Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Keep reading, you dishonest hack. Later another Niger official made it plain WHY they tried to avoid the discussion. They weren't stupid (like you are).

They knew that there were international sanctions being imposed and they certainly wouldn't want to be caught engaging in internationally prohibited trade with Iraq. Nevertheless, the PM knew what they meant when they wanted to discuss business.


There is a huge difference between TRYING to gain WMD materiel, and actually ACQUIRING it.

We did not invade Iraq on the premise that Iraq was trying to get WMDs. We invaded on the premise they had them. In large stockpiles.

Such evidence has not since been forthcoming.
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First, look at the bullshit spouted by memoryasshole:
There you have it. Four to seven months before 9/11--and just 15 to 18 months before the drive to attack Iraq seriously revved up--the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor trumpeted that Iraq had a decimated military, no "significant capabilities" regarding WMD, and was so feeble that it couldn't even threaten the countries around it with conventional military power.
The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat

Those fuckwits, like most of the liberals posting their stupid shit here in this thread, don't even know what "decimated" means.


Now let's all turn to the pages that have the Fauny one spewing his witless spittle. but let's go a bit FURTHER:

( )The intelligence report also said that Nicter's former Minister for Energy and Mines ( ), Mai Manga, stated that there were no sales outside of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) channels since the mid-1980s. He knew of no contracts signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of uranium. He said that an Iranian delegation was interested in purchasing 400 tons of yellowcake from Niger in 1998, but said that no contract was ever signed with Iran. Mai Manga also described how the French mining consortium controls Nigerien uranium mining and keeps the uranium very tightly controlled from the time it is mined until the time it is loaded onto ships in Benin for transport overseas. Mai Manga believed it would be difficult, if not impossible, to arrange a special shipment of uranium to a pariah state given these controls.
Keep reading, you dishonest hack. Later another Niger official made it plain WHY they tried to avoid the discussion. They weren't stupid (like you are).

They knew that there were international sanctions being imposed and they certainly wouldn't want to be caught engaging in internationally prohibited trade with Iraq. Nevertheless, the PM knew what they meant when they wanted to discuss business.


There is a huge difference between TRYING to gain WMD materiel, and actually ACQUIRING it.

We did not invade Iraq on the premise that Iraq was trying to get WMDs. We invaded on the premise they had them. In large stockpiles.

Such evidence has not since been forthcoming.


We went into Iraq for a number of reasons. We believed that Saddam HAD WMDs and we believed he was doing what he could to obtain more.
Keep reading, you dishonest hack. Later another Niger official made it plain WHY they tried to avoid the discussion. They weren't stupid (like you are).

They knew that there were international sanctions being imposed and they certainly wouldn't want to be caught engaging in internationally prohibited trade with Iraq. Nevertheless, the PM knew what they meant when they wanted to discuss business.


There is a huge difference between TRYING to gain WMD materiel, and actually ACQUIRING it.

We did not invade Iraq on the premise that Iraq was trying to get WMDs. We invaded on the premise they had them. In large stockpiles.

Such evidence has not since been forthcoming.


We went into Iraq for a number of reasons. We believed that Saddam HAD WMDs and we believed he was doing what he could to obtain more.

YOU may have believed the bush line, but that doesn't mean "we" or the bush team believed their line.
Keep reading, you dishonest hack. Later another Niger official made it plain WHY they tried to avoid the discussion. They weren't stupid (like you are).

They knew that there were international sanctions being imposed and they certainly wouldn't want to be caught engaging in internationally prohibited trade with Iraq. Nevertheless, the PM knew what they meant when they wanted to discuss business.


There is a huge difference between TRYING to gain WMD materiel, and actually ACQUIRING it.

We did not invade Iraq on the premise that Iraq was trying to get WMDs. We invaded on the premise they had them. In large stockpiles.

Such evidence has not since been forthcoming.


We went into Iraq for a number of reasons. We believed that Saddam HAD WMDs and we believed he was doing what he could to obtain more.

We do not invade countries because they are trying to obtain WMDs.

