Why does the liberal think the Benghazi event is over?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Who told susan rice to lie?
Why was there no attempt to save those people?
Why did BHO keep lying after he knew the truth?
Why does he still not acknowledge it as a terrorist attack?

This event has just began and why 100% of the people in this country are not demanding we know the truth baffles me
The "liberal" is unable to distinguish between wishful thinking and reality.
It isn't over, but it won't go anywhere.

The left controls the media and don't be fooled by this faux outrage from the media toward Obama. It is calculated to maintain control of information. Soon we will be told by the left wing media that they "Have done a full investigation and are satisfied that it's over". And that will be the end of it and nothing will happen to obama, Hillary or any other high ranking Democrat.
The real scandal now is why did ABC use a "forged" document to try and smear the President?

Who gave them the faked document? What else have the faked? I think the House needs to waste more money on another invesigation.

The president of ABC needs to at very least issue an apology to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and especially our UN Embassador Susan Rice.

Benghazi-gate is kaputz.
The real scandal now is why did ABC use a "forged" document to try and smear the President?

Who gave them the faked document? What else have the faked? I think the House needs to waste more money on another invesigation.

The president of ABC needs to at very least issue an apology to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and especially our UN Embassador Susan Rice.

Benghazi-gate is kaputz.

Now that's funny!:clap2:
The real scandal now is why did ABC use a "forged" document to try and smear the President?

Who gave them the faked document? What else have the faked? I think the House needs to waste more money on another invesigation.

The president of ABC needs to at very least issue an apology to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and especially our UN Embassador Susan Rice.

Benghazi-gate is kaputz.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
The real scandal now is why did ABC use a "forged" document to try and smear the President?

Who gave them the faked document? What else have the faked? I think the House needs to waste more money on another invesigation.

The president of ABC needs to at very least issue an apology to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and especially our UN Embassador Susan Rice.

Benghazi-gate is kaputz.

Do us all a favor Boo and hold your breath until it's over. Won't be long right?
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Who told susan rice to lie?
Why was there no attempt to save those people?
Why did BHO keep lying after he knew the truth?
Why does he still not acknowledge it as a terrorist attack?

This event has just began and why 100% of the people in this country are not demanding we know the truth baffles me

actually it is just another attempted cover up on their part
When our armed service members are killed, no conservatives give a shit.

When a few diplomats are killed, they all lose their heads.
It's over because the only people on the planet who don't think it's over are some partisan hacks in Congress,

and the inmates in the rightwing asylum.

It's pretty much in birther territory now.
Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for the 10 attacks on foreign embassies leading to the deaths of over 50 americans?

Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for his lie about WMD's, causing the deaths of over 4,000 US troops and 2 trillion taxpayer dollars?

Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as a (R) does it :eusa_hand:
The real scandal now is why did ABC use a "forged" document to try and smear the President?

Who gave them the faked document? What else have the faked? I think the House needs to waste more money on another invesigation.

The president of ABC needs to at very least issue an apology to President Obama, Hillary Clinton and especially our UN Embassador Susan Rice.

Benghazi-gate is kaputz.

Now that's funny!:clap2:

I'm all Fauxraged about it!

The most commonly used word in English is "the".

For nutters, "the" has been replaced by "Benghazi".


In Reality: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

In Nutterville: Bengahzi rain in Spain falls mainly on Benghazi plain.

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