Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

And so what?

Uh, you support Trump, a guy who cheated on all three of his wives... Suddenly becoming incensed about a marriage that ended decades ago in all but name seems a tad hypocritical.

I'm not going to defend Trump's behavior in this area. I'll come out and admit that Trump has engaged in behavior that I consider morally-repugnant, and for all else that he has done well, I do very much wish he had much better moral character than he does

And Willie Brown's marriage did not end decades ago. It is, in fact, still in force, and he still has the same legal and moral obligations that any married man has. His violation of his marriage is no more defensible than Mr. Trump's violations of his marriages.

What makes Willie Brown's immoral behavior relevant at all is that of not for it, Kamala Harris would have no political career; she'd just be some obscure, mediocre ambulance chaser of whom few of us would have ever heard. Only by pursuing an immoral, adulterous sexual affair with a married man who was already in a position of political power, was she able to get anywhere politically herself. She got where she is, not through any ability of her own, by but sucking Brown's Willie. And in every political position she's held, she has consistently demonstrated a profound lack of competence or integrity, a profound unsuitability for that position. And you Democraps want to put her a very unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest political office. This is truly insane, and truly a powerful reflection of how degraded and degenerate the Democrapic party has become. Not only has she been chosen for this position, based not in the least on any qualifications or ability on her part, but on her sex and fraudulently-claimed race; but she has been chosen, with this choice being made by those who know damn well how unqualified and unsuitable she is for the position.
This says much about Kamala Toe and her lack of judgement.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
He probably doesn't know about it. Been in the basement too long.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

So this one guys and Trump sez it's so.....That's proof enough for your little tiny pea brain that Trump carries around in his colon.

Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group

While it’s no surprise, given our country’s history, that most domestic hate groups hold white supremacist views, there are a number of black organizations on our hate group list as well.

A prime example is the New Black Panther Party (NBPP)
, whose leaders are known for anti-Semitic and anti-white tirades. Its late chairman, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, famously remarked, “There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.” Bobby Seale, a founding member of the original Black Panther Party, has called the NBPP a “black racist hate group.”

We have heard nothing remotely comparable to the NBPP’s bigotry from the founders and most prominent leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and nothing at all to suggest that the bulk of the demonstrators hold supremacist or black separatist views. Thousands of white people across America – indeed, people of all races – have marched in solidarity with African Americans during BLM marches, as is clear from the group’s website. The movement’s leaders also have condemned violence."""

Southern Poverty Law Center
Civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. founded the SPLC in 1971 to ensure that the promise of the civil rights movement became a reality for all. Since then, we’ve won numerous landmark legal victories on behalf of the exploited, the powerless and the forgotten.

Our lawsuits have toppled institutional racism and stamped out remnants of Jim Crow segregation; destroyed some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups; and protected the civil rights of children, women, the disabled, immigrants and migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, prisoners, and many others who faced discrimination, abuse or exploitation.""""
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Lol, why would he?
No, only those who believe that a black person, because of his race, is obligated to behave a certain way, and support certain positions, would use that hateful term toward a black person who behaves and supports differently. In other words, a @racist.

See also: “Acting white”, “Oreo”

There's also Steppenfetchit, Uncle Remus, etc.

The reality- even when I voted Republican, I found black conservatives kind of off putting, like they were trying to get on my good side. (Helpful Hint, I don't have a good side.)

The problem with the Uncle Toms is they want to think they are "better" than those other blacks... that's what makes them kind of pathetic. Like this guy.

View attachment 378155
"Uncle Tom" is a racist term Joe B suburban white person.
And, as usual, one of those on this forum who is most fond of falsely accusing others of racism just cannot help demonstrating himself to be a far worse racist than he is accusing others of being.

Buddy, most black people would call that Uncle Tom an Uncle Tom.

When these guys get in front of black audiences and try to sell this crap, I'll be impressed.
Then that makes you a white suburban race traitor? If you're white and vote Democrat you vote against your own race. Guess we can call you "Auntie Joe."
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Lol, why would he?
Because they are a violent terrorist group.
Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.
Except she is black. And she hasn't proven herself to be anything you said.
She is not black. She is Indian.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

So this one guys and Trump sez it's so.....That's proof enough for your little tiny pea brain that Trump carries around in his colon.

Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group

While it’s no surprise, given our country’s history, that most domestic hate groups hold white supremacist views, there are a number of black organizations on our hate group list as well.

A prime example is the New Black Panther Party (NBPP)
, whose leaders are known for anti-Semitic and anti-white tirades. Its late chairman, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, famously remarked, “There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.” Bobby Seale, a founding member of the original Black Panther Party, has called the NBPP a “black racist hate group.”

We have heard nothing remotely comparable to the NBPP’s bigotry from the founders and most prominent leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and nothing at all to suggest that the bulk of the demonstrators hold supremacist or black separatist views. Thousands of white people across America – indeed, people of all races – have marched in solidarity with African Americans during BLM marches, as is clear from the group’s website. The movement’s leaders also have condemned violence."""

Southern Poverty Law Center
Civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. founded the SPLC in 1971 to ensure that the promise of the civil rights movement became a reality for all. Since then, we’ve won numerous landmark legal victories on behalf of the exploited, the powerless and the forgotten.

Our lawsuits have toppled institutional racism and stamped out remnants of Jim Crow segregation; destroyed some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups; and protected the civil rights of children, women, the disabled, immigrants and migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, prisoners, and many others who faced discrimination, abuse or exploitation.""""
No they are worse. They are a destructive violent racist domestic terrorist group.
The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. Protesters even try to stop whatever people are unruly. There is quite a record of police brutality, not just one incident.
involving one person.

What do you mean "who cares about conspiracy"? You are asserting that BLM is a "terrorist organization," but any "organization" by definition means one or more people in contact with each other and a "terrorist organization" would require that they are planning the commission of a crime. Disparaging the use of the term doesn't change the reality of it. Where is your evidence of any agreement between officials of the Democratic Party and anyone in BLM?

Yes. A handful of people have associated themselves with BLM and said something inflammatory, but what makes them any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns. You ignore the fact that many thousands of people of all backgrounds have marched peaceably in support of the BLM cause.

What has the "liberal media" omitted? Where do you get your information from? Breitbart Gateway Pundit? Newsmax? Fox? Stormfront? 4Chan? These media outlets push a definite agenda, and never publish corrections or apologies when they get something wrong.
FALSE!!!! And it's the same BULLSHIT that the leftist media pushes. How :lame2:brain to keep pushing this "peaceful protest" sillieness, when every day we see violent criminality from these Democrat engineered and Democrat mayor allowed lunatics.

I get my information from Newsmax, Breitbart, Gateway pundit, OAN Encore, the First, America's Voice, the Blaze...and if you dis too you wouldn't be talking like the victim of lineral OMISSION media that you are. You wanna find out what the liberal media has omitted ? Well, that would take years to accomplish, but I can give you a quick easy peek at it by letting you take my Quizzes, especially designed for information-deprived liberal victims. Let me know if you're game.

And you think that Antifa and BLM have NOT planned all the CRIME riots arson, looting, traffic blocking that they have engaged in for 5 years n0w ? do you think we are all mindless here and know nothing at all ? You are a JOKE.

And what makes BLM "any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns.", is that BLM is the Democratic Party, lock, stock and barrel. Guess you're OMISSION media left that out too, huh ?

Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to 'ActBlue' - The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party
"Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country."


Black Lives Matter Does the Democrats' Dirty Work; Here's What a BLM 'Tough Guy' Told Fox News
BLM Leader: "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."

