Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

First "man" I see in a men's room in a skirt gets his fucking head placed into a toilet, flushed, ass kicked

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First "man" I see in a men's room in a skirt gets his fucking head placed into a toilet, flushed, ass kicked

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The keyboard commandos are restless tonight.....

Not to mention confused. Like to see any one of them go up against this guy:

News story of a 15 yr old girl being followed into the high school bathroom by 25 boys.................

She went into the boys bathroom and had consensual sex with most of the football players
caught on hall camera

Maybe people should be more worried about what happens in the boys room and who is doing what to whom
First "man" I see in a men's room in a skirt gets his fucking head placed into a toilet, flushed, ass kicked

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Actually, we expect this man in a skirt to be in our restroom, not the ladies. As for ass-kicking, that should be done on sight anywhere we find them. Us men need to teach these pussy men to act like a man and quit dressing like the women.
News story of a 15 yr old girl being followed into the high school bathroom by 25 boys.................

She went into the boys bathroom and had consensual sex with most of the football players
caught on hall camera

Maybe people should be more worried about what happens in the boys room and who is doing what to whom
. Having our way with the school nympho is an old, honored tradition.
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.

As you know, it was not an issue anywhere until Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama issued his edict that all government schools must make allowances for tykes who "feel" like a different gender. Either that or risk losing taxpayer dollars.

THIS is what President Obama thinks is a priority for out country.

The middle east is on fire, Russia and China are taking bold steps against us, the Middle East is on fire. Radical Islamic terrorist attacks are skyrocketing, see recent Egyptair crash, the economy is in tatters and what does the President do besides play golf?

He works diligently to further corrupt our country.


Become president and you can ignore the other 9,999 things that need your attention and focus in on the one or two issues that YOU think are important. Be sure to bring your AR15, you apparently think the president is supposed to fight wars himself, any president, and the president doesn't have aids that keep him informed of everything that is happening, like if he were reading a children's book and an aid whipsered in his ear we are being attacked. How can a president take time to read a book in elementary school to shool kids?

Oh the outrage! lol
I don't mind sending my grandson into any restroom, including Target's, as long as there are no catholic priests in there.

Public school teachers molest a lot more children...and you have to send your kids to school...by law.
No you don't...you can home school...but then there's that large percentage of molested kids molested by a male family member or friend issue.
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.


They have pervs on the brain. Problem is they don't see them in schools and their own circle of family and friends.

What is the difference if it is a single bathroom and a transgender was there before you, or in a stall with half a dozen other people there at the same time?

This is all just hate mongering, creating a problem where none existed before.

Worry about the hetero pervs that really exist, not fantasy ones like ghosts around every corner.

I will present my worry. Under the law-----ANY pervert can claim "I FEEL LIKE A GIRL" I want to use the women's facilities. Or any girl can claim "I feel like a boy" I want to use the men's facilities-------ANYTIME. I was once told by a very seasoned lawyer (a really old guy) "the laws were written assuming that people are honest" -----it's the ABUSE of this law for the sake of WEIRD motives
that bothers me

Its more than just a claim. The only way this can happen is if everyone sits back and allows weird shit to happen and use some law as an excuse. Its no better than some out of control kid and their parents saying "You cant spank them anymore"

You can spank them, you can say something about some weirdos story about his feelings.

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