Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

GOP cares more about working class than traitorous Democrat globalist from that "Class of 74" including Biden, Kerry, Dodd, Lieberman, and Kerry of Nebraska(you can throw Bill Clinton of Arkansas in for good measure). Like you, these people never worked a day of their life in a factory, mine or steel mill. They had no understanding of blue collar workers and gladly sacrificed U.S. manufacturing jobs to other nations in their efforts at a Condorcet one world government.

You're a little confused, buddy. Those jobs weren't lost to trade agreements, they were lost to automation. I've worked in factories, the thing is, white folks don't really want to work there. Passing on my way to the office every day, I'd walk past the assembly lines, and guess what. Mostly people of color. Imagine that.

I am an FDR Democrat and believe that government should work for the good of the people and develop long term program's almost never.

Then you aren't an FDR Democrat. FDR wanted long term programs. In his last Inaugural address in 1945, he called for universal health care and every American to have a job paying a living wage.

Government should never push communist style egalitarianism into our culture and society. That's not what government in a free market democratic republic is supposed to be about. So when violent racist domestic terrorist groups like BLM raise their ugly head's they must be crushed with lethal force as they are a threat to Western democracies and most likely financed by our enemies Russia and China.

Uh, buddy, most Western Democracies have the kinds of programs that BLM is calling for. Only the US is the retard in the room that thinks that we should have children go to bed at night while the rich ride their dressage horsies.
So white people don't want factory jobs? I would like your ass to say that shit in my hometown at any bar or pub. They have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing jobs. These jobs were lost because Democratic Party sold these working class people out. Sure made false promises and wanted their votes every election cycle but fucked them in the end. Kind of like Democratic Party does black voters now. You have never worked in manufacturing or you would know this. BLM is not calling for anything more than a race war and a communist overthrow of the United States of America. Those Western democracies of Europe that have given up their sovereignty to open borders are collapsing and their culture dying. But it is a white culture so I'm sure a racist Marxist like you is fine with that. By 1944 FDR was very ill and senile. His advisors and party leaders knew it. They knew he was a dying man. That's why they booted the communist SOB Wallace from the ticket and put Truman in his place. We have universal health care in our country now. You can get it from your employer or the welfare state. What you want is health care that is mandated by the central authorities in Washington D.C. and every working person taxed to death. Then we could have the same shit worthless health care like they had in your dream world better known as the Soviet Union.
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I have to disagree........it isn't a matter of cowardice......he and the other members of the democrat party leadership want black lives matter to burn, loot, beat and murder Americans because they want them to intimidate people into silence and submission. This is the tactic of left wing totalitarians when they think they can get away with it......

Hey, Dick Tiny, have you shot a BLM protester yet? I mean, this is your moment, you've been telling us how you needs you your guns for exactly this moment. Here you are.

No? Then it must not be that big of a deal. Because most of the protests are peaceful.
They are not protest but violent racist riots. BLM are advocates of the murder of law enforcement officers. Because gun owner's are law abiding citizens we are allowing law enforcement to handle the situation. Aggress my property and see what happens to punk motherfuckers like you. I will shoot the white communist first. They should know better.
So white people don't want factory jobs? I would like your ass to say that shit in my hometown at any bar or pub. They have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing jobs. You have never worked in manufacturing or you would know this.

Actually, I've worked in Manufacturing since 1996.

Most what I see on these floors are women of color doing the assembly work. I used to joke, Half of them are named Maria and the other Half Patel, so if a Maria Patel applies, she'd be a shoe-in.

BLM is not calling for anything more than a race war and a communist overthrow of the United States of America.

Really? All I see them calling for is Police Reform... But never mind.

Those Western democracies of Europe that have given up their sovereignty to open borders are collapsing and their culture dying. But it is a white culture so I'm sure a racist Marxist like you is fine with that.

Actually, Europeans are more content than we are. They have more income equality and a better standard of living and they can see a doctor any time they need to.

But... Mericuh, fuck yeah.

By 1944 FDR was very ill and senile. His advisors and party leaders knew it. They knew he was a dying man. That's why they booted the communist SOB Wallace from the ticket and put Truman in his place.

