Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

I think Paul Ryan has it right when he says that Trump is just trolling people.

Not the type of behavior I'd like to see from a President, but we're not worried about standards at this point.
twitter didn't exist. You seem to be in the dark on how DC works. It's more convenient on twitter. it's fking hilarious to say the least and I fking love it. I know about more scum today then I ever have in the past. Loose lips sink ships.
He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
Why do they need it? He’s taking it because they’re using it! Sarah said so! They are on tv giving classified information! Derp

Sarah said so? And in your little sheep like mind that means it is 110% true

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It means she gave an explanation on why they were being revoked. I didn't say anyone needed to like it. Still unclear why it bothers you sooooo much.

I think it is wrong of the president of the United States to take vindictive actions against individuals for saying mean things about him. What bothers me even more is how many of you people are cheering it on, that is the most fucked up part of all
bwhahahahaahhaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:hly fk. you didn't just write that. He can revoke anyone's SC. I supposed it is the consequence of lying and passing information to CNN as real news when it's fake. anonymous source anyone? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Just because someone can do something does not make it right for them to do it. Retribution against political opponents is something you far right wing nuts cried about for the last 8 years and now you are cheering it on. Typical partisan hypocrites.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
Why do they need it? He’s taking it because they’re using it! Sarah said so! They are on tv giving classified information! Derp

Sarah said so? And in your little sheep like mind that means it is 110% true

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It means she gave an explanation on why they were being revoked. I didn't say anyone needed to like it. Still unclear why it bothers you sooooo much.

I think it is wrong of the president of the United States to take vindictive actions against individuals for saying mean things about him. What bothers me even more is how many of you people are cheering it on, that is the most fucked up part of all
why do you believe your opinion matters more than mine? damn we keep ending back here on that statement. you have this presence in here like only your shit matters. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Let me know as soon as one of them is convicted of a crime.

Till then it is just a lot of hot air

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That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

Very true. Neither is a vidoe from the Trump Train! :21::21::21::21::21:
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
Why do they need it? He’s taking it because they’re using it! Sarah said so! They are on tv giving classified information! Derp

Sarah said so? And in your little sheep like mind that means it is 110% true

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It means she gave an explanation on why they were being revoked. I didn't say anyone needed to like it. Still unclear why it bothers you sooooo much.

I think it is wrong of the president of the United States to take vindictive actions against individuals for saying mean things about him. What bothers me even more is how many of you people are cheering it on, that is the most fucked up part of all
bwhahahahaahhaha :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:hly fk. you didn't just write that. He can revoke anyone's SC. I supposed it is the consequence of lying and passing information to CNN as real news when it's fake. anonymous source anyone? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Just because someone can do something does not make it right for them to do it. Retribution against political opponents is something you far right wing nuts cried about for the last 8 years and now you are cheering it on. Typical partisan hypocrites.
in your opinion right? And quite frankly I don't care about your fking opinion. you are allowed to have it and all, but fk you are a whiney ass.
Why do you continue to expose yourself as a complete LIAR who has ZERO credibility?

The evidence repeatedly produced - the links repeatedly provided, to include links directly to the IG report, destroy your false narratives and claims to the contrary.

You, on the other hand continue to respond back with debunked opinionated misleading statements that can be summed up in 1 word: 'NUH-UH!'

You are only embarrassing yourself.

ZERO evidence provided by libs and snowflakes in 3 years.

MASSIVE amounts of evidence produced exposing crimes committed by the Witch Hunters during that same time, evidence continuously ignored / denied by lying, narrative-parroting traitor-supporters like yourself.

Once again you have proven yourself to have zero credibility and not worth time being spent on.

US IG Recommends Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe For Indictment

“On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.” The report makes no comment on whether McCabe's dismissal was justified

Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server.

Comey may not have remembered writing the words that should have indicted Clinton, but he had complete recall of his inability to read the law. He told the IG he thought “Congress intended for there to be some level of willfulness present even to prove a ‘gross negligence’ violation.” If Comey had ever read the legislative history, he would have known that in 1948, Congress amended the original Espionage Act of 1917 to add a “gross negligence” provision that did not require intent or willfulness."

Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump

So take your 'Nuh-Uh' and shove it up your 'lack of candor'.

Let me know as soon as one of them is convicted of a crime.

Till then it is just a lot of hot air

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
Yes, it does. they can receive and retain classified data. An FBI employee with a clearance can send classified data to Comey and both would be in compliance with the law. Removing that option would cut down on the corruption.

Bull shit. Along with a clearance comes a need to know. Hell as a Classified Control Point Custodian I was tasked with securing information I did not have the access to read as I had no use for the info.

Do you think the FBI is sending stuff to him on his hotmail account?

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nope, you are wrong. there is no "need to know" provision when both have the proper clearances to see and hold the data. A violation occurs when classified data is transferred to someone who does not hold the proper clearance, as when Hillary allowed classified data to be sent to Huma and Weiner.

do you agree that Hillary Clinton violated national espionage laws? I know that if I did what she did I would be typing this from a federal prison

You clearly never had a clearance with the Govt. There has always been a need to know requirement to have access.

Do you really think anyone with a clearance can look at whatever they want to?

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I held TS and SAP clearances for many years under DOD. "need to know" is in the mind of the transmitter of the data and he or she is responsible for that determination and liable if it is proven wrong. do you think that Strzok believed that Comey, Page, and McCabe had need to know?

So, they are sending him classified stuff on his hotmail account?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

since he was fired from the FBI, I doubt that he still has his FBI account. I don't know if he uses Hotmail, gmail, or something else, do you?
That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

Very true. Neither is a vidoe from the Trump Train! :21::21::21::21::21:
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.
Bull shit. Along with a clearance comes a need to know. Hell as a Classified Control Point Custodian I was tasked with securing information I did not have the access to read as I had no use for the info.

Do you think the FBI is sending stuff to him on his hotmail account?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

nope, you are wrong. there is no "need to know" provision when both have the proper clearances to see and hold the data. A violation occurs when classified data is transferred to someone who does not hold the proper clearance, as when Hillary allowed classified data to be sent to Huma and Weiner.

do you agree that Hillary Clinton violated national espionage laws? I know that if I did what she did I would be typing this from a federal prison

You clearly never had a clearance with the Govt. There has always been a need to know requirement to have access.

Do you really think anyone with a clearance can look at whatever they want to?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I held TS and SAP clearances for many years under DOD. "need to know" is in the mind of the transmitter of the data and he or she is responsible for that determination and liable if it is proven wrong. do you think that Strzok believed that Comey, Page, and McCabe had need to know?

So, they are sending him classified stuff on his hotmail account?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

since he was fired from the FBI, I doubt that he still has his FBI account. I don't know if he uses Hotmail, gmail, or something else, do you?

So, in what manner do you dream that these FBI agents are sending him his TS information?
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Taking the clearance of retirees = murder. Wow, you're an idjit
Why do you continue to expose yourself as a complete LIAR who has ZERO credibility?

The evidence repeatedly produced - the links repeatedly provided, to include links directly to the IG report, destroy your false narratives and claims to the contrary.

You, on the other hand continue to respond back with debunked opinionated misleading statements that can be summed up in 1 word: 'NUH-UH!'

You are only embarrassing yourself.

ZERO evidence provided by libs and snowflakes in 3 years.

MASSIVE amounts of evidence produced exposing crimes committed by the Witch Hunters during that same time, evidence continuously ignored / denied by lying, narrative-parroting traitor-supporters like yourself.

Once again you have proven yourself to have zero credibility and not worth time being spent on.

US IG Recommends Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe For Indictment

“On Friday, April 13, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report on the allegations related to McCabe, concluding that he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the [Wall Street Journal]” in violation of FBI policy, and that his “disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.” The report makes no comment on whether McCabe's dismissal was justified

Summary: Office of Inspector General Report on Andrew McCabe’s Firing and Response by McCabe's Lawyer

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server.

