Why does the right associate using the Bathroom with Perversion?

2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?
They have zero standards....none. Besides hating normal decent civilized society.
How many homosexuals do you meet daily in the public bathrooms to become such an expert on the matter?

If you walked in the restroom how would he know you're gay?

Do you wear a tag that says your a fag?

The same way he would know you are gay. He is an expert on gays.

Men are of no interest to me sexually, but it's good to see you can identify with your real feelings...
Of course men interest you sexually. Youre sticking up for your boyfriend Tank right now and you expect me to believe you are not gay? Its ok because I dont really care that you are gay.
Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
What about the men that molest little boys or the women that molest little girls? Sounds like a lot of people will be pissing themselves using that logic.
They're perverts too.


Can they use the bathroom?
So....I have asked this question quite a few times and you left wing sex addicts never answer it.....

Why is it wrong for the male coach to walk through the girls locker room while they are taking showers? Is it okay for him to stand their and hand out towels too....?
You need to qualify your question. Is the male coach gay or straight? What do you mean by hand out towels?

According to you it doesn't matter...does it....?

So again....what is wrong with a male coach using the bathroom while the girls are taking showers...or handing out towels to the girls as they enter the shower or leave it...right?
Dennis Hastert Admits He Sexually Abused Former Students, Gets 15 Months In Jail For Fraud

Hastert sat in a LaZBoy and watched his boys shower.
He should be shot immediately. But that won't happen....thanks to chomo loving leftists.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?
Did you really think transgender were not using the girls restroom already?

Seriously. They seem to think transgender people are blatently...the other. They also seem to think women in the restroom spend our time sizing each other up for gender specific attributes.

We don't. I go in, go into a stall, CLOSE the door, piss, flush, open the door, wash my hands and leave.
Don't you even try to make this about men only. Women molest also. And like I said, if your concern is molestation, boys can be molested too. So your objections only lead to one solution...they shouldn't be able to use any bathroom anywhere.
Ahem....Hey CC, I notice you marked my post showing stories of trannies raping and sexually assaulting people as 'funny'...Why is trannies raping and sexually assaulting people funny in your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know.

I have to laugh because if you compared the number of trannies raping compared to Catholic Priests then I'd have to ask you where is your post against priests using the bathroom?

Where are you examples of men raping and assaulting boys to say they shouldn't use the bathroom?

Where are your posts on women raping children that shows they shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't want any men in the women's restroom for the 1000th time. That includes priests, pre and post op trannies, fags, hunters, politicians, etc....if you have a dick or are biologically male....use the men's bathroom. That's been my stance for days now.
What about the men that molest little boys or the women that molest little girls? Sounds like a lot of people will be pissing themselves using that logic.
They're perverts too.

Can men use the mens restroom and can women use the womens restroom? If some of them are perverts we have to kick all of them out to remain consistent with your logic.
99% of the people in America uses the bathroom. The cases of trannies molesting anyone is small. The number doing it in a bathroom even smaller than that

So, where is this assumption that ANY bathroom trannies use means that gender will be attacked?

Use the womens room? What about the little girls

Use the mens room? What about the little boys

So, republicans are left with the obvious only choice left. Trannies need to not use either bathroom. Thats always a good solution but since at the beginning I noted 99% of all Americans use the bathroom its a little far fetched.

ClosedCaption, your cartoon of portapotties is misrepresentative of the real world. Those are single occupancy units with locks on their doors so no theat is presented.

For a long time now, one of the most dangerous places to go into in Indiana is in the state park latrines where perverts hang out because they are so secluded. They became so much a problem that the public was warned to stay out of park facilities, and this is in the daytime. The state police had to patrol them regularly because people were being molested.

It's not as if all men who'd prefer or like to use women's bathrooms are pure of heart and actually think themselves to be women in men's bodies. Some are perverts, and now they are being given permission, BY LAW, to go into the same bathroom as your mother, daughter, niece, wife or girlfriend and flash them at their liesure. What has not before been a problem potentially now is.

And to reference your porta-potties again; therein lies the reasonable solution. Now that we need to accommodate transgender (gender has to do with language, so they are actually trans-sexuals), then in small businesses make sure there's only one stool (and a urinal for convenience) and have a lock on the door, and let them have at it.

