Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already

never heard of them, got a cite?

| The largest and most diversified television broadcasting company in the country today

Here is an example of them all following the script...

I see NBC, CBS, ABC. amd Fox. How did you come up with them being biased to the right?
I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

OAN gives unbiased news, 347 on direct TV



have you ever listened to them?

OAN? Yes I have.

I have never seen bias there. they are not very professional, but their reporting appears balanced and accurate. Is CNN biased? MSNBC? ABC? do those networks give equal time to conservatives and their viewpoints? if you say yes, you are an idiot.
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already
ever hear of face the nation or meet the press or how about George Steppenopolis on Sunday morning. How often you see conservative panel on their shows? almost never? ding, ding, ding. what a bunch of fking hacks. That's my local news station every fking sunday morning. And let's don't forget the Fox bullshit as well with Chris Wallace. there ain't one fking conservative show on Sunday. again you have no facts.
I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already

never heard of them, got a cite?

| The largest and most diversified television broadcasting company in the country today

Here is an example of them all following the script...

I see NBC, CBS, ABC. amd Fox. How did you come up with them being biased to the right?

They are local affiliates of those, meaning they are not owned by them but they pay them for the right to show their TV shows. The local news is just that, done by the local team that people tend to trust way more than national anchors. But now that local news is being forced to report specific stores and to use a specific script for some stories.
Fascist pigs like you should be in GITMO. They have committed any crimes except disagreeing with Trump. You throw around words like treason in a attempt to intimidate people. It does not work. Garbage like you have no place in this country.
You are as ignorant as you are opinionated.

Brennan, Clapped, Holder - all have been caught committing Perjury. Comey, McCabe, Strzok - all criminals. The US IG has already recommended McCabe for indictment....

Hillary illegally used an unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TS information....jeopardizing / compromising national security. 6 foreign entities ended up with the TS data from her illegal server.

You can continue to attack me personally, but you can NOT erase the evidence that has been revealed.

They have not been caught doing anything. You are not a judge and jury. You do not decide who is innocent and who is guilty. Neither you or your crazy conspiratorialists.

You are the ignorant one. You cannot name one crime they have been convicted of.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already

never heard of them, got a cite?

| The largest and most diversified television broadcasting company in the country today

Here is an example of them all following the script...

I see NBC, CBS, ABC. amd Fox. How did you come up with them being biased to the right?

They are local affiliates of those, meaning they are not owned by them but they pay them for the right to show their TV shows. The local news is just that, done by the local team that people tend to trust way more than national anchors. But now that local news is being forced to report specific stores and to use a specific script for some stories.

and yet you can't name just one.
Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already

never heard of them, got a cite?

| The largest and most diversified television broadcasting company in the country today

Here is an example of them all following the script...

I see NBC, CBS, ABC. amd Fox. How did you come up with them being biased to the right?

They are local affiliates of those, meaning they are not owned by them but they pay them for the right to show their TV shows. The local news is just that, done by the local team that people tend to trust way more than national anchors. But now that local news is being forced to report specific stores and to use a specific script for some stories.

and yet you can't name just one.

Name just one what?
you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already
ever hear of face the nation or meet the press or how about George Steppenopolis on Sunday morning. How often you see conservative panel on their shows? almost never? ding, ding, ding. what a bunch of fking hacks. That's my local news station every fking sunday morning. And let's don't forget the Fox bullshit as well with Chris Wallace. there ain't one fking conservative show on Sunday. again you have no facts.

I have heard of them, the day I turn any of them on is the day I hope someone puts an end to me.
never heard of them, got a cite?

| The largest and most diversified television broadcasting company in the country today

Here is an example of them all following the script...

I see NBC, CBS, ABC. amd Fox. How did you come up with them being biased to the right?

They are local affiliates of those, meaning they are not owned by them but they pay them for the right to show their TV shows. The local news is just that, done by the local team that people tend to trust way more than national anchors. But now that local news is being forced to report specific stores and to use a specific script for some stories.

and yet you can't name just one.

Name just one what?

one local station and show.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already
ever hear of face the nation or meet the press or how about George Steppenopolis on Sunday morning. How often you see conservative panel on their shows? almost never? ding, ding, ding. what a bunch of fking hacks. That's my local news station every fking sunday morning. And let's don't forget the Fox bullshit as well with Chris Wallace. there ain't one fking conservative show on Sunday. again you have no facts.

