Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

I am good with same sex restrooms. Never been a problem before this contrived tranny issue, so what Is the issue NOW?
The whole point is change for change's sake, to confuse and fog up people's minds. A tactic from the Frankfurt School Marxists. They don't need a reason really.
I disagree, I think these new liberal dingbats really support men tinkling in the ladies room will some how make the world a better place. They haven't explained exactly WHY or HOW, but these liberals really truly believe it. Like the great pumpkin. They just believe.
They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?
I see....CC thinks just because I asked why he thinks it is funny when trannies rape and sexually assault people that I am upset or something. I'm not....I really want to know. Maybe even Ass Clap can explain what he finds funny about it?

"Trannies" seldom rape and sexually assault people, it's usually you so-called normal dudes. That's what's so funny.

"Trannies" seldom rape and assault but they still do, and you want them in the restroom with little girls. Way to go dude.
Its not true though, most sex offenders have transgender fetishes.
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.

Because that's where they have their best times.
They had sex with underage children twit.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

So youre claiming Obama is Black and a pedophile huh?
I am good with same sex restrooms. Never been a problem before this contrived tranny issue, so what Is the issue NOW?
The whole point is change for change's sake, to confuse and fog up people's minds. A tactic from the Frankfurt School Marxists. They don't need a reason really.
I disagree, I think these new liberal dingbats really support men tinkling in the ladies room will some how make the world a better place. They haven't explained exactly WHY or HOW, but these liberals really truly believe it. Like the great pumpkin. They just believe.
If you're talking about useful idiots like the leftists in this thread.... Sure...they probably do. But that's just it...they are useful idiots who have been indoctrinated through "education" and media and other institutions of influence that have been taken over by the left. See the snippet below which outlines the goals of the Frankfurt School strategy and tell me the Democrats haven't met most of them:

"Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’
Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'"
Well, unless you put your head down and look under the stall door, i seriously doubt that you would ever know.....
Actually, I stated that point in a previous post. It's the so called "trans" community that are making this the issue, yes?

Yes, but only if you consider a tranny wanting to shit in the bathroom they look like on the surface as being an issue. But you have no issue with telling a female to male tranny to use the womens room. Or a male to female using the mens room.
Men do really stupid stuff, Human interactions, let alone human sexuality continues to both confuse and amaze me.

Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I see....CC thinks just because I asked why he thinks it is funny when trannies rape and sexually assault people that I am upset or something. I'm not....I really want to know. Maybe even Ass Clap can explain what he finds funny about it?

"Trannies" seldom rape and sexually assault people, it's usually you so-called normal dudes. That's what's so funny.

"Trannies" seldom rape and assault but they still do, and seem you want them in the restroom where the women and little girls are. Way to go dude.

Women have been known to abuse little girls. Fathers are allowed to bring their little girls into the mens rooms. There is nothing stopping so-called normal men from dressing up as women and inflitrating a women's room. And you're worried about a tiny minority - transgender people who just effing want to use the restroom without harrassment?

Debunking Bathroom Myths

The Actual Numbers Make it Clear why Anecdotes are just Anecdotes

When looking at this statistically, it is pretty easy to understand why this is true statistically. Over the 35 year history of NDOs protecting transgender people all over the world, only one case of a person abusing an NDO and committing sexual assault (in Canada) has ever been found, even by those most interested in demonizing transgender people.

Think about that for a moment.

Every NDO, every person, every bathroom, every day, every trip to the loo, for 35 years, and it’s happened once in the entire world.

For sake of context, the FBI reports that over 84,000 rapes were reported in 2014 alone, none of which exploited gender identity inclusive NDOs to commit sexual assault. To put the relative risk of people misusing NDOs in perspective another way statistically, five Americans have been shot by dogs in the past five years. Similarly, 450 people per year in the US are killed by falling out of bed.
Why do democrats hate genetic women so much that they would put 49% of the population physical jeopardy to please an estimated 1/2 of 1% of the population who happen to be sexual deviates? First the left went after boys by boycotting the BSA because they refused to allow adolescent boys to become a hunting ground for homosexual predators and then they went after young girls by forcing them to share a locker room and shower with mentally disturbed boys.
Actually, I stated that point in a previous post. It's the so called "trans" community that are making this the issue, yes?