I've seen video of his last innagural- he felt it so important he needed to film it. What he called for was reasonable. The reason why we had the wealth and prosperity in the 1950's and 1960's is because of his policies... Policies that the Republicans have been taking apart since Nixon.

We have universal health care in our country now. You can get it from your employer or the welfare state. What you want is health care that is mandated by the central authorities in Washington D.C. and Evey working person taxed to death.

Uh, no, we really don't. Employer health care is only there if you are working. I think we've seen the foolishness of that with Covid-19 when a lot of us can't work. As for government programs, they only cover you if you are really poor.

Furthermore, we are already paying too much for health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while most Single Payer countries spend 8-11%, and get better results in every metric.

Then we could have the same shit worthless health care like they had in your dream world better known as the Soviet Union.

I'm not sure why you guys keep thinking the Soviet Union was anything but a point in history. Russia was poor and miserable before the Soviets took over and it was poor and miserable afterwards. (The Good news for you is you can still get a Russian Male Order Bride, which with your personality, is the only action you are likely to see.)
They are not protest but violent racist riots. BLM are advocates of the murder of law enforcement officers. Because gun owner's are law abiding citizens we are allowing law enforcement to handle the situation. Aggress my property and see what happens to punk motherfuckers like you. I will shoot the white communist first. They should know better.

Nobody wants to hear your wank fantasies...
Many leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, are NOT being arrested, as in Democrat strongholds, Democrat mayors continue to side with the criminals, and have their cops standing down full or partially.

Where thugs are being arrested, equally complicit Democrat prosecutors are refusing to prosecute, and the punks are being let go within hours of their arrest, or the very next day, only to return right back to the street and resume their lawlessness. This has been going on for months now.

And so? You know, First Amendment, and disorderly conduct is only a misdemeanor.

The real problem, prosecutors know they are going to have to plead these out because the juries will be made up of the same people who were demonstrating.
Destruction of private property and larceny is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer constitutes the use of deadly force. Pussies like you are going to find that out. Then the left will whine and cry like indolent children when that day comes.
Destruction of private property and larceny is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer constitutes the use of deadly force. Pussies like you are going to find that out. Then the left will whine and cry like indolent children when that day comes.

And at the end of the day, most of those people will pay fines and restitution, and we can get on with our lives.

I really love you Trump supporters.. Your boy spent the last 8 years instigating racial strife, and now that it's here, you're whining about it.

Nobody cares about your faggy obsession with other men's genitalia, nor with your projection of your own sexual inadequacies on others.

I'm not the one trying to compensate for shortcomings with a gun...that would be you guys. You think a gun "empowers" you, but it just shows your cowardice.
So white people don't want factory jobs? I would like your ass to say that shit in my hometown at any bar or pub. They have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing jobs. You have never worked in manufacturing or you would know this.

Actually, I've worked in Manufacturing since 1996.

Most what I see on these floors are women of color doing the assembly work. I used to joke, Half of them are named Maria and the other Half Patel, so if a Maria Patel applies, she'd be a shoe-in.

BLM is not calling for anything more than a race war and a communist overthrow of the United States of America.

Really? All I see them calling for is Police Reform... But never mind.

Those Western democracies of Europe that have given up their sovereignty to open borders are collapsing and their culture dying. But it is a white culture so I'm sure a racist Marxist like you is fine with that.

Actually, Europeans are more content than we are. They have more income equality and a better standard of living and they can see a doctor any time they need to.

But... Mericuh, fuck yeah.

By 1944 FDR was very ill and senile. His advisors and party leaders knew it. They knew he was a dying man. That's why they booted the communist SOB Wallace from the ticket and put Truman in his place.

I've seen video of his last innagural- he felt it so important he needed to film it. What he called for was reasonable. The reason why we had the wealth and prosperity in the 1950's and 1960's is because of his policies... Policies that the Republicans have been taking apart since Nixon.

We have universal health care in our country now. You can get it from your employer or the welfare state. What you want is health care that is mandated by the central authorities in Washington D.C. and Evey working person taxed to death.

