Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
6 years ? A PR for a Top Secret is every 5.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

Because they're whiney twats.

When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

A crowd of masked thugs aren't going to last against a group of real Americans.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
6 years ? A PR for a Top Secret is every 5.

I had a Secret when I got out.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
So you make up a strawman and then attack it good job retard.
It should be automatic the second one leaves service, or the job that needs such clearance.

Why? A great many jobs in the civilian world need them and the money has already been spent to do all the background work to get them. Why waste it all starting from scratch?
It does not start from scratch it starts from when your security clearance was removed.
Can we get a quick show of hands please? How many people here honestly do not know why people don't instantly lose security clearances? How many people are asking for explanations because they actually want to learn something? How many people don't give a shit that there are very good reasons ***********************************?
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I am okay with their losing their clearance, but ... I don't like the reason behind it, aka, Trump is mad because they criticized him. It feels quite wrong, like he should be immune from criticism ... don't say anything negative about this president (no matter what he does) OR ELSE!
No, they have done far worse. Please pay attention. The ex-head of the CIA gave the BS, written by Kremlin agents, to the leadership of the Democrat party. It was also used to justify spying on the Trump campaign. Just last week the same POS demanded everyone show allegiance to the Democrat party.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
6 years ? A PR for a Top Secret is every 5.

I had a Secret when I got out.
Oh so low level. The people in question have the highest level of clearance and they no longer work for the Government
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
Why do former Government employees need a security clearance ?

Former government employees do not have any clearances unless they work for a private entity that does classified work for the government. Clearances, from confidential to top secret, are work related, and granted by the agency you work for. They also require a need to know.

A secret clearance does doe's not provide for access to all things secret.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
Why do former Government employees need a security clearance ?
---------------------- security clearance , maybe it provides easy access to documents that can be stuffed down pant legs like 'sandy berger' did . 'sandy berger the 'berglar' .
Why do ex-intel officials need security clearances? Do they think they deserve them? They should automatically be stripped of clearances when they leave the job (or when they get fired).

Beat me to it; yes, that should be obvious, but apparently isn't for some reason I wouldn't know, unless it's related to the possibility of being hired by a security firm contracting with the gov/military.

There's one BIG reason. Most classified info is not written down. It's in people's heads. And in the case of very limited dissemination -- it's SAFER THERE. They are given "courtesy clearances" so they can be called on in critical situations to consult in meetings and places where those clearance are required. They are USUALLY valuable assets even if they are retired.

And they do this at cost to them. Voluntarily and with restrictions on their lives.

That is --- if they stay out of controversy, don't go completely beserk or vindicative. In some of the people mentioned for pulling their clearances, there's a clear case that they are now clearly acting out of rage and self-preservation and therefore have COMPROMISED their usefulness as "consultants"..
I am okay with their losing their clearance, but ... I don't like the reason behind it, aka, Trump is mad because they criticized him. It feels quite wrong, like he should be immune from criticism ... don't say anything negative about this president (no matter what he does) OR ELSE!
Don't be silly. This is too convenient a conclusion to jump to. They just shouldn't have those clearances that's all.

Then why is this suddenly coming up after these very same people criticized the president for his performance in Helsinki?

Sanders even gave their "political activity" as the reason it is being looked into. Not because they left their jobs and no longer need clearance. The reason provided is that "they said something we didn't like. Time to punish them for it."
Look no further than Mueller "investigation".
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
These pieces of crap were proven to have committed crimes and committed to what amounts to treason, engaging in a Conspiracy to control the outcome of an election.

Forget pulling their clearances - Mueller. Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapped - they deserve to be sent to GITMO.
This just shows what an ignorant mess this incompetent administration is.

To put six people up, say we are taking away their clearances and two don't even have a clearance.

Who could possibly follow these morons?
Ex intelligence officials or ex Presidents (hello Killary!!!!:hhello: hello Hussein:hhello:....) all these ex people, were NOT APPOINTED FOR LIFE and they don't deserve this beyond their tenure.....they were not appointed for Eternity, you know?

President Trump is absolutely right!
This just shows what an ignorant mess this incompetent administration is.

To put six people up, say we are taking away their clearances and two don't even have a clearance.

Who could possibly follow these morons?
Maaaan... you don't care who knows you're triggered do you... :lol:
This just shows what an ignorant mess this incompetent administration is.

To put six people up, say we are taking away their clearances and two don't even have a clearance.

Who could possibly follow these morons?
Maaaan... you don't care who knows you're triggered do you... :lol:

LOL I agree!!! :laugh:

by their anger you will know them!!!!!

know the Left of course!:04:

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