Comey may not have remembered writing the words that should have indicted Clinton, but he had complete recall of his inability to read the law. He told the IG he thought “Congress intended for there to be some level of willfulness present even to prove a ‘gross negligence’ violation.” If Comey had ever read the legislative history, he would have known that in 1948, Congress amended the original Espionage Act of 1917 to add a “gross negligence” provision that did not require intent or willfulness."

Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump

So take your 'Nuh-Uh' and shove it up your 'lack of candor'.

Let me know as soon as one of them is convicted of a crime.

Till then it is just a lot of hot air

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????
it's as good as one I guess. it isn't proof of any crime being committed. Funny how you leftist don't know our constitution. daily in here the lack of knowledge as to what this country actually is.

BTW, if it goes to trial, guess what comes out, evidence that got the indictment. I can't fking wait for something to actually go to trial so we get to see the evidence.
Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

Very true. Neither is a vidoe from the Trump Train! :21::21::21::21::21:
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
Let me know as soon as one of them is convicted of a crime.

Till then it is just a lot of hot air

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
The US IG presented their evidence:

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Evidence is something liberals and snowflakes have not had / found against Trump going on 3 years now; yet, they continue to lie their asses off and make some of the most stupid comments ever spewed in an emotional rant.
That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
The US IG presented their evidence:

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Evidence is something liberals and snowflakes have not had / found against Trump going on 3 years now; yet, they continue to lie their asses off and make some of the most stupid comments ever spewed in an emotional rant.

Let me know when someone goes to jail! Till then it is just...

Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Taking the clearance of retirees = murder. Wow, you're an idjit
just like not taking the side of the intelligence agency is worth being shot.
  • Thanks
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Funny how you leftist don't know our constitution. daily in here the lack of knowledge as to what this country actually is.
Constitution. Laws. Evidence.

None of those are necessary when you are a snowflake. All you need is raw, manipulatable emotion and hate.
nope, you are wrong. there is no "need to know" provision when both have the proper clearances to see and hold the data. A violation occurs when classified data is transferred to someone who does not hold the proper clearance, as when Hillary allowed classified data to be sent to Huma and Weiner.

do you agree that Hillary Clinton violated national espionage laws? I know that if I did what she did I would be typing this from a federal prison

You clearly never had a clearance with the Govt. There has always been a need to know requirement to have access.

Do you really think anyone with a clearance can look at whatever they want to?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I held TS and SAP clearances for many years under DOD. "need to know" is in the mind of the transmitter of the data and he or she is responsible for that determination and liable if it is proven wrong. do you think that Strzok believed that Comey, Page, and McCabe had need to know?

So, they are sending him classified stuff on his hotmail account?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

since he was fired from the FBI, I doubt that he still has his FBI account. I don't know if he uses Hotmail, gmail, or something else, do you?

So, in what manner do you dream that these FBI agents are sending him his TS information?

I don't know that they are. I just said that they should not be allowed to and if they do they should be prosecuted just like you or I would have been
Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
The US IG presented their evidence:

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Evidence is something liberals and snowflakes have not had / found against Trump going on 3 years now; yet, they continue to lie their asses off and make some of the most stupid comments ever spewed in an emotional rant.

Let me know when someone goes to jail! Till then it is just...

View attachment 206731
I'll say the same for russia russia. and that ball is even bigger.
Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
The US IG presented their evidence:

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Evidence is something liberals and snowflakes have not had / found against Trump going on 3 years now; yet, they continue to lie their asses off and make some of the most stupid comments ever spewed in an emotional rant.

Let me know when someone goes to jail! Till then it is just...

View attachment 206731

its unlikely that any member of the Clinton/Obama crime cabal will ever see jail time. Politicians are above the law, didn't you know that?
to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

Very true. Neither is a vidoe from the Trump Train! :21::21::21::21::21:
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

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