I have heard of them, the day I turn any of them on is the day I hope someone puts an end to me.
well what local right wing show is on on sunday mornings?
you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already
ever hear of face the nation or meet the press or how about George Steppenopolis on Sunday morning. How often you see conservative panel on their shows? almost never? ding, ding, ding. what a bunch of fking hacks. That's my local news station every fking sunday morning. And let's don't forget the Fox bullshit as well with Chris Wallace. there ain't one fking conservative show on Sunday. again you have no facts.

Chris Wallace is something you would not understand. He is a unbiased newsperson who asks tough questions of BOTH sides. You do not want a conservative, you want a Trump sycophant.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a right wing organization, owns over 200 local stations around the nation and they are all right wing now and they are all given an exact script to follow for selected news story that spin it in the "right" direction.

Tell me where you live and I bet I can find one that you are watching already
ever hear of face the nation or meet the press or how about George Steppenopolis on Sunday morning. How often you see conservative panel on their shows? almost never? ding, ding, ding. what a bunch of fking hacks. That's my local news station every fking sunday morning. And let's don't forget the Fox bullshit as well with Chris Wallace. there ain't one fking conservative show on Sunday. again you have no facts.

Chris Wallace is something you would not understand. He is a unbiased newsperson who asks tough questions of BOTH sides. You do not want a conservative, you want a Trump sycophant.
Chris Wallace is bait on a stick. he is all left leaning like all of them. I asked about the panels, but what the fk do you know.
They have not been caught doing anything.
Once again YOU LIE, responding based on EMOTION rather than FACT!

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

"As reports emerged Thursday that an internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general found that the CIA “improperly” spied on US Senate staffers when researching the CIA’s dark history of torture, it was hard to conclude anything but the obvious: John Brennan blatantly lied to the American public. Again.

“The facts will come out,” Brennan
told NBC News in March after Senator Dianne Feinstein issued a blistering condemnation of the CIA on the Senate floor, accusing his agency of hacking into the computers used by her intelligence committee’s staffers. “Let me assure you the CIA was in no way spying on [the committee] or the Senate,” he said.

After the CIA inspector general’s report completely contradicted Brennan’s statements, it now appears Brennan was forced to privately apologize to intelligence committee chairs in
a “tense” meeting earlier this week."


John Brennan’s Dishonesty: A Long Record | National Review

1) In 2011, Brennan, then the country’s chief counterterrorism adviser, had sworn to Congress that scores of drones strikes abroad had not killed a single noncombatant — at a time when both the president and the CIA were both receiving numerous reports of civilian collateral deaths.

2) In 2014, John Brennan, now as CIA director, lied emphatically that the CIA had not illegally accessed the computers of U.S. Senate staffers:

“As far as the allegations of the CIA hacking into Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. . . . We wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s just beyond the, you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we do.” -- BRENNAN

After months of prevarications, but only upon release of the CIA inspector general’s report, Brennan apologized to the senators he had deceived.


3) Brennan, in May 2017, as an ex-CIA director, again almost certainly did not tell the truth to Congress when he testified in answer to Representative Trey Gowdy’s questions that he neither knew who had commissioned the Steele dossier nor had the CIA relied on its contents for any action. Yet both the retired National Security Agency director, Michael Rogers, and the former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, have conceded that the Steele dossier — along with the knowledge that it was a Clinton-campaign-funded product — most certainly did help shape the Obama’s intelligence communality interagency assessments and actions, often under the urging of Brennan himself. There are also numerous reports that, despite his denials about knowledge of the dossier, Brennan served as a stealthy conduit to ensure that it was disseminated widely, at least in the sense of meeting in August 2016 with Senator Harry Reid to brief the senator about its unverified contents in hopes that he would pressure the FBI to further its investigations, which Reid did in a call two days later to James Comey.


They have not been caught doing anything.

Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
6 years ? A PR for a Top Secret is every 5.

I had a Secret when I got out.

We all know what your secret is and has been for quite a while. Being a flaming homosexual is not a big deal in the Marines. :D

With each post like this I understand a little bit more why you people worship Trump the way you that do.

Ya post #76 is a dead giveaway
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
You DO know that if you act in an inappropriate manner you could have your clearance revoked instead of simply making it inactive, right?
These 6 assholes think they can hitch a ride with Hillary back to the White House in 2 years.

