Why Does The Right Not Want Confederate Statues Removed?

This is no longer a right. The statute removal has been approved by the city council.

Again, not the point. I as an individual do not have the "right" to erect a statue of Hitler on public property, I do however have that "right" on my own property. Again you miss the point. The point here is censorship plain and simple. You support Government censorship, I do not.

The statue is on private property?

Nope, my "right" involves my property, not public. What will you do if the next council votes to put the Statues back up? Further still, whether private or public lands the issue is censorship. You want it, I don't.

I asked you what the 'non-totalitarian' way was to settle the statue issue, since you described the current process as totalitarianism.


The "non totalitarian" thing to do is leave the statue where it is. That is also the "constitutional" thing to do. Eh?

Having said that as of right now they settled the issue. If the next council votes to put it back up will you support their vote?

How do you leave the statue in place when the city council has voted to remove it?

btw, I think there is still a court issue ongoing about this.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
In Texas, where there are annual report enactments of the Battle of San jacinto, both the Tejano historic preservationists and Texas historic preservationists honor their war heroes and leaders as historical figures. General Sam Houston let Santa Ana go after the surrender. The two groups do not disrespect and seek to remove the other as pro or anti racist. The Mexican govt was so corrupt and oppressive even Mexicans fought on the side of freedom. We still gained from the independence won, everyone benefited. I wish we had that spirit today in politics instead of baiting and exploiting division for gain in the media and partisan campaigns . Very sad we stand to lose history because of selfish small mindedness, instead of respect for all cultures as our historic preservationists live by.

Hats off to the historic heroes who embrace all the contributions and sacrifices instead of seeking to wipe them out for political pandering and baiting. Shame on those who are so afraid to learn from history they end up repeating the same mistakes they criticize.

You always have the best posts EM
Do you really think that you can steal and destroy our history? It won't be as easy as you think it will.

Try to come up with an atrocity by the way. The worst were in the north.

Slavery itself is the ultimate atrocity. However...

Scott Van Wynsberghe on the terrible history of atrocities against captured black soldiers during the American Civil War

And I thought it was child sex trafficking

Don't worry, there was plenty of raping going on in the slave states as well. Thankfully there isn't a statue to commemorate the occasion, it'd be even more awkward for the wingnuts to defend.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
In Texas, where there are annual report enactments of the Battle of San jacinto, both the Tejano historic preservationists and Texas historic preservationists honor their war heroes and leaders as historical figures. General Sam Houston let Santa Ana go after the surrender. The two groups do not disrespect and seek to remove the other as pro or anti racist. The Mexican govt was so corrupt and oppressive even Mexicans fought on the side of freedom. We still gained from the independence won, everyone benefited. I wish we had that spirit today in politics instead of baiting and exploiting division for gain in the media and partisan campaigns . Very sad we stand to lose history because of selfish small mindedness, instead of respect for all cultures as our historic preservationists live by.

Hats off to the historic heroes who embrace all the contributions and sacrifices instead of seeking to wipe them out for political pandering and baiting. Shame on those who are so afraid to learn from history they end up repeating the same mistakes they criticize.
How many statues are there in Texas of the Mexicans who fought for Santa Ana?

Im willing to bet there probably are some statues of Santa Ana somewhre in Texas, meanwhile you can see there is one group at least who wants to get rid of statues of Sam Houston in Texas.
This is the problem with censorship, where does it stop? and who gets to decide that their feeling of offence is the one that is more important.
Texas Antifa Group to Protest Statue of Sam Houston
It would be nice if statues were the worst of are problems, It should stay, that's part of our history, we are not going to deny the civil war.
Current American Army Bases named after Confederate Generals.

Camp Blanding
Fort Benning (Home of the Infantry School, The Army Rangers and the
American Paratroopers)
Fort Gordon (Home of the Military Police)
Fort Stewart (Home of the 24th Mech Div)
Fort Polk
Camp Beauregard
Fort Bragg (Home of the 82nd ABN and the Green Beret)
Fort Jackson
Fort Hood (Home of the American III Corps [1st & 3rd Armor] & 1st CAV)
Fort A.P. Hill
Fort Eustis
Fort Lee
Fort Pickett
All Democrats.

And here someone was claiming on this very forum just yesterday that Democrats never built anything!


No answer.,..eh?

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

History still needs to be looked at thats why. Not erased. It's a concept probably way beyond you and I doubt if it can be explained to you. There are many levels on why retaining symbols of history are important regardless of whether they are good or bad to some people.
Would you compromise by having a plaque on each confederate statue reminding the reader that this person was a traitor who abandoned his oath in the name of defending slavery?

I wouldnt be opposed to a plaque giving that sort of historical context at all, though It was up to the Union government at the time to label those generals as traitors. They were fighting for the wrong cause but they were fighting in uniform for their own confederate government. If anything I think the statues make a good reminder of how we were once divided. I'm not pro Confederate at all by the way, I've lived in California my entire life, I would just like to be fair about this, is all. I do also know that the ACLU will defend an artists right to put up paintings or sculptures mocking God or Christ even though it may offend millions of Christians and they protest it. That may be a double standard there.
Those racist Democrats were fighting for slavery. And after those loser Democrats got their asses kicked by America, they started the KKK. This very important knowledge is regularly passed onto us by the pseudocons of this forum ad infinitum!

