Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Next we'll be hearing that when Bush and others sold the war on threats of a 'mushroom cloud',

he was really talking about real mushrooms that grow out of the ground.

That's the last desperate effort of idiot liberals (you guys are so predictable - it's hilarious).

There was NEVER a claim that it was NUKES. They said OVER, and OVER, and OVER - WMD's. In fact, the famous picture of Collin Powell before the UN was of him holding a vile of a biological weapon - NOT of him hold a nuke.

I love when you guys lose an argument - you can't admit you're wrong, so you just make wild and false claims to move the goalposts.

Did we all just imagine that they were claiming Iraq was stocking up on yellow cake uranium?
Honestly? Who gives a crap? We went in and waxed muslim ass as payback for the dozens of terror attacks committed against Americans and American interests abroad and I'm happy we did. Don't much care if it was in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syrai, who cares? At least in Iraq we got to finish the job we started in the First Gulf War. Anytime anywhere, we as a nation kill muslims, we are making the entire civilized world a better and safer place and that's all I care about.
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Honestly? Who gives a crap? We went in and waxed muslim ass as payback for the dozens of terror attacks committed against Americans and American interests abroad and I'm happy we did. Don't much care if it was in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syrai, who cares? At least in Iraq we got to finish the job we started in the First Gulf War. Anytime anywhere, we as a nation kill muslims, we are making the entire civilized world a better and safer place and that's all I care about.

I'm sure you do. Because you're kind of a stupid person.

There are only 300 million of us and 1.2 billion of them. Do the fucking math, retard.
Honestly? Who gives a crap? We went in and waxed muslim ass ...


1. "We"?

2. And you forgot to say "...and all those American soldiers' lives, limbs and minds destroyed, all those American military families' lives destroyed, all those orphans who won't see Mom or Dad again, all those innocent civilians ditto, and those trillions of dollars borrowed to cause all of this, oh yeah boy, that was all worth it, you betcha, just so we could wax some muslim (sic) ass."

Tell you what. Since American lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars are so cheap to you, why don't you gather up all your adult male family members - brothers, sons, dads, cousins, the whole group - and head over there with some guns - you can borrow some money to pay for the trip and the guns - and wax some more muslim (sic) ass for us. Fun! Be sure to take out a few dozen innocent civilians for us, they deserve it too, just for being there. And if some or all you end up dead or maimed, I'm sure you'll still think it was worth it.


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Next we'll be hearing that when Bush and others sold the war on threats of a 'mushroom cloud',

he was really talking about real mushrooms that grow out of the ground.

That's the last desperate effort of idiot liberals (you guys are so predictable - it's hilarious).

There was NEVER a claim that it was NUKES. They said OVER, and OVER, and OVER - WMD's. In fact, the famous picture of Collin Powell before the UN was of him holding a vile of a biological weapon - NOT of him hold a nuke.

I love when you guys lose an argument - you can't admit you're wrong, so you just make wild and false claims to move the goalposts.

Did we all just imagine that they were claiming Iraq was stocking up on yellow cake uranium?

Nope. But that's not the same thing. Stocking up on the shit is preparing for OBTAINING nukes in the future. OR, it could be to prepare for some dirty bombs in the present.
I love when conservatives try to re-write history to fit their bullshit cocksucking views. This thread is hilariously stupid trying to shoe horn a minimal amount of reality and a healthy helping of psychosis into a bullshit world view.

Simple yes or no question here BB. Answering anything other than yes or no to these very simple, very straight forward, and very honest questions just proves you are a lying hack trying to spin everything:

1.) Did MSNBC lie in reporting this story?

2.) Did former U.S. Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer lie in reporting WMD's in his book?

3.) Were the WikiLeaks cables of classified government intelligence discussing the recovered WMD's altered before being released?

Big print...oh yes, that helps.

When one is as intentionally blind as you, it doesn't help.

But if one cares to have the questions put clearly, and if one isn't too afraid to actually provide an honest answer, then the font size might serve a purpose.

It's always an inspiration to read such kind, thoughtful, mature words from our Christian Conservative friends.


You think BallsBrunswick and Fauny are Christian Conservatives?

Dayum, you are a moron.

One thing about which I'm pretty confident is that you aren't a Christian.

At least a real one.


Now, there's something you see every day: another judgmental liberal.

I have already said that I'm not religious. I'm amazed that you can follow along.

Now, since we're on the topic, ya dopey bitch, I'll return the favor and share a little bit of urgently needed advice for your benefit.

Take the beam out of your own eye.

:eusa_hand: No no. No need to thank me.

You think BallsBrunswick and Fauny are Christian Conservatives?

Dayum, you are a moron.

One thing about which I'm pretty confident is that you aren't a Christian.

At least a real one.


Now, there's something you see every day: another judgmental liberal.