Here is the reason given by the Bush Administration:

We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he's determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression... given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond? The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post–September 11 world.

The chief causus belli was the claim Hussein had stockpiles of WMD.

Evidence of such has not been forthcoming.
Many lap up bullshit liberal propaganda because you remain predisposed to believe that shit spread by dicksuckers like Lawrence O'Donnel and crap sources like memoryasshole.

You really are blind. But also dumb.

Is that all you got?

Fact is Rice and Powell believed that Saddam was contain and that the UN Sanctions had acheived their goal of keeping him from re-arming and re-igniting his WMD program.

Pretending this information is liberal propaganda is all you're doing.

Using profanity, is not very profane.
Is that all you've got?

Memoryasshole and some school-marm bullshit?

Did you even READ the nonsense memoryasshole spewed?

Saddam had a no fly zone imposed on him and yet fired at aircraft overseeing it. Why? Because he wanted freedom of movement to get back to his old ways. He HAD been prevented (up to a point) from re-arming and reconstituting his WMD program, but we also realized that he had not given up attempting to get both back up and running.

Morons like you would have blithely permitted it.

And by the way, the use of profanity is pretty profane -- thus the word itself, you dope.

Do you ever read history? The No Fly Zones were not sanctioned by the UN but rather imposed on Iraq by France, the UK and the USA to protect Kurds on the ground in the north and Shites on the ground in the south. Jets in the air did little to stop saddam's forces on the ground. But they were good for blowing up Radar stations. The UN sanctions did prevent him from re-arming and reconstituting his WMD program. Containment was a much better option than war.

Your tripe is of course the latter.


1. The condition or quality of being profane.

2. a. Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language.
First, look at the bullshit spouted by memoryasshole:
There you have it. Four to seven months before 9/11--and just 15 to 18 months before the drive to attack Iraq seriously revved up--the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor trumpeted that Iraq had a decimated military, no "significant capabilities" regarding WMD, and was so feeble that it couldn't even threaten the countries around it with conventional military power.
The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat

Those fuckwits, like most of the liberals posting their stupid shit here in this thread, don't even know what "decimated" means.


Now let's all turn to the pages that have the Fauny one spewing his witless spittle. but let's go a bit FURTHER:

( )The intelligence report also said that Nicter's former Minister for Energy and Mines ( ), Mai Manga, stated that there were no sales outside of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) channels since the mid-1980s. He knew of no contracts signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of uranium. He said that an Iranian delegation was interested in purchasing 400 tons of yellowcake from Niger in 1998, but said that no contract was ever signed with Iran. Mai Manga also described how the French mining consortium controls Nigerien uranium mining and keeps the uranium very tightly controlled from the time it is mined until the time it is loaded onto ships in Benin for transport overseas. Mai Manga believed it would be difficult, if not impossible, to arrange a special shipment of uranium to a pariah state given these controls.

I just posted that, you fucking retard (post #416). That paragraph was the one which preceded the paragraph where it stated PM Mayaki "never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”"

I know you can't comprehend those words, so I'll dumb it down for ya -- they never discussed Uranium.

You can dream up all you want what you think they wanted to talk about -- but for the remainder of your miserable existance, you will never be able to prove it was yellowcake, because, as the report reads ... Mayaki did meet with the Iraqi delegation but never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Keep reading, you dishonest hack. Later another Niger official made it plain WHY they tried to avoid the discussion. They weren't stupid (like you are).

They knew that there were international sanctions being imposed and they certainly wouldn't want to be caught engaging in internationally prohibited trade with Iraq. Nevertheless, the PM knew what they meant when they wanted to discuss business.


There is a huge difference between TRYING to gain WMD materiel, and actually ACQUIRING it.

We did not invade Iraq on the premise that Iraq was trying to get WMDs. We invaded on the premise they had them. In large stockpiles.

Such evidence has not since been forthcoming.


We went into Iraq for a number of reasons. We believed that Saddam HAD WMDs and we believed he was doing what he could to obtain more.
True, but the number one main reason for going into Iraq was because Bush thought Hussein had WMD.

