Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

The Democraps aren't going to denounce Black Lies Matter or Antifa, because to do so would be to denounce themselves.

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Austin Golsby was on Laura ingram's show tonight and was asked this question he him'ed and haw'ed and never answered the question. I guess it was to hard for the dimwit to answer.
He was lying his ass off. Usually I might not be able to stand his views but he doesn't lie like this.
"He has no courage or leadership ability. Biden picked a "woman of color" because he was pressured to do so. He did not have the backbone to pick the "best" candidate for the position."

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

Here's how Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris on the debate stage. You can bet these lines will be heard again by VP Pence, in his debate against Harris.

“Sen. Harris said she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record,” Gabbard said on the debate stage. “She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.”

She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way,”
Gabbard continued.
"He has no courage or leadership ability. Biden picked a "woman of color" because he was pressured to do so. He did not have the backbone to pick the "best" candidate for the position."

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.
One who fucked her way to get power (with a married man), isn't in any position to claim qualifications. Only qualification Harris has, is that of an opportunist SLUT. The TRUTH, plain & simple.

BTW - Biden did the same thing with a married woman.
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Did president Trump declare BLM as a domestic terrorist group? And WHY do you think Biden should do that?
"He has no courage or leadership ability. Biden picked a "woman of color" because he was pressured to do so. He did not have the backbone to pick the "best" candidate for the position."

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.
One who fucked her way to get power (with a married man), isn't in any position to claim qualifications. Only qualification Harris has, is that of an opportunist SLUT. The TRUTH, plain & simple.

BTW - Biden did the same thing with a married woman.
Liar liar pants on fire!

She dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife.

She was a prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him.

She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown

8 years after Brown and Harris split she ran for AG, and won her election, by the citizens of California, VOTING for her.

Stop your demented, sexist, bull shit, that she only succeeded, cuz she F'd her way to the top....
"He has no courage or leadership ability. Biden picked a "woman of color" because he was pressured to do so. He did not have the backbone to pick the "best" candidate for the position."

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.
One who fucked her way to get power (with a married man), isn't in any position to claim qualifications. Only qualification Harris has, is that of an opportunist SLUT. The TRUTH, plain & simple.

BTW - Biden did the same thing with a married woman.
Liar liar pants on fire!

She dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife.

She was a prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him.

She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown

8 years after Brown and Harris split she ran for AG, and won her election, by the citizens of California, VOTING for her.

Stop your demented, sexist, bull shit, that she only succeeded, cuz she F'd her way to the top....

these morons will never let the facts get in their way. They do this shit to any intelligent woman they don't like. It's boring. They never say who trump has slept with or is sleeping with now. He seems to have quite a few dyed-blond, far-younger women running around the White House.
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

Another pathetic uncle tom telling white people what they want to hear is "courage"?

BLM are our fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be.
“Separated” is still married.

He should have converted to Mormonism and had several sister wives...

In all honesty, I don't think Biden will make it to the final line.... probably the demonrats are going to make a switch soon.

Wow, that's some wishful thinking. Your guy is doing so badly you hope the other side doesn't show up. It reminds me of my old Company Softball team that was so awful, we sat their hoping that the other team wouldn't have enough players show up... but they always did.
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Liar liar pants on fire!

She dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife.

She was a prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him.

She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown

8 years after Brown and Harris split she ran for AG, and won her election, by the citizens of California, VOTING for her.

Stop your demented, sexist, bull shit, that she only succeeded, cuz she F'd her way to the top....
No, I won't stop my observing and reporting, just because you see fit, to foolishly, and falsely criticize my posting. Here's the true, factual scoop on Harlot Harris. :biggrin:

1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

2. Having been a "prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him", doesn't have a thing to do with what i posted relating to the things she was able to do AFTER she met him. Simply irrelevant.

3. Your statement that "She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown" adds credence to my posting that Brown had political power which Harris was able to benefit from, (and did).

4. Yes, they voted for her, and in that election, her campaign was aided by Willie Brown, with the maximum donation allowed by law given to her by Willie Brown, + a Brown consultant working on her behalf with fundraising which raised $400,000, way more than her 2 rivals Hallinan and Fazio.

Nothing your post said refuted my post one iota. Now for the relevant FACTS >>

In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed Harris to two political positions. The first was a six-month appointment to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board; the second was a role on the Medical Assistance Commission, a body tasked with negotiating contracts to control Medi-Cal costs. At the time, Brown had a reputation for filling many openings with his personal associates and inner circle.

In a piece written in the San Francisco Chronicle, Brown stated >> “I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,”

According to USA Today, "Brown gave Harris a BMW and appointed her “to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission – positions that paid her more than $400,000 over five years.” He said in his column that he had helped the careers of other politicians too."
Referring to the 2003 AG race, USA Today reports " Although Brown supported Harris in her successful 2003 run for San Francisco district attorney, she tried to distance herself from him in that race."

And she's still now trying to distance herself from Brown, who is still talking and writing about her, in 2020.

Tweets about Kamala's dirty affair, are raging in the Twitter world >>
Floozy Kamala Harris was banging her married boss Willie Brown, then-mayor of San Francisco, who admits he jump started her political career, FYI. #KamalaHarris2020
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 28, 2019

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these morons will never let the facts get in their way. They do this shit to any intelligent woman they don't like. It's boring. They never say who trump has slept with or is sleeping with now. He seems to have quite a few dyed-blond, far-younger women running around the White House.
YOU'RE the "moron". I just posted the "facts", with 8 source/links. You posted NOTHING.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
He doesn't do it for precisely the same reason Trump lied about not knowing who David Duke is.

They know their base, and they know they can't afford to lose important parts of them.

This feigned outrage is a little transparent.
He doesn't do it for precisely the same reason Trump lied about not knowing who David Duke is.

They know their base, and they know they can't afford to lose important parts of them.

This feigned outrage is a little transparent.
Duke is not Trump's base. Just because he likes Trump, that doesn't mean Trump necessarily likes him. Dylan Roof is a Carolina Panthers fan. So does that make all the Carolina Panthers management and players all racists ? Your analogy is false.

BLM is a tool of the DNC. Period.

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