I have already said that I'm not religious. I'm amazed that you can follow along.

Now, since we're on the topic, ya dopey bitch, I'll return the favor and share a little bit of urgently needed advice for your benefit.

Take the beam out of your own eye.

:eusa_hand: No no. No need to thank me.


I'm afraid I don't follow your posts enough to have seen that admission. Your anger and impotent rage are abundantly clear after a sentence or two.

I don't know what "take the beam out of your own eye" means.

No religion, huh? What a shock. Nothing but pure, hateful self-interest. I'm so glad I'm not you.

And still, the brain-dead right can't escape ...

"the main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't," ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
One thing about which I'm pretty confident is that you aren't a Christian.

At least a real one.


Now, there's something you see every day: another judgmental liberal.

I have already said that I'm not religious. I'm amazed that you can follow along.

Now, since we're on the topic, ya dopey bitch, I'll return the favor and share a little bit of urgently needed advice for your benefit.

Take the beam out of your own eye.

:eusa_hand: No no. No need to thank me.


I'm afraid I don't follow your posts enough to have seen that admission. Your anger and impotent rage are abundantly clear after a sentence or two.

I don't know what "take the beam out of your own eye" means.

No religion, huh? What a shock. Nothing but pure, hateful self-interest. I'm so glad I'm not you.


So you had no idea about my religious views when you made your claim that I was not a good Christian.

Got it.

Thanks for outing yourself as to who and what you are.


By the way, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know the Biblical reference.
Now, there's something you see every day: another judgmental liberal.

I have already said that I'm not religious. I'm amazed that you can follow along.

Now, since we're on the topic, ya dopey bitch, I'll return the favor and share a little bit of urgently needed advice for your benefit.

Take the beam out of your own eye.

:eusa_hand: No no. No need to thank me.


I'm afraid I don't follow your posts enough to have seen that admission. Your anger and impotent rage are abundantly clear after a sentence or two.

I don't know what "take the beam out of your own eye" means.

No religion, huh? What a shock. Nothing but pure, hateful self-interest. I'm so glad I'm not you.


So you had no idea about my religious views when you made your claim that I was not a good Christian.

Got it.

Thanks for outing yourself as to who and what you are.


By the way, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know the Biblical reference.

Simply being able to quote the seventh chapter of Matthew does not make anyone a good Christian.
Now, there's something you see every day: another judgmental liberal.

I have already said that I'm not religious. I'm amazed that you can follow along.

Now, since we're on the topic, ya dopey bitch, I'll return the favor and share a little bit of urgently needed advice for your benefit.

Take the beam out of your own eye.

:eusa_hand: No no. No need to thank me.


I'm afraid I don't follow your posts enough to have seen that admission. Your anger and impotent rage are abundantly clear after a sentence or two.

I don't know what "take the beam out of your own eye" means.

No religion, huh? What a shock. Nothing but pure, hateful self-interest. I'm so glad I'm not you.


So you had no idea about my religious views when you made your claim that I was not a good Christian.

Got it.

Thanks for outing yourself as to who and what you are.


By the way, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know the Biblical reference.

As I said, "One thing about which I'm pretty confident..." If you want to take that as a "claim", that's fine, whatever makes you the victim. I'm confident because of my observation of your behavior.

And I'm a comfy agnostic. I make no claims of having The Answer. Nor do I claim to be something that I am not.

I don't know how you make it through the day with such anger and hatred, but I must admit that I really don't care.

I guess you don't understand the distinction.

1) Making sure children are fed despite the bad decisions made by their parents-- What a humane society does.

2) Feeling bad a group of people defied common sense, moved into a land that someone else owned, and wonder why they've been at non-stop war for 65 years.... Not really my bag.

Joe - can you go more than two sentences any more without contradicting yourself? This has gone from absolutely hilarious to a fucking Greek tragedy...

You first "point" states that children should be cared for despite the bad decisions of their parents. Your second "point" is support for your original statement of "fuck Israel".

Uh....Joe....are the children of Israel being blown up not suffering for (and I quote you directly here) "the bad decisions made by their parents"?!?

Your second point of "fuck Israel" literally contradicts your first point that "children should not have to suffer for the bad decisions of their parents".

Do you even know what you believe any more?!?

Poodle, I just have to wonder if you are some kind of high functioning retard, because it's kind of hard to tell. Besides the fact that the Palestinian Children are suffering more than the Zionist's kids. My solution is to send the lot of the back to Europe where they came from. Period.

My solution to American Welfare kids would be to properly educate them, teach them about birth control so they don't repeat their parents mistakes, and make sure they have good jobs by putting the interests of working folks over big corporations. Again, all things conservative whacks are against.