In Bush's own words ... "turns out, he didn't"


President Oops cost 5,000 American lives, 100,000+ Iraqi lives, somewhere between 1-2 trillion dollars, and removing the biggest watchdog on Iran.

Honestly? Who gives a crap? We went in and waxed muslim ass ...


1. "We"?

2. And you forgot to say "...and all those American soldiers' lives, limbs and minds destroyed, all those American military families' lives destroyed, all those orphans who won't see Mom or Dad again, all those innocent civilians ditto, and those trillions of dollars borrowed to cause all of this, oh yeah boy, that was all worth it, you betcha, just so we could wax some muslim (sic) ass."

Tell you what. Since American lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars are so cheap to you, why don't you gather up all your adult male family members - brothers, sons, dads, cousins, the whole group - and head over there with some guns - you can borrow some money to pay for the trip and the guns - and wax some more muslim (sic) ass for us. Fun! Be sure to take out a few dozen innocent civilians for us, they deserve it too, just for being there. And if some or all you end up dead or maimed, I'm sure you'll still think it was worth it.



Yeah, we, you do know the defintion of the word correct? Maybe not, so let me help you out dufus. We-(used to indicate a particular profession, nationality, political party, etc., that includes the speaker or writer):
As for the rest of your nonsense, that's the risk you face for taking the King's Shilling bud, I did it, millions of others did it, these people did it, and these are ALL Volunteers. Men and woman who made a conscience decision to join and to fight. My son served in Afghanistan, I have nephews and a niece that served, I know numerous others who served and NOT ONE is sorry they did. NOT ONE thinks we shouldn't have gone. NOT ONE says they would not join if they had to do it all over again. By the way, there are no innocent muslims, they're all guilty by association. Now you can piss the hell off you pansy assed little puss.
Honestly? Who gives a crap? We went in and waxed muslim ass ...


1. "We"?

2. And you forgot to say "...and all those American soldiers' lives, limbs and minds destroyed, all those American military families' lives destroyed, all those orphans who won't see Mom or Dad again, all those innocent civilians ditto, and those trillions of dollars borrowed to cause all of this, oh yeah boy, that was all worth it, you betcha, just so we could wax some muslim (sic) ass."

Tell you what. Since American lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars are so cheap to you, why don't you gather up all your adult male family members - brothers, sons, dads, cousins, the whole group - and head over there with some guns - you can borrow some money to pay for the trip and the guns - and wax some more muslim (sic) ass for us. Fun! Be sure to take out a few dozen innocent civilians for us, they deserve it too, just for being there. And if some or all you end up dead or maimed, I'm sure you'll still think it was worth it.



Yeah, we, you do know the defintion of the word correct? Maybe not, so let me help you out dufus. We-(used to indicate a particular profession, nationality, political party, etc., that includes the speaker or writer):
As for the rest of your nonsense, that's the risk you face for taking the King's Shilling bud, I did it, millions of others did it, these people did it, and these are ALL Volunteers. Men and woman who made a conscience decision to join and to fight. My son served in Afghanistan, I have nephews and a niece that served, I know numerous others who served and NOT ONE is sorry they did. NOT ONE thinks we shouldn't have gone. NOT ONE says they would not join if they had to do it all over again. By the way, there are no innocent muslims, they're all guilty by association. Now you can piss the hell off you pansy assed little puss.

You're very brave with the lives, limbs, families and money of others, Rambo.

So, when are you heading over?


They don't care, they'll spin away from it. They're committed to defending this horror no matter what. That must be how they deal with the guilt.


You would be the expert on "spinning away from it", wouldn't you - considering I've posted countless sources that thousands of WMD's were in fact found in Iraq (and in some cases, used against our military) and all you keep doing is avoiding that FACT
First, look at the bullshit spouted by memoryasshole:
There you have it. Four to seven months before 9/11--and just 15 to 18 months before the drive to attack Iraq seriously revved up--the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor trumpeted that Iraq had a decimated military, no "significant capabilities" regarding WMD, and was so feeble that it couldn't even threaten the countries around it with conventional military power.
The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat

Those fuckwits, like most of the liberals posting their stupid shit here in this thread, don't even know what "decimated" means.