A appropriate manner means you mishandle classified information or something of that nature. It does not include your party registration or what you say about a President. This clearly is politoical retaliation by Trump.
He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.

Considering the people with these clearences used fake information to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition political party during an election, they should not only lose their clearance, they should be in jail.


Moron, the FISA applications show that they lied to Federal judges repeatedly to get and renew those FISA warrants... you can't lie about it anymore, anyone can now read the application.....

It shows they did not lie on the FISA application. It shows Nunes lied about the application.

What planet are you on or did you pop in from some parallel universe full of libtards?

If they didn't lie, why is Carter Page still walking the streets? He was investigated forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways using these illegal FISA warrants and he is clean as a whistle!

That is not the question. You can open a investigation and not bring any charges. They were not illegal warrants.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
You DO know that if you act in an inappropriate manner you could have your clearance revoked instead of simply making it inactive, right?
These 6 assholes think they can hitch a ride with Hillary back to the White House in 2 years.

A appropriate manner means you mishandle classified information or something of that nature. It does not include your party registration or what you say about a President. This clearly is politoical retaliation by Trump.
so what? the whole russia russia is a political retaliation for trump winning.
They have not been caught doing anything.
Once again YOU LIE, responding based on EMOTION rather than FACT!

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

"As reports emerged Thursday that an internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general found that the CIA “improperly” spied on US Senate staffers when researching the CIA’s dark history of torture, it was hard to conclude anything but the obvious: John Brennan blatantly lied to the American public. Again.

“The facts will come out,” Brennan
told NBC News in March after Senator Dianne Feinstein issued a blistering condemnation of the CIA on the Senate floor, accusing his agency of hacking into the computers used by her intelligence committee’s staffers. “Let me assure you the CIA was in no way spying on [the committee] or the Senate,” he said.

After the CIA inspector general’s report completely contradicted Brennan’s statements, it now appears Brennan was forced to privately apologize to intelligence committee chairs in
a “tense” meeting earlier this week."


John Brennan’s Dishonesty: A Long Record | National Review

1) In 2011, Brennan, then the country’s chief counterterrorism adviser, had sworn to Congress that scores of drones strikes abroad had not killed a single noncombatant — at a time when both the president and the CIA were both receiving numerous reports of civilian collateral deaths.

2) In 2014, John Brennan, now as CIA director, lied emphatically that the CIA had not illegally accessed the computers of U.S. Senate staffers:

“As far as the allegations of the CIA hacking into Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. . . . We wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s just beyond the, you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we do.” -- BRENNAN

After months of prevarications, but only upon release of the CIA inspector general’s report, Brennan apologized to the senators he had deceived.


3) Brennan, in May 2017, as an ex-CIA director, again almost certainly did not tell the truth to Congress when he testified in answer to Representative Trey Gowdy’s questions that he neither knew who had commissioned the Steele dossier nor had the CIA relied on its contents for any action. Yet both the retired National Security Agency director, Michael Rogers, and the former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, have conceded that the Steele dossier — along with the knowledge that it was a Clinton-campaign-funded product — most certainly did help shape the Obama’s intelligence communality interagency assessments and actions, often under the urging of Brennan himself. There are also numerous reports that, despite his denials about knowledge of the dossier, Brennan served as a stealthy conduit to ensure that it was disseminated widely, at least in the sense of meeting in August 2016 with Senator Harry Reid to brief the senator about its unverified contents in hopes that he would pressure the FBI to further its investigations, which Reid did in a call two days later to James Comey.


All you list are accusations. Please list the dates of the convictions. Until someone is tried and convicted. YOU LIE!
Considering the people with these clearences used fake information to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition political party during an election, they should not only lose their clearance, they should be in jail.


Moron, the FISA applications show that they lied to Federal judges repeatedly to get and renew those FISA warrants... you can't lie about it anymore, anyone can now read the application.....

It shows they did not lie on the FISA application. It shows Nunes lied about the application.

What planet are you on or did you pop in from some parallel universe full of libtards?

If they didn't lie, why is Carter Page still walking the streets? He was investigated forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways using these illegal FISA warrants and he is clean as a whistle!

That is not the question. You can open a investigation and not bring any charges. They were not illegal warrants.
well sort of you do when you ask for extensions. let's see why they asked for extensions? Don't you think we need to know? he's still walking around. we could all be in danger of him. oh no!!!!

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