In the case of businesses (or schools) to accommodate, add a single stall toilet facility with a lock on the door and have those who aren't trans-sexuals use their own third gender facility in privacy. They are after all, some small fraction of a percent of the population and can easily be accommodated.
The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
Offensively Minded is telling on himself. I bet he is one of those guys trying to sneak a peak at my junk when I am taking a leak.
The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
You can't tell the difference between a man in drag and an actual woman?

Glad I don't have that problem.

Would you beat up a trannie if they used the mens restroom just because they were dresses like a woman?
Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
Offensively Minded is telling on himself. I bet he is one of those guys trying to sneak a peak at my junk when I am taking a leak.

That's disturbing...maybe he got traumatized when he thought he was peeping on a man and found a transgender man minding his own business....
Transsexuals and gays are a tiny tinsy minority of American culture. Like .03 percent. I don't care about transsexuals or gays. I don't want to hurt them either. Amazes me all the outrage and the political representation they have for what little part of America they truly represent. Amazing.
2aguy says priests never molest kids.

The cult that is catholicism has a culture of sodomizing little boys...it's part of their rituals. Many, many witnesses that were victims of satanic ritual abuse describe being taken down into the catacombs of the Vatican where they were forced to witness child sacrifices. This all came out with the revelations of Jimmy Savile, a pedophile that provided little kids to the rich and connected politicians. These crimes included the House of Windsor as well as the Vatican. When it was revealed that Savile was what he was...people came forward and the more people that came forward, the more this story was picking up steam and then BINGO! The false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo happened and took it out of the mainstream media.

The last pope had to resign because he was busted when his car broke down after midnight and he had to call for help and they found him with an underage boy.

The catholic priest pedophile problem was never know among the general parishioners. It was a perversion that disappeared after it became widely known to the public. Speaking of little boys, a soldier was punished for beating the crap out of pedophile and child abuser in afghanistan. Link below. This is under commander in chief obama, the same guy who's pushing this rest room for transgender perversion. Link below. I'm beginning to think this guy obama really does hate this country and is trying to destroy it, just like the right wing has been saying for years.

Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

By golly, you are right! I'm going to use that argument to bring back separate but equal facilities for white's and coloreds in the South! If my grandfather never had to use a restroom with a colored, why should I?
Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
You can't tell the difference between a man in drag and an actual woman?

Glad I don't have that problem.

Would you beat up a trannie if they used the mens restroom just because they were dresses like a woman?



Transsexuals and gays are a tiny tinsy minority of American culture. Like .03 percent. I don't care about transsexuals or gays. I don't want to hurt them either. Amazes me all the outrage and the political representation they have for what little part of America they truly represent. Amazing.

Shouldn't they have the same as anyone else?
Oh, right...allowing a miniscule minority, transgender people, to use the the restroom of the gender they identify with is equivalent with pedophilia and child abuse and somehow Obama is all to blame for trying to destroy the country by allowing it.

Does anyone else find this hilariously ridiculous?

It's not just rapes and assault. Through tradition and societal norms, we have established in this country a separation of sexes in the public restrooms. Don't you have any respect for the women and girls in this country, or are you a sick asshole like obama?

I have plenty of respect for women, including transwomen.
They're not women.

Can't tell the difference in the restroom.
You can't tell the difference between a man in drag and an actual woman?

Glad I don't have that problem.

Would you beat up a trannie if they used the mens restroom just because they were dresses like a woman?
You cant tell the difference between some men in drag and a woman.
Transsexuals and gays are a tiny tinsy minority of American culture. Like .03 percent. I don't care about transsexuals or gays. I don't want to hurt them either. Amazes me all the outrage and the political representation they have for what little part of America they truly represent. Amazing.
I've used men's public restrooms and a tranny or cross dresser was in there washing his hands....other men were in there too....surprisingly...nobody beat them up any of those times. Some laughed while exiting the rest room, but big deal. I'd like to see how many documented cases of men beating up trannies for using the men's restroom have happened. But nobody keeps those records I guess....we are just supposed to believe that every time a tranny enters a men's bathroom they are facing certain death.

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