.

You have nothing substantive to offer and imagine that your commentary is of any value.

Ok. That's at least a little funny.

Finally some paranoid conservative partisan cocksucker on a political message board managed to do what the United States government couldn't for the last decade and proved there were WMDs in Iraq and that the whole thing wasn't a treasonous lie that killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing. Wait until the media stumbles on this thread, you'll be a worldwide hero.

( :laugh: You stupid fuck. All this thread is lies to try to confuse people about what really happened and how much of a failure your ideology and ilk were.)

It came from MSNBC for chris sakes! The information came from your side of the aisle. What the fuck is wrong with you lying, nazi, propaganda pushing assholes?!?! God Almighty.....
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

Simple yes or no question here BB. Answering anything other than yes or no to these very simple, very straight forward, and very honest questions just proves you are a lying hack trying to spin everything:

1.) Did MSNBC lie in reporting this story?

2.) Did former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer lie in reporting WMD's in his book?

3.) Were the WikiLeaks cables of classified government intelligence discussing the recovered WMD's altered before being released?
We have endless news outlets that have accurately reported on the various WMD's both recovered by us and used against us in Iraq.

But I have chosen to focus this thread primarily on 3 sources:

  • Radical left-wing MSNBC

  • Former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer

  • Radical left-wing WikiLeaks (which I will admit has no horse in this race either way).
And still we sit here with the idiot liberal dumbocrats trying to make the case that world is flat. Denial in the face of such overwhelming evidence is just silly. You're not convincing anyone that the world is flat libs - you're just making fools of yourself and completely destroying what little credibility you might have had to being with.
My post #338 pulled the two cogent quotes from YOUR MSNBC link. Surprisingly enough, you all ignored it.
We have endless news outlets that have accurately reported on the various WMD's both recovered by us and used against us in Iraq.

But I have chosen to focus this thread primarily on 3 sources:

  • Radical left-wing MSNBC

  • Former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer

  • Radical left-wing WikiLeaks (which I will admit has no horse in this race either way).
And still we sit here with the idiot liberal dumbocrats trying to make the case that world is flat. Denial in the face of such overwhelming evidence is just silly. You're not convincing anyone that the world is flat libs - you're just making fools of yourself and completely destroying what little credibility you might have had to being with.

That is hilarious. Do you honestly think that Americans give the right ANY credibility about the stupid war in Iraq? Why do you think Obama kicked McCain's ass? And then kicked Mitt's ass? Hint: it's because the majority of Americans don't trust you to run our foreign policy.
What about the hopelessly imaginary "mushroom clouds" Condi etc were going on about? The chem and bio weapons were what Reagan etc helped Saddam with- nobody CARES. Chickenhawk disaster for 30 years...
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

Simple yes or no question here BB. Answering anything other than yes or no to these very simple, very straight forward, and very honest questions just proves you are a lying hack trying to spin everything:

1.) Did MSNBC lie in reporting this story?

2.) Did former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer lie in reporting WMD's in his book?

3.) Were the WikiLeaks cables of classified government intelligence discussing the recovered WMD's altered before being released?

Big print...oh yes, that helps.
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

Simple yes or no question here BB. Answering anything other than yes or no to these very simple, very straight forward, and very honest questions just proves you are a lying hack trying to spin everything:

1.) Did MSNBC lie in reporting this story?

2.) Did former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer lie in reporting WMD's in his book?

3.) Were the WikiLeaks cables of classified government intelligence discussing the recovered WMD's altered before being released?
Who knows why you think posting in huge fonts accentuates your point -- all it really does is accentuate what a retard you are.

For example, you keep posting how MSNBC posted about our troops being attacked with a chemical weapon -- except the article is clear that it was not believed that the insurgents knew the bomb contained chemical agents.

You posted that artlcle and when I pointed that out, you said, "to be clear, this is hands down the most absurd comment I've seen on USMB. It's not a coincidence you have no links to back up your outrageous claim."

... turned out, not only did I have a link to that, but it was the link YOU gave to the MSNBC article which you obviously didn't even read or understand if you did.

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