Yes, but only if you consider a tranny wanting to shit in the bathroom they look like on the surface as being an issue. But you have no issue with telling a female to male tranny to use the womens room. Or a male to female using the mens room.
Men do really stupid stuff, Human interactions, let alone human sexuality continues to both confuse and amaze me.

Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
Why do democrats hate genetic women so much that they would put 49% of the population physical jeopardy to please an estimated 1/2 of 1% of the population who happen to be sexual deviates? First the left went after boys by boycotting the BSA because they refused to allow adolescent boys to become a hunting ground for homosexual predators and then they went after young girls by forcing them to share a locker room and shower with mentally disturbed boys.

Your logical fallacy is appeal to emotion
I see....CC thinks just because I asked why he thinks it is funny when trannies rape and sexually assault people that I am upset or something. I'm not....I really want to know. Maybe even Ass Clap can explain what he finds funny about it?

"Trannies" seldom rape and sexually assault people, it's usually you so-called normal dudes. That's what's so funny.

"Trannies" seldom rape and assault but they still do, and you want them in the restroom with little girls. Way to go dude.
Its not true though, most sex offenders have transgender fetishes.

A fetish is not being transgender.

One can have a foot fetish, but not be a foot.
Yes, but only if you consider a tranny wanting to shit in the bathroom they look like on the surface as being an issue. But you have no issue with telling a female to male tranny to use the womens room. Or a male to female using the mens room.
Men do really stupid stuff, Human interactions, let alone human sexuality continues to both confuse and amaze me.

Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
What about the men that molest little boys or the women that molest little girls? Sounds like a lot of people will be pissing themselves using that logic.
I see....CC thinks just because I asked why he thinks it is funny when trannies rape and sexually assault people that I am upset or something. I'm not....I really want to know. Maybe even Ass Clap can explain what he finds funny about it?

"Trannies" seldom rape and sexually assault people, it's usually you so-called normal dudes. That's what's so funny.

"Trannies" seldom rape and assault but they still do, and you want them in the restroom with little girls. Way to go dude.
Its not true though, most sex offenders have transgender fetishes.

A fetish is not being transgender.

One can have a foot fetish, but not be a foot.
Yes it is a fetish....there is no evidence anyone is born the wrong sex. Until there is, use the men's bathroom Coyote. A fetish, a philia....whatever...it isn't normal or natural.
Pretty sure priests are the world champs in that area.

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

This gay was a youth minister. Now he champions your view.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?
So....I have asked this question quite a few times and you left wing sex addicts never answer it.....

Why is it wrong for the male coach to walk through the girls locker room while they are taking showers? Is it okay for him to stand their and hand out towels too....?
You need to qualify your question. Is the male coach gay or straight? What do you mean by hand out towels?

According to you it doesn't matter...does it....?

So again....what is wrong with a male coach using the bathroom while the girls are taking showers...or handing out towels to the girls as they enter the shower or leave it...right?
Dennis Hastert Admits He Sexually Abused Former Students, Gets 15 Months In Jail For Fraud

Hastert sat in a LaZBoy and watched his boys shower.
Men do really stupid stuff, Human interactions, let alone human sexuality continues to both confuse and amaze me.

Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
What about the men that molest little boys or the women that molest little girls? Sounds like a lot of people will be pissing themselves using that logic.
They're perverts too.

I see....CC thinks just because I asked why he thinks it is funny when trannies rape and sexually assault people that I am upset or something. I'm not....I really want to know. Maybe even Ass Clap can explain what he finds funny about it?

"Trannies" seldom rape and sexually assault people, it's usually you so-called normal dudes. That's what's so funny.

"Trannies" seldom rape and assault but they still do, and you want them in the restroom with little girls. Way to go dude.
Its not true though, most sex offenders have transgender fetishes.

A fetish is not being transgender.

One can have a foot fetish, but not be a foot.
Yes it is a fetish....there is no evidence anyone is born the wrong sex. Until there is, use the men's bathroom Coyote.

They keep kicking me out when I lift my leg.
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2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?
Did you really think transgender were not using the girls restroom already?

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