So why is the Right standing up for a statue of one of those bad racist Democrat Christian terrorists? It makes no sense!

maybe because they know the left is not going to stop at a statue of Robert E Lee. It's only a matter of time before they go after the US flag as well. Thats why we call them progressives. Well, not so sure R E LEE was a member of the KKK. as far as I know he was just a general.
Erasing history is never a good idea you start with the statues because some are offended by them we have few if any stores selling Confederate flag merchandise because that offended some people. When someone goes into a museum and is offended by Confederate displays do we remove those? If someone gets upset reading about the Confederacy in a text book do we remove all references from those? If people want to sanitize the nations history to make people feel good that's up to them but it's not a good idea.
Erasing history is never a good idea you start with the statues because some are offended by them we have few if any stores selling Confederate flag merchandise because that offended some people. When someone goes into a museum and is offended by Confederate displays do we remove those? If someone gets upset reading about the Confederacy in a text book do we remove all references from those? If people want to sanitize the nations history to make people feel good that's up to them but it's not a good idea.

Who came up with this dopey 'erasing history' argument?
So maybe we need some monuments on Oahu honoring the brave Japanese pilots who flew in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Do you really think that you can steal and destroy our history? It won't be as easy as you think it will.

Try to come up with an atrocity by the way. The worst were in the north.

Slavery itself is the ultimate atrocity. However...

Scott Van Wynsberghe on the terrible history of atrocities against captured black soldiers during the American Civil War

And I thought it was child sex trafficking

That is slavery.
I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

No the real question is , why does the Democrats want to erase it's racist and barbaric past from public view?

The statues and Confederate flag should remain as a reminder for history not repeating itself .


Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?
The pseudocons spend more energy on this forum trashing racist Confederates than the left. In fact, I can't recall any lefties starting topics to whine about Confederates.

But at least once a month, a pseudocon does.

So with all their whining about those old timey Democrats, why is the Right getting upset at taking down an old Democrat statue? Why are they defending those racists?

Dear g5000
I thought they were blaming liberal Democrats for wanting to erase historical records of Southern Democrat racism and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats want this removed because it implicates them. The Conservatives see it as a symbol of strong Southern tradition of states rights and self govt. Slavery in the South was part of historic growth and economic development, both good and bad came out of it, not just bad. Just like Christianity is not just bad as the liberals paint it in order to mobilize political power against conservative Republicans. The Democrats keep painting things as racist and oppressive only. The Republicans are able to forgive the wrongs done by the Christian's or by the Confederate rebels instead of throwing out the good for the bad. Note: with issues like BLM and LGBT the liberals are able to forgive the bad instead of blaming and rejecting the entire movement.

So your question is like asking, hey, if liberals are against war and gun violence, why aren't they protesting BLM rioters and shooters for promoting killing cops?
At least once a month, a pseudocon goes on a rant about what racist Democrats the KKK and Confederates were. They think we don't have no book learnin and we needs to be informed about American history.

So why is the Right so upset about tearing down a statue of these racist Democrats? It makes no sense!

Funny the left controls the school (Indoctrination centers) sytems...and we all know how they love to revise history in text books and leave stuff out.


Why do the progressives have an issue with historical memorials?
The pseudocons spend more energy on this forum trashing racist Confederates than the left. In fact, I can't recall any lefties starting topics to whine about Confederates.

But at least once a month, a pseudocon does.

So with all their whining about those old timey Democrats, why is the Right getting upset at taking down an old Democrat statue? Why are they defending those racists?

Dear g5000
I thought they were blaming liberal Democrats for wanting to erase historical records of Southern Democrat racism and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats want this removed because it implicates them. The Conservatives see it as a symbol of strong Southern tradition of states rights and self govt. Slavery in the South was part of historic growth and economic development, both good and bad came out of it, not just bad. Just like Christianity is not just bad as the liberals paint it in order to mobilize political power against conservative Republicans. The Democrats keep painting things as racist and oppressive only. The Republicans are able to forgive the wrongs done by the Christian's or by the Confederate rebels instead of throwing out the good for the bad. Note: with issues like BLM and LGBT the liberals are able to forgive the bad instead of blaming and rejecting the entire movement.

So your question is like asking, hey, if liberals are against war and gun violence, why aren't they protesting BLM rioters and shooters for promoting killing cops?
At least once a month, a pseudocon goes on a rant about what racist Democrats the KKK and Confederates were. They think we don't have no book learnin and we needs to be informed about American history.

So why is the Right so upset about tearing down a statue of these racist Democrats? It makes no sense!

Funny the left controls the school (Indoctrination centers) sytems...and we all know how they love to revise history in text books and leave stuff out.

When we had slaves we didn't let them shoot little children who just wanted to play in the parks.
No the real question is , why does the Democrats want to erase it's racist and barbaric past from public view?

The statues and Confederate flag should remain as a reminder for history not repeating itself .

And really, why bother? I think it is fairly obvious to most sane people that modern-day Democrats are no less racist or barbaric than the Democrats of a century or two ago were. Their racism and barbarism takes different forms today, but at the root, it is the same racism and barbarism that was always there.
So maybe we need some monuments on Oahu honoring the brave Japanese pilots who flew in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

If they have been their for over the past 60 years , why take them down?

Because it hurts snowflakes feelings?

What's next remove all offensive artifacts in musuems that the pussy left finds " offensive" to them...they going to get a court order to remove?

Get a fucking life and grow up

I mean, at least twice a month, the pseudocons on this forum start topics to tell us that Confederates were racist Democrats and bad, bad, bad people.

So why is the Right defending those statues of evil Democrats? Hmmmm? Why were they sending out of state protesters to Virginia? Hmmmm?

Oftentimes, two pseudocons will start the same kind of topic on the same day. It's almost as if someone is telling all the tards this shit on a Tard Network.

So why is the Right defending a Democrat statue? Why?

Every statue or any naming of anything after a person who ever did anything bad should be removed from any government owned property anywhere in the nation.

We can have an election and vote on what statues should be removed and what buildings should be renamed.

We can start with the Bill Clinton Presidental library.

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