Uh, no, we really don't. Employer health care is only there if you are working. I think we've seen the foolishness of that with Covid-19 when a lot of us can't work. As for government programs, they only cover you if you are really poor.

Furthermore, we are already paying too much for health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while most Single Payer countries spend 8-11%, and get better results in every metric.

Then we could have the same shit worthless health care like they had in your dream world better known as the Soviet Union.

I'm not sure why you guys keep thinking the Soviet Union was anything but a point in history. Russia was poor and miserable before the Soviets took over and it was poor and miserable afterwards. (The Good news for you is you can still get a Russian Male Order Bride, which with your personality, is the only action you are likely to see.)
Only since 1996 and you weren't actually working on floor or the assembly line. Explain's everything about your ignorance. I worked side by side with mostly whites (because apparently you are not from the blue collar rust belt) but also blacks and Hispanics. Who I served as their steward in the United Steelworkers of America. I have also been a member of the Textile Workers Union, the United Cork Plastic and Rubber Workers Union, and the International Association of Machinist all on the job. Not in some fucking office. I was also a union organizer until they went full blown communist.
They had film in the 1940's dumb shit so naturally they put FDR on celluloid. 1944 was the year moves were made behind a dying Roosevelt's back because they knew he might give the whole ranch away to Stalin.
As for my sex life I find it creepy that you obsess about it. But my bucket list is to have sex with a woman on every continent. Australia is my lone hold out. While I have been Aussied just not in Australia. Oh, BTW the Russian lady that I dated in the 1990's was a wonderful woman. First time I ever saw a ballet performance.
Destruction of private property and larceny is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer constitutes the use of deadly force. Pussies like you are going to find that out. Then the left will whine and cry like indolent children when that day comes.

And at the end of the day, most of those people will pay fines and restitution, and we can get on with our lives.

I really love you Trump supporters.. Your boy spent the last 8 years instigating racial strife, and now that it's here, you're whining about it.

Nobody cares about your faggy obsession with other men's genitalia, nor with your projection of your own sexual inadequacies on others.

I'm not the one trying to compensate for shortcomings with a gun...that would be you guys. You think a gun "empowers" you, but it just shows your cowardice.
Obama and Democrats instigated racist division in this country.
Destruction of private property and larceny is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer is a felony. Assault of a law enforcement officer constitutes the use of deadly force. Pussies like you are going to find that out. Then the left will whine and cry like indolent children when that day comes.

And at the end of the day, most of those people will pay fines and restitution, and we can get on with our lives.

I really love you Trump supporters.. Your boy spent the last 8 years instigating racial strife, and now that it's here, you're whining about it.

Nobody cares about your faggy obsession with other men's genitalia, nor with your projection of your own sexual inadequacies on others.

I'm not the one trying to compensate for shortcomings with a gun...that would be you guys. You think a gun "empowers" you, but it just shows your cowardice.
My weapons empower me, ensure my freedom and liberty and allow me to enjoy the vast array of hunting experiences in our transcontinental nation.
Only since 1996 and you weren't actually working on floor or the assembly line. Explain's everything about your ignorance. I worked side by side with mostly whites (because apparently you are not from the blue collar rust belt) but also blacks and Hispanics. Who I served as their steward in the United Steelworkers of America. I have also been a member of the Textile Workers Union, the United Cork Plastic and Rubber Workers Union, and the International Association of Machinist all on the job. Not in some fucking office. I was also a union organizer until they went full blown communist.

So you are saying you can't hold down a steady job even WITH union protections... That says a lot.

Obama and Democrats instigated racist division in this country.

Uh, no, Blacks don't need Obama to tell them that the police are murdering them. They can figure that out on their own.

My weapons empower me, ensure my freedom and liberty and allow me to enjoy the vast array of hunting experiences in our transcontinental nation.

Again, we have to live in a police state in order to "empower" your "compensation"

Hard pass.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Because they aren't a terrorist group.
They meet every criteria to be a terrorist organization.
You are a racist. I am not. You practice aversive racism. Qualifications for office are not mentioned by whites like you until a person of color is considered for a high position. And where your ignorance shows is in you calling me a racist for saying "whites like you." Whites like you is a designation for a subset of whites that hold a particular view. It does not place that view as an inherent trait in the entire white race. So yes, any sane person can see who is the racist here. But among the white racists here the definition of racism has nothing to do with what racism actually is, but rather a disingenuous definition created in order to derail conversation and tone police.