One more thing - being both the radical and the misinformed bitter jack-ass that you are, I'd like to point out that Israel was granted that land by the U.N. Therefore, your assertion that Israel "moved into a land that someone else owned" is as absurd as all of your other comments.

It's Israel's land and nobody disputes that but terrorists, radicals, assholes, and the uninformed. Which one are you?

Palestine wasn't the UN's to give away. Isn't giving people other people's stuff because you feel bad for them something you "conservatives" are normally against? I mean, if I gave your house to some black people because I felt really bad about slavery, I think your immediate reaction would be "Hey, I didn't own any slaves! Why are you giving them MY house." I'm sure I'd hear some squealing about "2nd Amendment Solutions", too.

The Israelis didn't live in Palestine prior to 1939. They moved there after WWII because they no longer trusted their Christian neighbors not to genocide their ass. So now their Muslim Neighbors are trying to do it instead. Unless they genocide them first, but there are a lot more of them.

Today, most of the world doesn't really recognize the legitimacy of the Zionist entity. Trust me, the happy day Israel is pushed into the sea, most of the world will cheer.

A little OT, but the UN didn't give away anything. The Israelis declared their own country and men with arms fought for and as of yet have won her independence. Jews had been immigrating to Palestine since the end of WWI when England was given the Palestinian Mandate.
That's the last desperate effort of idiot liberals (you guys are so predictable - it's hilarious).

There was NEVER a claim that it was NUKES. They said OVER, and OVER, and OVER - WMD's. In fact, the famous picture of Collin Powell before the UN was of him holding a vile of a biological weapon - NOT of him hold a nuke.

I love when you guys lose an argument - you can't admit you're wrong, so you just make wild and false claims to move the goalposts.

Newsflash: chemical and biological weapons don't create a "mushroom cloud".

Right. But the WMDs which were primarily focused on were the likes of Sarin.

Both the Secretary of State, Dr. Rice, and the President DID also make public comments regarding the concern that Saddam might be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapons capacity. That was well founded. Very well founded. And given his lack of cooperation in terms of the many inspections programs, the concerned was justifiably heightened, especially post 9/11/2001.

Nevertheless, what the President and Dr. Rice SAID about "mushroom cloud" has been seriously overblown by liberals engaging in any discussion about the Iraq War. What they actually said was also legitimate and the product of perfectly valid common sense.

More specious attempts at a rewrite of history I see.

Sec. Rice knew well that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his WMD program.

She also kenw that the aluminum tube BS was a lie.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones
Newsflash: chemical and biological weapons don't create a "mushroom cloud".

Right. But the WMDs which were primarily focused on were the likes of Sarin.

Both the Secretary of State, Dr. Rice, and the President DID also make public comments regarding the concern that Saddam might be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapons capacity. That was well founded. Very well founded. And given his lack of cooperation in terms of the many inspections programs, the concerned was justifiably heightened, especially post 9/11/2001.

Nevertheless, what the President and Dr. Rice SAID about "mushroom cloud" has been seriously overblown by liberals engaging in any discussion about the Iraq War. What they actually said was also legitimate and the product of perfectly valid common sense.

More specious attempts at a rewrite of history I see.

Sec. Rice knew well that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his WMD program.

She also kenw that the aluminum tube BS was a lie.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones

Specious is your playground, obviously.

And no.

Secretary Rice had NO knowledge that Saddam had not already re-established at least some of his WMD program. You claim otherwise, prove it.

And you have ZERO actual evidence that she "knew" that the Aluminum Tube concern was anything less than valid. Mother fucking Jones? Are you fucking stupid or what?

YOU saying shit and it being true are generally mutually exclusive.
I'm afraid I don't follow your posts enough to have seen that admission. Your anger and impotent rage are abundantly clear after a sentence or two.

I don't know what "take the beam out of your own eye" means.

No religion, huh? What a shock. Nothing but pure, hateful self-interest. I'm so glad I'm not you.


So you had no idea about my religious views when you made your claim that I was not a good Christian.

Got it.

Thanks for outing yourself as to who and what you are.


By the way, it doesn't surprise me that you don't know the Biblical reference.

As I said, "One thing about which I'm pretty confident..." If you want to take that as a "claim", that's fine, whatever makes you the victim. I'm confident because of my observation of your behavior.

And I'm a comfy agnostic. I make no claims of having The Answer. Nor do I claim to be something that I am not.

I don't know how you make it through the day with such anger and hatred, but I must admit that I really don't care.


It's still just your churlish ignorant opinion which we all know you made as a claim you dishonest hack shit-for-brain motherfucker.

I also don't give a shit if you're an Agnostic, a Deist, a Wiccan, an Atheist, a Catholic, A Muslim or a Shintoaist.

Also ,you fucking moron, I am not even slightly angry. I just like pointing out what a dishonest stupid ignorant piece of shit you and most of your ilk are. Call it a hobby.

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