Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?


You can give them any name you want.

The fact remains what we found, what happened there, was not what we were told.

And thousands of young Americans have paid, and will continue to pay, a horrific price, at a cost to the country of trillions of borrowed dollars.

Call them whatever you want. Spin all you want. Deny all you want. This was, and is, a disaster.

Having viable chemical weapons in the 1980's is NOT synonymous with having them two decades later. The shelf life on those things is like strawberries.

^ said because it is what he wants to believe it;and he doesn't care at all that it is an ignorant thing to claim.

As a retired naval officer with decades of experience in munitions, I actually can speak with a lack of ignorance about the subject. You? Not so much.

And, you can lie.

That doesn't bode well for any hope you may harbor of having any credibility.






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I really don't understand how the leftists can continue to deny Sadam had WMD's when there is abundant evidence, from both civilized and muslim sources, that show HE USED WMD'S on many occassions.
There were no WMD's in that country past 1993.
Look at all the right wing dunces here trying to convince, well themselves that the Iraq invasion and occupation was anything other than an illegal war for the control of oil.

Well the world has made it's judgment and all the hyperbolic insistence that a few leftover chemical weapons could ever justify what we did has been rejected by all but the few right wing nut jobs who populate this board.
Look at all the right wing dunces here trying to convince, well themselves that the Iraq invasion and occupation was anything other than an illegal war for the control of oil.

Well the world has made it's judgment and all the hyperbolic insistence that a few leftover chemical weapons could ever justify what we did has been rejected by all but the few right wing nut jobs who populate this board.

^ the hack idiot tries to "persuade" using highly sophisticated :lmao: fallacies.
even W gave up this lame game

Bush Jokes About Lack of WMDs in Iraq

As to why certain people cling to the lie (and they certainly aren't conservatives), I think the answer continues to be that the gop has yet to own up to the fact that W discared Reagan's for and econ policies. The teaparty espouses a warped vesion of Reagan's policies that fails to address the facts that: 1) so long as a for country didn't deny us trade, we had no issue with their internal politics; 2) govt exists to protect transparency of markets and to effectuate the ease of private investors entering and exiting markets; and 3) any effort by the govt to determine winners or losers in a market should be opposed.

Accepting the fact that W altered the party, and the party has been hijacked by people desiring to enrich themselves at the expense of the majority, is not comforting.
Look at all the right wing dunces here trying to convince, well themselves that the Iraq invasion and occupation was anything other than an illegal war for the control of oil.

Well the world has made it's judgment and all the hyperbolic insistence that a few leftover chemical weapons could ever justify what we did has been rejected by all but the few right wing nut jobs who populate this board.

^ the hack idiot tries to "persuade" using highly sophisticated :lmao: fallacies.

There is no persuading the likes of you, so go on insisting what the rest of the world has rejected.
Look at all the right wing dunces here trying to convince, well themselves that the Iraq invasion and occupation was anything other than an illegal war for the control of oil.

Well the world has made it's judgment and all the hyperbolic insistence that a few leftover chemical weapons could ever justify what we did has been rejected by all but the few right wing nut jobs who populate this board.

^ the hack idiot tries to "persuade" using highly sophisticated :lmao: fallacies.

There is no persuading the likes of you, so go on insisting what the rest of the world has rejected.

Partly true. You have no hope of ever persuading me or any rational honest adult by resorting to your childish fallacies.
Aging cans of sarin buried and forgotton in the desert are not WMD's!

You make that claim even though you have no support for it and it is in contradiction to the actual professional evaluation offered to Congress.

So, yeah. I guess we should take your word for it.


Gonna hang your hat on that? These are clearly left over from the first Gulf War. Or do believe that Saddam was so clever that he could hide the supposed WMD program from us but he couldn't hide himself or his sons? Oh that's right you're a self described "un-persuadable" believer.

Oh well, carry on.
The womd claim/justification has long left the barn, after being rejected by both Powell and W. Despite that ... lie or at best failure of intelligience, one could still make a logical/legal argument in support of the invasion and nation building on the grounds that so long as Saddam clung to power, he was a danger to his neighbors, though not the US. Then, realizing the UN would never act, the US was justified in removing him.

Then, you're left with trying to formulate the end result as not only being in the US interests and also justifying the casualties and cost because no other policial/military approach would have given us equal or better results.

That is, essentially, the situation in Iraq is fundamentally more in our interests (and the world's interests) than Libya, Egypt or Syria.
Aging cans of sarin buried and forgotton in the desert are not WMD's!

You make that claim even though you have no support for it and it is in contradiction to the actual professional evaluation offered to Congress.

So, yeah. I guess we should take your word for it.

Hey now, lack of support didn't prevent you from falsely claiming that Iraqis discussed buying yellowcake with the Niger PM.
Look at all the right wing dunces here trying to convince, well themselves that the Iraq invasion and occupation was anything other than an illegal war for the control of oil.

Well the world has made it's judgment and all the hyperbolic insistence that a few leftover chemical weapons could ever justify what we did has been rejected by all but the few right wing nut jobs who populate this board.


I remain amazed they even want this whole thing brought up.

A reasonable person would be justified in avoiding the whole horrific topic.


I remain amazed they even want this whole thing brought up.

A reasonable person would be justified in avoiding the whole horrific topic.


Maybe it's akin to being aggrieved by a horribly oppresive divorce settlement. You'd like to avoid it, but it's constantly sticking a a firey hot knife in your sphcinter.

I remain amazed they even want this whole thing brought up.

A reasonable person would be justified in avoiding the whole horrific topic.


Maybe it's akin to being aggrieved by a horribly oppresive divorce settlement. You'd like to avoid it, but it's constantly sticking a a firey hot knife in your sphcinter.

LOL, well thanks for THAT visual.

Partisan ideology is a powerful thing, to the point where they may actually have convinced themselves of all this stuff. It happens. An interesting psychological-sociological study, a curiosity, but not much more than that.

Aging cans of sarin buried and forgotton in the desert are not WMD's!

You make that claim even though you have no support for it and it is in contradiction to the actual professional evaluation offered to Congress.

So, yeah. I guess we should take your word for it.


Gonna hang your hat on that? These are clearly left over from the first Gulf War. Or do believe that Saddam was so clever that he could hide the supposed WMD program from us but he couldn't hide himself or his sons? Oh that's right you're a self described "un-persuadable" believer.

Oh well, carry on.

Hey, moron. Yeah. That's you wiho.

If they were left over from the earlier war (which I don't doubt and haven't denied nor have I even bothered to address the notion), that doesn't make them any less a stockpile of WMDs.

I remain un-persuadable by you or by your "arguments" since you have no facts and no logic supporting your inane musings.

And for the record, it is far easier to successfully hide munitions than it was to hide himself which he did fairly well for a while.

Here. A freebie. Go buy yourself your first clue:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOMoKIrBlJE]Buried MiG-25 Foxbat Jet Uncovered in Iraqi Desert, Now Preserved in US. - YouTube[/ame]





Related Stories, News from Iraq, The MiG Dig

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraqi aircraft 'buried in desert'

Yeah, booooy. That Saddam could bury fucking MiGs, but not WMDs.


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