Well said.

These same people thought that Sarah Palin was qualified to be Vice President, even though her experience was all of less than 2 years as governor of a sparsely populated state and being mayor of a small town.

Harris has - 4 years as a Senator
6 years as Attorney General of the largest state in the union.
7 years as District Attorney of the 16th Largest City in the country.
Amen. Well said.
Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Uh, Mormon Bob, here are her parents.

View attachment 378541
That dude is not white.

I do not defend that behavior on his part, either.

Well, it's nice that you can be so selective. You condemn her relationship with a man who is separated, but you don't think a man who cheated on THREE wives and had sex with porn stars is that big of a deal.

I love Christian/Mormon Hypocrisy. That shit never gets old.
So that makes her 75% Indian/Asian 25% Black and 25% White. So she is NOT black. But she is a supporter of BLM domestic terrorist and refuses to renounce them.
She is part black/part indian. She'd be black if she was a crack addict with different looking kids, so she is black now. Period.
Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Uh, Mormon Bob, here are her parents.

View attachment 378541
That dude is not white.

I do not defend that behavior on his part, either.

Well, it's nice that you can be so selective. You condemn her relationship with a man who is separated, but you don't think a man who cheated on THREE wives and had sex with porn stars is that big of a deal.

I love Christian/Mormon Hypocrisy. That shit never gets old.
So that makes her 75% Indian/Asian 25% Black and 25% White. So she is NOT black. But she is a supporter of BLM domestic terrorist and refuses to renounce them.
She is part black/part indian. She'd be black if she was a crack addict with different looking kids, so she is black now. Period.
No, she would be an Indian crack addict.
Only since 1996 and you weren't actually working on floor or the assembly line. Explain's everything about your ignorance. I worked side by side with mostly whites (because apparently you are not from the blue collar rust belt) but also blacks and Hispanics. Who I served as their steward in the United Steelworkers of America. I have also been a member of the Textile Workers Union, the United Cork Plastic and Rubber Workers Union, and the International Association of Machinist all on the job. Not in some fucking office. I was also a union organizer until they went full blown communist.

So you are saying you can't hold down a steady job even WITH union protections... That says a lot.

Obama and Democrats instigated racist division in this country.

Uh, no, Blacks don't need Obama to tell them that the police are murdering them. They can figure that out on their own.

My weapons empower me, ensure my freedom and liberty and allow me to enjoy the vast array of hunting experiences in our transcontinental nation.

Again, we have to live in a police state in order to "empower" your "compensation"

Hard pass.
No, when the steel mills and plants moved abroad I went to work for the Democratic Party. Ran out of Chicago. Held causal conversation with Barack Obama on many occasions. After my experience with machine politics...I will never vote Democrat again...with a fucking gun to my head!
No, when the steel mills and plants moved abroad I went to work for the Democratic Party. Ran out of Chicago. Held causal conversation with Barack Obama on many occasions. After my experience with machine politics...I will never vote Democrat again...with a fucking gun to my head!

Sure, buddy. Everyone believes that.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
They are part of his base and probably the most passionate and energetic.

‘F*ck White People!’ – BLM-Biden Supporters Scream at Elderly Couple Dining Outdoors in Pittsburgh, Steal Their Drinks Off Table.

They do NOT respect the rights of others.
They are Racist Haters.
They do not respect the weak or elderly


This is how Biden supporters treat elderly Americans.

Black Lives Matter terrorists screamed obscenities at elderly people dining outdoors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Sunday.

“F*ck 12 and f*ck white people! You old dick!” one BLM militant yelled to a peaceful elderly white man sitting at a table.

A woman then marched over to the couple, grabbed a drink from their table and drank out of it!

So much for worrying about Covid-19!

Other violent Biden supporters were breaking glassware and intimidating diners.

Another Black Lives Matter terrorist physically assaulted a white man walking his bike on Penn Avenue near The Standard Market & Pint House.

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