Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.
There are always going to be reactionaries who will either (a) over-react by pushing to enact laws that support their agenda, and (b) are overly sensitive and react to that action. Then it builds on itself until everyone is screaming and boycotting each other.

Personally, I think the ends of the spectrum need to drink a little less coffee, calm down, and get over themselves. That would be a great start for the rest of us.

Life is short. Constantly politicizing everything, getting angry and attacking others cannot possibly be good for one's mojo.
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Obama will be leaving the presidency with the country in pretty decent shape if this is the biggest problem the nutjobs are having these days.
Truth is the country is in shitty shape because of that fuck-up squatting in our White House. That's why they bring up divisive issues like allowing men in the women's restrooms. They know liberals will jump on the "pro" side like stink on shit, which is a great metaphor for all liberal logic.


Are you a dude? Are these Trannies you'd love to fuck?
Conservatives are told when something is an 'issue'. That's how they know.
They were happier when we were losing 745,000 jobs a month and the DOW was below 7,000. I suppose it didn`t matter to them since most of them are career welfare bums.
Remember, when Republicans get caught in men's rooms, it's only a tiny fraction of what is actually going on. Craig did it for many years before getting caught. Most never do.
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.

Yes....I agree with you, the private business can decide...and guess what.....the North Carolina law allowed that.....the N.C. law only concerned itself with public bathrooms.......and yet that wasn't enough for the left wing fascists....
Obama will be leaving the presidency with the country in pretty decent shape if this is the biggest problem the nutjobs are having these days.

no...this is just a problem that hits each and everyone who knows a female...who doesn't want strange men using their bathroom.....his fuck ups in the rest of the world, and the economy are more spread out...
Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.

We can't....the left won't leave it like that...they started this.....they want all bathrooms open to male predators.....
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.

Yes....I agree with you, the private business can decide...and guess what.....the North Carolina law allowed that.....the N.C. law only concerned itself with public bathrooms.......and yet that wasn't enough for the left wing fascists....

Actually no, the NC law removes legal redress for any and all discrimination of transpeople as I recall, it's unconstitutional from my interpertation. And even if you want to argue that businesses should decide for themselves, the NC law says they cannot.

Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.

We can't....the left won't leave it like that...they started this.....they want all bathrooms open to male predators.....

What happened to letting the business decide? Can't even make one post and you're taking that back? ~sigh~
Remember, when Republicans get caught in men's rooms, it's only a tiny fraction of what is actually going on. Craig did it for many years before getting caught. Most never do.
Craig tapped his foot for years?

There you go. The left wants women watching.

The upside of gender neutral bathrooms.

Several boys have sex with girl, 15, in South Fort Myers High School bathroom
How many of those boys were transgenders?

Oh, and Tipsy, maybe you get thrills from watching women pee, but it doesn't do a thing for me....
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.

Yes....I agree with you, the private business can decide...and guess what.....the North Carolina law allowed that.....the N.C. law only concerned itself with public bathrooms.......and yet that wasn't enough for the left wing fascists....

Actually no, the NC law removes legal redress for any and all discrimination of transpeople as I recall, it's unconstitutional from my interpertation. And even if you want to argue that businesses should decide for themselves, the NC law says they cannot.

Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.

We can't....the left won't leave it like that...they started this.....they want all bathrooms open to male predators.....

What happened to letting the business decide? Can't even make one post and you're taking that back? ~sigh~

How am I taking it back.....it should be left to the owner of the business to decide for his own bathroom.....if he wants a urinal in the middle of his store, open for all to see.......he can do what he wants.....
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk.

Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.

Out of the two people involved in the choking of the 8 year old, both knew the behavior of the perv was wrong. The one chocking, and the one being choked. Moral values, right and wrong, isn't going to stop a criminal. We can prevent his access to the children going to the bathroom though. Make the room for girls only, and so the boys have a place to pee, give them their own room too. For every one else the anything goes restroom should solve the problem.

The point I was making is that the perp in this case was not transsexual, but the screaming meemies in this thread and others are scrounging through every "news" story in every tabloid on the 'net looking for "perv" stories to bolster their hysteria, as if no perv ever followed a child into a restroom until July of last year.

It's like their conflation of gay people with pedophiles, preceded by their baseless contention that homosexuality is a choice, all of it fueled by some bizarre view of the world that doesn't let itself be confused by those unpleasant things known as facts.
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.

Yes....I agree with you, the private business can decide...and guess what.....the North Carolina law allowed that.....the N.C. law only concerned itself with public bathrooms.......and yet that wasn't enough for the left wing fascists....

Actually no, the NC law removes legal redress for any and all discrimination of transpeople as I recall, it's unconstitutional from my interpertation. And even if you want to argue that businesses should decide for themselves, the NC law says they cannot.

Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.

We can't....the left won't leave it like that...they started this.....they want all bathrooms open to male predators.....

What happened to letting the business decide? Can't even make one post and you're taking that back? ~sigh~

How am I taking it back.....it should be left to the owner of the business to decide for his own bathroom.....if he wants a urinal in the middle of his store, open for all to see.......he can do what he wants.....

Ugh I know I should debate on this cause I replied 2A, but dude I'm just seriously so sick of hearing about it I can't lol

Can we leave it at no federal or state laws, businesses decide for themselves?
I have no problem with trannies. You still havent told me how many times you meet up with the homosexuals in these bathrooms. How could you know such a thing without participating?
So you have no problem fucking a trans-woman?

Do you have a problem with dogs? No? Then do you fuck them?
. I stick to my own species.
It's a legitimate question for you pro-transgender liberal men. Would you be willing to fuck a trans-woman since you're trying to convince us they are now women? If not, then you're aware they are still men and always will be men. So why would you allow a man into the restroom with a little girl, especially if it was your kid?
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.

As you know, it was not an issue anywhere until Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama issued his edict that all government schools must make allowances for tykes who "feel" like a different gender. Either that or risk losing taxpayer dollars.

THIS is what President Obama thinks is a priority for out country.

The middle east is on fire, Russia and China are taking bold steps against us, the Middle East is on fire. Radical Islamic terrorist attacks are skyrocketing, see recent Egyptair crash, the economy is in tatters and what does the President do besides play golf?

He works diligently to further corrupt our country.


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