Now let's all turn to the pages that have the Fauny one spewing his witless spittle. but let's go a bit FURTHER:

( )The intelligence report also said that Nicter's former Minister for Energy and Mines ( ), Mai Manga, stated that there were no sales outside of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) channels since the mid-1980s. He knew of no contracts signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of uranium. He said that an Iranian delegation was interested in purchasing 400 tons of yellowcake from Niger in 1998, but said that no contract was ever signed with Iran. Mai Manga also described how the French mining consortium controls Nigerien uranium mining and keeps the uranium very tightly controlled from the time it is mined until the time it is loaded onto ships in Benin for transport overseas. Mai Manga believed it would be difficult, if not impossible, to arrange a special shipment of uranium to a pariah state given these controls.

I just posted that, you fucking retard (post #416). That paragraph was the one which preceded the paragraph where it stated PM Mayaki "never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”"

I know you can't comprehend those words, so I'll dumb it down for ya -- they never discussed Uranium.

You can dream up all you want what you think they wanted to talk about -- but for the remainder of your miserable existance, you will never be able to prove it was yellowcake, because, as the report reads ... Mayaki did meet with the Iraqi delegation but never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

For a retard, you are unusually slow.

I attribute it to your basic dishonesty.

Try again, you nitwit twat.

He UNDERSTOOD the request to discuss business to MEAN the possible purchase of Uranium.

And YET AGAIN, there is very good reason to assume that was what they intended.

By contrast, there is no good reason to assume they intended anything other than Uranium.

Spin some more. You amuse me, ya dishonest little jackoff liberal hack.


They don't care, they'll spin away from it. They're committed to defending this horror no matter what. That must be how they deal with the guilt.


You would be the expert on "spinning away from it", wouldn't you - considering I've posted countless sources that thousands of WMD's were in fact found in Iraq (and in some cases, used against our military) and all you keep doing is avoiding that FACT
keep spitting.

"the main reason we went into Iraq, at the time, was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't," ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
First, look at the bullshit spouted by memoryasshole: The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat

Those fuckwits, like most of the liberals posting their stupid shit here in this thread, don't even know what "decimated" means.


Now let's all turn to the pages that have the Fauny one spewing his witless spittle. but let's go a bit FURTHER:


I just posted that, you fucking retard (post #416). That paragraph was the one which preceded the paragraph where it stated PM Mayaki "never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”"

I know you can't comprehend those words, so I'll dumb it down for ya -- they never discussed Uranium.

You can dream up all you want what you think they wanted to talk about -- but for the remainder of your miserable existance, you will never be able to prove it was yellowcake, because, as the report reads ... Mayaki did meet with the Iraqi delegation but never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

For a retard, you are unusually slow.

I attribute it to your basic dishonesty.

Try again, you nitwit twat.

He UNDERSTOOD the request to discuss business to MEAN the possible purchase of Uranium.

And YET AGAIN, there is very good reason to assume that was what they intended.

By contrast, there is no good reason to assume they intended anything other than Uranium.

Spin some more. You amuse me, ya dishonest little jackoff liberal hack.

Awww, poor, demented, choadbreath. Once again, your ever changing position, changes.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

First you said there was no doubt they discussed yellowcake. Then you said it was likely that they discussed yellowcake. You said it was highly probable they discussed yellowcake. And despite all of your foaming and ranting and spittle, you've been shown what I said ... they never discussed yellowcake. It wasn't likely, as you idiotically claimed ... it wasn't highly probable, like you moronically insisted ... they didn't discuss it.

Now have Nurse Ratched change your droop cup, it's overflowing.
I just posted that, you fucking retard (post #416). That paragraph was the one which preceded the paragraph where it stated PM Mayaki "never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”"

I know you can't comprehend those words, so I'll dumb it down for ya -- they never discussed Uranium.

