Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

Hell. I will drive miles out of my way to avoid unpleasantness. I will share a restroom with the devil himself if he doesn't make it a goddamn issue. You understand?
Who are you asking?
Yeah...like I said, there has been trannys/cross dressers(who knows how you are supposed to know the difference when they look the same)in men's rooms I have used, not often, but its happened...and as long as they don't bother me...I won't bother them.
Of course men interest you sexually. Youre sticking up for your boyfriend Tank right now and you expect me to believe you are not gay? Its ok because I dont really care that you are gay.

Another delusional comment from milkweed...

Do you need to win in order to feel significant?

Did you always lose or just most of the time?

You stepped up for your boyfriend Tank. Dont try to convince us you are not gay. I dont believe you.

I understand in your world you associate everyone as being LGBT...

Most people identify with like minded people...

It's okay if you don't believe me...
This is faux issue. we both agree, I am not making this an issue, believe me. Nobody has bothered me before. I want to keep it that way. Why is it an issue NOW?
This is faux issue. we both agree, I am not making this an issue, believe me. Nobody has bothered me before. I want to keep it that way. Why is it an issue NOW?
I told you why and you disagreed. I don't know if you saw my post with the snippet from an article about the Frankfurt School strategy yet. But it explains it and Herbert Marcuse, one of the founders of the Frankfurt school is the intellectual father of the New Left to which Obama belongs.
Since I invested 15 minutes of my life skimming thru this thread, I thought I'd comment on a couple things..

1) Several posters make the claim that there are no "transgender" accidents at birth. This is wrong. There are known medical conditions that make sex determination ambiguous. Some are obvious -- obviously. Others are not discovered until later in life.

2) The number of these people born with "ambiguities" at birth are tiny. They often choose gender reassignment later in life. Some folks are truly committed to changing sexual identity WITHOUT birth abnomalities. These are determined by medical/psychological diagnosis, counseling, treatment and procedures. THOSE comprise the legitimate "trans" community. And their rights OUGHT to be protected,.

3) Several posters make the claim that "trans" is a mental illness. It CAN be. But it's not always. That's why it's up to the medical community to make the calls. Gender "dysphoria" is exactly what it sounds like. It's confusion. And it IS in the DSM,. This is what psychiatrists are for. And that is why POLITICIANS and the raging public need to calm the fuck down and DEFINE who gets the right to use facilities that "don't agree with their birth certificate". And they need to USE the recommendations of doctors to make that call.

No special rights can be conferred for SELF-DECLARED classes. You always have the legal burden of proving membership. Even for designations like "concientious objector" to the military. We'll go down the rabbit hole with that nonsense of "I now identify as...... ".There should be a LEGAL PROCESS to declare a change in sex. And that pretty solves the sketchy creeping peeping Tom or Helen bathroom/lockerroom problem right there..
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.

fear of molestation isn't the issue. You're not going to shame Americans Into allowing men in women's restrooms. Got a dick? Go hang out with the boys. You don't? It's the girls room for you.
It isn't the transgendered we are concerned about...it is the privacy of women, and the danger of non transgender male predators.......please......pay attention.
They won't. They'll always mischaracterize an issue until we give up. Americans won't give up. They can bring up trannies all day long and it won't change our resolve to keep men out of women's restrooms and showers.
Yes, but only if you consider a tranny wanting to shit in the bathroom they look like on the surface as being an issue. But you have no issue with telling a female to male tranny to use the womens room. Or a male to female using the mens room.
Men do really stupid stuff, Human interactions, let alone human sexuality continues to both confuse and amaze me.

Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
Libtards refuse to understand that logic.
Why do liberals insist a man can claim to be gender fluid when they know it's because they're peeping toms? Why do they insist we allow men the legal opportunity to enter an area to rape women in the ladies's room where it wasn't socially allowed to enter before? There are close to zero rapes going on in women's restroom now. That number can only increase exponentially.
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.
Here's an easy answer: If any stranger puts a hand on your child for any reason without that child's permission, they are in the wrong. Problem solved.
Yeah but your preferred "solution" makes that more likely. Remember it was a pedophile who was behind the Charlotte NC city council decision to open up women's restrooms to males.
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.


They have pervs on the brain. Problem is they don't see them in schools and their own circle of family and friends.

What is the difference if it is a single bathroom and a transgender was there before you, or in a stall with half a dozen other people there at the same time?

This is all just hate mongering, creating a problem where none existed before.

Worry about the hetero pervs that really exist, not fantasy ones like ghosts around every corner.

I will present my worry. Under the law-----ANY pervert can claim "I FEEL LIKE A GIRL" I want to use the women's facilities. Or any girl can claim "I feel like a boy" I want to use the men's facilities-------ANYTIME. I was once told by a very seasoned lawyer (a really old guy) "the laws were written assuming that people are honest" -----it's the ABUSE of this law for the sake of WEIRD motives
that bothers me

Transvestite for fun or criminal is not the same as transgender. When a person goes through all the evaluation and therapy, even gets a legal name and gender change, they are not looking to be peeping toms.

You are using transgender to try to prove a point that isn't germane. Transgenders may never harm a soul, therefore feel safe in "one fits all" restrooms. The point is, the ability to exploit the political position.
It is the inability to distinguish between transgenders and pervert pedophiles that puts our children at risk. An unnecessary risk. There is a 3 bathroom solution that puts no one at risk. Three locker room schools removes even the appearance of impropriety.
We use to err on the side of the child in the past, when common sense prevailed. We didn't blackmail them into submission of an agenda that pushes their safety to the background.

Because there are a handful of men that have, do and will try to enter female bathrooms is not a good reason to bar transgenders from using their identity bathroom.

Either let them use the bathrooms or change to unisex bathrooms. You don't have the right to bar them because of your bigotry.
. Separating men and women in lockerrooms showers and shitters is now bigotry? LOL Do you practice saying stupid shit or does it come natural?
Obama will be leaving the presidency with the country in pretty decent shape if this is the biggest problem the nutjobs are having these days.
I seriously just do /not/ get this issue at all, either side. The whole thing is just ridiculous...

Public bathrooms are /not/ a right, for either side. Let the business decide how their bathroom is going to be and post the appropriate signage, then consumers can decide if they want to go in or not. Simple, done, make it happen people. This argument is an embarrassment to the nation.
The consumers have decided. Target store's value has dropped $20B in a month.
Predictably obtuse & snarky thread topic aside, very little has actually changed. These folks have been using public restrooms since there has been public restrooms.

If you have a child under a certain age (your call), I'd think you're either in the restroom with 'em, or standing by closely, because you're a good parent who loves their kid.

I can understand and appreciate a general concern, but I also think there is some politically-driven over-sensitivity here too. Take a deep breath and think it through.

And life goes on.
Great, then why the hell are we still talking about it, CONSTANTLY? Drop it, let the public market decide and move on.

I'm just sick and tired of hearing and reading about this petty bullshit.

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