View attachment 378195

I am still WAITING----I have been waiting for a very long time----If I say more than 35 years of
WAITING for those BLACK victims of oppression
attempting to stop other black victims of oppression from engaging in cop attacks or looting or gun fighting during DEMONSTRATIONS or holidays---or good weather---would I seem to be exaggerating? The 35 years refers to my personal experience with the current ongoing problem of black violence in my little corner of Brooklyn. It would be VERY GOOD if black leaders and citizens busied
themselves with preventing violence rather than
INSTIGATING it. Of course, there have been some----but they lost to such LUMINARIES as
MALCOLM X, Angela Davis, etc--of the past ---
and they there came AL SHARPTON who loves to throw lighter fluid in the barbecue pit. I believe that Mayor Dinkins tried----but that poor man was actually accused by his fellows of PERMITTING IT AS MAYOR (it destroyed him)
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Lol, why would he?
Clinton stood up to violent racist blacks. Why won't Biden?
Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.
Except she is black. And she hasn't proven herself to be anything you said.
She is not black. She is Indian.

it's a BRAVE NEW WORLD----anyone who wants to be black can be black (for purposes of various advantages---especially POLITICAL) I have worked with and socialized with LOTS (as in hundreds) of people from India. Some indians---have skins as dark as night. I have never met an Indian who self-described as "BLACK"----the bloody limeys call them "brown"-----in my hometown --pre-revolutionary town of anglicans
(make that Presbyterians in the USA)---"wops" and "spics" and---of course, JOOOS were
"not white" When south-east asians moved in----they were also "not white" Race is a matter
of CHOICE and public consensus. Anthropology
has nothing to do with it
If Biden condemned the BLM terrorist hate organiziton he would automatically lose ten million Negro voters. LOL!
Biden did not speak out against Burn Loot Murder because words to that effect did not appear on his teleprompter.

I hope that helps.
Biden did not speak out against Burn Loot Murder because words to that effect did not appear on his teleprompter.

I hope that helps.
Biden did not speak out against Burn Loot Murder because words to that effect did not appear on his teleprompter.

I hope that helps.

PUHLEEEEZE the very words "arson, loot, murder, assault etc are forbidden. IM-2
tells us that they are RACIST TERMS. Since
they cannot be uttered, they cannot be
repudiated in OUR BRAVE NEW WORLD
Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.
Except she is black. And she hasn't proven herself to be anything you said.
She is not black. She is Indian.

it's a BRAVE NEW WORLD----anyone who wants to be black can be black (for purposes of various advantages---especially POLITICAL) I have worked with and socialized with LOTS (as in hundreds) of people from India. Some indians---have skins as dark as night. I have never met an Indian who self-described as "BLACK"----the bloody limeys call them "brown"-----in my hometown --pre-revolutionary town of anglicans
(make that Presbyterians in the USA)---"wops" and "spics" and---of course, JOOOS were
"not white" When south-east asians moved in----they were also "not white" Race is a matter
of CHOICE and public consensus. Anthropology
has nothing to do with it
It's the Orwellian world that liberals want.
Biden did not speak out against Burn Loot Murder because words to that effect did not appear on his teleprompter.

I hope that helps.
Biden did not speak out against Burn Loot Murder because words to that effect did not appear on his teleprompter.

I hope that helps.

PUHLEEEEZE the very words "arson, loot, murder, assault etc are forbidden. IM-2
tells us that they are RACIST TERMS. Since
they cannot be uttered, they cannot be
repudiated in OUR BRAVE NEW WORLD
Now, look what you've done, Irosie?!?!!.

Looks like I will have to use the term burn loot murder exclusively, now!
The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Many leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, are NOT being arrested, as in Democrat strongholds, Democrat mayors continue to side with the criminals, and have their cops standing down full or partially.

Where thugs are being arrested, equally complicit Democrat prosecutors are refusing to prosecute, and the punks are being let go within hours of their arrest, or the very next day, only to return right back to the street and resume their lawlessness. This has been going on for months now.

Democrats as a political party are a threat to the United States of America.
No anthropology does matter. To say 'black lives matter' immediately reifies one race to the exclusion of all other races, and thus by default becomes a racist statement, which we define as pre-emptive racism. The trip was to behold, in vivid intuition, as the BLM-Antifa marxist puppetmasters danced hormone- and information-compromised American youth. This violence-making, pedophiliac BLM trash, so intimate to a religious disease, even succeeded in getting the kids to genuflect at Bethesda! BLM's ancestors were very likely the assholes first selected for kidnapping from the jungle and spirited to waiting ships, the criteria for being chosen must have included other than physical.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Lol, why would he?
Because they are a violent terrorist group.
No, they aren't.
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