You can dream up all you want what you think they wanted to talk about -- but for the remainder of your miserable existance, you will never be able to prove it was yellowcake, because, as the report reads ... Mayaki did meet with the Iraqi delegation but never discussed what was meant by “expanding commercial relations.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

For a retard, you are unusually slow.

I attribute it to your basic dishonesty.

Try again, you nitwit twat.

He UNDERSTOOD the request to discuss business to MEAN the possible purchase of Uranium.

And YET AGAIN, there is very good reason to assume that was what they intended.

By contrast, there is no good reason to assume they intended anything other than Uranium.

Spin some more. You amuse me, ya dishonest little jackoff liberal hack.

Awww, poor, demented, choadbreath. Once again, your ever changing position, changes.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

First you said there was no doubt they discussed yellowcake. Then you said it was likely that they discussed yellowcake. You said it was highly probable they discussed yellowcake. And despite all of your foaming and ranting and spittle, you've been shown what I said ... they never discussed yellowcake. It wasn't likely, as you idiotically claimed ... it wasn't highly probable, like you moronically insisted ... they didn't discuss it.

Now have Nurse Ratched change your droop cup, it's overflowing.

^ see how you liars lie? Well, that's ok. The rest of us see it, ya Fauny.

I made one statement that I reasonably felt obliged to amend. I therefore conceded a point. I agreed that it is inaccurate to say that there was "no doubt" that the effort was to buy Uranium. I amended it to reflect that it's more accurately seen as the most likely probability. That's not an ever changing position, ya dishonest hack. It's called honesty.

You wouldn't understand, obviously. You've never had any experience being honest.

Anyway, the facts remain the facts. And the basic fact is that Niger had a national export total business that was about 50% Uranium. When Iraqis came to Niger to discuss business opportunities, they were pretty obviously intent on discussing Uranium since there's ZERO reason to believe they were there to discuss cowpeas, onions or anything else.

You can't address that on a factual (much less an honest) basis, so you whine and lie and squirm.

Carry on. But everyone already sees what a Fauny you are.

For a retard, you are unusually slow.

I attribute it to your basic dishonesty.

Try again, you nitwit twat.

He UNDERSTOOD the request to discuss business to MEAN the possible purchase of Uranium.

And YET AGAIN, there is very good reason to assume that was what they intended.

By contrast, there is no good reason to assume they intended anything other than Uranium.

Spin some more. You amuse me, ya dishonest little jackoff liberal hack.

Awww, poor, demented, choadbreath. Once again, your ever changing position, changes.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

First you said there was no doubt they discussed yellowcake. Then you said it was likely that they discussed yellowcake. You said it was highly probable they discussed yellowcake. And despite all of your foaming and ranting and spittle, you've been shown what I said ... they never discussed yellowcake. It wasn't likely, as you idiotically claimed ... it wasn't highly probable, like you moronically insisted ... they didn't discuss it.

Now have Nurse Ratched change your droop cup, it's overflowing.

^ see how you liars lie? Well, that's ok. The rest of us see it, ya Fauny.

I made one statement that I reasonably felt obliged to amend. I therefore conceded a point. I agreed that it is inaccurate to say that there was "no doubt" that the effort was to buy Uranium. I amended it to reflect that it's more accurately seen as the most likely probability. That's not an ever changing position, ya dishonest hack. It's called honesty.

You wouldn't understand, obviously. You've never had any experience being honest.

Anyway, the facts remain the facts. And the basic fact is that Niger had a national export total business that was about 50% Uranium. When Iraqis came to Niger to discuss business opportunities, they were pretty obviously intent on discussing Uranium since there's ZERO reason to believe they were there to discuss cowpeas, onions or anything else.

You can't address that on a factual (much less an honest) basis, so you whine and lie and squirm.

Carry on. But everyone already sees what a Fauny you are.


You moron. I didn't bring up your original comment to say were wrong on that point since you've already conceded it -- I brought it up to show how your position keeps changing.

You started with saying there was no doubt they discussed Uranium ... to saying it was likely they discussed Uranium ... to finally conceding they didn't discuss Uranium.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, which is why you have to keep changing your fluid position at it crumbles before you.

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